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President Ranil Wickremesin-


ghe declared a monumental shift
in Sri Lanka’s foreign policy dur-
ing a speech at the Final Pres-
entation Night of the Colours
Re-Awarding and Commission-
ing Parade held at the Sri Lanka
MAGISTRATE ORDERS: Military Academy in Diyatalawa
on Friday (15).
Departing from the conven-
peacekeeping solely with the

TO BE ANALYSED OFFICE TO BE SEALED Defence Ministry, the President

revealed that peacekeeping is
now an integral element of the
SUBASHINI SENANAYAKE gakanda Magistrate Lochana Abeywickrema nation’s broader security and for-
Former Secretary to the Health Minis- yesterday. eign policy framework.
try, Janaka Chandragupta, who was arrested The former health secretary has been accused The President outlined the key
by the Criminal Investigations Department of allegedly been involved in the importation of components of the new foreign
(CID) over the controversial case of importa- substandard human immunoglobulin vials into policy, emphasizing a holistic
tion of substandard Immunoglobulin vials, Sri Lanka and paying Rs.140 million to the first The suspect is escorted to Court. approach that extends beyond
was remanded till December 27 by Mali- suspect, Sudath Janaka Fernando. TO PAGE 02 traditional political connections. President Ranil Wickremesinghe at the Colours Re-Awarding and
Picture by Ranjith Asanka Commissioning Parade held at the Sri Lanka Military Academy in
Peacekeeping, climate TO PAGE 02
Diyatalawa on Friday.

Jaffna girl a winner Masks are back JN.1 new Covid-19 variant
Southeast Asian nations ramp up airport screening not reported in Sri Lanka
In response to a recent surge and the deployment of enhanced 19 variants, flu, pneumonia, and Health authorities said that no patient
in COVID-19 cases, various screening technologies. other respiratory pathogens. This infected with the JN.1 new Covid-19 vari-
Southeast Asian countries Singapore, in particular, has proactive approach is aimed at pre- ant which is spreading in India has been
including Singapore, Malaysia implemented stringent measures venting stress on the healthcare reported in the country so far.
and Indonesia have reinstated at airports, making face masks system in these countries. The Epidemiology Department said that
restrictions and mandated face mandatory for international trav- In Singapore face masks are the health authorities have paid special
masks. ellers and locals alike. As part back at airports. International attention to this new Covid sub-variant
In response to the escalating of these measures, temperature travellers and locals must wear after it was reported from the Kerala region
Kilmisha Yaazhisai from Jaffna emerged the COVID-19 cases, Singapore, scanners have been deployed at masks at airports again. Thermal of India.
winner in the grand finale of Indian TV channel Malaysia, and Indonesia have airports to enhance screening pro- scanners are being reintroduced to Symptoms of this new variant include
Zee Tamil’s Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Little Champs Sea- jointly implemented rigorous cedures. detect potential infections. fever, runny nose, sore throat, headache,
son 3 held in India. Sa Re Ga Ma Pa is a popular measures at international airports. The primary goal of these meas- A variant of Interest: JN.1, a While not deemed more transmis- gastrointestinal pain, etc.
song show in the Tamil television industry, with This comprehensive approach ures is to slow down the spread of sublineage of BA.2.86, accounts sible or severe by WHO, it war- This virus outbreak has also been report-
a dedicated fan base. includes mandatory mask-wearing various germs, including COVID- for over 60 percent of new cases. rants close monitoring. TO PAGE 02 ed from USA since August.

Pastor Jerome Fernando’s ‘All political parties

money laundering case
responsible for
AG asks why CID current situation’

K.D. Lalkantha, a member of the Execu-

NELKA MEDEGEDERA tive Council of the National People’s Power
The Attorney General (NPP), said that all TO PAGE 02
yesterday expressed his sur-
prise before the Court of
Appeal regarding the CID’s
action to shelve TO PAGE 02 Man tries to strangle cop
at Galle Face Roundabout
‘Corruption, racism will not Doctors say he is of unsound mind
be tolerated in SJB alliance’ BIMAL JAYASINGHE
Bystanders took steps to restrain a man
who tried to strangle a constable who was on
Member of Parliament Dr. traffic duty near the Galle Face Roundabout
Harsha de Silva said that peo- in broad daylight yesterday and hand him
ple accused of corruption and over to the Kollupitiya Police. TO PAGE 02
racism will not be a part of
the broad TO PAGE 02
Two male students remanded for
Over 2,000 arrested in Police abuse of schoolgirls in Kandy
dragnet across the country Lodge owner and manager
also remanded
The Police during a special operation
arrested 2,121 persons for various crimes, ASELA KURULUWANSA
Police Spokesman SSP Nihal Thalduwa said. Officers of the Children’s and Women’s
Two-thousand-and-twenty male sus- Bureau of the Kandy Police have arrested
pects and 101 female suspects had been two male school students aged 18 and 19
arrested. TO PAGE 02 in connection with alleged TO PAGE 02

Lecturer held for brutally beating adopted daughter

daughter, according to the A senior Police officer said
A lecturer at the Faculty of Matara Division Police Chil- that the suspect lecturer was
Technology of Ruhuna Uni- dren and Women’s Bureau. arrested by the Police based
versity was arrested yester- Police arrested the suspect on the medical reports of the
day afternoon (18) on the following information given girl who is receiving treat-
charges of brutally beating by the public and the child ment at the Matara General
his five-year-old adopted has been hospitalized. Hospital, TO PAGE 02

DN page 2 NEWS T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3

Pakistan to promote Buddhist pilgrim tours Former Health Secretary...

Earlier in the day Chan-
dragupta had given a state-
From page 01

The Magistrate also permit-

ted a request made by the
Outgoing Pakistani High Commis- ment to the CID regarding Attorney General’s Depart-
sioner Major General (Retd.) Umar the matter. He had been ment to check the handwrit-
Farooq Burki paid a farewell call on arrested by the CID after ing of the former Health Sec-
Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena obtaining the statement. retary.
at Temple Trees yesterday (18) and The Magistrate made this The Maligakanda Magis-
thanked the Prime Minister for excel- order noting that the Court is trate observed that the Court
lent support extended to him during satisfied with the facts pre- finds the actions of the for-
his tenure in Sri Lanka. sented by the Deputy Solicitor mer health ministry secretary
The High Commissioner briefed the General Lakmini Girihagama suspicious with regard to the
Prime Minister about the steps taken to under the Public Property Act importation of substandard
promote tourism, especially Buddhist against the suspect, who was Immunoglobulin vials.
pilgrim tours to Pakistan. presented to the Court as the Last week the Magistrate
Prime Minister Gunawardena, while sixth suspect. also ordered that all respon-
welcoming the offer by Pakistan to open Also, the Magistrate sible parties with regard to
Buddhist pilgrim sites for Sri Lankans, ordered the Director General the issue must be arrested
thanked the Pakistan High Commission of Health Services to seal the and produced before the
for organizing a tour for Buddhist monks, office of Saman Ratnayake, Court irrespective of their
journalists and academics on a familiariza- Additional Secretary (Produc- positions, for providing sub-
tion visits to Pakistan to witness the tion, Supply and Regulation standard medicine to the
diversity of well-preserved Buddhist herit- Outgoing Pakistani High Commissioner Major General (Retd.) Umar Farooq Burki paid a farewell call on Prime Minister Dinesh of Pharmaceuticals) of the public.
age sites last year. The High Commis- Gunawardena, at Temple Trees yesterday. Health Ministry. With regard to the ongoing
sioner said another such visit would be tude to the Pakistani Envoy for increas- investments in Sri Lanka and the High Prime Minister’s Secretary Anura She gave permission to the investigations related to the
held early next year. ing the Pakistani scholarships for higher Commissioner promised to bring this to Dissanayake, Media Advisor Sug- CID to inspect the office substandard Immunoglobulin
The Prime Minister thanked Pakistan education offered to Sri Lankan stu- the notice of investors. eeswara Senadhira and Pakistan High room between 9.00 am and scam, several officials includ-
for continuous support given to Sri dents. The High Commissioner also Commission’s Press and Education 5.00 pm today and take any ing the Director of the Medi-
Lanka at the UNHRC and other interna- The Prime Minister called upon the agreed to explore the possibility of Attache Adeel Sattar were also pre- suspicious documents into cal Supplies Division are cur-
tional forums. He also expressed grati- Pakistani entrepreneurs to look for new export of onion and corn to Sri Lanka. sent. their custody. rently in remand custody.

Man tries to strangle cop at Galle Face... From page 01 President prioritizes peacekeeping... From page 01

Police said that while the constable man and hand him over to the police. A change, and various other global con- Drawing from historical context, he the complex issue of Taiwan, underscoring
was on duty handling traffic near the senior police officer said that after the cerns are now central pillars of Sri Lanka’s reflected on the dynamics of global politics the changing alignments and the influen-
roundabout, the suspect who had come suspect was presented for a medical international relations strategy. during the Cold War, highlighting the ease tial role of China in the Indian Ocean. He
from behind put his hand around the examination, doctors determined that he Furthermore, President Wickremesinghe of deploying peace forces where major pointed out the formation of strategic alli-
officer’s neck and tried to strangle him was mentally unsound due to excessive highlighted the intricate challenges posed powers like the US and Soviet Union con- ances, including collaboration between the
so that it was difficult for him to use of alcohol and drugs. by the transforming global landscape, curred. US, India, Japan and Australia.
breathe. The 32-year-old suspect, a resident of emphasizing the need for a proactive The President acknowledged the pro- While expressing concern about the
Several people who were in the vicinity Balabowa, Devalapola, is to be produced approach to international relations and found shifts in global dynamics since the ongoing conflict in Gaza, President Wick-
immediately took steps to restrain the before the court. urged a compelling call for the internation- collapse of the Soviet Union, leading to remesinghe highlighted the asymmetric
al community to navigate the complexities the dissolution of traditional alliances and nature of the war triggered by a non-state
of the evolving global order with vigilance the emergence of independent players and actor. He lamented the high human toll
and a proactive mind-set. non-state actors. and the UN’s limited intervention capabili-
Southeast Asian nations ramp up... From page 01 To bolster regional cooperation, the
President has directed the Defence Secre-
He addressed the challenges faced by
the UN Security Council in reaching
ties. Reflecting on contemporary challeng-
es, the President underscored the growing
tary and service commanders to facilitate agreements, citing the complexities of power of non-state actors and their access
Reasons for the surge: Waning immuni- cerns but not yet burdening the health- increased opportunities for neighbouring modern geopolitics. He pointed to the to advanced weaponry.
ty, increased travel, and festive season care system. Official stance: Authorities countries, particularly the Maldives and increasing role of the African Union in He suggested that future UN missions
gatherings are cited as possible contribut- maintain the situation is under control extend support to African nations. Addi- peacekeeping efforts in West Africa as a might need to confront global drug opera-
ing factors. and not a cause for immediate alarm. tionally, the State Minister and Chief of testament to the evolving international tions due to their increasing influence.
In Indonesia, the health ministry JN.1’s potential: The CDC’s observa- Defence Staff are set to visit these coun- landscape. The President concluded by emphasizing
urges citizens to avoid areas with high tion that JN.1 might be more transmissi- tries to communicate Sri Lanka’s commit- The President also noted the on-going the imperative for the UN and its missions
caseloads and prioritize vaccination, ble or immune-evasive than initially ment. conflict in Ukraine, emphasizing the fail- to adapt to changing geopolitics. Rather
mask-wearing, and hygiene practices. thought adds a layer of uncertainty. Acknowledging a comprehensive paper ure to reach a resolution and the resulting than opting out, he urged increased global
Thermal scanners return: Border Misinformation concerns: Singapore’s on Sri Lanka’s role in UN peacekeeping, stalemate between Russia and Western involvement in addressing complex situa-
checkpoints, including Batam Ferry ter- Deputy PM had to address rumours of a the President commended the proposals nations. tions, emphasizing adaptability and fore-
minal and Jakarta Airport, are redeploy- looming “circuit breaker” lockdown, high- presented, pledging to discuss and imple- He highlighted the financial repercus- sight.
ing thermal scanners for enhanced lighting the need for accurate informa- ment them with relevant authorities. The sions, including the recent decision by the Recalling Sri Lanka’s historical involve-
screening. tion dissemination. Overall, Southeast President also noted the importance of the US Congress to withhold further funding. ment in peacekeeping, the President cited
Advertisement Asian countries are taking decisive steps Finance Ministry’s collaborations with the Insights were shared on the impact of eco- the establishment of a military academy in
Public apprehension: Memories of pro- to contain the COVID-19 resurgence. Defence Ministry and Foreign Ministry, nomic sanctions on Russia, with the obser- Diyatalawa in response to a request from
longed lockdowns during the pandemic While the situation is evolving, their underscoring its indispensable role. vation that these measures redirected the the late General Dennis Perera. Listening
fuel public anxiety about potential strict- swift and coordinated actions offer a Expressing his aspiration to see Sri nation’s economic influence into the Mid- to presentations by future officers, he
er measures. glimmer of hope in mitigating the poten- Lanka assume a more significant role in dle East, West Asia and Sri Lanka. This expressed pride in the institutions and
In Malaysia weekly infections nearly tial impact on public health and econom- peacekeeping, President Wickremesinghe shift manifested in increased Russian tour- decisions made to ensure the quality of Sri
doubled from 3,626 to 6,796, raising con- ic stability. (Travelo Biz) addressed the evolving nature of peace- ism and investments. Lanka’s armed forces.
keeping missions. President Wickremesinghe delved into President Wickremesinghe underscored
the significance of maintaining well-
‘All political parties responsible... From page 01
equipped and well-trained armed forces,
emphasizing the pivotal role of Sri Lanka’s
education system as the foundation for
political parties were responsible for the
political and economic crisis in the country.
correct. We are all responsible for this
calamity, including the JVP. We have to
‘Corruption, racism will not be tolerated... From page 01 military excellence. The President’s
address signals a significant departure
Speaking at public event he said, “Some accept responsibility and we should all from the past, marking Sri Lanka’s com-
of us like to say that everyone else is come together and change this situation,” political alliance which will be formed the new alliance. He went on to say that mitment to a more comprehensive and
responsible for this, but not us. That is not he said. by the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB). the SJB has not declared that the country globally aware foreign policy.
He was addressing the media at the can move forward without economic The ceremony was graced by the partici-
Opposition Leader’s office yesterday. reforms and by opposing tax imposition, pation of Defence Secretary Gen. Kamal

Over 2,000 arrested in Police dragnet... De Silva further said that people who but what the SJB is proposing was a more Gunaratne (Rtd), Chief of Defence Staff
From page 01 agree with the policies and economic pro- fair tax system so as not to burden the Gen. Shavendra Silva, Army Commander
gramme of the SJB are welcome to join public further. Lt. Gen. Vikum Liyanage, Commandant of
the Academy Major General M.T.I.
SSP Thalduwa also said that various ed in the Western Province, 415 grams Mahalekam, staff of the Academy, other
narcotics were also seized during the
operation. He said 12 suspects were
held under detention orders for further
of heroin, 500 grams of ice, 778 grams
of cannabis and 35 kilograms of hashish
have been taken into custody by the
Lecturer held for brutally... From page 01
officials and cadets.

