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Nativa, Sinop, v.*, n.*, p.

**-**, mês, 20** ISSN: 2318-7670

Pesquisas Agrárias e Ambientais
doi: 10.14583/2318-7670.v**n**a**

Fertilization times of NH4 + and NO3- in corn and soil characteristics of an Oxisol under
no-tillage in the Amazon

ABSTRACT: Nitrogen (N) is the element that most significantly limits the productivity of corn in Brazilian Oxisols.
The objectives of this study were to assess the influence of NH 4+ and NO3- fertilizer application in corn grown under no-
tillage on (i) productivity parameters, (ii) the macronutrient content of the leaves and (iii) the chemical characteristics of
the soil. The field experiment was conducted in a clayey Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized complete
block with four treatments and four replications. Treatment 1 was 120 kg/ha N-NH 4+ + N-NO3- applied before and at
planting, 120kg/ha and N-NH4+ applied to the soil surface for a total of 132 kg ha -1 N. Treatment 2 was N-NH4+ + N-
NO3- applied at planting and to the soil surface for a capacity of 132 kg ha -1 N. Treatment 3 was N-NH 4+ applied at
planting and to the soil surface for a total of 132 kg ha -1 of N. The corn in the control condition did not receive fertilizer.
The grain yield was higher with N-NH 4+ + N-NO3- supplied at planting and to the soil surface, and the fertilizer
increased the stem diameter and height of the inserted tang. Corn has a greater capacity to absorb NH 4+-N in the early
stages of crop growth. Following pre-planting application, planting and the in-coverage application of NH 4+-NO3-, the
concentrations of N, P and K increased to appropriate levels.
Keywords: nitrogen, soil fertilization, Zea mays.

Aplicação de NH4+ e NO3- em milho e características de um Latossolo sob plantio

direto na Amazônia

RESUMO: O nitrogênio (N) é o elemento que mais limita significativamente a produtividade do milho nos Latossolos
brasileiros. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a influência da aplicação de fertilizantes NH4+ e NO3- no milho
cultivado sob plantio direto sobre (i) parâmetros de produtividade, (ii) teor de macronutrientes nas folhas e (iii)
características químicas do solo. O experimento de campo foi conduzido em Latossolo Argiloso. O delineamento
experimental foi em blocos completos casualizados com quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições. O Tratamento 1 foi 120
kg/ha de N-NH4+ + N-NO3- aplicado antes e no plantio, 120kg/ha e N-NH4+ aplicados na superfície do solo
totalizando 132 kg ha-1 de N. O Tratamento 2 foi N-NH4+ + N-NO3- aplicado no plantio e na superfície do solo para
uma capacidade de 132 kg ha-1 de N. O tratamento 3 foi N-NH4+ aplicado no plantio e na superfície do solo para um
total de 132 kg ha-1 de N. O milho na condição controle não recebeu adubação. A produtividade de grãos foi maior com
o fornecimento de N-NH4+ + N-NO3- no plantio e na superfície do solo, e o fertilizante aumentou o diâmetro do caule
e a altura do espigão inserido. O milho tem maior capacidade de absorver NH4+-N nas fases iniciais de crescimento da
cultura. Após aplicação pré-plantio, plantio e aplicação em cobertura de NH4+-NO3-, as concentrações de N, P e K
aumentaram para níveis adequados.
Palavras-chave: nitrogênio, fertilidade do solo e Zea mays.

1. INTRODUCTION growing season for the most efficient fertilization.

In recent years, Brazil has been among the Nitrogen is a macronutrient that plants absorb in large
world’s largest grain exporters, leading to increased amounts because it synthesizes amino acids and proteins
agricultural productivity and a demand for scientific that stimulate the growth and development of shoots and
advances in studies on the nutrition of corn. One factor roots. Nitrogen is also a component of chlorophyll, and
that limits the production of corn is inadequate nutrient because N is a mobile element, photoassimilates are
supply. redistributed to plant organs, to tissues for growth by
Corn requires substantial amounts of N-based elongation, or to cells for differentiation (Sajad et al.,
fertilizers to achieve high yields and productivity. The 2013).
supply of N to the plant should match demand during the
Autor et al. (20**). Fertilization times of NH4 + and NO3- in corn and soil characteristics of an Oxisol under no-tillage in the Amazon

