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Rubric Character monologue- Lesson 4

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Needs

Content Provides a Provides a clear Provides a basic Provides an
Accuracy comprehensive portrayal of the portrayal of the incomplete or
and insightful chosen chosen character's unclear
portrayal of the character's perspective on the portrayal of the
chosen perspective on news leak and chosen
character's the news leak Romeo & Juliet's character's
perspective on and Romeo & betrayal. perspective on
the news leak Juliet's betrayal. Demonstrates the news leak
and Romeo & Shows some and Romeo &
Juliet's betrayal. understanding of understanding of Juliet's betrayal.
Demonstrates a the character's the character's Lacks
deep motivations and motivations and understanding
understanding of emotions. emotions. of the
the character's character's
motivations and motivations and
emotions. emotions.
Use of Past Demonstrates Mostly Demonstrates Does not
Simple & Past consistent and demonstrates some attempt to effectively use
Continuous accurate use of accurate use of use both Past both Past
both Past Simple both Past Simple Simple and Past Simple and Past
and Past and Past Continuous Continuous
Continuous Continuous tenses, but with tenses, leading
tenses tenses with noticeable errors to confusion or
throughout the minor errors. or lack of clarity.
monologue. inconsistencies.
Expression Monologue is Monologue is Monologue is Monologue is
and highly expressive and somewhat flat or lacking
Engagement expressive and engaging, expressive and in expression,
engaging, effectively engaging, but failing to
capturing the conveying the lacks depth or full effectively
character's character's immersion into convey the
emotions and emotions and the character's character's
mindset mindset. mindset. emotions and
effectively. mindset.
Clarity and Speech is clear Speech is mostly Speech is Speech is
Delivery and well- clear and well- somewhat unclear unclear or
delivered, delivered, with or lacks fluency poorly
making it easy to some minor at times, leading delivered,
understand and issues that do to moments of making it
follow the not significantly confusion. difficult to
character's detract from understand the
perspective. understanding. character's

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