inquiries and 133 were sent for rehabili- police and in the total of 907 raids con-
tation. Also investigations have started ducted in that province, 859 suspects the investigations conducted since the infor- and the statements obtained from the girl. The
regarding the assets owned by five sus- including 47 female suspects have been mation was received about the alleged beating, suspect is to be produced in Court.
pects. arrested.
The Police launched the special oper- In the Southern Province, Police
ation starting on Sunday, especially to
curb the activities of organized gangs
seized 135 grams of heroin, 12 grams
of ice, 38 cannabis plants, and 845 Two male students remanded for abuse... From page 01 FERNANDO - REV. PREMASIRI -
(Methodist Church of Sri Lanka). Called to
and drug traffickers. grams of cannabis. During raids con-
The special operation will go on until ducted in the Southern Province, 197 incidents of sexual exploitation of a However, they had sent such videos rest. Beloved husband of late Indrani,​much
December 23 covering all Police Divi- male suspects and eight female sus- number of young women, including and pictures to their friends through loved father of Pragathi and Priyadarshani
sions in the island. In the raid conduct- pects were arrested. schoolgirls, at two lodges owned by the social media, the Police said. (Dubai),​Harini and Ramesh (TCI Group),​
same person in Kandy and for posting Nude videos of many girls, including Devan and Nelumi (UK). Remains lie at
such videos on the Internet. schoolgirls, have been found on the 232/​5,​ Uyana Road,​ Lunawa,​ Moratuwa
The two students who were arrested mobile phone of one of the students on Monday,​18th December from 5:00
following a complaint by a 15-year-old arrested on suspicion. p.m. onwards. Service at the residence to
take place on Tuesday,​19th December
The Family of
female student of a leading girls’ school After information was revealed that
in Kandy, have been remanded until the student had been taken to two at 10:15 a.m. Cortege leaves residence at
January 1, by the Kandy Magistrate’s lodges located on the Second Rajasing- 10.45 a.m. for service at Methodist Church,​
Courts. he Mawatha in Kandy, the owner and Moratumulla at 11.00 am. Thereafter,​burial
The schoolgirl told the Police that manager were arrested by the Police at Church Cemetery.
Aubrey V. Raymond
her boyfriend mixed a drug with a and remanded until December 22, after
drink and gave her and she does not being produced in the Kandy Court. COORAY - BHADRANI - Beloved wife
remember anything that happened after After the incident came to light, the of Lakshman - (Chairman,​E.H. Cooray
consuming it. mother of the girl had taken steps to & Sons Ltd /​Lakshman Group),​loving
One student who sexually exploited withdraw the concerned student from mother of Roshini,​mother-in-law of
thanks all friends the girl is said to be the current boy
friend and the other is her former boy
her school.
On the instructions of Chief Inspec-
Dinesh Dharmadasa,​precious grandmother
of Diroshan,​Deelaka & Reshmi,​daughter
friend. Both had sexually abused her tor Rasika Sampath, Kandy Police of late Mr & Mrs G.L.P. de Silva of
while threatening they would release Headquarters, Chief Inspector Devindi Ambalangoda,​daughter-in-law of late Mr

who attended his intimate videos and pictures of her

taken by them if she did not consent to
their requests.
Wickramasinghe, OIC of the Children
and Women’s Bureau, is conducting
investigations regarding the incident.
& Mrs E.H. Cooray of Moratuwa. Cortege
leaves residence 118,​ Rosmead Place,​
Colombo 7 at 4.30 p.m. on Tuesday,​
19th December for cremation at 5.30

Requiem Mass on
p.m. at General Cemetery,​Kanatte. (New
AG asks why CID has shelved probe... From page 01
JAYAWARDHANA - Major General


Monday the 18th of December. the investigations initiated under the

Money Laundering Act regarding the
Rs. 12,260 million found in the bank
dering Act regarding the bank accounts
of Pastor Fernando and his wife. He
said that he learned yesterday (18)
(Former Governor of the Northern &
Eastern Provinces,​former Secretary -
Ministry of Defence and former Deputy
accounts belonging to Pastor Jerome morning that the CID has decided to Chief of Staff - Sri Lanka Army). Dearly
Fernando and his wife. shelve the investigations in that regard.
We are grateful for the
beloved husband of late Srima and darling
Shaminda Wickrama, the Senior State He added that the Attorney General father of Amila and Imali,​son of late
Counsel who appeared for the Attorney is surprised that the CID has decided to Christie and late Swarna Jayawardhana,​
General, noted this while presenting shelve an investigation involving such a
son-in-law of late Arthur and late Pearl
preliminary objections when a writ peti- large sum of money, overnight.

outpouring of love and support

Wijayasingha,​beloved brother of late Dr.
tion filed challenging the Fort Magis- The Senior State Counsel went onto
trate’s order to remand Pastor Jerome say that there are questions as to how Nihal and of Dr. Ranjan (UK) and Colonel
Fernando was called before the Court. Pastor Jerome Fernando amassed such Sarath. Remains lie at A.F. Raymond’s
The Senior State Counsel who a huge amount of money. Funeral Parlour,​Borella. Funeral with
full military honours will be held at 3:00
we have received. appeared before the court on behalf of
the Attorney General, stated that a sep-
arate team of the CID should conduct
After considering the facts, the court
decided to announce its decisions on
the preliminary objections tomorrow
p.m. on Wednesday,​20th December for
cremation at the General Cemetery,​Borella
investigations under the Money Laun- (20). at 4:30 p.m. (New Crematorium). 083615
T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 NEWS page 3 DN

Mahapola made a revolutionary

impact on education – PM
“Education and knowledge can be combined
under the shadow of Mahapola”
Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawarde- initiative taken by the late Minister the big issues that children had to face universities as you could count on
na said that the Mahapola Scholarship Lalith Athulathmudali. in the future. your fingers. Today, there are three to
Scheme was able to make a revolution- I agreed as a MP who was in Parlia- The Employee’s Provident Fund four times more State universities in
ary impact on education and new ment together with Lalith Athulath- which is available in Sri Lanka and the country. There are more than 20
opportunities have arisen to bring mudali that he added something new Asia has become one of the largest private universities too in this country.
together education and knowledge to the history of Parliament as an banks for employees. At the begin- Mahapola is a hub that transforms
under the shade of Mahapola. He said excellent orator at all times. That is ning, no one thought that such a new information technology and sci-
this while marking the last day of the why we respect him even today. As a strong bank would emerge from it. ence to overcome challenges. A new
Mahapola Educational and Trade Fair noble democrat, he bequeathed to our Even Lalith Athulathmudali did not message has started to be sent to the
which was held after a decade at Ja- Parliamentary democracy a way to think that it would be possible to country that education and knowledge
Ela Municipal Stadium on Sunday discuss together with his opposite endow such a huge revolution in edu- can be combined under the shadow of
(17). ideologies. Moreover Mahapola he ini- cation. Mahapola. This programme of Mahap-
Prime Minister said, “Mahapola tiated creatively for the betterment of The children who can build this ola says that in order to overcome
which was revived after a decade is a our future generation. country produced from Mahapola are challenges, we must change the tradi-
special programme that changed the Every mother and father thinks working in various institutions of our tion and become the generation of a
history of Mother Lanka. This pro- about the future of a child. It was country and internationally even country which overcomes new chal-
gramme which flows like Mahaweli pointed out that the Mahapola scholar- today. The implementation of the lenges.
River, expanded in various ways and ship given to the children of a large Mahapola programme is for the grow- Minister Nalin Fernando, North
travelled all over the country making population in our countryside and cit- ing generation of our country. When West Governor Lakshman Yapa Abey- Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena at the Mahapola Educational and
various revolutions consequent to the ies can create such an effect by solving Mahapola was started, there were few wardena and others participated. Trade Fair held at Ja-Ela Municipal Stadium on Sunday (17).

Anuradhapura farmer reaps Navy detains 14 Indian fishermen SALE SALE SALE
Rs. 10 Mn from half acre of chilli
By recording the
for poaching in Sri Lankan waters STOCK CLEAR
60’ Polyester Material Printed
highest yield and Navy conducted a be handed over & Plain 05 Meter Rs. 2,000.00
income of chillies special operation to to the Mailadi
ever obtained from chase away Indian Fisheries Inspec- 60’ Lace 05 Meter Rs. 2,000.00
half an acre, Bandula poaching trawlers tor for onward Shirt Button White 01 Kg Rs. 250.00
Puliyankulama has from Sri Lankan legal action.
been able to earn the waters on Sunday Thus far in Plotter Paper 01 Kg Rs. 1,000.00
highest income of (17). The operation 2023, the Navy Paper Interlining White & Black 01 Yard Rs. 100.00
Rs.10 million rupees led to the seizure of has held 35 Indi-
by Sunday (17). one Indian trawler an poaching Boys Shirt 01 Pc Rs. 250.00
Under the Agricul- with 14 Indian fish- trawlers and
ture Sector Moderni- ermen poaching in apprehended “WELCOME” All customer wholesale and retail
zation Project, he has Sri Lankan waters 240 Indian fish-
started chilli cultiva- off the Kovilan The trawler used for illegal fishing. ermen for their Bargain Sale for Indian Tourists
tion on half an acre in Lighthouse, Karaina- poaching activities 11 December 2023 to 21st December 2023
Puliyankulama area gar. in island waters.
using the new tech- Navy conducts regular Sunday. In this operation, Following apprehension, Our Factory:- Janatha Garments (Pvt) Ltd
nology of chilli culti- patrols and operations in Naval personnel held one they have been handed over
vation. Sri Lankan waters to curb Indian poaching trawler to authorities for onward No. 17, Vivekananda Hill,
In particular, MICH illegal fishing practices by with 14 Indian fishermen, legal action. Colombo 13.
1 and 2, which are the Farmer Bandula Puliyankulama foreign fishing trawlers, continued to
local chilli varieties taking into account the remain in
that give the highest consequences of these prac- island waters
yield in our country, have been water and no additional money tices on the livelihood of off the Kovilan
selected for this cultivation. has to be spent on weed control. local fishermen and marine Lighthouse.
Within nine months of starting And half an acre of chilli cultiva- resources of the country. The appre-
this chilli cultivation, he has tion at a time requires a mini- The Northern Naval hended fisher-
earned an income of Rs.10 mil- mum amount of chemical ferti- Command deployed its men and the
lion and this was informed to lizers. Also, because pesticides Fast Attack Craft to chase poaching
Agriculture and Plantation are not used to control pests,
Industries Minister Mahinda the quality of chilli cultivation
away a cluster of Indian
poaching trawlers, after
trawler were
Amaraweera on Sunday.
The Agriculture Sector Mod-
also increases.
Previously, two farmers
having spotted they were
engaging in illegal fishing
thurai harbour (PRIVATE) LIMITED
ernization Project has intro- who had the highest yield in Sri Lankan waters on and they will
duced a high density cultivation and income from chilli culti-
method and new agricultural vation in our country were
technology for chilli cultivation. reported from Tirappane and
According to the traditional Jaffna areas. They earned Rs. NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING
chilli cultivation method, only five million and Rs. 60 mil-
6,000 chilli plants can be plant- lion.
ed in half an acre, but under the But Bandula Puliyankula-
high density cultivation method, ma has earned an income of AT THE DEPARTURE WALKWAY AT BANDARANAIKE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
13,000 plants can be planted. more than Rs. 10 million by
Accordingly, it is acceptable to Sunday and he has the ability (BIA), KATUNAYAKE
increase the yield several times. to earn at least Rs. 13 million
Also, by covering the beds according to the current mar- TENDER NO : 101/T/2023
with polythene covers and using ket prices for chillies. He will
water under the drip irrigation be able to harvest his chillies Bids are invited from Registered Companies, Establishments or Individuals for Operation of a New
system, there is no wastage of till next January 14. Business Venture in the Departure Walkway at Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA), Katunayake
for a period of three (03) years. Three (03) Counters in the Departure Walkway at Bandaranaike
International Airport (BIA), Katunayake are on Bid and prospective bidders may bid for one or all
UNICEF representative hails counters. However, a particular bidder will be permitted/awarded to operate only one counter. New
business/ Ventures shall be the operations which are presently not available at Departure Walkway
SL’s free health service except for sale of tea, gem and jewellery, imported liquor, confectionery, cosmetics, tobacco and
Terms and conditions and other details applicable will be issued with the Bidding Documents. Bidding
A special meeting between the represent-
ative of the United Nations Children's Fund Documents may be obtained on working days from 9.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. up to 16th January 2024
(UNICEF) Christian Skoog and Health Sec- from the office of Commercial & Properties Division, Room No. 31, 2nd Floor, Passenger Terminal
retary Palitha Mahipala was held at the Building, Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake on payment of a non-refundable fee of
Health Ministry recently. Rs. 7,500.00 per set in cash with a request letter on a letterhead of the Bidder. Bidding Documents
During the meeting, the UNICEF Repre- could also be purchased from the website of Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited
sentative, informed the Health Secretary
about the programmes and projects that the [AASL] by making a non-refundable fee of Rs.7,500.00 through online payment.
organisation is implementing in relation to Bidding Documents will be available for inspection free of charge at the office of the Commercial &
the health sector in Sri Lanka. Properties Division of Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited, BIA, Katunayake.
A survey and research on the next steps
to be taken to further raise the level of child Bids should be made only on the Bidding Form issued by the Company and should accompany a Bid
nutrition in Sri Lanka has already been Bond to the value of Rs. 400,000.00 in cash or in the form of a Bank Draft or Bank Guarantee issued
implemented, and after the completion of by a reputed commercial bank or licensed specialized Bank operating in Sri Lanka and approved by
the project, the related report will be given the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, valid for 150 days from the date of opening of Bids.
to the Health Secretary and steps will be
taken to implement the future programme A Pre-bid Briefing followed by a visit to the location will be conducted at 10.00 a.m. on 09th
by taking his advice and guidance.
January 2024 at Commercial & Properties Division, 2nd Floor of the Passenger Terminal Building,
He also pointed out that the vaccination
process in Sri Lanka has been running in a BIA, Katunayake. Bidders or their duly authorized representatives may be present at the pre-bid
formal and well-organised manner since the meeting. Sealed bids should be deposited at Tender Box No. 01 kept at the Office of Supply Chain
past. It was also suggested to prepare a for- Management Division, Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited, Bandaranaike
mal work schedule. International Airport, Katunayake. Bids will be closed at 2.00 p.m. on 17th January 2024 and
The free health service operating in Sri
opened and read publicly thereafter at the Office of the Supply Chain Management Division, Airport
Lanka has received international acclaim,
and the health indicators of the country & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) (Private) Limited, Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake.
reflect this well. Health Minister Dr. Any Bid received after the stipulated time of Bid closing will be rejected unopened. Bidders or their
Ramesh Pathirana is leading the Health duly authorized representatives shall be present at the time of opening of Bids.
Ministry by resolving the existing problems
and ensuring that the free health service in Further details could be obtained from Commercial & Properties Division at Room No.31, 2nd Floor
Sri Lanka is quality. He emphasized that it of the Passenger Terminal Building, Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake on telephone,
is a matter of happiness that we are work- 011-2264005, 011-2264000 or by E-mail
ing to make it an efficient service.
The Health Secretary also recalled the
contributions made for many years in vari- ChAIRMAN
ous fields for the people of this country.
Nutrition Officer, Community Health Spe-
cialist Dr. Dhammika Rowell also participat- KATuNAyAKE.
DN page 4 NEWS T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3

SLRC to telecast
dent-centered education that
exists in many developed
countries, students do not get
a chance to develop their
thoughts, attitudes, and

aviation programme
beliefs. As a result, more than
51 percent of the country’s
total population studied in
the field of arts in the last
decade, while ignoring the
other opportunities that edu-

for school students

cation can bring to their
lives,” he said.
“Education is also responsi-
ble for the occurrence of
unfortunate situations, includ-
ing the temptation of the Sri
Lankan student and youth
The signing of a Memoran- Silva at the Government Speaking on the occasion community to rebel against
dum of Understanding by the Information Department Minister Dr. Bandula Guna- the existing system in the ’70s
Sri Lanka Civil Aviation recently. wardhana said he was very and ’80s due to the lack of
Authority with national televi- On behalf of Sri Lanka happy about starting this pro- education suitable for liveli-
sion channel ‘Rupavahini’ to Rupavahini Corporation gramme to give an under- hood opportunities. If chil-
start a television programme (SLRC), its Chairman Dr. standing and experience dren can be made aware of
to educate school students Prasad Samarasinghe and about the aviation industry to the opportunities available in
about the aviation industry Director General of Civil Avi- students that is not seen in the fields of ports, shipping,
took place in the presence of ation and Chief Executive the school curriculum. and aviation from a young
Transport, Highways and Officer of Civil Aviation “Some 4.4 million school age, it is timely to use televi-
Mass Media Minister Dr. Authority of Sri Lanka P.A. students in our country sion to prepare a programme
Bandula Gunawardhana and Jayakantha signed the Memo- receive only exam-oriented that creates interest in such The only Buddhist MP elected to the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Council representing the Singrouli
Ports, Shipping and Aviation randum of Understanding on knowledge from school. Due livelihood opportunities,” he Electoral District, Rajendra Meshram, visited the Mahabodhi centre in Sanchi and received blessings
Minister Nimal Siripala de behalf of relevant parties. to the non-existence of a stu- said. from the Chief incumbent of the Sanchi Temple, Chief Sanghanayake of Japan and President of Sri Lanka
Mahabodhi Society, Most Venerable Banagala Upatissa Thera, before going to take oaths as an MP on
December 16. Ven. Banagala Vimalatissa Thera and Ven. Udugama Tapassi Thera were also present.

