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General Capistrano Street, Cagayan de Oro City

Higher Education Department

GEC 13 ( The Contemporary World)

Name:Xyrelle Bautista Course: BSA-1 Date: 10/13/2021

Activity #3: Action Plan Making

How it will help the people in

Peace and Security Armed gangs are still attacking To solve the issues in Darfur,
people in Darfur as the an effective peace deal is
violence rages on. necessary. All parties to the
conflict must be held
responsible for violations of
this agreement, and it must be
completely and successfully
Poverty Darfur is one of the poorest Humanitarian assistance and
regions in Sudan. Millions of sustainable development will
people rely on humanitarian help to reduce poverty and
assistance to survive. improve the lives of millions of
people in Darfur.
Sustainable development Sustainable development is would help people to achieve
necessary for long-term self-sufficiency and improve
solutions to the problems in their quality of life.
Darfur. This includes funding
for healthcare, education, and
agriculture. Building a
community's climate change
resilience is also crucial.
Humanitarian Assistance Humanitarian assistance is would save lives and alleviate
needed to meet the basic suffering.
needs of people affected by the
conflict and displacement. This
includes food, water, shelter,
healthcare, and education
Peacebuilding and For the region to successfully would create a safe and secure
disarmament handle the other issues at environment in which people
hand, a durable peace in Darfur can rebuild their lives and
is required. All parties livelihoods
involved, including the
Sudanese government, rebel
organizations, and the global
community, must be committed
to this.
What problems might you, working at the UN, face in trying to implement these solutions? What should
the Security Council do if Sudan does not implement these solutions?

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