Uas Bahasa Inggris 1-d3 Nursing-1920

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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris 1

Semester/Tingkat : II/I
Beban Studi : 2 SKS Teori
Dosen Pengampu : Fiqih Kartika Murti, M.Pd.
Hari, Tanggal : Selasa, 30 Juni 2020
Waktu : 11.00 – 12.00 WIB

Name : Elvira Salsa Yuliani

NIM : A0019062
Class : 1B

A. Change the following verbs into a correct form.

1. The students ………. (talk) when the teacher entered the room.
Answer: Talk
2. The drug ………. (have) a special mark with a green circle in a black outline.
Answer: Has
3. Mr. David’s secretary ………. (type) a lot of letters in the office right now.
Answer: Typed
4. My brother ………. (apply) for a nurse in the hospital last month.
Answer: Applied

B. Change the following sentences into passive form.

5. Mrs. Aika explained the English material last week.
Answer: The English material was explained by Mrs. Aika last week.
6. The nurses are checking the patient’s blood pressure right now.
Answer: The patient’s blood pressure is being cheked by the nurse right now.
7. Mr. Rojali will meet his friends next week.
Answer: His friend will be meet by mr.rojali next week.
8. The students complete the exercises today.
Answer: The exercise today are completed by the student.

C. Form questions based on the underlined words.

9. Q: Will they be visit the room next week?
A: No, they won’t. The patients won’t visit the room next week.
10. Q: What Sarah and Fiona are talking?
A: Sarah and Fiona are talking about several types of pain.
11. Q: Does she changes her eat habits?
A: Yes, she does. She changes her eating habits.
12. Q:Who does the rates of teenage pregnancy were related to the mother's social
background to the researches?
A: The researchers said the rates of teenage pregnancy were related to the
mothers’ social background.


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