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Gigi about Number words

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This is my worl come in…


Gigi canarino
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Chapter Name

Change your Story and believes

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Why writing this book?

I want to share with others my inner world, a world that today have been forget. Too buys to

think about us, so we work, eat , sleep, watch tv and repeat. This is the norm for the world

today. I am also part of this work. A fast growing and through my personal experiences and life

challenges I face oftern I become breezed by how life unfold. This booklet carries hope and may

help you reflect before we react through life expereinces or what’s bring on a day to day. I also

want it to be playful. I want you to feel your child express free from conditioning as well as

allow yourself to connect with it. Easy daily reminder can be so helpful when we are so stress

out, or feel worrying all the times. I learned that fear is not the solution to grow or moving

forward in life. I did learn that being resillent , taking risk, be honest with ourself can help me to

find more opneness and experience a connection with something bigger than me. It call

spirituality. Spirituality don’t have dogma. Every being have a sense of spirituality, they may call

it with a different name. The essence is the some. Furthermore , spirituality is an intimate

experience that can’t be decribed in words( because the moment you try to bring form into often

times you loose “the magic moment”. Although it can be described let say with three words like:

filing centered, vibrant, relaxed, this are just examples, and I would like to try next time you are

doing your practice and after you get back to your consciousness ask yourself what are the three

words (I can use to describe my experience). My life partner have been insisting that I should

write a book about my life and I had told him , I don’t have nothing to said, my life is an

ordinary one. Yes, I did went through difference experiences but other people has much more

and, of course I think my life has a value for me and him, then I deiced to take the challenge and

write this booklet inspired by daily quotes I create base on my own experiences, by reading a

book, by watching the tv and by hearing someone else talking, that is the secret behind this
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booklet . Each quote has something of me, a reflection, a reminder, an inspiration and hope. I

though that because each of youa re so busy with your daily task it will be easier to open my

world and pick a page, pause for a moment and get charge for the day, taking with you that note

all day as long as you can until you go to rest. life changes’ are possible we all want to change

something of us right? We are not all happy with the part of ourselves because we want to feel

good and we cant feel good carrying the some cloths all the times. Life is moving faster than we

think and as long we move along with it we are in the collective together, so all have that little

voice that talk to us very oftern, every day or so and we keep it secret often times because if we

expose our dirty cloths we may be judge right?. Well this book want to remind you that you can

be innocent, vulnerable and playful if you surround yourself with mind liked people, people that

will hold you , people that will show up for you no mather what without asking nothing in

exchange. Do you remember when you were a child and use to paly with your friends, well

often time we will have and adult with us to check we are playing safe right. Well we are the

adults now, who happen to carry a child, a beautiful one that want to come out and be free to

play once more. Let make it fun, we all know our lives are already taken by drama and worries

right, so why I made this booklet, I did it because I need something to look forward in life beside

the vias of the world I live in, which honestly I feel powerless like many of you feel, we give to

charities and we try to help others and it seems that we never catch up with more bad news: more

homeless, more world conflicts, more poverty, LGBT people are getting affecting also by this

fast growing world and telemarkert are calling our cells phones, telling us that pour PC have

been compromise.. I do not have a PC I have a Mac dahhhhh. And in the middle of this chaos ,

people trying to get into our privacy there is our desire to be kind to each others right. I feel pull

oftentimes from both ends and sometimes I want to give up, I want to go to bed , pull the covers

over my head and forget about all this nonsense. And you don’t want to do that either is like
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giving up all the hard work and accomplishments you made. We are not quitters we are resilient

and if you aren’t work hard to get there, you will fill a sense of strength and oneness. In all this

chaos and sadness I found a way to use what I , what I read and how I feel through quotes.
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Idea of how should be display the picture to the left .. quote to the right
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No matter what, be patient

And kind to others

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If you are planting need seeds

Remember to pick the weeds

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Find balance in what you do

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The purpose in life is

To discover your purpose

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Your life changes so your

Believe system.. (open up)

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Trust your intuition ALWAYS

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A precious gift, whispering softly

Can you hear me.. trying to reach out to you

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Don’t mistake silence

For weakness
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All spiritual practices

Connect you to Oneness

(No matter what )

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Out of suffering have emerge

The strongest souls.

