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Department of Natural Resources Management, Jimma University

Jimma, Ethiopia
Tele: +251917829113

To: Zerihun Mulgeta Mixed Crop Farming

Jimma, Ethiopia
Tele: -------------

Subject: Soil Test Result Report

We are pleased to present the soil test result report as part of the feasibility study for your
proposed crop production located at Bidu-Borule Kebele, Chorabotor District, Jimma zone,
Oromia. The aim of this report is to evaluate the soil quality and provide an overview of its
composition and suitability for the intended purpose.

The soil samples were collected from various locations within the project area. The analysis was
carried out by a team of experts from Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary
Medicine using standardized testing methods. Enclosed herewith, please find the executive
summary and interpretation of the results obtained from the lab analysis.

We are committed to supporting you in making informed decisions and achieving the success of
your project. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours Sincerely,
Physicochemical properties of soil samples from Bidu-Borule Site
Executive Summary
 The parameters investigated include particle size distribution (Texture),pH,
Electrical conductivity (EC), Organic matter (OM), Total nitrogen (TN), Available P,
using standard procedures.

 Most soils in all blocks (ZB1, ZB2, ZB3, and ZB4) had pH values which are generally
indicating acidic conditions and the soils may need lime to raise pH for optimal crop

 Organic matter and total nitrogen levels are slightly lower but still within a
reasonable range for agricultural productivity..

 Available phosphorus levels are also regarded as adequate for some crops. But to
some extent inorganic fertilizer like phosphate fertilizer or organic manures like
compost should be applied for phosphorous recovery.

 The overall quality of soil in the area is considered to be generally suitable for most
of the crop production with proper nutrient management practices could be
implemented based on these results to optimize crop production.

Customer: Zerihun Mulgeta Mixed Crop Farming

Tele: +251
Address: Jimma, Ethiopia

Information about the sample

Sampled By Jimma University
Location Bidu-Borule Kebele
Area 100 hectares
Sample Type Soil
Date Sampled 10 February, 2024
Date Received 25 February, 2024
Report Date 22 February, 2024
Analytical Result
Parameter Unit ZB1 ZB2 ZB3 ZB4
Textural class (TC) Clay Clay Clay Clay Clay
pH-H2O 5.1 4.73 4.86 4.87
Electrical conductivity(EC) mS/cm 0.246 0.062 0.15 0.089
Organic Matter (OM) % 6.72 5.88 7.56 5.04
Total Nitrogen(TN) % 0.336 0.294 0.378 0.252
Available Phosphorous (P) mg/kg 6.15 5.21 4.23 4.32

1. Textural Class (TC):
 All samples (ZB1, ZB2, ZB3, and ZB4) have a clayey textural class. Clay soils
generally have good water and nutrient retention properties but may suffer
from drainage issues.
2. pH-H2O:
 pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. Ideal pH for most crops is
around 6 to 7.
 ZB1 has a pH of 5.1, which is slightly acidic.
 ZB2, ZB3, and ZB4 have pH values ranging from 4.73 to 4.87, indicating acidic
conditions. Acidic soils may need lime to raise pH for optimal crop growth.
3. Electrical Conductivity (EC):
 EC is a measure of the soil's ability to conduct electricity, indicating salinity.
 ZB1 has the highest EC (0.246 mS/cm), suggesting a moderate level of
 ZB2, ZB3, and ZB4 have lower EC values, indicating lower salinity.
4. Organic Matter (OM):
 Organic matter is essential for soil fertility and structure.
 ZB3 has the highest organic matter content (7.56%), followed by ZB1
 ZB2 and ZB4 have slightly lower organic matter content but still within a
reasonable range for agricultural productivity.
5. Total Nitrogen (TN):
 Nitrogen is crucial for plant growth, and its availability influences crop yield.
 ZB3 has the highest total nitrogen content (0.378%), followed by ZB1
 ZB2 and ZB4 have slightly lower nitrogen content but are still within
acceptable levels for agricultural productivity.
6. Available Phosphorous (P):
 Phosphorus is essential for root development and overall plant growth.
 ZB1 has the highest available phosphorus (6.15 mg/kg).
 ZB2, ZB3, and ZB4 have slightly lower phosphorus levels but are still within a
reasonable range for agricultural productivity.
In summary, while the soil is clayey and slightly acidic, the organic matter and nutrient
levels are generally acceptable for agricultural productivity. Addressing pH and potential
salinity in some samples may be considered, and nutrient management practices could be
implemented based on these results to optimize crop production.

Analyzed by-----------------------------------------Sign----------------------Date------------------

Approved by---------------------------------------Sign-----------------------Date------------------

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