High negative impact on young children

when mothers work abroad: SOC
Absence of regulation of daycare centres problematic
The report to be submitted to registered and the data related
Minister Dr. Bandula Gunawardhana, Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva, SLRC Chairman Dr. Prasad Samarasinghe, Director General of the Parliament regarding the to daycare centres is very defi-
Civil Aviation and CEO of Civil Aviation Authority P.A. Jayakantha and other officials at the signing of the MoU. issues and recommendations cient.
related to the safety and care of The committee was of the
children between the ages of 0 to opinion that the above problems

ISTRM conducts public consultations with key stakeholders in Jaffna 5 years of working women in Sri
Lanka was considered at the Sec-
toral Oversight Committee
can be avoided by following the
provisions of the National Guide-
lines for Child Day Care Centres
(SOC) on Children, Women, and in Sri Lanka compiled and pub-
The Interim Secretariat for be established by an Act of Gender. lished by the National Child Pro-
the Truth and Reconciliation Parliament. It was discussed in the SOC tection Authority.
Mechanism (ISTRM) has suc- With the objective of build- that the impact on the growing Accordingly, it was recom-
cessfully commenced its ing an inclusive policy frame- child of 0 to 5 years of age with- mended by the SOC on Children,
national provincial public con- work for national unity and out the mother’s care will have a Women, and Gender to regulate
sultations in the Northern reconciliation, the Interim huge social impact in the next 20 the quality of daycare centres in
Province. Secretariat also gathered to 25 years. Sri Lanka and to re-enforce the
The ISTRM convened with views from various stakehold- The SOC on Children, Women Member of Parliament Talatha law that prevented mothers with
key stakeholders, including ers, including civil society and Gender met on December 8 Athukorala chaired the meeting. children under the age of five
civil society organizations, organizations, senior govern- at the Parliament premises under abroad, there is a tendency for from leaving for foreign employ-
religious leaders, senior pro- ment officials in Jaffna, senior the chairmanship of the Member those children to be involved in ment.
fessors and lecturers from the academics from the Universi- of Parliament Talatha Athukora- drugs and other criminal activi- The members of the SOC,
University of Jaffna, grass- Members of ISTRM held meetings with key stakeholders in the ty of Jaffna, professionals, and la. ties in the future. It was also dis- Muditha Prishanthi, Dullas Ala-
roots communities and wom- Northern Province. representatives of youth According to Ministry Circular cussed that since children are happeruma, D. Weerasinghe,
en’s rights movements, from Officials of the Interim Sec- ings for the success of recon- groups and women’s rights No. 02/2023, permission has under someone else’s care, they Manjula Dissanayake, and with
December 10 to 12. retariat held a comprehensive ciliation activities, emphasiz- movements. These consulta- been given for mothers with chil- can be molested not only by the permission of the Committee
The ISTRM delegation’s consultation with prominent ing the importance of ethnic tions aim to ensure a compre- dren aged twoand above to go neighbours, but also by close rel- Chair, J.C. Alawathuwala were
visit to Jaffna was aimed at religious figures, including harmony in the country. hensive understanding of the abroad, thereby the child loses atives such as fathers and grand- present at the Committee meet-
gathering insights and recom- Chief Priest at Nallur Kovil During the interactions, perspectives and concerns of the ability to receive breast milk, fathers. ing.
mendations to formulate a Maikundal Swami Kurukkal, ISTRM Director General Dr. diverse segments of the com- and the bond between mother It was emphasized that there is Officials representing the
sustainable framework for Bishop of Jaffna Diocese Rt. Asanga Gunawansa briefed munity. and child is also lost, the commit- a strong need for daycare centres National Child Protection
national unity and reconcilia- Rev. Dr. Justin B Gnanapra- the religious leaders and all Executive to the Director tee emphasized. that operate based on safe and Authority, Department of Proba-
tion. Discussions included a gasam and Ven. Damika participants at the consulta- General, Ashvini Hapangama, Furthermore, it was discussed formal recommendations for chil- tion and Child Care Services,
comprehensive examination Thera of the Jaffna Naga Viha- tions on the activities of the Head of the Secretariat’s Poli- that the loss of the mother from a dren in early childhood. National Secretariat for Early
of community challenges and ra. Interim Secretariat and pro- cy Division Dr. Yuvi Thanga- young age is likely to result in a It was further discussed that Childhood Development and a
key issues that have been an The religious leaders con- vided insights into the opera- rajah, and senior officials very violent generation in the there is no specific institution group of youth representatives
impediment towards building veyed the expectations, views tions of the Independent from the Public Relations and future. Because children are for the regulation and supervi- appointed to the Sectoral Over-
sustainable peace and recon- and concerns of the public Commission for Truth, Unity Policy division of the ISTRM deprived of care from a young sion of daycare centres. Further, sight Committee also participat-
ciliation. and offered prayers and bless- and Reconciliation which is to were present. age due to the mother going daycare centres are not properly ed in this meeting.

SL showcases organic Janaka Dharmakeerthi Many new facilities for

appointed Milco Chairman St. Mary’s College, Veyangoda
excellence at Middle NIRMANEE IGALAHEWAGE
Following the resignation of
The ceremony for handing over many
new facilities to the students of Veyan-
gallery, audio-visual media unit, GCE
O/L Mathematics laboratory, Advanced

East Expo Renuka Perera as Milco Chair-

man, Janaka Dharmakeerthi,
Secretary to the Agriculture and
goda St. Mary’s College took place yes-
terday (18) morning with the participa-
tion of Chief Prelate of Attanagalla
Level students’ laboratory, the library
and reading room and the statue of
Plantation Industries Ministry, Arahantha Raja Maha Viharaya, Ven. These activities took place under the
The Consulate General of Sri has been appointed as the new Pannila Ananda Thera. guidance of Principal B.D.I.K. Karunar-
Lanka to Dubai and Northern Emir- Chairman. Among the facilities handed over to athne and the Past Pupils’ Association
ates, in collaboration with the Export Agriculture and Plantation the students are the art and sculpture of the school.
Development Board (EDB), organ- Industries Minister Mahinda
ized Sri Lanka’s participation in the Amaraweera appointed the new
Middle East Organic and Natural Chairman of Milco yesterday.
Janaka Dharmakeerthi
Product Expo 2023, which was held Dharmakeerthi takes up the
from December 12 to 14, at the chairmanship of Milco in addi- of the Agriculture and Plantation
Dubai World Trade Centre. tion to his position as Secretary Industries Ministry.
Over 16 Sri Lankan organic food
and fertilizer companies showcased
diverse offerings at the Expo.
Sri Lanka’s participation was
organized with the aim of promoting
its organic and natural food sector on
Navy divers fix defunct sluice
the global stage and demonstrated
the nation’s commitment to sustain-
gates of Peraru Reservoir The new art and sculpture gallery at St’ Mary’s College, Veyangoda.
able and eco-friendly agri practices.
A diverse array of Sri Lankan com- Navy divers undertook a dedi- situation, the Disaster Manage-
panies specializing in organic fertiliz- cated mission on December 16 ment Centre reached out to the
ers, organic food, herbal products and 17, to repair the malfunc- Navy, seeking their expertise in Foreign Minister to attend inaugural
and coir products took part. The Sri The Sri Lankan stall at the Expo. tioning sluice gates of the Peraru diving assistance.
Lankan pavilion at the Middle East
Organic and Natural Product Expo connecting suppliers with buyers and
These efforts, prompted by
The dedicated mission was
carried out by a team of Navy
session of SL-Nepal Joint Commission
provided a unique platform for busi- is held under the patronage of the recent heavy rainfall, aimed to divers from the North Central Foreign Minister Ali technology and innova-
ness networking and collaboration Ministry of Climate Change and facilitate the discharge of excess Naval Command. Accordingly, Sabry will undertake a tion will also be signed.
opportunities. Visitors to the Expo Environment of the United Arab rainwater accumulating in the the Navy divers exerted consid- visit to Kathmandu from On the sidelines of the
were able to explore a wide range of Emirates. This event focuses not only Peraru Reservoir, situated in the erable effort to repair the mal- December 20 to 22 to Joint Commission, For-
products, from organic fertilizers to on the new food and fertilizer prod- Peraru Kulam area of the Vavuni- functioning sluice gates and mud attend the inaugural ses- eign Minister Sabry is
premium organic foods, herbal reme- ucts, but also on cosmetics and bio- ya district. sluice of the reservoir, success- sion of the Sri Lanka- scheduled to have bilat-
dies, and sustainable coir products. products. The Peraru Reservoir, under fully restoring their functionality. Nepal Joint Commission eral talks with his Nepali
The Consulate General of Sri The growth in the organic market the management of the National The Navy is always prepared at Foreign Ministers’ counterpart Narayan
Lanka encouraged all stakeholders, in the Middle East has been exponen- Water Supply and Drainage to lend its professional skills to level. Prakash Saud.
industry professionals, and visitors tial during the past couple of years. Board in Vavuniya, encountered address critical issues of this The Foreign Minister He will also pay cour-
who attended the Middle East Organ- Dubai as the commercial hub in the a critical issue with its sluice nature, arising from emergen- will lead the Sri Lanka tesy calls on President
ic and Natural Product Expo 2023 to region, is the perfect place to kick- gates, leading to dysfunction. cies, the Navy said in a news delegation and co-chair Ram Chandra Paudel
engage with the Sri Lankan exhibi- start opportunities in the booming Recognizing the urgency of the release. the inaugural session of and Prime Minister
tors and explore the exceptional natural market that is fueled by an the Sri Lanka–Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal of
offerings that showcase the island increasing shift towards healthy liv- Joint Commission with Nepal during his stay in
nation’s rich heritage of organic agri- ing and high disposable incomes. his counterpart Narayan Prakash Saud, Kathmandu.
culture and natural products. The The Consulate General facilitated Foreign Minister of Nepal. During his visit, Foreign Minister
event also had an action station serv- setting up business networking ses- The Joint Commission will focus on a Sabry will meet the Sri Lankan expatri-
ing authentic Sri Lankan cuisine sions and meetings with respective range of areas of bilateral cooperation ate community in Nepal as well.
using organic and natural ingredients counterparts in the UAE including, between Sri Lanka and Nepal including The Foreign Minister will be accom-
such as coconut milk and spices. but not limited to, Lulu, Al Maya, trade and investment, tourism, educa- panied to the meetings by Sri Lanka’s
The Middle East Organic and Nat- Carrefour supermarket and hyper- tion, defence, culture, connectivity and Ambassador to Nepal, Air Chief Mar-
ural Expo has been MENA’s (Middle market chains, gardening suppliers people-to-people contacts. shal Sudarshana Pathirana (Retd.) and
Navy divers exerted considerable
East and North Africa) leading plat- for the Sri Lankan participants to effort to repair the malfunctioning
During the Joint Commission, a senior officials of the Foreign Ministry
form for wholesale and retail trade expand their footprint in the UAE sluice gates of the Peraru Reservoir. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Kath-
for the past 21 years. It has been and the MENA. on cooperation in the fields of science, mandu.
T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 ADVERTISER’S SUPPLEMENT page 5 DN
CAUTIONARY NOTICE (In the Territory of the Maldives)
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Trademark : Proprietor of the following Trademark
The said Trademark is used in international classes 03, 08, 09, 11, 21,
26, 41 & 44 in respect of the following goods & services.
Class 03 :
Soaps, perfumes, essential oils, cosmetics, preparations for the skin, The said Trademark is used in International
scalp, hair and body, hair lotions, shampoos, dyes and colourants, Class 33 in respect of the following goods:-
conditioners and styling products ; hair wash preparations;
preparations for use in hair styling; medicated and non-medicated “alcoholic beverages (except beers)”
preparations and products for use on and in connection with hair;
Our abovementioned client has instructed
preparations for the care and beauty of the hair; hair waving and hair
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the trade and the public that they attach
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mentioned trademark and reserve the right
products; hair cleaning preparations; hair curling preparations; hair to take legal action against any person or
grooming preparations; hair moisturizers; hair oil; hair protection persons who act in infringement of their
preparations; hair strengthening treatment lotions. rights.

Class 08 : Any enquiry relative thereto may be

referred to the following:-
Apparatus for grooming hair; hairdressing scissors; hand operated
tools for hairdressing and cases for the same; hair clippers for JULIUS & CREASY
personal use (electric and non-electric); non-electric hair care Attorneys-at-Law & Notaries Public
products; non electric hair curling implements; scissors; non-electric
No. 371, R.A. De Mel Mawatha,
hair styling implements; non-electric hair tongs; non-electric hair
Colombo 03,
waving apparatus; hair removing tweezers; hair removing devices;
hair cutting apparatus and instruments; electrical hair care products Republic of Sri Lanka.
(hand implements); (hand implements); hand tools and implements;
hand tools and implements for hair; hand tools and implements for
curling, cutting, crimping, straightening, styling, trimming or waving
hair; hairdressing appliances included in Class 8, all for personal use;
parts, fittings and accessories all for the aforesaid goods. TRADE MARK
Audiovisual teaching apparatus; downloadable computer software (In the Territory of the Maldives)
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information about hair or hairdressing; electrical hair care products; Germany are the owners and Sole
hair styling apparatus; hair curling instruments; hair tongs; hair Proprietors of the following Trade Mark :-
waving apparatus; electric hair rollers; electrical hair styling, hair
curling, hair waving and hair straightening apparatus and instruments
(hand implements); electrical hair tongs; electrically heated apparatus
for curling, styling, waving and straightening the hair; heated The said Trade Mark is used in respect of
hairbrushes; parts, fittings and accessories for all the aforesaid the following goods.
goods; mouse mats; teaching apparatus.
Class 3 :
Class 11 :
Soaps, perfumeries, essential oils,
Apparatus for drying hair; apparatus for heating hair; electric hoods preparations for body and beauty care,
to dry hair and for hair care purposes; hairdryers and cases for the
hair lotions, preparations for caring,
same; parts, fittings and accessories all for the aforesaid goods.
cleaning, colouring, tinting, bleaching,
Class 21 : fixing and permanent waving of hair.
Brushes; combs; comb cases; electric combs; large-toothed combs Our abovementioned clients have instructed
for the hair; hairbrushes; hairdressing, hair care and hair styling us and wish to bring to the notice of the
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trade and the public that they attach
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Articles for the hair; badges; barrettes; bows for the hair; braids; to take legal action against any person or
false hair; hair bands; hair clips; hair colouring caps; clips; non- persons who act in infringement of their
electric hair curlers; hair curling papers; hair curling pins; hair rights.
fasteners; hair grips; hair slides; hair nets; hair ornaments; hair pins; Any enquiry relative thereto may be
plaited hair; tresses of hair; hair ribbons; ponytail holders; ribbons; referred to the following :
Class 41 :
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Education academy services; arranging and conducting of
conferences; arrangement and conducting of congresses; arranging
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and conducting of seminars; arranging and conducting of symposia; Colombo 03,
arranging and conducting of workshops; education; educational Republic of Sri Lanka.
seminars relating to hair treatment products and techniques;
practical training; providing non-downloadable online electronic
publications; publication of books; publication of electronic books
and journals online; publication of texts; online styling tutorials;
non-downloadable electronic publications; organization of
competitions; providing of training; entertainment; educational
seminars relating to hair or hair treatment; teaching; tuition;
vocational guidance.
Class 44 :
Advice relating to hair care; beauty salons; spa services; beauty
treatment; hair care services; hairdressing; hairdressing salon
services; hairdressing salons; hair weaving; hair replacement; hair
colouring services; hair cutting services; hair styling.
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DN page 6 GLOBAL T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3

