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I MBBS Block- II Online Internal Assessment Examination, April 2020

Day: Monday Time: 09.00 am to 12 noon
Date: 06/04/2020 Max. Marks: 80
N.B : 1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Write Both the Sections in same answer sheet.
3. Write your name, roll no and subject. Put Page numbers.
3. Upload a scanned single PDF on E pass software under biochemistry
I term or email to by 1 pm.
4. Name your PDF file as: Roll No_ Name_Biochem_April 2020.
5. Draw Neat Diagrams wherever necessary.
6. Figures to the Right indicate Full Marks.
Section – B
Q.1 Long Answer Questions (Attempt Any Two) (2x10=20)

a. Justify: “Phenylalanine is dietary essential while tyrosine is metabolically essential”

b. Describe the synthesis, utilization and regulation of Ketone bodies.
Add a note on ketosis. (2+2+2+4)

c. Give an outline of HMP shunt. Describe its significance. Add a note on G6PD
deficiency. (3+3+4)

Q.2 Short Essay Questions (Attempt Any Four) (4x5=20)

a) Formation and harmful effects of free radicals
b) Clearance Tests

c) Homopolysaccharides

d) Lipoproteins: structure and functions

e) A 35-year-old male presented with complaints of fever since two days. The
physician prescribed him, Tablet Ibuprofen to be taken after having food.

i. What is the rationale behind prescribing Ibuprofen? (1)

ii Why he was instructed to take tablet after having food? (1)
iii. Give 3 pharmacological applications of the compounds inhibited. (3)

Section – C

Q.3 Long Answer Questions (Attempt any Two) (2x10=20)

a) Describe in brief the denovo synthesis & catabolism of Purine

nucleotides. Add a note on Gout. (3+2+5)

b) Describe in detail chemistry, structure and functions of

hemoglobin. (2+2+6)

c) Describe the diagnostic, therapeutic and analytical applications of

enzymes. Add a note on isoenzymes. (3+2+2+3)

Q.4 Short Essay Questions (Attempt any Four) (4x5=20)

a) Chromatography: Principles, Types, and applications

b) Chemiosmotic theory of oxidative phosphorylation

c) Biologically important free nucleotides.

d) Metabolic Changes in Prolonged Starvation

e) An 56-year chronic alcoholic person was admitted in Intensive Care Unit.

(ICU) He was having tremors, slurring of speech and blurring of vision.
Lab investigations showed, blood ammonia levels were 550 μmol/L and
liver function tests were deranged.

i) Identify the condition. (1)

ii) Explain the biochemical basis of above signs and symptoms. (2)
iii) Enumerate various Sources and Fates of ammonia. (2)


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