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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of Isabela
Annafunan, Tumauini, Isabela
 The learners demonstrate understanding of art elements and
processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills

 The learners create artworks showing the characteristic elements of
the arts of Mindanao


 analyzes elements and principles of art in the production one’s arts
and crafts inspired by the arts of Mindanao

D. At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

a. describe the attire, textile and tapestries of Mindanao,
b. show understanding about the importance of traditional clothing of
Mindanao; and
c. create a textile pattern that imitate t’nalak design.


A. Topic: Attire, Textiles, and Tapestries
B. References: Music and Arts Learner’s Material pg. 214-221
C. Materials: Laptop, Power Point Presentation


a. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning, Ma’am
How are you?
We are fine, Ma’am
Good to hear!
b. Prayer
To bless us this morning, may I
call Mr/s. ______ to lead us a
short prayer. (the students will stand and pray)

Before you take your sit, please

pick up all the litters under your
chair and table.
(the student will pick up all the litters
under their chair and table)

You may now take your sits,


c. Checking of Attendance
Who is the secretary in this
(the student will raise his/her hand)

Okay, please checked the

attendance of your classmates
and submit it to me.
d. Presenting of House Rules
Now, before we formally start our
lesson, may I present to you our class
rules for you to be aware.
(The teacher will present the class rules
in the class.)


a. Motivation
Before we formally start our
discussion. Let’s have an activity
first called “Pick-a-Door”
Here’s how it works: You will
choose a door, each door contain a
picture and you will guess if its
textile, attire or tapestries based
on the picture presented. (the students will participate in the

b. Presentation of the Lesson

Based from our activity, what do you
think is our topic for today class?

Yes, Mr.s.________ Ma’am it’s all about arts and craft

That’s correct!
Thank you! Mr/s. _____

Our topic for today class is all

about the arts and craft of
c. Discussion
As an introduction, Mindanao is
referred to as the Land of Promise, is
known as the second largest and
southernmost island in the Philippine
Their talent in making various crafts
has made the island one of the best
craft makers in the whole country. The
unique artistic talent of the various
ethnic groups in Mindanao has also
created a great impact on our history
and culture.

Did you understand class? Yes, Ma’am

You will know more about the designs

of various attire, textiles and tapestries
of Mindanao.

Let’s have first the B’laan’s Traditional

Clothing and its characteristics.

(the teacher will present some pictures)

Based from the picture presented, can

you describe or what are your thoughts
about the traditional clothing of B’laan,

Yes, Mr/s._____ (the student will answer)

Okay, Thank you!

Class, B’laan is one of the ethno-

linguistic groups that inhabits
Mindanao. The B’laan’s name comes
from a combination of two words “bila”,
which means “house”, and “an”, which
means “people”. This ethno-linguistic
group is known for its embroidery,
brass ornaments, and beadwork which
are used in their traditional clothing.

The B’laan’s clothes are woven from

abaca fiber, and embellished with
buttons, beads, embroidery, and brass
and copper work
and are also known for their ikat
process which is used in weaving
highly-polished abaca textiles. This
process is done by dyeing the fabric
where the yarns are tightly wrapped
with strings before weaving.

Did you understand the traditional

clothing of B’laan? Yes, Ma’am
Now, Let’s proceed to the Bagobo’s
clothing and its characteristics.
(the teacher will present some picture)

Based from the picture, can you

describe the attire of Bagobo, class? (the student will answer)

Yes, Mr/s._______?
(the student will answer)

Thank you, Mr/s._____

(the student will raise his/her hand)
Any other hand, class?

Yes, Mr/s.________ (the student will answer)

Thank you, Mr/s.___________

Bagobos are one of the ethnolinguistic

groups in Mindanao that contributes to
the area’s culture and tradition. This
group’s name comes from the word
“bago” which means “new”. and “obo”,
which means “growth”.

Bagobos are known for their ceremonial

cloth called Inabal. This is a special
textile woven from deep brown abaca
fibers. Like the B’laan, ikat process is
used by Bagobos to obtain intricate
designs for their textiles.

Do you have any questions class?