Fears grow of all-out Israel-Hezbollah North America's first people may

have arrived by sea ice highway...
war as fighting escalates One of the hottest debates in archaeology is
how and when humans first arrived in North
America. Archaeologists have traditionally
argued that people walked through an ice-free
corridor that briefly opened between ice
People were likely south of the massive ice
sheets that once covered much of the conti-
nent at least 16,000 years ago.
Given that the ice-free corridor wouldn't be
open for thousands of years before these early
When the news first broke of the in Iran. With US backing, Benja- sheets an estimated 13,000 years ago. arrivals, scientists instead proposed that peo-
Hamas attack early on October 7, min Netanyahu fended off the pro- But a growing number of archaeological and ple may have moved along a "kelp highway."
Itai Reuveni and the other reserv- posal, but the conviction has taken genetic finds-including human footprints in This theory holds that early Americans slowly
ists in his paratrooper battalion hold among Israeli politicians, gen- New Mexico dated to around 23,000 years old- travelled down into North America in boats,
packed their bags and arrived at erals and a widening slice of the suggests that people made their way onto the following the bountiful goods found in coastal
their muster point well before their public that a new war in Lebanon continent much earlier. These early Americans waters. Archaeologists have found evidence of
call-up came from the army. is inevitable. An opinion poll car- likely travelled along the Pacific coastline from coastal settlements in western Canada dating
The paratroopers did not head ried out in late November found Beringia, the land bridge between Asia and from as early as 14,000 years ago. But in 2020,
south to Gaza, but to the northern that 52% of those surveyed North America that emerged during the last researchers noted that freshwater from melt-
border, where they believed a far favoured an immediate strike glacial maximum when ice sheets bound up ing glaciers at the time may have created a
greater threat than Hamas was against Hezbollah, and only 35% large amounts of water causing sea levels to strong current that would make it difficult for
poised to join the fight: Hezbollah, were opposed to opening another fall. people to travel along the coast.
the Lebanese Shia movement front in the north. Now, in research presented on Friday, Praetorious' presentation is part of a session
backed by Tehran. All along the border, Hezbollah December 15 at the American Geophysical on the climate history and geology of Beringia
"We're here to make sure that no has fired on Israeli border towns Union Annual Meeting (AGU23) in San Fran- and the North Pacific during the Pleistocene,
one does to us in the north what and villages in a show of support ciso, paleoclimate reconstructions of the Pacif- the current ice age, at AGU23. The week-long
they did to us in the south," said for Gazans, and Israel has struck ic Northwest hint that sea ice may have been conference has brought 24,000 experts from
Reuveni, 40, a master sergeant who border, it will be much more, and Yoav Gallant, and other hawks in back with artillery and airstrikes. one way for people to move farther south. across the spectrum of the Earth and space
in his civilian life does think-tank you'll also have Iran in the equa- the cabinet argued for a pre-emp- In recent days, the fight has esca- The idea that early Americans may have sciences to San Francisco this year and con-
research on terrorist financing. tion. We are here to deal with tive strike against the militant lated, and the civilian death toll is travelled along the Pacific Coast isn't new. nected 3,000 online attendees. (Phys Org)
"We understand that Hezbollah that." group in the immediate aftermath rising: four Israelis and at least 14
is much more sophisticated [than Reuveni is not alone in seeing of the October 7 attack. That local Lebanese. Three journalists

US President Biden, First Lady safe

Hamas]. We understand it's not Hezbollah as the greater danger to caused alarm in Washington, fear- have been killed by Israeli drone
3,000 fighters that come over the Israel. The Israeli defence minister, ful of a regional war that could pull and tank strikes. (The Guardian)

UAE aids Lahore with cloud seeding N. Korea test fires after car crashes into convoy
flights to combat city's smog ballistic missile, bumper, was quickly surrounded by police.
The sequence of events unfolded as Presi-
dent Biden was walking from the campaign

The UAE has helped the

Pakistani city of Lahore carry
says Japan rankings of major glob-
al cities.
office to his waiting armoured SUV. During
this time, a sedan collided with a US Secret
Service vehicle, used to secure and close off
intersections near the headquarters for the
out cloud seeding flights to "Air quality in Lahore North Korea launched a possible intercontinen- President's departure. But the sedan
help fight against pollution, usually worsens during tal ballistic missile on Monday morning in what attempted to proceed into a closed-off
according to a local minister. the winter season from analysts said indicated the growing reliability of intersection. In response, Secret Service
Caretaker chief minister of October to February the reclusive state's illegal weapons programme. personnel swiftly surrounded the vehicle,
Punjab Mohsin Naqvi said when farmers in the The missile launched Monday exhibited the drawing weapons, and instructing the driv-
that the Emirates had sent wider Punjab province range to hit anywhere in the United States, er to raise their hands.
two aircraft earlier this set light to the rem- according to a preliminary assessment from the A car collided with a motorcade SUV Following the collision, security officers
month to help with cloud nants of crops, produc- Japanese Defence Ministry. that was part of US President Joe Biden's promptly surrounded the vehicle. Biden
seeding, which involves fir- "We'll see how much rain- ing smoke that adds to "The ICBM-class ballistic missile launched this security detail on Sunday in Delaware. The was ushered into his waiting vehicle, where
ing salt flares into clouds to fall happens in the coming smog," the company said. time, if calculated based on the trajectory, depend- incident occurred after President Biden his wife was already seated, before being
enhance rainfall. days, but we've had the first "At the same time, weather ing on weight of warhead, could have a flying and First Lady Jill Biden had left the cam- driven swiftly back to their home. His
The UAE is a pioneer in rainfall already." changes mean pollutants range of over 15,000 kilometres (9,320 miles), paign headquarters following a meal with schedule was otherwise unaffected by the
the weather modification Lahore, the largest city in remain trapped in the air for meaning the whole of the US territory would be members of his re-election team. incident, according to the Associated Press
technique having carried out Pakistan's Punjab province, longer." within range," Shingo Miyake, parliamentary The car, which sustained damage to its report. (ABP Live)
thousands of flights over the has suffered from smog for Rainfall helps reduce the vice-minister of defence, told reporters at a news
years in the aim to encourage many years. amount of pollutants in the conference in Tokyo.
rainfall. Heavy smog has caused air, according to AQI, anoth- Japanese authorities reported the missile flew
"It was a gift from the
UAE, in which they managed
everything. Our people are
flights to be delayed at
Lahore's main airport several
times. On Sunday, IQAir, a
er website that tracks air
quality around the world.
Last month, Pakistan intro-
at a highly lofted trajectory for about 73 minutes
and to an altitude of 6,000 kilometres (3,700
miles) and a distance of about 1,000 kilometres
Australian envoy Philip Green hails ties
also involved," Naqvi said on
"It was an experiment that
Swiss air technology compa-
ny, ranked Lahore as
'unhealthy' and said that it
duced a smog action plan in
Lahore that would include
artificial rain to combat high
(621 miles) before falling into the sea west of the
northern Japanese island of Hokkaido.
If would need to be fired at a flatter trajectory
between India, Australia
was important for us so that regularly ranks top on the levels of pollution. to hit the United States. Lauding the bilateral partnership Affirming his dedication to advancing
we can combat smog. company's live pollution (The National) (CNN) between New Delhi and Canberra, the the partnership between the countries and
Ambassador of Australia to India, Philip echoing the directive he received from the
Green OAM highlighted a remarkable two- Prime Minister to propel the relationship
GPAI Summit hosted by India... way trade that has grown by more than 50
per cent over the past five years, adding
to new heights, he said, "Our relationship
is at the highest point in our history. But
that India is the most consequential rela- I'm not here to rest on laurels. I'm here to

India plays leading role in AI - French Minister Jean-Noel Barrot

tionship. get more things done. I'm here to drive the
Emphasizing India's paramount signifi- relationship further and to drive it faster.
cance in their bilateral relations, he That's what the Prime Minister told me to
expressed his commitment to proactive do when he sent me here."
The French Minister Delegate for Summit here in Delhi. Further "India plays a leading role in AI told ANI that from the global engage during his tenure and said that, as Asia Society Policy Institute, notably a
Digital Affairs, Jean-Noel Barrot on expressing his delight, he said, "I'm by hosting this summit by sharing partnership, they want to boost Australia's 22nd High Commissioner to division of Asia Society India Centre, is a
Wednesday stressed that India very happy to be here. I'm very the global partnership on AI next its ability to develop expertise India, he is "here to get things done." think-and-do tank designed to bring about
plays a leading role in AI by hosting grateful to India for hosting this year. A lot has been achieved dur- and to build stronger cooperation In his keynote address at the Asia Socie- changes that incorporate the best ideas
the Global Partnership on Artificial summit and agreeing to chair the ing the Indian G20 presidency amongst its members. ty Policy Institute, here in the national from top experts in Asia and to work with
Intelligence (GPAI) Summit. GPI, the global partnership on AI, and so we're going to keep build- Moreover, Barrot further told capital, the Australian Ambassador to India policymakers to integrate these ideas and
Barrot is on his second official next year." ing our relationships and our ANI that the European Union was said, "For me, assuming this role as Aus- put them into practice.
visit to India to advance bilateral He further emphasised that India global agenda together because among the first democracies to tralia's 22nd High Commissioner to India Speaking further, the Australian envoy
cooperation on digital technology and France are going to keep build- we are very much aligned and decide to set up a regulation dedi- is the pinnacle of his career. India is the also talked at length about India-Australia
and will also participate in the Min- ing their relationships and the glob- share the same values," he said. cated to AI, adding that there was most consequential relationship, at the trade ties, the Indo-Pacific and QUAD
isterial Council of the Global Part- al agenda as both countries share While answering about the an agreement reached last week. most critical moment, I have ever worked (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue).
nership on Artificial Intelligence the same values. French priorities on GPAI, Barrot (ANI) on. It is a privilege for me to be here today." . (The Hindustan Times)
T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 NEWS page 7 DN

St John’s College, Nugegoda

OBA dinner dance ‘Green and Black’

istinguished old boy of St John’s College, Nugegoda, the Chair-
man of Lake House Prof. Harendra Kariyawasam and his wife
Indika Kariyawasam, presenting awards to the winners of the
dance competition at the dinner dance ‘Green and Black’ organ-
ized by the Old Boys’ Association of the college, at Golden Rose
Reception Hall in Boralesgamuwa. Also in the pictures are some of the partici-
pants at the event.

Pictures by Sulochana Gamage

How Western Lanka Fisheries Captured the Global

Seafood Market with Capable Entrepreneur
export market, canned fish for
the local market to serve as
import substitutes (with future
export potential), and a
forthcoming line of dried and
cooked products for export in the
near future.Even Saudi Arabia
couldn't deter their exports, a
testament to their unwavering
quality and innovation.
However, the choppy waters of
Covid-19 threatened to capsize
their voyage with flight facilities
grounded. They have plans to
export chilled fish next year.
Wagasinghe remains undaunted.
His company, like a seasoned
sailor, continue to weather the Western Lanka Fisheries Private
storm by focusing on their Limited. navigating this dynamic ocean.
mainstay: frozen fish. Their two- Chairman / Managing Director "This market changes every
to-eight containers a monthspeaks Sunil Wagasinghe second. When there's a storm,
volumes of their adaptability and prices surge. When a drought
resourcefulness. hits, supply plummets. It's like
"Value addition and easy seconds. But amidst the volatility, sailing through a hurricane
exported Items consumption," Wagasinghe he values his workforce as the blindfolded." Yet, Wagasinghe
declares, are the compass guiding most precious resource, the wind doesn't flinch. Instead, he
Indeewara de Mel and resilience, is a testament to mind: "Why can't we?" This
the power of a single spark became the anchor that guided
In the ever-churning sea of igniting a global seafood empire. him through a decade of research
entrepreneurship, few pearls Wagasinghe's entrepreneurial within the state sector, eventually
shine as brightly as Western flame flickered in 1993 while leading him to resign and set sail
Lanka Fisheries Private Limited. traversing the seas for a on his own in 2002.
Its Chairman/Managing Director, programme of FAO fish Western Lanka Fisheries, born
Sunil Wagasinghe, embodies the processing quality control in from that question, soon charted
spirit of Foreign Minister Ali China, a stopover in Singapore its course towards becoming a
Sabry's call to "plant revealed a treasure trove of high- seafood behemoth. The offerings
entrepreneurship on this earth." priced value-added fish products. span across live, chilled, and
His journey, woven with ambition A simple question echoed in his frozen products tailored for the

Canned fish for local market

in their sails. channels this volatility into fuel

their export strategy. He "The entire process is tough," for innovation. He invests in
recognizes the fickle nature of Wagasinghe acknowledges, his research, diversifies his offerings,
their market, where storms and voice weathered by years of and builds strong relationships
droughts can shift tides in with partners across the globe.
"Flexibilityis our anchor in this
ever-shifting sea,"Wagasinghe
Western Lanka Fisheries' story
is a masterclass in turning
audacious dreams into delectable
realities. It's a journey paved with
challenges, navigated with grit,
and driven by a relentless pursuit
of value. As they prepare to cast
their nets even wider, one thing
is certain: this is a company with
enough flavor to tantalize the
world's taste buds for years to
Ready to cook products (near future) Dried and cooked products for export market (near future) come.
DN page 8 EDITORIAL T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3

Anger mounts over

Tu e s d a y, D e c e m b e r 1 9 , 2 0 2 3
the horrors in Gaza
A welcome move
he Police at last are being deployed to go after the
underworld and drug traffickers in earnest which
hopefully will see an end to the present killing
spree particularly in the Southern and Western Prov-
Public Security Minister Tiran Alles has declared an all-
out battle against organized crime and narcotics crime.
Joining a special programme organized to educate the
Police Committees in Matara, the Minister stressed
that operations against organized crime and drug raids
will not be halted due to pressure or influence from
whatever quarter.
This, indeed, is a welcome move since it is well known
that political interference has been the bane in opera-
tions against criminals and drug dealers who are
known to fund election campaigns of politicians, with
the OICs rendered helpless fearing punishment trans-
fers or other acts of victimization if they defy such
orders. The Minister’s assurance will now embolden the
Police to go after wrongdoers with added energy lead-
ing to the eradication of crime and drug trafficking
offences in the country.
The Minister noted that President Ranil Wickremesinghe
has extended his full backing for whatever measures
taken to combat crime and the war against drugs. The
Public Security Minister also noted that the Police
attention was diverted from combating crime as a result
of the focus centred on dealing with the Aragalaya.
Now with this no longer being the case the Police will be
able to fully concentrate on crushing the underworld
US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
and drug related crimes. A clean up operation was put

