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With the help of the financial aid I will be able to learn the course which would help me to learn

and open new opportunities in my career. I am a student, and have no source of income. My family
income is very low and we manage to pay college fees with a lot of difficulty. I am in no position to buy
courses from top-notch universities but I really want to learn new skills.

I am very interested in software in general and machine learning in particular, which, as you know, are
very competitive areas. It is difficult to find good and advances learning opportunities from open sources
on these topics.

Financial aid will help me to attend courses and learn new things that I would otherwise not have the
opportunity to learn. The courses and the things I learn will help me broaden my knowledge base and
increase my employability in the market, and achieve my dreams.

As I mentioned before I want to work in the field of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, taking
this course would take me one step closer to my aim, I have taken courses on Python before, and
machine learning using python course, after completing that I would love to join this course to know
what machine learning actually is! I look forward to completing various courses related to my field this
year which includes learning Python, Basic and Advanced Machine Learning, Different algorithms, neural
networks, and finally artificial intelligence. If given a chance I promise to devote my 100% in learning the
skills and thereby help in growing the technology for all! This course is a step towards enhancing my
skills. Our world is changing really fast and it wouldn’t be a shock if someday we could really control
things just by thinking. I see applications of machine learning in every step of today’s world and it has a
lot of scope of improvements and innovations such things fascinates me and compels me to know more
about them! Thus I have applied for this course!

I am a student, and have no source of income! My family is paying the fee for my college and I cannot
ask them for more!

I don't save any money to be able to apply for any sort of loan. But I really want to learn new cool stuff!

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