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The Selfish Giant" is a short story written by Oscar Wilde.

It tells the tale of a giant who

owns a beautiful garden but is selfish and refuses to share it with the local children. He
builds a high wall around the garden to keep them out.

As a result of the giant's selfishness, spring refuses to enter the garden. The trees do
not blossom, and the flowers do not bloom. Winter persists in the garden, making it a
desolate place.

One day, the giant realizes the error of his ways when he sees the children playing
outside the high walls. He decides to tear down the walls and invites the children back
into the garden. Immediately, the garden transforms, and spring returns. The
once-barren garden becomes a vibrant and joyful place.

However, the giant notices one small boy who is unable to climb a tree. The giant helps
him, and in doing so, he is transformed. The small boy reveals himself to be the Christ
child, and the giant learns the true meaning of love and selflessness. The next day, the
giant is found dead in the garden, but his act of kindness ensures that he is allowed into

The story conveys a moral lesson about the importance of generosity, compassion, and
the transformative power of love. Wilde uses the tale to illustrate the consequences of
selfishness and the redemption that can come from a change of heart.

A summary is a brief and concise restatement of the main ideas or key points of a text,
article, or piece of writing. It involves condensing the original content into a shorter form
while retaining the essential information and main ideas. Summaries aim to provide
readers with a quick overview or snapshot of the original material without including
every detail.

Key characteristics of a good summary include:

1. Conciseness: Summaries should be brief and to the point, capturing the most
crucial information without unnecessary details.
2. Clarity: A well-written summary should be clear and easily understandable. It
should convey the main ideas in a way that is accessible to the intended
3. Accuracy: A good summary accurately represents the key points of the original
text. It should not misinterpret or distort the author's intended meaning.
4. Objectivity: Summaries should be objective and free from personal opinions or
biases. They aim to present the information without adding personal commentary.
5. Order and Structure: Summaries often follow the structure of the original text,
presenting main ideas in a logical order. However, they may use different wording
and a more condensed format.
6. Elimination of Unnecessary Information: Summaries omit extraneous details,
examples, or supporting evidence found in the original text unless these details
are crucial to understanding the main ideas.

Summaries are commonly used in various contexts, such as academic settings,

business reports, news articles, and literature reviews. They serve to provide readers
with a quick understanding of the content, making it easier to grasp the main points
without going through the entire text.

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