into operation in 45 Police divisions and according to THALIF DEEN
Acting IGP Deshabandu Tennakoon, a large number of he unrestrained destruction as potentially suicidal, will be equally the dropping of atomic weapons on many, while there were a few instances
suspects against whom Court warrants had been of the Gaza Strip and the disastrous on Israel and end up as an act Japan is, at best, as preposterous as one of cities being bombed wholesale, most
issued were taken into custody. disproportionate killings of of self-immolation. Besides, Israel has can imagine. notably Dresden, for the most part,
He said there were 1,091 leading underworld figures in over 17,000 people, mostly never publicly acknowledged that it has Although President Biden himself did American and Allied troops carried out
civilians–in retaliation for nuclear weapons and the Minister’s not justify the dropping of nuclear weap- strategic bombings, targeting as much
the country and information pertaining to 790 of them
1,200 killings by Hamas and 120 hos- statement was embarrassing from that ons on Japan, he pointed out that the as possible specific military installa-
had been gathered by the Police. In addition, there tages in captivity–have left the Palestin- aspect as well. circumstances at the time were com- tions and other industrial targets sup-
were 70,000 persons against whom warrants have ians in a state of deep isolation and Meanwhile, Netanyahu last week pletely different than the current situa- porting Germany’s war effort, he
been issued and a database is to be formed within the weighed down by a feeling of being reportedly justified the killings of civil- tion in Gaza. argued.
next three months incorporating all such information. deserted by the world at large. ians and the virtual destruction of Gaza Furthermore, attitudes and views Furthermore, as Biden noted, the
The Minister’s move to go after the underworld and the The United Nations (UN) and the by pointing an accusing finger at the have greatly changed since then, partic- actions of all powers during World War
drugs mafia in a big way is timely, considering the impu- international community have remained United States (US) for its past conduct. ularly because of the twin bombings’ II came under serious criticism and
helpless–with several UN resolutions The devastation of Gaza, he says, was aftermath. evaluation, and institutions and treaties
nity with which criminals operate today so much so that having no impact–while American pleas no better than the “carpet bombing” of Dr. Ben-Meir said President Truman were established in the War’s aftermath
the criminals have been emboldened even to threaten for restrained aerial bombings continue Germany by the US in 1943 and the was faced with a dilemma – to launch a to prevent these wholesale actions that
Police officers investigating the drug business and to be ignored by the Israelis in an act of unleashing of the atomic bomb on Hiro- full-scale ground invasion of Japan, greatly affected civilians, whether
underworld crime. defiance. However, the US vetoed a UN shima and Nagasaki, Japan, in August whose soldiers were fighting to the intentionally or not, from happening
Police Spokesman SSP Nihal Talduwa recently admitted Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1945. death, which could result in the death of again.
that officers conducting investigations to rope in those calling for a ceasefire. A subsequent UN And an exasperated US President Joe 5-10 million Japanese and hundreds of “There is no question that Israel has
General Assembly Resolution also called Biden, though an otherwise unrelenting thousands of Allied troops. been steadily losing international sup-
involved in the drug trade and organized crime includ-
for a ceasefire in the tiny enclave. ally of Israel, shot back: “Yeah, that is Or use nuclear weapons that would port due to the rise of Palestinian casu-
ing murders have been receiving threats, mostly from The plight of the besieged Palestinians why all these institutions were set up result in the death of 200,000 Japanese, alties, which has now exceeded 17,000.
drug kingpins living abroad. was best described by Middle East cor- after World War II, to see to it that it did civilians and soldiers alike, but would The irony is because of this terrible
No doubt, the stepped-up operations now underway by respondent Raja Abdulrahim who was not happen again”. end the war quickly and spare casualties heavy toll of casualties, the unthinkable
the Police to bust drugs-related crime and underworld quoted in the New York Times last week The UN, created in 1945 following on a massive scale, thinking it was bet- slaughter of 1,200 Israelis is no longer
activities will put the heat on underworld gang leaders, as saying: “Some people have told me the devastation caused by World War II, ter to sacrifice 200,000 lives to save one being mentioned, and this is due to Bibi
especially the drug kingpins, who have a lot to lose if they would rather just have a nuclear was mandated with one central mission: million more, he pointed out. Netanyahu’s complete disregard, in my
bomb (drop) and take them all out the maintenance of international peace On that basis, Truman made the deci- view, for the indiscriminate horror that
their drug empires collapse. Hence, they would do sion, albeit in today’s environment, that
because the situation has gotten so des- and security and the prevention of war. is being inflicted on Gaza”.
everything possible to thwart such attempts, including perate– and they do not see any light at But other international institutions, decision would be entirely different. He should be far more calculating in
upping the stakes in buying over Police officers. the end of the tunnel. They also feel like including the UN Human Rights Coun- Furthermore, Truman may not have targeting Hamas to prevent the unnec-
The arrest sometime back of three senior Police Narcot- the entire world has abandoned them.” cil (UNHRC), the International Crimi- even been fully aware of the bomb’s true essary death of civilians, which is only
ics Bureau (PNB) officers found to be in cahoots with Coincidentally, a junior Israeli Minister nal Court (ICC) and the International devastating nature and initially believed drawing ever more criticism of Israel’s
drug kingpins too tells a tale. Minister Alles should take last month proposed dropping a nuclear Court of Justice (ICJ), arrived much that it was intended specifically for a gory war tactics.
measures to guard against such a possibility lest the bomb on Gaza as “one way of dealing later. military target. “Israel will certainly win the war
with the threat of Hamas.” But Israeli Dr. Alon Ben-Meir, a Professor of In hindsight, said Dr Ben-Meir, the against Hamas, but it is as certain that
operation he has undertaken in ernest goes awry. Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netan- International Relations at the Centre for use of nuclear weapons is unthinkable it will continue to lose the support even
In any event there is an urgent need to revamp the Police yahu instantly shot down the proposal Global Affairs at New York University, under any, and all, modern circumstanc- of its closest allies and friends unless
Service as it is presently constituted so that only hand- and took the unusual step of suspending who teaches courses on international es, as President Biden stated, “That’s Israel takes extraordinary measures to
picked officers known for their dedication to duty are at the politically far-Right Minister. negotiations and Middle Eastern stud- why all these institutions were set up protect civilian lives in Gaza while artic-
the forefront to carry out the current operations to Perhaps Netanyahu was conscious of ies, told IPS for Prime Minister Netan- after World War II to see to it that it did ulating an exit strategy consistent with
eradicate drug-related underworld crime. the fact– that even in an unlikely nuclear yahu to equate the bombing of Gaza to not happen again.” a Two-State Solution to end the con-
As we have repeatedly said in this column the present attack on Gaza — the fallout, described the “carpet bombing” of Germany and As to the “carpet bombings” of Ger- flict,” declared Dr. Ben-Meir. (IPS)
Police Service is highly politicized as admitted by no less
a personage than the former IGP himself who attributed
the failure to control the May 9, 2022 mayhem to the men
in charge of the outstation Police stations who were the
nominees of area politicians and were simply out of their
depth when it came to a crunch situation.
Needless to say individuals who may succumb to blan-
dishments should be identified and not be placed in
positions of responsibility, particularly in charge of
investigations into drug-related offences if the current
operations to be successfully carried out.
Besides, crime today has taken on new dimensions with
the involvement of the drug element and easy access
to sophisticated weapons, the handling of which is
child’s play for these criminals who include Army
deserters in their ranks.
It is moot if the Police are given the necessary weapons
training that could take on these elements on equal
terms. From the look of things though, the Police are no
match for these battle-hardened men, who, as already
mentioned, form the core element in the hit squads
employed by the drug mafia.
Hence fighting the drugs underworld should be con-
ducted in the same way as a conventional war is waged
by a battle-hardened combat force. It is therefore com-
mendable that the Acting IGP is to deploy the Special
Task Force (STF) to play the leading role in the present
Even the LTTE shied away from taking on this elite force
due to its reputation for fierce fighting. Hence this task
should now be the exclusive preserve of the STF while
the regular Police Service is reorganized and rebuilt to
take over in due course.


Police officers know that each time they
put on their uniform, they are taking on
risks to protect others.
Mike Parson
T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3

Sheikh Hasina: Steering Bangladesh

through formidable challenges The IDF and Rules of
ore than 20 years ago, Mutaamba Maasha,
then an undergraduate at Cornell Universi-
ty, contributed a column titled ’10 things
that made me say wtf’ for the monthly
publication ‘The Cobbler.’ If memory serves me right, it
was the phrase and not its acronymic form that was
It was political commentary. The internet was, look-
ing back, in its infancy back then. There was no social
media to speak of, again relatively speaking. There was
information and it could be found. There was misinfor-
mation and it was called out. As Mutaamba would.
I remembered him and wondered what he would call
a hypothetical column for a daily, not monthly, newspa-
per. I am thinking of the headlines picked by the major
wire services over the past few days.
“Shooting of three hostages ‘against rules of engage-
ment,’ says IDF head.”
The above or versions of it. IDF of course means
‘Israel Defense Forces.’ Now it is well known that the
IDF is claiming to battle Hamas, the militant Palestini-
an outfit that carried out a daring and dastardly attack
targeting Israeli civil-
ians, killing over thou-
President Ranil Wickremesinghe with Bnagladeshi Premier Sheikh Hasina
sands and taking hostage
several hundreds. It is There were

angladesh’s Prime Minister
country’s consistent GDP growth, infra-
structural advancements, and extensive
stage. Strategic investments in critical
sectors such as textiles, technology, and
ogy transfer, and developmental initia-
tives, she has expanded Bangladesh’s
known that for all such
self-righteous claims the
Sheikh Hasina emerges as a poverty alleviation efforts, which have agriculture have fortified the nation’s eco- influence and solidified its position as a IDF is deliberately tar- headline
beacon of fortitude, foresight,
and resolute determination in
lifted millions out of destitution.
However, her leadership transcends the
nomic resilience, attracting global atten-
tion and investments. At one stage, Ban-
key player in the regional and global are-
geting unarmed Palestin-
ians. They have, as of
the intricate tapestry of global confines of Bangladesh’s national borders. gladesh even provided a US$ 250 million Her commitment to environmental December 10, 2023, clearly. For
leadership. Her tenure as the longest- Sheikh Hasina has played a pivotal role in loan to neighbouring Sri Lanka. sustainability and Climate Change resil- according to Reuters,
serving female Prime Minister in any ensuring peace and stability within the Furthermore, Sheikh Hasina’s adminis- ience has garnered widespread global killed over 18,000 Pales- example, ‘IDF
Muslim nation embodies her endurance
and profound impact on Bangladesh’s
region. Bangladesh’s active participation
in United Nations (UN) Peacekeeping
tration has emphasised education and
innovation substantially, recognizing
acclaim. Bangladesh, susceptible to natu-
ral disasters, has implemented innova-
tinians, 40% of the vic-
tims being children.
transformation into an economic power- Missions is a testament to her commit- them as fundamental pillars for sustain- tive strategies and adaptation measures They have bombed hos- admits Israel
Moreover, her pivotal role in fostering
ment to global security. Moreover, her
diplomatic finesse has fostered amicable
able development. Initiatives aimed at
enhancing education accessibility and fos-
under her leadership, earning recogni-
tion as a frontrunner in Climate Change
pitals and done every-
thing conceivable to
soldiers vio-
regional peace and security and her influ- relations with neighbouring SAARC and tering a culture of innovation have mitigation. block access to food, lated rules of
ence in strengthening relations within the BIMSTEC countries, significantly con- empowered the youth, including girls, Sheikh Hasina’s tenure as Prime Minis- medicine, water and fuel,
Global South have positioned her as an tributing to regional stability. laying the groundwork for a skilled work- ter of Bangladesh encapsulates a narrative turning almost the entire engagement
influential figure and a role model for
leaders in developing nations worldwide.
One of Sheikh Hasina’s most significant
contributions is the consolidation of ties
force vital to Bangladesh’s continued
growth and progress.
of perseverance, progress, and inclusive
leadership. Her ability to navigate com-
population of Gaza into
refugees forced to flee
by killing
Since assuming office in 2009, Sheikh with nations across the Global South. Her Indeed, her steadfast commitment to plexities, drive economic growth, ensure their homes. Now that’s a hostag-
Hasina has steered Bangladesh through
formidable challenges, spearheading an
diplomatic prowess has facilitated robust
partnerships, emphasizing mutual coop-
gender equality remains a cornerstone of
her leadership. Sheikh Hasina has shat-
regional stability, and foster global part-
nerships is a testament to her visionary
wtf-story in and of itself,
for Israel has for all
es.’ That of
economic revolution that defied the eration and development among develop- tered societal stereotypes and paved the leadership. intents and purposes course would
nation’s initial struggles. Her visionary ing nations. Her inclusive approach and way for more inclusive societal structures In an evolving global landscape, Sheikh held the entire popula-
policies and strategic initiatives have been engagement with leaders in developing by championing women’s empowerment Hasina’s unwavering dedication to nation- tion of Palestinians hos- amount to
instrumental in propelling Bangladesh
towards becoming a noteworthy econom-
nations in the Global South have posi-
tioned her as a revered figure and a guid-
and advocating for their active participa-
tion in the workforce.
al prosperity, regional security, and global
collaboration cements her legacy as a for-
tage for several decades.
Back to the headline.
leaving out
ic player in the Global South. ing light for aspiring leaders globally. Bangladesh’s progress in achieving gen- midable leader in the Global South and a Against the rules of the identities
At the crux of her leadership lies a
remarkable set of qualities that have pro- Unprecedented advancements
der parity under her leadership is a testa-
ment to her unwavering dedication to
beacon of hope for aspiring leaders world-
engagement. Who says
it? Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi,
of the hos-
pelled Bangladesh’s remarkable growth equality and social justice. Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury is an the IDF Commander, no tages who
trajectory. Sheikh Hasina possesses an Under her stewardship, Bangladesh has In the realm of international relations, internationally acclaimed multi-award- less. There is of course
indomitable spirit, fearlessly confronting witnessed unprecedented advancements Sheikh Hasina’s role has been transforma- winning anti-militancy journalist, writer, the rider below referring were killed.
critical issues such as poverty, infrastruc-
ture deficiencies, and educational inade-
across various sectors. The country’s
economy has experienced consistent
tive. Her efforts in fortifying ties with
countries in the Global South have result-
research scholar, and editor of Blitz, a
newspaper published in Bangladesh since
to the fact that it was in
fact the IDF that had
So, how
quacies. Her unwavering commitment to growth, surpassing expectations and ed in mutually beneficial alliances. By 2003. killed the Israeli hostag- about ‘IDF
economic progress is palpable through the earning recognition on the international fostering collaborations in trade, technol- [IDN - InDepthNews] es who, by the way, were
carrying a white flag!
admits Israel
However, the first glance soldiers vio-
clearly implies that the

lated rules of
A swift tactical response
IDF commander’s out-
rage was birthed by
Hamas killing hostages.
If that were the case, it by killing
are made up of the toughest men with All raids are undertaken with as much
would also contravene
the rules of engagement.
Israeli hos-
loads of stamina, discernment and focus ground intelligence that is available. It We got to dig deeper tages.’ You
driven determination. They train at is important to remember that an armed then to find out who
their academy located at Katukurunda, hostage taker can hide anywhere inside killed whom and under can play with
Kalutara. The diverse role of SWAT in
hostage rescue, protection of VVIPs and
a room, therefore, the objective is to
unleash all offensive action before the
what circumstances.
There were other
that for a
secure transport of radioactive mate- party being engaged has time to react. headline options, clearly. while.
rials has improved over the years. Physical and psychological momentum For example, ‘IDF Com-
The training of STF personnel in is very essential during a strike. Team- mander admits Israel sol-
Close Quarters Battle (CQB), the work is most vital. diers violated rules of
dangerous scenario which is where SWAT commanders undertake exten- engagement by killing hostages.’ That of course would
the SWAT team very often has to sive mission planning before entering a amount to leaving out the identities of the hostages
respond, is done with rigid discipline. tactical situation. Such planning who were killed. So, how about ‘IDF admits Israel sol-
Training simulation can be in an involves deciding how best to approach diers violated rules of engagement by killing Israeli
office, a floor of rooms in a hotel, a a given situation based on the informa- hostages.’ You can play with that for a while.
luxury passenger bus or even an air- tion available. This information Let’s get back to the headline: Key phrase: ‘Against
plane. includes, for example, building layouts, the rules of engagement.’
The CQB strike must combine the structural hazards such as barricaded Halevi is reported to have noted that the shooting of
element of surprise, speed, violence of doors or booby traps, the number of someone who raises a white flag and seeks to surrender
action and accuracy. I was able to wit- hostages or suspects involved, what ‘is forbidden.’ The use of the word ‘surrender’ is inter-
ness the aspiring SWAT members dis- types of weapons are involved. esting. Why should Israeli hostages ‘surrender’ to the
play their prowess in clearing a room. The Teams use the HK/MP5 sub IDF? The use of the white flag is obviously precaution-
They can work in teams of two, four, six machine gun (its size being perfect for ary; it means ‘we are unarmed, we have no ill-intent.’
and eight: depending on the situation. use in restrictive rooms),Uzi( open bolt- It’s something like a password.
The SWAT member never works alone. blowback operated submachine gun Typically, though, ‘surrender’ is an option for an
Each SWAT commando is paired with made in Israel),Glock17 and Browning enemy, usually an armed entity and/or its members. For
another member, and they remain ‘bud- high power pistol, 12 bore shot guns example, a Palestinian civilian need not ‘surrender’ to
dies’ throughout their service life. (used to burst open a locked door) and anyone. Those who know they are not members of
I watched a demonstration as a four Sniper rifles. The Heckler and Koch Hamas need not raise a white flag and thereby plead,
man team approached the room with MP5 is a dependable weapon first made ‘do not shoot, do not bomb our homes.’ The painful
stealth and alert eyes, scanning for in Germany, with a capacity of 900 truth is that not only do they not need to surrender,
potential danger. The doorway to any rounds per minute. even if they wanted to (because they thought that ‘sur-
room poses a risk, the point of entry is The men who desire to serve in render’ might make the IDF pause) and even if they
DISHAN JOSEPH augmented the creation of Police SWAT referred to as the ‘fatal funnel’, where an SWAT must already be members of the held up white flags (again, because they thought ‘white
concept. assaulter is most vulnerable. As squad regular STF, with three years of unblem- flag’ might make the IDF pause), they simply cannot.

