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KINSHIP - a social institution that refers to relations formed between members of society

Types of Kinship

* Kinship by Blood - consanguineal kinship based on blood considered as the most basic and general form of

- is achieved by birth or blood affinity

Principle of Descent analyzing the relationships that exist between persons

Unilineal Descent usually traced by must societies through a single line

Bilateral Descent trace their descent through the study of birth parents,

Kinship by Marriage - Affinal Kinship or kinship based on marriage refers to the type of relations developed when a
marriage occurs.

Endogamy & Exogamy

Monogamy & Polygamy - greek word mono means " one union " and practice an individual has only one male or
female partner and polygamy refers to the practice having more than one partner.

Kinship by Rituals - Compadrazgo literary translated as " godparenthood"

- a ritualized form of forgiving co- parenthood or family

Family - is considered the basic unit of social organization

CHIEFDOM - define as a political organization that is more defined

Simple Chiefdom- characterized a central village or community ruled

Complex Chiefdom- composed of several simple Chiefdom- ruled by a single peramount chief residing in a single
permanent centre

Nation - despite its being historically constituted

State - is a political unit consisting of a government that has sovereignty presiding over a group of people

Authority - is the power to make binding decisions and issue commands

Legitimacy- is a moral and ethical concept that bestows one who possesses power the right to exercise

- is not automatically acquired just because one has authority

Market Institution - a type of economic system that allows the free flow of goods between

Non Market Institution - is an change of goods or Labor between individuals in community

Market And Economic Organization - it's include the corporate environmental users

BANK- is a financial institution that tends money both to public as well as private organizations

Saving Banks - are suited for employees with a monthly salary

Commercial Banks- collect money from people in various sector

Industrial Development Banks - are commited toward enhancing the growth of industries

Land Development Bank - promote growth of the food sector by giving loans to farmer at a relatively lower
interest rate

Indigenous BANK- known as native bank

Mortgage Bank - specialize in providing mortgage loans alone

Spare Bank - are present in Norway

Federal or National Banks - control the principles and policies of other banks across the country

Cooperative Banks - as the name suggests gets money from the general community without any bias

Exchange Banks - will be available in more than a single country

Consumer Bank - they encourage the consumer in buying commercial products

Community Development Banks - provide services to the community when there has been nothing

Credit Unions - act just like a cooperative bank except they provide services to only one employee union in the

Postal Saving Banks - are oriented with postal services

Private Banks - are not for the general public or community

Offshore Banks - are also private Banks except that they have little tax to pay their transaction

Ethical Banks - name applies ethical Banks promote candid transactions

Internet Bank - provides banking facilities only via internet

Investment Bank - are large organizations,invest ventures across the industry

Merchant Banks - these banks exist for a long time

Universal Bank - these banks have a wide spectrum of financial assistance

Islamic Bank - are based on the principles of religion Islam


Academic and Science - Based Organization- includes universities ,schools ,and ,colleges

Mass media - in all its form ( print , radio , television) provides effective conducts for environmental policy

Religious Organization - seen in church congregations

Nongovernmental Organization - most of them is involved in advocacy but also involved in environmental policy

People's Organization - composed of people who are really in the community

Bilateral Organization - focus on development in foreign country

Multilateral Organization - have been created with representatives from the government's




Specialization - is another requirement for a market economy

Human Specialization - is called the division of Labor

RELIGION - was derived from the Latin word " RELIGO " means " to bind " or " to obligate "

According to Renard ( 2002, 3) ,religion refers to a person's " adherence to a set of beliefs or teachings about the deepest


Church - is considered as the most recognised form of religious Organization

Denomination - that have a large number of members but less formal than a church

Sect - tend to differ and oftentimes rejects a larger religions beliefs


Judaism - came from the Hebrew word Yehudim means " Judah"

Christianity - greek word of " Christus " means "anointed "

- terms was derived from the name of Jesus Christ,the founder of Christianity
Islam - derived from the Arabic word aslama , means " surrender "

- they believe in one god called " Allah "


1. Shahada - Islam's profession of faith that there is only one god Allah ,and Muhammed is his prophet

2. Salat - prayer done five times everyday

3. Zakat - almsgiving done by Muslims

4. Zawn - fasting done by Muslim during the holy month of Ramadan

5. Hajj - pilgrimage done by Muslim to the holy city of Mecca

Hinduism - considered as the world's oldest having religion

Buddhism -considered as the third major religion in India next to Hinduism and Jainism

Alvin Toffler - American writer and futurist

Education - the social institution that formally aocializes member of society

- refers the process through which skills , knowledge, and values transmitted from the teachers to the learners

FORMAL EDUCATION - is based in the classroom and provided by trained teaching and non teaching personnel

NONFORMAL EDUCATION - is an organised educational activity that takes place outside a formal setup

Manifest function of education is socializing

KARL MARX - a German philosopher

- define religion as the " OPIUM OF THE PEOPLE "

EMILE DURKHEIM - described schools as agent of socialization that prepare children for their future adult economic roles

Latent Function - refers to the unintended functions

- ability to work in groups ,whether as a leader or as a member

Corporation - is a broad category

Cooperative - autonomous association

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