Generally, Amazonian soils do not naturally 100 50

supply the nutritional demands of corn, so it is necessary 90
80 40
to apply nitrogen fertilizers for high yields. The time of N
application may vary, and splitting the timing of nitrogen 60 30
application with an application at sowing and the 50
remainder applied to the soil surface when plants display 40 20
four to eight expanded leaves is commonly recommended. 30
Due to their effect on soil biological properties, tillage 20 10
practices could influence the timing and the amount of N
0 0
released from decomposing cover crop biomass (SHIVA jan fev mar abr mai jun jul ago set out nov dez
and PIERRE-ANDRÉ, 2017). Moreover, the time of Rain (mm) Temperature (°C)
fertilizer application and the selection of nitrogen sources
that can provide NH4+-NO3- efficiently can determine the Figure 1. Variation of temperature and rain during the
nutritional status of plants and promote increased experimental period of 2021/2022.
productivity and quality of grain. When NH 4+ and NO3- Figura 1. Variação de temperatura e pluviosidade no
can be applied in the same formulation, plants' nutritional
período experimental 2021/2022.
status and yield may improve.
Three primary forms of nitrogen fertilizers are
manufactured in the world: ammonia sulfate(NH 4+), The experimental area has been in a no-tillage
ammonia nitrate (NO3-), and urea C.O. (NH2)2 (IFA, system for over five years, with a succession of soybeans
2007). However, plants uptake N in the states of NH4+ and and corn and a cover crop of Brachiaria ruziziensis in the
NO3-. Sabir et al. (2013) studied N compounds in maize off-season. The field was limited in 2020 with an
plants and noted the superior assimilation of NH 4+ for the application of 2T.ha-1. In previous years, maize was
production of dry matter in comparison with NO3-. fertilized at 240 kg ha -1 with a formulation of 10:51:00,
Furthermore, plants fertilized with NH4+ had higher and 300 kg ha-1 was applied to the soil surface at
concentrations of micronutrients compared with plants 30:00:20. Soybeans were fertilized at 400 kg ha -1 with a
that absorbed other N sources. formulation of (2:27:35). The corn plants were grown
The forms of nitrogen fertilizer, the timing of until they produced grain.
fertilizer application, and the type of waste produced by Soil analysis
the tillage practices may all influence corn's productivity Samples were collected from the surface layer at
and nutritional content. Research must be conducted to 0-20 cm depths for soil characterisation. Samples were
determine the optimal time of NH 4+ and NO3- application collected at equivalent distances, following a transect in 2
for maize. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to the study areas, for 21 pieces. The samples were air-dried,
assess the influence of NH4+ and NO3- fertilizer homogenised and passed through 2 mm mesh sieves for
application on (i) the productivity parameters, (ii) the chemical and particle size analyses (Table 1), according
macronutrient content in leaves and (iii) the chemical to Embrapa (2006).
characteristics of the soil for corn grown under no-tillage.
The following hypotheses were postulated: (i) the grain Table 1. Chemical characteristics and particle size of clayey
Oxisol Amazon.
yield will be affected by NH 4+ and the form of NO3-
Tabela 1. Caracteristicas quimicas e distribuiição do tamanho de
supplied at planting and coverage, and (ii) the forms of partículas Latossolo da Amazônia.
NH4+ and NO3 will influence the nutritional status of
plants and soil characteristics-. pH N P K Ca Mg Al H+Al OM Sandy Silt Caly

H2 O % mg dm-3 ---------cmolc dm-3------ ------------g kg-1-----------

2. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS 6.4 0.45 3.9 0.11 1.8 0.5 0.0 2.6 32.1 879 50 71
Experimental area
The field experiment was conducted in 2011 in The pH was determined in water at a soil:
Paragominas, Pará State, Brazil (02 º 55 '24 "S and 47 º solution ratio of 1:2.5. Phosphorus and potassium were
34' 36 "W). The experimental area was classified as extracted by Mehlich-1 (0.0125 mol L -1 H2SO4 + 0.05 mol
clayey Oxisol (GAMA et al., 2020). According to the L-1 HCl), P was determined by colourimetry, and K by
Köppen classification, the climate is Aw, i.e., rainy flame photometry. Calcium was extracted with KCl 1 mol
tropical with a well-defined dry season and an average L-1 and determined by EDTA. Complexometric H + and Al
annual temperature of 26.5 °C (Figure 1). The average were extracted with a 1 mol L-1 solution of calcium
annual rainfall is 1,800 mm with two seasons: a rainy acetate, pH 7.0, and determined by titration. Nitrogen was
season from December to May and a less rainy season determined using the Kjeldahl method by steam
from June to November. The relative humidity varies distillation, calculating the nitrate and ammonium
from 64% to 91% in rainy periods (GAMA et al., 2020). fractions according to (EMBRAPA, 1997).
The predominant topography of the region varies from Characterization of particle size was determined
flat to gently undulating, with an average altitude of following the pipette burning of organic matter method
approximately 200 m. The predominant vegetation is (Table 1), according to Embrapa (2009).
secondary and regenerating following disturbance
(Rodrigues et al., 2002).