A rapid response in an emergency is

vital toward a positive outcome.
Law enforcement officers are con-
Sri Lanka was scourged with insur-
gent and terrorist activities for decades.
The Police department was burdened
members 1 and 2 stormed into the
rooms with MP-5 weapons, number 3
always looks upwards to neutralize any
ished service. They must endure 10
weeks of extensive training where they
also become expert swimmers, drivers
They are being bombed and are being shot as they flee.
What are the rules of engagement for Herzi Halevi? If
killing of hostages, with or without white flags violates
fronted with scenarios that pose a with an assortment of duties. In this attack from upstairs. The number 4 and riders. They must pass tests includ- the rules of engagement, how about assassinating cap-
serious threat. Back in 1965, a motor backdrop there was an incident at a fac- man made the rear completing the ‘360 ing a Psychometric test that evaluates tured Palestinians in cold blood? How about designing
vehicle arrest of an African-American tory in the Biyagama Free Trade Zone, degree’ total safety of the team. The their personality characteristics and and executing plans intended to kill thousands of civil-
soon spiraled out of control resulting years ago. An executive was taken hos- rapidly unwinding sequence which cognitive ability, scenarios that evaluate ians? How about bombing hospitals? How about deny-
in a riot that left 34 persons dead in tage by some disgruntled staff that takes only a few seconds flows as- clear their reaction time, firing skills, IQ test ing civilians food and water? How about blocking relief
Los Angeles. The Watt Riot unleashed remained defiant. After a brief standoff the breech point, eliminate threat, clear and a test that defines their ability to and thereby pushing civilian populations to the brink of
sudden mass violence. It was this with the local Police, it was time to call the near corner, run to the wall, collapse smell things in a cloistered environ- starvation? Are all these sanctioned by the rules of
solitary case that provoked Inspector in the Special Task Force. Responding set of fire and communicate. ment. They are taught vehicle assault, engagement that the IDF’s operations are framed by? Is
John Nelson (LAPD) to envisage the to the call a Quick Response Team raids, anti-ambush drills and urban the fact that Palestinians are not waving white flags,
concept of using a special weapons (QRT) was sent to the location, and the operations. literally or metaphorically, taken by the IDF as a green
action team to mitigate such threats. issue settled. Subsequently, in 2002 a After the 10 weeks training the men light for slaughter because it means ‘rules of engage-
He is venerated as the ‘Father of few hardcore inmates of the Tangalle who endure and pass must follow anoth- ment would not be violated thereby’?
SWAT’. The primary mission of this Prison had overpowered the Jailors and er 4 weeks of training that hones their Herzi Halevi, by using the term ‘rules of engagement’
concept is a ready response by SWAT stolen their uniforms and attempted an skills. SAWT can take pride in its air- invited a barrage of questions along these lines. Not a
members in a scenario beyond the escape. Once again the QRT squad borne capability. At present the Com- single reporter attached to any of the media outfits that
capability of regular law enforcement. responded and brought the situation mandant of the Special Task Force is headlined his quote dared to toss those questions at
It was August 1, 1966, a tragic event under control. It was such scenarios Senior DIG Waruna Jayasundara. The him.
occurred in Austin, Texas. A man that dictated the need for the full forma- SWAT Team is called upon to respond Mutaamba would have said, I’m sure, that ‘wtf’
named Charles Joseph Whitman, a tion of a SWAT Team within the Sri for service of high-risk search and arrest wouldn’t be enough. WTF wouldn’t be enough either.
honor student, used a high-powered Lanka Police. warrants; incidents involving barricad- We need a new vocabulary or need to coin a synonym
rifle to randomly kill over a dozen peo- Over the past few years the SWAT ed suspects, hostage rescues, or active for ‘preposterous.’
ple and wounded over thirty more from teams have improved and streamlined shooters; crowd control; and other situ-
the University of Texas Clock Tower their operational capability to deliver a ations requiring resources beyond the
Building in Austin. This incident is best fully effective counter strike to dispel capacity of the patrol division. The dar-
known as the Texas Tower Sniper and is the deadly threat of terror and criminal ing members of STF-SWAT remain
credited as being another incident that elements within minutes. The teams primed and ready for action.
DN page 10 ADVERTISEMENTS T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3
EP ZA-3285 JCB SP PQ-8481 Ma-
Notice of Deactivation of LAND ACQUISITION ACT 3CX Backhoe hindra Maxximo
Property made in terms of (CHAPTER 460) Loader for high- Truck for highest
Section 8(3) of Prevention of est offer. Senkada- offer. Senkada-
NOTICE UNDER SECTION 7 gala Finance PLC.,​ gala Finance PLC.,​
Money Laundering Act No. 5 THE LAND ACQUISITION Kandy. Inquiries: Kandy. Inquiries:
of 2006 as amended by MY NO : BD/RM/LND.8/PMLMC
ACT (CHAPTER 460) Monday to Fri- Monday to Fri-
Act No. 40 of 2011 LAND MIN NO : 4-3/9/20215/IR/102 day. 0770107270,​ day. 0770107270,​
It has been found that the house Notice under Section 7(1) 0774789216. 083448 0774789216. 083454
Notice under Section 7 of the Land
constructed by Weragoda Masachchi Acquisition Act calling for the inquiries A notice under Section of the Land Acquisition LN-3278 Tata LPT U/​R Komatsu PC
Chamari Krishanthi on the large land under Section 9 of the said Act, in respect Act, calling for the inquiries under Section 9 709,​ 2017,​ lorry
in extent of Three Roods Thirty Three 200-8 Excavator for
of the following lands which are required of the said Act, in respect of the following for highest offer.
Perches (3R:33P) situated at No. 187/A, lands which are required for the maintaining highest offer. Sen-
for a construction of the Left Side Canal Vallibel Finance
Udaweliwitathalawa, Nagoda, Galle is a the Agrarian Services Center purpose, has kadagala Finance
line of the Morana Tank has been PLC. No. 310,​Galle
property earned by illegal activities as per been published in the Extraordinary Gazette CP LH-8397 Lan- PLC.,​Kandy. Inqui-
published in the Gazette Extraordinary of Road,​ Colombo-03.
Section 35 of above Act, this property has of the Democratic Socialsit Republic of Sri ka Ashok Ley- ries: Monday to Fri-
the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Tel: 0714-542958.
been deactivated from 09.07.2023 under Lanka No. 2347/04 dated 28.08.2023. land 1613 Dump day. 0770107270,​
Case No. SPL/04/2023 by the High Court
Lanka No. 2357/45 dated 10.11.2023.  082865
Truck for highest 0774789216. 083483
of Galle as per Sections 7 and 8 of the said Schedule Province : Northwestern offer. Senkada- NC PT-9266 Tata
Act. District : Kurunegala 47-7139 Toyota
Province : Uva 17-9009 Hyundai gala Finance PLC.,​ Ace EX Truck for
Divisional Secretariat : Kobeigane Dyna Truck for
This Notice is published for the facilitation Excel Car for high- Kandy. Inquiries: highest offer. Sen-
District : Badulla Grama Niladari Division : 1318 - Boreluwewa highest offer. Sen-
of bona fide third parties to substantiate est offer. Senkada- Monday to Fri- kadagala Finance
Divisional Village : Welipitiya kadagala Finance
their claims. gala Finance PLC.,​ day. 0770107270,​ PLC.,​Kandy. Inqui-
Secretariat : Rideemaliyadda Cadastral Map No. : 420716 ries: Monday to Fri- PLC.,​ Kandy. Inqui-
Director Kandy. Inquiries: 0774789216. 083461
Sheet No. : 1 day. 0770107270,​ ries: Monday to Fri-
Village : Kudalunuka Monday to Fri- EP LI-6834 Tata
Illegal Assets Investigation Division day. 0770107270,​
Plan No. : Cadastral Map No. 710021, Lot No. : 1 day. 0770107270,​ 0774789216. 083452
LPK1615 Dump 0774789216. 083459
Block No. 08, Sheet No. 04, Reference No. : My Ref. No. 0774789216. 083456 Truck for high- NP LM-3437 Lan-
est offer. Senkada- ka Ashok Ley-
CAUTIONARY NOTICE Extent : 0.4133 Hectares
Ministry of Land's
gala Finance PLC.,​ land 1616 Dump
Kandy. Inquiries: Truck for highest
(In the Territory of the Maldives) Please see the said Gazette Ref. No. 4-3/9/2019/
Monday to Fri- offer. Senkada-
for further details. A/192
Notice is hereby given that our Client day. 0770107270,​ gala Finance PLC.,​
SOCIETE BOLLINGER & CO a limited Divisional Secretary, Please see the said Gazette for further details. 0774789216. 083444 Kandy. Inquiries:
liability company of 16 rue Jules Lobet, Rideemaliyadda EP LJ-2986 Tata Monday to Fri-
51160 AY, France is the Owner and Sole W. Thilini Nisansala Silva,
KF-5319 Maruti 1109 Truck for day. 0770107270,​ EP BJB-6594 Ra-
Divisional Secretariat, Divisional Secretary, 0774789216. 083472 nomoto C50 Cus-
Proprietor of the following Trademark. 800,​2007,​car for highest offer. Sen-
Rideemaliyadda Kobeigane. tom for highest
highest offer. Val- kadagala Finance NP LM-9628 Lan-
30th Nov. 2023 13.11.2023 libel Finance PLC. PLC.,​Kandy. Inqui- ka Ashok Ley- offer. Senkada-
No. 310,​Galle ries: Monday to Fri- land 1616 Dump gala Finance PLC.,​
The said Trademark is used in International day. 0770107270,​ Truck for highest Kandy. Inquiries:
Class 33 in respect of the following goods. Road,​ Colombo-03.
LAND ACQUISITION ACT Tel: 0714-542958. 0774789216. 083468 offer. Senkada- Monday to Fri-
“alcoholic beverages (except beers)” (CHAPTER 460) AS AMENDED My No: RUW/LAN/ACQTN/A2/258  082856 EP LJ-6841 Lanka gala Finance PLC.,​ day. 0770107270,​
Divisional Secretariat, Kandy. Inquiries: 0774789216. 083466
Our abovementioned client has instructed BY THE LAND ACQUISITION Ruwanwella.
Ashok Leyland for
us and wishes to bring to the notice of Monday to Fri- EP YK-3160 Ma-
(AMENDMENT) ACT NO. 28 highest offer. Sen-
day. 0770107270,​
the trade and the public that they attach 11.10.2023 kadagala Finance hindra Alfa Three
singular importance to their above
OF 1964 0774789216. 083473
NOTICE UNDER PLC.,​Kandy. Inqui- Wheeler for high-
mentioned trademark and reserve the right Notice Under Section 7(1) ries: Monday to Fri- NP PW-3544 Tata est offer. Senkada-
to take legal action against any person or My Reference No : SECTION 7 OF THE day. 0770107270,​ Super Ace Truck gala Finance PLC.,​
persons who act in infringement of their
ARA/LND/ACQV1/D3/71 LAND ACQUISITION ACT 0774789216. 083446 for highest of- Kandy. Inquiries:
Ministry of Tourism and Lands : NP PF-7934 Fo- EP LK-5539 Tata fer. Senkadagala Monday to Fri-
Any enquiry relative thereto may be 4-3/18/2019/WS/526
AS AMENDED BY THE Finance PLC.,​ day. 0770107270,​
ton BJ1011 Crew 1615 Dump Truck
referred to the following:- The Government acquired the lands described LAND (ACQUISITION) Cab for highest for highest of- Kandy. Inquiries: 0774789216. 083471
offer. Senkada- Monday to Fri-
JULIUS & CREASY in the schedule below are required for the
construction of access road and Ambalakanda
AMENDMENT fer. Senkadagala
day. 0770107270,​
GB-9107 TVS
Attorneys-at-Law & Notaries Public gala Finance PLC.,​ Finance PLC.,​ Apache,​ 2017,​ mo-
- Aranayake Water Storage Tank. For further ACT No. 28 OF 1964 Kandy. Inquiries: Kandy. Inquiries: 0774789216. 083449
No. 371, R.A. De Mel Mawatha, particulars, please see the Democratic Socialist tor cycle for high-
Colombo 03, Republic of Sri Lanka Extraordinary Gazette No. Government intends to obtain the land Monday to Fri- Monday to Fri- NW PR-1478 Tata est offer. Vallibel
Republic of Sri Lanka. 2358/12 dated 13th November 2023. day. 0770107270,​ day. 0770107270,​ Ace Mini Truck for Finance PLC. No.
described below. See Part (iii) of Gazette Schedule 0774789216. 083476 0774789216. 083470 highest offer. Sen- 310,​ Galle Road,​
No. 2350/15 of the Democratic Socialist of kadagala Finance
District - Kegalle
Republic of Sri Lanka, dated 18.09.2023 for Colombo-03. Tel:
PLC.,​Kandy. Inqui-
Divisional Secretariat
Division - Aranayaka more details. NOTICE ries: Monday to Fri-
day. 0770107270,​ NW ABE-6961 Piag-
Notice is hereby given that in terms of Section
gio Ape City Three
Division - 43 D, Podape 9 (2) of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007, 0774789216. 083482
ACT (CHAPTER 460) Name of the Village - Podapa Divisional Secretariat : Ruwanwella. Softlogic Investments (Private) Limited has PU-4855 Tata Ace,​
Wheeler for high-
AS AMENDED BY THE Name of Lands - Welanthalawehena, changed its name to "Softlogic IT Holdings est offer. Senkada-
Godamadiththe Kotuwa/ Village : Waharaka 2012,​for highest of-
(Private) Limited" with effect from 24th of gala Finance PLC.,​
Mukalana or
Location : Grama Niladhari November 2023. fer. Vallibel Finance
Kandy. Inquiries:
PLC. No. 310,​Galle
(AMENDMENT) Mahakosgahamulahena, Division of No. 101, Old Name of Company : Softlogic Road,​ Colombo-03. Monday to Fri-
Godamadiththe Kotuwa Waharaka. Investments
ACT No. 28 OF 1964 Preliminary Plan No. - KE 610411 (Private) Limited
Tel: 0714-542958. day. 0770107270,​
Preliminary Plan No. : P.P. L. 3847 0774789216. 083478
Lot Number - 01, 02 and 03  082855
The Government intends to acquire the Lot No. 01 : 1-4 Company Number : PV 00275818
V.O.L.S. Rathnasekara SG PR-4948 Ma- YD-0461 Bajaj,​
land described in the schedule below. Registered Office : No. 14, De Fonseka 2010,​ threewheel
Divisional Secretary (Acting) hindra Maxximo
For further particulars, please see the Place, Colombo 05.
Aranayaka H.D.S.N. Hettige Truck for highest for highest offer.
Gazette (Extraordinary) No. 2359/02 New Name of Company : Softlogic IT
Divisional Secretariat Divisional Secretary / offer. Senkada- Vallibel Finance
Holdings (Private)
dated 20.11.2023 the Democratic Socialist Aranayaka Acquisition Officer, Limited gala Finance PLC.,​ PLC. No. 310,​Galle
Republic of Sri Lanka. Date : 23 November 2023 Divisional Secretariat, Kandy. Inquiries: Road,​ Colombo-03.
Ruwanwella Softlogic Corporate Services (Pvt) Ltd
Monday to Fri- Tel: 0711-210810.
SCHEDULE day. 0770107270,​  082857
No. 14, De Fonseka Place, Colombo 05.
District : Matara Notice Under Section 33 of 0774789216. 083453

