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Rubric Summative writing assessment

Romeo and Juliet Letter

Criteria Excellent (10) Good (7-8) Fair (4-6) Poor (1-3)

Use of Past Past simple and Past simple and Past simple and Past simple and
Tenses past continuous past continuous past continuous past continuous
tenses are used tenses are mostly tenses are used tenses are used
appropriately used accurately, with noticeable incorrectly or
and accurately with minor errors, inconsistently,
throughout the errors that do not occasionally hindering
letter, enhancing significantly affecting the comprehension
the narrative and detract from the clarity and of the narrative.
demonstrating a overall coherence of the
strong grasp of comprehension narrative.
tense usage. of the letter.
Incorporation At least five At least five Fewer than five Little to no
of (Shakespearean) (Shakespearean) (Shakespearean) (Shakespearean)
Vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
words are words are words are words are
seamlessly included in the incorporated into included in the
integrated into letter, though not the letter, and letter, or they are
the letter, always their usage may used incorrectly.
enhancing the seamlessly feel forced or
authenticity of integrated, but unnatural.
the writing and they contribute
demonstrating a to the overall
strong command authenticity of
of vocabulary. the writing.
Clarity and The letter is The letter is The letter lacks The letter is
Coherence well-structured mostly well- clear structure or poorly structured
with clear structured, with coherence, with and lacks
paragraphs and some minor ideas presented coherence,
cohesive ideas, issues in in a disjointed or making it
making it easy to paragraph confusing difficult to
follow and structure or manner. follow the
understand. cohesion. Paragraphs may progression of
Transitions Overall, the be disorganized, ideas.
between ideas ideas are clear hindering overall
are smooth, and and coherent, comprehension.
the narrative though
flows logically transitions may
from beginning be slightly
to end. abrupt at times.
Expression of Emotions are Emotions are Emotions are Emotions are not
Emotions expressed expressed somewhat effectively
convincingly and adequately and expressed but expressed, and
effectively generally reflect lack depth or there is little
reflect the the character's consistency. The reflection of the
character's perspective, character's character's
perspective. The though there perspective may perspective. The
letter may be moments be unclear or letter may feel
demonstrates a of inconsistency difficult to flat or
deep or lack of depth. empathize with, emotionless,
understanding of Overall, the leading to a failing to engage
the character's letter effectively disconnect with the reader.
emotions and conveys the the reader.
motivations, character's
eliciting emotional
empathy from journey.
the reader.
Overall The letter The letter shows The letter The letter
Writing demonstrates good writing exhibits fair displays poor
Competence strong writing competence, writing writing
competence, with minor competence, competence,
with few to no errors in with noticeable with significant
errors in grammar, errors in errors in
grammar, vocabulary, or grammar, grammar,
vocabulary, or spelling that do vocabulary, or vocabulary, or
spelling. The not significantly spelling that may spelling that
language is detract from the affect the clarity hinder
polished and overall quality of or coherence of comprehension.
engaging, the writing. The the writing. The language is
showcasing the language is Language use often unclear or
student's generally clear may be awkward confusing,
proficiency in and effective. or inconsistent. making it
written English. difficult for the
reader to

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