Nativa, Sinop, v.*, n.*, p.**-**, mês, 20**

Autor et al. (20**). Fertilization times of NH4 + and NO3- in corn and soil characteristics of an Oxisol under no-tillage in the Amazon

Description treatments (extremely high) in the other treatments and did not differ
The experiment was conducted in a completely from the control (Figure 2 D).
randomized block with four treatments and four The most significant height to the first ear
replications, and each plot consisted of 10 planting rows (147.56 cm) was found when NH4+ was applied once at
of 10 m, spaced every 0.5 m for a total of 16 experimental planting and again to the soil surface (Figure 2 C).
stories of 50 m2 each. Treatment 1 consisted of applying a Significant results (p<0.01) were found for stem
mixture of 100kg (N-NH4++N-NO3) before seeding as a diameter (Figure 2 B). The largest diameter (8.83 cm) was
source of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate and found.
32 kg (N-NH4+) after planting as a source of ammonium With applying N-NH4+ and N-NO3- at planting
sulphate, amounting to 132 kg ha-1N, this treatment is and to the soil surface. The treatment increased 11% and
called 1(N-NH4++N-NO3). Treatment 2 consisted of 7% compared to the other treatments.
applying a mixture of 132 kg (N-NH 4++N-NO3) at
seeding, source ammonium sulphate and ammonium
nitrate, and this treatment is entitled 2(N-NH 4++N-NO3).
Treatment 3 consisted of applying 132 kg of N-NH 4+ at
seeding, the source being ammonium sulphate. Treatment
4 was a control with no nitrogen fertiliser applied. P and
K applications were the same for all treatments, with 96
kg ha-1 of P2O5, a super triple phosphate source, and 96 kg
ha-1 of K2O, potassium chloride, applied at seeding.

Plant tissue analysis

When the plants reached the phenological stage
of flowering (R2), leaves were collected to assess the
nutritional status of the plants. Ten leaves were collected
below and opposite the first leaf spike for chemical Figure 2. Yield, stem diameter, insert first corn and grain
analyses of the leaves, according to the methodology moisture cob to apply NN-NH4+ and N-NO3- in Oxisol in the
described by Malavolta et al. (1997). Amazon.
The plant material was washed, dried in a forced- Figura 2. Produção de grãos, diâmetro do colmo, inserção da 1º
air oven at 65 °C, weighed and ground to determine the espiga e umidade dos grãos sob aplicação de N-NH 4+ e N-NO3-
concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and em Latossolo na Amazônia.
calcium. Total N was determined by the Kjeldahl method. 3
P, K and Ca macronutrients were extracted by perchloric The forms of nitrogen had no significant effect
acid digestion, and the concentration of P was determined on the concentration of N found in the corn leaves
by colourimetry, K by flame photometry, and Ca by (p>0.05).
atomic absorption, using methods described by Malavolta The highest P concentration in the leaves (3.87 g
et al. (1997). kg-1) was found in the treatment with N-NH 4+ + N-NO3-
The insertion height of the first spike and the applied at planting and first mating. This treatment
stem diameter were measured 90 days after planting using differed significantly from the treatment in which N was
tape measures and callipers. The corn was harvested applied prior to planting and the control. (Figure 3 B).
manually in the four central lines for a total area of 32 m 2 The methods and timing of N application did not
when grain moisture was approximately 13%. Threshing affect the concentration of potassium in the leaves (Figure
was performed using a mechanical chopper. Corn samples 3 C). The highest concentrations of K (30.65 g kg -1) and
were placed in an oven (105 °C for 24 h), and the samples Ca (5.28 g kg-1) in leaves were found in the control.
were subsequently ground in a Wiley mill to prepare for Neither the N form nor application time affected the
quantitative assessments. concentrations of K and Ca in leaves (Figure 3 D).
Production was evaluated by determining the
grain yield (kg ha-1) after correction for moisture content 40 6
(13 g kg-1) and considering the number of plants per plot.
Content nitrogen of leaf (g kg-1)

Phosphorus content in leaf (g kg-1)

ab 5
The grain quality was assessed by the thousand-grain 30
ab b a
4 b ab
weight (AOAC, 1990). b