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Wisdom is nothing more

Than healed pain

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Trust yourself.
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If fear comes become friend with it, talk to it and go ahead

With your day!

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Compassion takes place

When we include everything.

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The deepest level of healing

Is to help people rediscovered Oneness

In them.
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Do not fear what you don’t know.

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There are two day in the entire year that we can do

Nothing. One is called yesterday and the other is

Called tomorrow. Today is the day we can make love,

Laugh and live.

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We worry because we are

Not leaving in the present.

Stop worrying
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How to obtain wisdom?

Be honest with your mind as it is.

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Do not loose hope

Focus your mind in your strength

Give thanks and trust the universe

(it has your back)

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Nothing is permanent

Enjoy it until you can touch it

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Become one with what you love

( idea becomeone with a trunk if u like working with wood, if painting become one with abrush,

if mechanics become one with a car, it can a vignette )

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Do not stop now

Keep moving forward

(A runner keep running after the finished line

Or a runner seeing a stop sign and keep moving forward)

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When you kill the ego

There is nothing to

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Today Only

Think freely.. give yourself a change to feels

What it means, go now and express your yourself

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Our lives are hold by a thing thread

Do not pull from it too hard

Or don’t pull too hard

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Silence is better than

Unmeaning words and often times we talk because we cant stand be slince.
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Today Only

I don’t do drama
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Nothing is in control

Being present is enough

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Spirituality is an

Intimate experience with yourself

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If you have a partner who support you

Your are blessed

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The Dove fragile and vulnerable

Awaits to be rescued
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Today Only

Accept yourself as

You are
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Be happy

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Watching the some object

Perceiving different experience

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Stop what you are doing…

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How can you trust yourself

If you don’t keep your words?

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Today Only

Do something that make you really happy.

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Today Only

Let go of anything that is

Between you and your

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Inspired me everyday
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I used to believe that you could

Hold all the pieces of me together..

Wrong !
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Let me be your friend from now

Until we become dust hold me hands

And never let me go

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Today Only

On the other side of each obstacles

There is a break through

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Today Only

Drama Drama Drama

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Today Only

If you need to reach wisdom

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Undigested emotions can

Only means

Repeating the pass

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Good decisions comes from a

Calm mind and daily contemplation

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True love comes from accepting all

Part of you

Not selected pieces of yourself

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Love is always present

In your hear
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Your hear is always updated

Your mind … need tune ups

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Spiritual daily practice can change

Your fixed believe system

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Today Only

Give yourself some credit

Stop worrying today

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Today Only

I will not give up, I will hold

Tight onto my heart

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True knowledge is

The product of love

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The voice of wisdom comes

From a quiet mind

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When our minds settles

Our heart get quiet

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What ‘s

Inside love?
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To heal yourself you

Must have a strong desire

To live and commitment

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Confusion arise, anxiety knocks and fear comes too

Stillness and letting all go

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Gratitude is the key

To happiness
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Being different can only means

A better world

( hands up up up )
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Forget yourself NOW

Whatever happen is passed!

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You have an universe of healing wisdom

In you

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Experience more YES in your life

Give yourself a change for

Something new
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Today Only

Be open to said YES to life

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Today Only

Releasing boundaries

Open-up to freedom
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Say YES to new experiences

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I should have a place to shelter

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Master how can I find compassion?

Master replay: Rescue one dog

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Master how can I find unconditional love?

Master replay: Rescue two dogs

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Next time one of your gremlins committee

Appears why not invite them for a chart,

They can be valuable allies.

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Stop repeating the some old story

Right your OWN story TODAY!

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Embrace your shadows

They are valuable alleys

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You wild and free, soft and harsh

You wise and moon like goodess

Shine upon me your light ..

I can see now my foot prints

( moonlight and foot prints )

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Reaching out for help

Shows compassion for yourself

Be brave
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The biggest gift is having

You in my life .
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Every time I see you,

I discover something new about you.

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When our eyes pause on each other’s

Reality shift, we become one.

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The love in all of us can turn

Earth and humans into stars.

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