Divisional Secretariat Division : the Land Acquisition Act

Athuraliya. (Chapter 460)
I, Mohamed Mukthar Mohamed Sharfas, Divisional
Grama Niladhari Division : Uggashena Secretary, Gonapinuwala of the District of Galle do
hereby give notice under Section 33 of the Land
Name of the Village : Wilpita Acquisition Act (Chapter 460) that a sum of Rupees
Thousand (Rs. 1,000/=) being compensation for
Name of the Land : Kampatayamulla the acquistion of the land described in the schedule
below is deposited in the District Court of Galle
Plan No:- Cadastral Plan No.: 820478 against the Case No. 245 to be drawn by the person
entitled thereto. Please refer the Government
Lot No. : 01
Gazette Exraordinary No. 2354/10 dated 17th
October 2023 for further details.
Divisional Secretary
Athuraliya. Schedule Breaking
Divisional Secretariat 1. Divisional Secretary's boundaries
Athuraliya Division : Gonapinuwala
2. Name of the land : Alapalawatta
07th day of December 2023 3. Preliminary Plan No. : 3878
4. Lot No. : 01
5. Number of Lots : 01
LAND ACQUISITION ACT 6. Extent of the land : 0.0023 (Hectares)
7. Village/ Villages in Gonapinuwala Village -
which land is situated (60B Gonapinuwala
Central Grama Niladhari
(AMENDMENT) ACT NO. 28 OF Division)
1964 Location: The Country’s
The block of state land called Alapalawatta largest
NOTICE UNDER SECTION 7 (1) situated in the village of Gonapinuwala in the recruitment
Grama Niladhari Division 60B Gonapinuwala database
My Reference No : KDS/AKU/4/2/1/60 Central and marked as lot No. 01 in the
Reference No. of the Ministry of Lands and Preliminary Plan - P.P.G. Plan No. 3878 dated
31.03.2011 made by the Survey General and
Land Development : 4-3/12/2018/WS/297 containing in extent Acre Rood 0.9 Perches
The Government intends to acquire the land (0.0023 hectares) and bounded as follows:.
which is described in the following schedule. North : Alapalawatta claimed by K.G. Tudor
Please see the Part (III) of the Extra Ordinary and Road
Gazette No. 2358/79 dated 18.11.2023 of the East : Road and Roads (RDA).
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, for South : Roads (RDA) and Lot No. 02
further details : West : Lot No. 02, Alapalawatta claimed by
Cyril Dissanayake and K.G. Tudor.
Schedule M.M.M. Sharfas
Province - Central Divisional Secretary, For
District - Kandy Divisional Secretariat,
Divisional Secretary's
Division - Akurana Divisional Secretariat, Gonapinuwala,
Grama Niladhari Division : Gonapinuwala.
Division - No. 585 Blakaduwa 09.11.2023
Name of the Land - Zynston Estate
Name of the Village - Blakaduwa
Preliminary Plan No. - K.C. 320672
Lot No. - 1
Extent - 0.0372 Hectares www.
A.H.M. Indika Kumari Abeysinghe observerjobs.
Divisional Secretary and lk
Land Acquiring Officer,
Divisional Secretary's Office,
T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 11



Lanka’s digital economy expected

pleasing and people too are
adapting to this. “The recent
QR code for fuel is an exam-
ple of a highly successful use
of ICT for the public sector.”
Digitalization while reduc-

to reach USD 3.47 Bn

ing corruption vulnerabilities
will also reduce paper work
and would have more accu-
rate documentation.
He said that the digitaliza-
tion drive also looks at get-
ting more Micro and SME
sectors involved in the pro-
SHIRAJIV SIRIMANE ble under the six year plan. He However some of the senior public sector employees, cess and the keenness shown
The digital economy in Sri said that a special task force officials of the public sector delays the implementation of by them is very encouraging.
Lanka is increasing and was has been appointed by Presi- who are on the brink of retire- the government road map to Currently their involvement
estimated to have expanded to dent Ranil Wickremesinghe ment and who have little digitalize the public sector. in the digital economy is less
USD 3.47 billion. This is who himself is heading it. knowledge of ICT still prefer “It’s still sad to see that for than 10%.
4.37% of GDP said Strategic This initiative has engaged in to perform their duties via tra- example a person from Jaffna The COVID 19 pandemic
Adviser, Huawei Technologies many initiatives not only in ditional methods. “They are still spending nearly 12 hours has also given a major boost
Lanka Co (Pvt) Ltd. Indika De Colombo but in rural areas as not keen to adapt to new ICT to travel from his home to towards moving towards a
Zoysa at a media event organ- well to achieve this objective. technology and this is a major Colombo’s government office digital economy. He said that
ized by the company. He said that there is also new drawback to implementing the to get a two minute documen- Huawei Technologies too are
The goal under the Digital enthusiasm shown by the country’s public sector digital- tation done.! However we see assisting this process and they
Economy Strategy 2030 is to younger employees of the ization drive.” the adoption of new technolo- also pay great attention
cross the 20% mark by 2030 public sector towards moving This along with some of the gy in many of the government towards Smart Education as
Indika De Zoysa at the and this target seems achieva- towards a digital economy. lethargic attitudes of a few institutions and this is very well.
Huawei media event

“IMF triumph fuels bullish Internet penetration increases to 66% CT CLSA Securities revises
surge; Optimism on the rise” GDP forecast to +1.7% in 2024
The secondary market Meanwhile, CBSL con-
yield curve exhibited a ducted its first bond auc- With the Central activities reported by -11.8% contractions in
slight decline over the tion for the month of Bank’s growth pros- PMI was commenda- 3Q2022).
week amidst looming bull- December expecting to pects fueling economy ble in recent months “This was in-line
ish interest while the IMF raise LKR 160 Bn. How- with precautious poli- primarily driven by with our expectation
approval for the 2nd ever, CBSL fully rejected cy rate cuts aiding for seasonal demand as the economy shifts
tranche further boosted the bids for 15.03.2031, expansion in the econ- which indicates further gears for a growth
buying appetite among whilst 01.08.2026 and omy, CT CLSA Secu- growth in GDP in phase after the con-
investors. Meanwhile, 15.12.2028 were accepted rities (Pvt) Limited in 4Q-2023E. tractions recorded in
yields at the weekly T-Bill at a WAYR of 14.07% and their Economic update An increase in pri- the last few quarters.”
auction continued to taper 14.32%, respectively. has revised up their vate consumption from Growth was driven
down across the board for Moreover, CBSL con- Some of the participants at the Uber report launch picture by Sudath Malaweera GDP forecast to a con- falling interest rates, by expansion in activi-
the third consecutive week. ducted its weekly T-Bill traction of -3.1% YoY VAT hike will keep ties in all three major
Market opened the week auction where only LKR The internet penetra- This bump up could in paid work. The issue Oxford Economics con- (vs. -3.5% previously disposable income lev- economic sectors with
on a bullish note with 216.Bn was accepted out tion in Sri Lanka accel- result in a boost to the is not that women are ducted a survey of Uber forecasted) in 2023E els in check, and highest growth being
investor interest centered of LKR 220.Bn offered. erate leaps and bounds size of Colombo city’s less educated or less riders to gain a compre- and a growth of +1.7% recovery in the manu- recorded in the Agri-
from short to mid tenors. Accordingly, weighted after the COVID pan- economy by over 3%.” qualified; it largely hensive understanding YoY (vs. +1.5% previ- facturing and services culture sector. Growth
However, by mid-week a average yield rates nudged demic and from 30% in Country Lead - Rides, reflects the fact that of the ride-hailing ously forecasted) in activities fueled by a was supported by eas-
mixed sentiment surfaced down across the board 2022 it has now Uber Sri Lanka, Kaush- women still take the behavior of women and 2024 end. recovery in industries ing interest rates after
ahead of primary market with 03M closing at increased to 66% said alya Gunaratne, said, burden of household and men across Colombo. Inflation levels at and tourism will aid elevated inflation lev-
auctions First Capital 14.59% (-8bps), 06M clos- Program Manager, “Greater women’s par- care work, especially in Women in Sri Lanka low single digits will the growth in econom- els were brought under
Research said. ing at 14.29% (-9pbs) World University Ser- ticipation in the work- emerging markets. This have lower labour force support consumer dis- ic activities in 2024E. control. All three sec-
Nevertheless, buying whilst 01Yr registering at vices of Canada force is vital for Sri report that was launched participation rates than posable income to sta- The Sri Lankan tors reported expan-
appetite remained strong 12.83% (-5bps). Michelle Joseph at a Lanka to realize its eco- by Uber gives an evi- their global peers. bilize in the near term, economy rebounded sion in 3Q2023 with
post auctions while secur- In the Forex market, Uber organized event nomic potential.” dence-based policy rec- Compared with a world- although the VAT for the first time fol- Agriculture, Industrial
ing the IMF approval for LKR slightly appreciated where report on mobili- “This research by ommendation for adop- wide female labour amendments will lowing the economic and Services sectors
the 2nd tranche of the against the USD with rupee ty was released. Oxford Economics high- tion of technology in force participation rate cause pressure to the crisis with Gross recording YoY growths
EFF further bolstered being recorded at LKR She said that due to lights how safe, reliable helping remove mobility of 47% in 2022, the fig- inflation levels. Domestic Product of +3.0%, +0.3% and
buying interest. Conse- 326.8 compared to LKR this the access to mobil- commuting options barriers for women to ure for Sri Lanka was Growth in industrial (GDP) in 3Q2023 +1.3%, respectively
quently,, two-way quotes 327.1 recorded during the ity could increase through ride hailing can enter the workforce or just 32%. As per the activities and services growing by +1.6% (vs. YoY in 3Q2023.
on the short end declined beginning of the week. female workforce by bring in more women to move up in their report, the two biggest
by 10-20bps, while mid The Government Secu- over 8% by 2028 in join the workforce.” careers.” challenges to women’s
tenors budged down by rities market has to settle Colombo. “With ride- Lead Economist, Oxford The research report mobility are a lack of
05-25bps with the largest a Treasury bill amounting hailing boost to women Economics, Bali Kaur also draws from a sur- access to safe transport
declines observed on 2025 to LKR 158.5Bn for the over 50,000 more Sodhi, said, “Women vey conducted on- and the current imbal-
and 2026 maturities over week ending December women will join the around the world still ground in Sri Lanka. In ance in their work-fami-
the week. 22, 2023. workforce in Colombo. participate less than men partnership with Uber, ly arrangements.

Agreement signed to enhance facility management

operations at Port City Colombo Duty-free Mall
CHEC Port City Colom- provide a comprehensive help us achieve our facility tions to many leading real city development in Sri
bo, recently joined hands suite of facility management management goals and estate developments in Sri Lanka.” stated Remaz Gouse
signing an agreement with to Port City Colombo, which improve the overall quality Lanka including the World Chief Operating Officer of
Realty Management Servic- includes MEP and soft ser- of our very first downtown Trade Center, Havelock City, Overseas Realty (Ceylon)
es Pvt Ltd (RMS), a fully vices. duty-free mall in Sri Lanka. John Keells Properties and PLC.
own subsidiary of Overseas “We are excited to partner “We are pleased to be many more. With a wealth With a portfolio of man-
Realty (Ceylon) PLC to with RMS to provide our appointed as the facility of knowledge in house, we agement expertise that spans
enhance facility manage- customers with a safe, com- management service provid- are committed in providing a over 7 million square feet of
ment operations of the first fortable and productive envi- er for the duty-free mall at superior service for our space worth of assets, Realty
downtown duty-free mall in ronment” said Suen Wenbin, Port City Colombo. Our inaugural engagement at Management Services Pvt
Sri Lanka. Senior Vice President, CIFC company has a proven track Port City Colombo; a pio- Ltd (RMS) has emerged as
Pravir Samarasinghe Group CEO/ Direc- Under the terms of the Development. “We are con- record of providing compre- neering multi services ori- the largest Integrated Facili-
tor and Hongfeng Ziong Managing agreement, Realty Manage- fident that the experience hensive and cost-effective ented Special Economic ty Management service pro-
Director CHEC Port City ment Services Pvt Ltd will and expertise of RMS will facility management solu- Zone and master planned vider in Sri Lanka.

US ranked 1st in
globe nominal GDP
As per the
latest World
Ranking 2023,
the US is
ranked 1st in
the globe in
nominal GDP, (US$ 25.035 trillion) while China
has the 2nd largest GDP(US$ 18.321 trillion) in
the world growing at a faster rate than the US.
As a result of its diverse economy the US has
maintained its position. By multinational firms
like Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon the economy
has been improved. Well-developed infrastruc-
ture, solid banking, and a skilled labor popula-
tion benefit the US economy.
According to the UN, India’s GDP would
expand by 5.8% this year, significantly above
the average growth rate of 1.9 percent world-
wide. India’s GDP is expected to reach $3.9
trillion in 2023 end, making it the world’s
fifth-largest economy.
( TO PAGE 12
12 BUSINESS MARKET T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3

All Share Price Index shed 0.65%... Daily Market Watch

18th December 2023

Market Performance Contributors to ASPI Market Benchmarks Corporate News

42, Sir Mohammed Macan Markar Mawatha, Colombo 3.
15.12.2023 %Chg. 5.0
Hotline: 0705 666 777
WhatsApp: 0777 233 633
All Share Price Index 10,672.7 10,742.1 -0.65 - 10,900.00 3,150.00
S&P SL 20 Index 3,075.4 3,102.6 -0.88
(5.0) 10,850.00
3,140.00 Ceylon Beverage Holdings PLC
Market Commentary Turnover (LKR mn) 445.8 508.9 -12.39 3,130.00
(BREW) - LKR 52.40. XD date –
(10.0) 10,800.00 3,120.00
Foreign Purchases (LKR mn) 64.1 39.4 62.7
3,110.00 15.12.2023.
The All Share Price Index shed 0.64% to close at Foreign Sales (LKR mn) 34.0 86.8 -60.8 (15.0) 10,750.00
10,672.69, while the S&P Sri Lanka 20 Index 3,100.00
declined by 0.88% to end the trading session at Market Cap (LKR bn) 4,250.8 4,280.3 -0.7 10,700.00 3,090.00
3,075.41. Turnover was LKR 445mn. Market Cap (US$ bn) 13.0 13.1 -0.7 10,650.00
Traded Companies 223 223 0.0
The Central Bank announced that the Sri Lankan 10,600.00 3,060.00
Market PER (x) 11.1 11.2 -0.7
economy grew by 1.6% during the September 2023 Turnover Breakdown
quarter. This is a marked improvement from the - Price to Book (x) 0.9 0.9 0.0
11.5 % and -3.1 % growth rates recorded during the Dividend Yield (%) 3.3 3.3 0.9 Sales
Purchases All Share Price Index S&P SL 20 Index
March 2023 and June 2023 quarters respectively.
The IMF has meanwhile revised its 2024 GDP Relative Strength Index (RSI) 86%
growth forecast for Sri Lanka from 1.5% to 1.8%, 92% Largest Trades
while revising downwards its inflation projection 14%
from 8.7% to 7.9%. Even though the Stock Market ASPI Vs RSI RSI 46.07 8%
has been relatively sluggish, we expect these LKR (Mn)
economic developments to have a positive impact 14,000 100
on Stock Market Performance. 12,000 80 Domestic Foreign Domestic Foreign
10,000 60
Top % Gainers and Losers
8,000 40 Key Rates 30.0
5.00 6,000 20
- 20.0
18.12.2023 Disclaimer - The information contained in this material has
(5.00) 4,000 0
(10.00) not been independently verified. No representation or
Prime Lending Rate ( Weekly Avg. Weighted) 12.46% 10.0









(15.00) warranty express or implied is made as to, and no reliance

Fixed Deposit Rate (Avg. Weighted) 15.54% should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or
0.0 correctness of the information or opinions contained herein
Treasury Bill Rate (364 Days) 12.83% and nothing in this presentation is, or shall be relied upon as,
RSI ASPI COMB SAMP EXPO LIOC a promise or representation by the Company.
Consumer Price Inflation - CCPI (YoY % ) 3.40%