None so far Ma’am
Okay if none, let’s proceed to T’boli’s
Traditional Clothing and its
(the teacher will present some pictures)

Can you describe the attire and textile

of T’boli’s class?

Yes? Mr/s._______ (the student will answer)

Thank you, Mr/s.

Another popular ethnolinguistic

group is the T’boli. They come from
Cotabato, particularly Lake Sebu. Like
any other ethnoliguistic groups, T’bolis
are famous for their complicated
beadwork, wonderful woven fabrics,
beautiful brass ornaments.

The t’nalak of T’bolis are made by

women of royal blood, and thousands
of patterns with reference folklore and
stories are known to the T’boli women
by memory. Fu Dalu, a spiritual
guardian, is said to guide t’nalak
weaving, a process that follows several
rituals and rules.

Did you understand class?

Lets’s move on to Maranao’s traditional (the student will answer)

(the picture will present some picture)

What do you think about the

traditional clothing of Maranao?

Very Good, class! (the student will answer)

Maranao is the the biggest group of

Muslims living in Mindanao. They are
dwellers who occupy the lands
surrounding Lake Lanao. They are
known to be the “People of the Lake”
because they are the considered as the
Lake Lanao’s guardians. The people are
popularly known for their malong. It is
a traditional hand -woven tube skirt
that is made using a backstrap loom. It
can also be a machine-made multi-
colored cotton cloth.

The famous malong of Maranao is

somehow similar to the sarong of
Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia.
However, the malong we have in
Mindanao is much bigger and longer
than sarong, and it is stitched together
at both ends so that it has a tubular

What is the traditional hand-woven

tube and can also be a machine-multi
colored cotton cloth?

Yes? Mr/s.___________
The people of Maranao are known as?
Malong, Ma’am

Very Good!
You really understood the Maranao’s
traditional clothing. People of the Lake, Ma’am

Lastly, the Yakan’s Traditional clothing.

The Yakan is an indigenous tribe native
to the island of Basilian. Their weaving
skills is recognized for their use of
remarkable technicolor geometric
patterns. The intricately woven fabrics
are used for clothing and other
accessories. They also use
distinctive face decorations to
complement their attire in traditional

Did you understand class?

Do you have any questions or

clarifications before we end our
(the student will answer)

d. Application
Let’s proceed to your activity. (the student will answer)

1. I will group you into 4 and

create a textile pattern
that represents an image
from your dream that
imitate the t’nalak design.
2. Draw on this piece of oslo
paper using coloring
materials of red, white
and black. Once you are
done, discuss your artwok
in a group and present it.

If you really understood our topic. I
have a question here.

In your own opinion, what makes the

crafts of Mindanao unique from others?
Thank you, Mr/s.__________.

(the student will answer)

I have another question.

If you were to wear a traditional
clothing from the five featured
ethnolinguistic groups, which would
you wear? Why?

Thank you, Mr/s._______

Any other answer?

(the student will answer)
Yes? Mr/s.________

Thank you, Mr/s.________.

Directions: Read each question (the student will answer)
carefully. Write the correct answer in
your activity.
____1. A traditional dance which
demonstrates the various ways of
wearing a malong and its uses.
____2. Sacred cloth which is exchanged
during marriages and used as a cover
during births.

____3. The traditional tight-fitting

trousers made yakan fabric
characterized by its vertical design.

____4. Sequin-like Capiz shells used to

give a distinct design and color to their

____5. Most common materials used by

the ethnolinguistic groups in Mindanao
for weaving cloth.

____6. A process of dyeing the fabric in

which the yarns have been tie-dyed
before weaving.

____7. A square cloth used by the

yakan women as a head cover or as a
___8. The common color tones found in
Bagobo’s T’nalak.

____9. The common colors tones found

in a T’boli’s T’nalak.

____10. Features long skirt for the

women, frequently woven with metallic
threads, and shorter, wrap-around
skirts for the men.
Take an advance reading for our
next topic. By next meeting I will
ask some questions about the topic.

Prepared by:
Faith L. Tagufa

Checked by:

Haizel Anne P. Alipio

Cooperating Teacher

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