All parameters were subjected to analysis of 20


variance (p ≤ 0.05), and means were compared by LSD 2

test at 5 % probability with the aid of the SAS software 10


package (SAS Institute, 2004). 0

40 10
Potassium content in leaf (g kg-1)

Calcium content in leaf (g kg-1)

ab 8 a
30 b
The forms of nitrogen were not statistically 6 a
significant for grain yield (p<0.05), and the averages were 20
ab ab
similar (Figure 2A). 4

When NH4+ and NO3- were applied before 10


planting, the grain had the lowest percentage of moisture

(18.5%). The grain moisture contents were above 20% 0

Nativa, Sinop, v.*, n.*, p.**-**, mês, 20**

Autor et al. (20**). Fertilization times of NH4 + and NO3- in corn and soil characteristics of an Oxisol under no-tillage in the Amazon
Figure 3. Content nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium when fertilizer is applied before planting, microorganisms
in leaves to apply NN-NH4+ and N-NO3- in Oxisol in the immobilize N and then release the N to the soil in organic
Amazon. form, contributing to increased O.M. and CEC. N losses
Figura 3. Conteúdo de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio e cálcio nas
in agriculture are mainly influenced by climatic and soil
folhas sob aplicação de NN-NH4+ e N-NO3- em Latossolo na
conditions. However, effective agricultural practices play
vital roles in reducing N losses (WU et al., 2019). This
study revealed no influence of the forms of applied N on
A significant correlation was found (Figure 4) grain production and N content in the leaf. Residual N left
between the N content in the leaves and corn yield by the previous crop may have influenced our results by
(p>0.71). Nitrogen values between 30 and 31 g kg-1 in supplying the requirements of maize in different stages of
leaves appear optimal for maize (Malavolta et al., 1997). development. In no-tillage systems, the formation of
High productivity can be expected when N is supplied in straw and biological N2 fixation by legumes leads to
adequate quantities and at appropriate times for maize nitrogen in the soil. Nitrogen effects refer to the improved
during the season. However, the N content of leaves did N nutrition of a subsequent non-legume crop and the
not differ among the treatments. associated reduction in N-fertiliser demand as a result of
the N2-fixing capabilities of legumes (FRANKE et al.,
10000 2018). Although grain yield was not significantly
different among treatments, the 17 % increase in
9000 productivity with the N forms used may represent a
satisfactory gain for the farmer.
8000 High grain moisture content may be linked to high rainfall
Yeild (Mg ha-1 -1-1 )

in the region. The high rainfall from flowering to harvest

7000 may have enabled a more significant water accumulation
in the maize grains. The main means of supplying
nitrogen from the soil to plants occurs through mass flow,
where the nutrient passes through the rhizosphere more
quickly, reducing the likelihood of its immobilization
4000 before reaching the root surface (MCMURTRIE and
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 NÄSHOLM, 2018). which is affected by the amount of N
Concentration leaf nitrogen (g kg-1) present in the soil. This phenomenon explains why water
treatments with N application at planting and coverage
Figure 4. Pearson correlation between N content in leaves and showed grain moisture levels close to those of the control.
corn yields with N-NH4+ and N-NO3- application in the Oxisol The lowest levels occurred with the application of N-
Figura 4. Correlação de Pearson entre o conteúdo de N nas NH4+ + N-NO3- prior to sowing, possibly because the rain
folhas e a produção de milho com a aplicação de N-NH 4+ e N- caused N losses by nitrate leaching or denitrification.
NO3- em Latossolo na Amazônia. The most significant increase in height occurred
with P applied once at planting, which may be related to
The forms of N applied to the soil did not
the supply of 45 % P2O5 converting to a form readily
significantly affect the chemical characteristics of the
Oxisol studied (Table 2), this being most likely related to available to the plant at planting. Managing phosphorus
the fact that N can be a mobile element, and the plants can applications in highly weathered tropical soils may not
rapidly absorb it. Only in the application of NH 4+ and in lead to improvements in yield or achieving desired
the control was slight acidity observed. equilibrium levels in plants (Figure 3B), in the soil,
phosphorus (P) is converted from soluble P to insoluble P
Table 2. Chemical characteristics of clayey Oxisol after maize through two critical processes such as adsorption and
cultivation tillage system, according to the application of N-
NH4+ and N-NO3-. precipitation (MABAGALA et al., 2022).
Tabela 2. Características químicas do Latossolo argiloso após o Phosphorus is the second most important nutrient
cultivo de milho, mediante aplicação de N-NH4+ e N-NO3-. for the growth and development of maize. Phosphorus (P)
Trat pH H2O P disp. Ca Mg K Al Al+H CTC MO V NH4+ NO3-
is among the essential macronutrients required by plants
mg dm-3 -----------------mmolc dm-3---------------- g kg-1 % mg dm-3 and animals in large quantities and their role are non-
Controle 4.9a 18a 32a 7a 0.8a 1a 30a 41a 33.1b 56a 20.3c 5.2b
+ -
1(NH 4+NO 3) 5.2a 19a 31a 6.5a 1.1a 1a 32a 40a 34.5a 54b 33.2a 9.5a
replaceable by other elements. P is vital for plant and
2(NH 4+NO 3) 5.1a 20a 31a 7a 1.3a 1.1a 32a 41a 33.9b 54b 33.0a 9.0a animal growth, cell division, and growth. In addition, P as
(NH 4) 4.9a 19a 31a 6.5a 1.4a 1.1a 31a 40a 35a 55a 34.1a 3.5c
CV (%) 10.5 9.0 10.0 8.5 12 7.0 8.5 7.0 7.8 7.8 12.5 13.0 a nucleic acids component is vital in biological energy
1 transfer processes (MABAGALA et al., 2022).
There was a reduction in pH values, although not In their study, Davies et al. (2022) proved the
significant. The increase of N-NH4+ and N-NO3- in the soil positive action of urea on the enzymatic activity of corn,
compared to the control. explaining why the height of the plants, as well as the
The cation exchange capacity was higher in length and number of internodes, increased by the
Treatment 1 compared with the other treatments. This application of nitrogen in the form of urea.
result may be related to N dynamics in the soil because,

