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The bar chart visually illustrates the proportion of persons who were born in

Australia and those who were born overseas who resided in cities, towns, and rural
regions between 1995 and 2010.
Overall, the chart indicates that living in cities was more common for both
Australians born in Australia and those born outside of Australia in both 1950 and
2010. Additionally, there was an overall increase in the percentage of people living
in cities over time, while the percentages of those living in towns and rural areas
In 1995, approximately 50% of people born in Australia lived in cities, while
around 20% lived in towns and 30% lived in rural areas. However, by 2010, the
percentage of Australians born in Australia living in cities increased to
approximately 65%, while the percentage of those living in towns and rural areas
dropped to a little over 3% and 17% respectively.
For people born outside of Australia, around 60% lived in cities in 1995, and this
percentage increased to 80% in 2010. Interestingly, in 1995, a significant
percentage of non-Australians (40%) lived in rural areas, but this figure dropped
substantially to around 5% in 2010 while the proportions of towns remained stable
at approximately 10%

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