Nativa, Sinop, v.*, n.*, p.**-**, mês, 20**

Autor et al. (20**). Fertilization times of NH4 + and NO3- in corn and soil characteristics of an Oxisol under no-tillage in the Amazon

When there was adequate availability of N, status of plants by foliar diagnosis. By providing
especially in the form most assimilable by corn, stem ammonium nitrate, the following yields were obtained in
diameter increased. Moreover, plants exhibit the the 2009/10 season: 31.9 g kg-1, 2.6 g kg-1, 25.5 g kg-1, and
preferential absorption of ammonium (NH4+) because 5.0 g kg-1 for N, P, K and Ca, respectively. In the 2010/11
nitrate (NO3-) assimilation imposes a higher energy season, the yields obtained were 34.2 g kg-1, 2.5 g kg-1,
demand than the assimilation of NH4+. Ammonium does 24.7 g kg-1, and 5.2 g kg-1 for N, P, K and Ca,
not need to be reduced before its incorporation into amino respectively, values close to those found in this study.
acids (SABIR et al., 2013). Notably, the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus
Like most plants, corn tends to absorb more found in the leaves of all treatments were within the
significant amounts of N as NH4+. NH4+ exhibits little ranges of total N and P considered adequate (27.5 to 32.5
space or seasonal variations in tropical soils compared g kg-1 and 2.5-3, 5 g kg-1, respectively) (MALAVOLTA
with NO3- (Epstein & Bloom, 2004). Corn plants fed with et al., 1997). However, the concentrations of potassium
NH4+ had higher photosynthetic rates and stomatal found in the leaves were above the levels considered
conductance and transpiration rates (Sabir et al., 2013). adequate (17.5 to 22.5 g kg-1) (MALAVOLTA et al.,
The symbiosis between leguminous plants and 1997).
prokaryotes causes the fixation of atmospheric N 2. Some
prokaryotes called diazotrophs (di=two; azote=nitrogen; 4. CONCLUSION
trophs=eaters) evolved with the enzyme nitrogenase, . The stem diameter and height of the insert tang
capable of capturing the nitrogenous gas from the were also positively affected. Corn has a greater capacity
atmosphere (N2), primarily reducing it to ammonia. to absorb N-NH4+ in the early stages of growth.
(PAULITSCH et al., 2021), as determined by the level The application of fertilizer prior to sowing and
observed in the control. the application at planting and in coverage (NO 3-and
The efficiency of fractional N application was NH4+) increased the concentrations of N, P and K to
proven in their study by Ren et al. (2022) where there was adequate levels. Calcium was not affected by N sources in
a significant increase in nitrogen accumulation (NA), the soil.
partial nitrogen factor productivity (PFPN), agronomic
nitrogen efficiency (AEN) and nitrogen recovery 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
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