Market Statistics on 18.12.2023 Coconut Products – Prices on 18.12.2023

Security Volume **V.W.A. Open High Low **V.W.A. Change Security Volume **V.W.A. Open High Low **V.W.A. Change 1. FRESH COCONUT
Previous Yesterday’s (Rs.) Previous Yesterday’s (Rs.)
Close Close Close Close Market Price 01st Dec. to 07th Dec. 2023 (Source-HARTI)
Main Board
Wholesale Retail
(a)Large Size Rs/Nut 98.00-110.00 100.00-120.00
A.SPEN.HOT.HOLD. 108 63.00 62.90 62.90 62.50 62.50 (0.50) SANASA DEV. BANK 1,791 31.20 32.30 32.30 31.10 31.50 0.30 Small Size Rs/Nut 85.00-92.00 90.00-100.00
ACCESS ENG SL 858,239 18.80 18.90 19.00 18.90 19.00 0.20 SARVODAYA DEVFIN 101 12.30 12.30 13.00 12.30 12.30 0.00
ACL 11,185 70.50 71.00 71.00 70.00 70.00 (0.50) SEYLAN BANK 7,451 45.40 46.00 46.00 45.00 45.00 (0.40)
ACL PLASTICS 400 360.00 361.25 361.25 360.00 360.00 0.00 SEYLAN BANK [SEYB.X0000] 9,978 35.60 36.00 36.00 35.70 35.90 0.30 (b)Coconut Development Authority – Colombo Auction 14/12/2023
SEYLAN DEVTS 1,402 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 0.00 (For Industry Use)
ACME 40,250 5.60 5.90 5.90 5.50 5.50 (0.10) Average Price67,966.95 T – Offers 564,767 - Nuts Trated 522,478
AGALAWATTE 251,200 32.40 32.00 33.20 31.90 33.00 0.60 SHAW WALLACE 69,514 8.00 8.30 8.30 7.90 8.10 0.10 Next Auction on 21/12/2023 10.00 a.m. at Coconut Development
AHOT PROPERTIES 79,146 60.00 58.70 58.70 58.00 58.00 (2.00) SIERRA CABL 45,761 11.50 11.50 11.70 11.50 11.60 0.10 Authority (3rd Floor), No. 11, Duke Street, Col-01.
AITKEN SPENCE 15,947 121.50 121.50 123.00 120.25 121.25 (0.25) SINGER FINANCE 7,822 11.60 11.60 11.60 11.20 11.40 (0.20) (d)Locally Traded (Farm-gate price)
ALLIANCE 1,111 82.00 81.20 81.20 79.90 80.60 (1.40) SUNSHINE HOLDING 18,235 52.00 52.50 53.00 51.60 51.60 (0.40) Rs. 1000 NutsRs/Mt (Husked Ex-Mill)
AMANA BANK 37,944 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.20 2.20 (0.10) SWISSTEK 13,267 16.00 16.10 16.40 16.00 16.40 0.40
Kurunegala Dist. 62,000-68,000 105,000-110,000
ASIA ASSET 3 12.10 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.10 0.00 TALAWAKELLE 754 110.25 113.50 113.50 110.50 111.00 0.75 Puttalam Dist. 65,000-68,000 103,000-108,000
ASIA CAPITAL 33 3.20 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.20 0.00 TANGERINE 4 53.50 51.00 53.90 51.00 53.50 0.00 Gampaha Dist. 63,000-68,000 103,000-107,000
ASIRI 63,671 24.00 24.00 24.40 24.00 24.00 0.00 TEA SMALLHOLDER 4,727 42.50 42.20 42.20 40.60 41.20 (1.30) Hambantota Dist. 65,000-70,000 95,000-100,000
ASIRI SURG 13,729 12.80 12.70 12.80 12.70 12.80 0.00 TEEJAY LANKA 23,667 35.50 35.60 35.60 35.00 35.00 (0.50)
THREE ACRE FARMS 15,232 240.00 240.00 242.00 240.00 240.00 0.00 Copra (At Colombo Auction)
BAIRAHA FARMS 17 186.00 187.00 187.00 187.00 186.00 0.00 Quality of Copra Offered (Kg)
BALANGODA 16,045 49.00 51.30 51.30 48.60 49.00 0.00 TOKYO CEMENT 11,792 47.10 45.90 47.40 45.50 46.10 (1.00) Quality of Copra Sold (Kg)
BLUE DIAMONDS 6,741 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.00 TOKYO CEMENT [TKYO.X0000] 67,261 35.60 35.30 36.80 35.20 35.20 (0.40) M.S. No.1 Copra (Top Price) (Rs.250Kg)
BLUE DIAMONDS [BLUE.X0000] 2,106 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.00 UNION BANK 28,601 10.10 10.00 10.30 10.00 10.00 (0.10) M.S. No 1 Copra (Single Average Price) (Rs.250Kg)
C T HOLDINGS 19,500 260.00 260.00 265.00 260.00 260.25 0.25 UNITED MOTORS 5 58.10 60.70 60.70 60.70 58.10 0.00 M.S. No.1 Copra (Mart Price) (Rs.250kg)
VALLIBEL 28,524 7.10 7.00 7.10 7.00 7.10 0.00 M.S. No.2 and 3 Copra(Single Average Price) (Rs.250kg)
CARGO BOAT 500 54.00 54.00 54.00 54.00 54.00 0.00 M.S. No.2 and 3 Copra (Market Price) (Rs.250kg)
CARSONS 2 250.75 253.75 253.75 250.75 250.75 0.00 VALLIBEL FINANCE 312 33.00 33.50 33.50 33.00 33.00 0.00
CDB 6 200.00 200.00 200.00 173.75 200.00 0.00 WATAWALA 27,977 72.30 72.30 72.30 71.50 71.70 (0.60) 2. COPRA - (Locally Traded) 18.12.2023
CDB [CDB.X0000] 411 81.90 82.00 82.00 81.60 82.00 0.10 WINDFORCE 17,640 19.20 19.30 19.30 19.10 19.10 (0.10) daily Copra - Edible (Rs./250 Kg)
CENTRAL FINANCE 3,757 103.00 103.75 103.75 103.00 103.00 0.00 YORK ARCADE 200 149.75 151.00 151.00 151.00 151.00 1.25 M.S. No. 1 Copra (Rs./250 Kg) 90,000
hSENID BIZ 48,261 12.10 12.10 12.30 12.00 12.00 (0.10) MS No. 2 Copra (Rs./250 Kg) 85,500
CENTRAL IND. 10 90.40 90.40 90.40 90.40 90.40 0.00
CEYLINCO INS. 1 2,450.00 2,450.00 2,450.00 2,450.00 2,450.00 0.00 3. DESICCATED COCONUT
CEYLINCO INS. [CINS.X0000] 205 819.00 843.00 843.00 819.75 820.00 1.00 SECOND BOARD Fine Sri Lanka (Domestic) (Rs/Kg) 550-560 N
CEYLON GUARDIAN 40 88.00 87.40 87.40 87.40 88.00 0.00 ABANS FINANCIAL 10,325 21.50 21.10 21.10 20.00 20.00 (1.50) Medium (Rs/Kg) 550-560
CEYLON INV. 99 48.10 47.60 47.60 47.60 48.10 0.00 AMBEON CAPITAL 86,383 7.50 7.40 7.40 7.30 7.40 (0.10)
BROWNS BEACH 26,882 12.00 12.40 12.90 11.80 12.00 0.00 4. COCONUT OIL
CEYLON TOBACCO 1,543 952.50 964.75 964.75 946.25 950.25 (2.25) Local Wholesale Price (Rs/Mt) 560,000-600,000 N
CHEVRON 12,730 92.10 92.00 92.00 90.90 91.50 (0.60) DISTILLERIES 25,298 28.20 28.40 28.70 27.90 27.90 (0.30) White Oil 650,000-750,000 N
CIC 10,711 65.70 67.70 67.90 65.20 66.40 0.70 EDEN HOTEL LANKA 392,945 10.40 10.50 10.50 10.20 10.20 (0.20) Philippines (CIF-Rott)
CIC [CIC.X0000] 4,100 46.60 47.00 47.00 45.20 45.70 (0.90) HAPUGASTENNE 3 31.10 31.80 31.80 31.80 31.10 0.00 (Oil World) (08/12/2023) (Rs/Mt) 368,144
CITRUS LEISURE 1,290 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.60 5.70 (0.30) HUNAS HOLDINGS 1,542 26.50 26.30 26.30 26.20 26.20 (0.30)
JAT HOLDINGS 29,835 15.30 15.50 15.50 14.70 14.80 (0.50) 5. POONAC (Rs/Mt) 85,000 - 100,000 T
COLD STORES 8,886 42.00 42.50 42.50 41.80 41.90 (0.10) 6. MATTRESS FIBRE (Rs/50kg) 900-1,000 T
COLOMBO CITY 10 49.90 50.40 50.40 50.40 49.90 0.00 LOLC FINANCE 2,268,819 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.40 4.40 (0.10) 7. OMAT FIBRE (FAQ) (Rs. /50 Kg) 2,750-4,000 T
COLOMBO LAND 3 18.40 18.80 18.80 18.80 18.40 0.00 MADULSIMA 2,151 11.20 10.50 11.20 10.50 11.00 (0.20) 8. MIX FIBRE (Rs. /50 Kg) 900-1050 T
COMMERCIAL BANK 491,469 93.90 93.50 94.10 93.40 93.90 0.00 ON’ALLY 29,413 25.30 25.30 25.30 25.00 25.30 0.00 9. BRISTLE FIBRE 1 TIE (Rs. /50 Kg) 6,250-7,000 T
COMMERCIAL BANK [COMB.X0000]8,674 79.30 79.00 79.00 77.50 78.00 (1.30) ORIENT FINANCE 9,930 8.90 7.50 7.90 7.50 7.80 (1.10) 10. BRISTLE FIBRE 2 TIE (Rs. /50 Kg) 8,000-10,000 T
SINGER SRI LANKA 1,728 12.50 12.50 12.80 12.30 12.40 (0.10) 11. COCONUT HUSKS
DANKOTUWA PORCEL 451 21.80 21.60 21.60 21.50 21.50 (0.30) (11.12.2023)
DFCC BANK PLC 39,471 81.50 82.20 82.20 80.00 80.00 (1.50) SLT 30,728 93.80 94.90 94.90 92.60 93.00 (0.80)
DIALOG 554,350 8.80 9.00 9.00 8.90 9.00 0.20 SOFTLOGIC FIN 1,022 5.80 5.90 5.90 5.80 5.80 0.00 District Rs/per 1,000 husks
DIMO 249 549.00 530.00 530.00 527.00 528.00 (21.00) UDAPUSSELLAWA 2,000 68.00 68.50 68.50 67.30 67.90 (0.10) Puttalam 4,000-4,500 Gampaha
DIPPED PRODUCTS 194,281 29.00 28.60 29.00 25.60 28.40 (0.60) EMPOWER BOARD 3,500-4,500
CHRISSWORLD 5,060 9.00 9.10 9.10 9.00 9.10 0.10 Matara 3,500-4,500 Kurunegala
DOCKYARD 26 52.50 50.10 50.10 50.10 52.50 0.00 3,500-4,500
DOLPHIN HOTELS 100 34.20 32.40 32.40 32.40 32.40 (1.80) EML CONSULTANTS 10,003 3.50 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 (0.10)
E B CREASY 30,186 22.60 23.30 23.70 22.70 22.70 0.10 DIRI SAVI BOARD Coir Fibre (Moisture is more than 50%) Rs/Kg 7.50
EAST WEST 1,204 7.10 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.40 0.30 AGARAPATANA 3,679,520 7.60 7.80 7.80 7.60 7.70 0.10 Coir Fibre (Moisture is 40%-50% Rs/Kg 8.00
EASTERN MERCHANT 2,505 7.10 7.00 7.00 6.80 6.80 (0.30) AGSTAR PLC 35,115 8.20 8.30 8.30 8.10 8.10 (0.10) Coir Fibre (Moisture is 30%-40% Rs/Kg 10.00
ALUMEX PLC 41,326 8.40 8.30 8.50 8.30 8.30 (0.10) Coir Fibre (Moisture is 20%-30% Rs/Kg 11.00
EX-PACK 105,178 12.50 12.70 12.70 12.40 12.60 0.10 Coir Fibre (Moisture is 10%-20% Rs/Kg 12.00
EXPOLANKA 298,544 141.25 140.00 140.00 135.00 139.00 (2.25) AMBEON HOLDINGS 300 32.00 33.70 33.70 33.70 33.70 1.70 Coir Fibre (Moisture is less than 10% Rs/Kg 15.00
FORT LAND 56,166 29.60 29.30 30.00 29.30 29.70 0.10 AMF CO LTD 62,776 12.50 12.50 12.70 12.20 12.50 0.00
GALLE FACE CAP 8,587 25.50 25.50 25.50 24.10 25.20 (0.30) ASIA SIYAKA 222,000 4.00 4.10 4.10 4.00 4.00 0.00 12. COCONUT SHELL (Rs./MT)
GRAIN ELEVATORS 5,095 169.75 170.50 171.50 169.00 169.00 (0.75) BANSEI RESORTS 100 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 0.00 26,000-28,000 T
BERUWALA RESORTS 31,481 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.20 1.20 0.00 13. COCONUT SHELL CHARCOAL
HAYCARB 4,141 62.60 64.80 64.80 62.60 63.00 0.40 (24.11.2023-30.11.2023)
HAYLEYS 25,004 74.20 74.80 74.80 73.80 74.10 (0.10) BOGALA GRAPHITE 505 49.70 50.50 50.50 48.20 48.20 (1.50) Moisture-12%, Dust 3% 100,000 – 103,000 T
HAYLEYS FABRIC 144,570 40.50 41.30 41.30 40.10 40.20 (0.30) BOGAWANTALAWA 3 36.60 36.70 36.70 36.70 36.60 0.00 14. COCONUT EKELS (Rs/MT) 65,000-75,000 T
HAYLEYS FIBRE 195 51.50 51.20 52.90 51.20 51.20 (0.30) BPPL HOLDINGS 233 20.10 21.20 21.40 21.20 21.40 1.30
HAYLEYS LEISURE 2,800 21.10 21.10 21.80 20.40 20.70 (0.40) BROWNS 2,693 99.30 100.00 100.50 99.20 100.00 0.70 T – Traded N – Nominal (Courtesy: Coconut Development Authority)
HDFC 675 31.70 31.70 31.70 31.60 31.70 0.00 BROWNS INVSTMNTS 3,061,570 4.80 4.90 4.90 4.70 4.70 (0.10)
HELA 40,595 5.60 5.60 5.70 5.60 5.60 0.00 C T LAND 2,940 24.00 23.50 23.60 23.50 23.50 (0.50)
HEMAS HOLDINGS 11,638 70.00 69.80 70.00 69.00 69.20 (0.80) C.W.MACKIE 439 87.80 87.00 88.10 86.20 86.30 (1.50)
HNB 67,700 167.00 167.00 167.00 164.75 164.75 (2.25) CALT 76,518 57.30 57.00 58.00 56.20 56.30 (1.00)
HNB ASSURANCE 5,175 52.00 52.00 52.00 51.10 51.50 (0.50) CEYLON TEA BRKRS 32,825 4.20 4.30 4.30 4.10 4.10 (0.10)
HNB [HNB.X0000] 35,077 142.00 140.00 145.00 139.25 140.00 (2.00) CITRUS HIKKADUWA 2,502 5.00 4.90 4.90 4.90 4.90 (0.10) Date 18.12.2023
HORANA 365 39.00 39.00 41.30 39.00 41.10 2.10 CITRUS WASKADUWA 65,004 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.40 2.50 0.00
HOTEL SIGIRIYA 16,100 55.20 55.10 55.70 55.00 55.70 0.50 COM.CREDIT 53,152 30.00 30.00 30.00 29.70 29.90 (0.10) (1) Average rates of the following currencies quoted by
HOTELS CORP. 2,610 19.10 19.10 19.70 19.10 19.10 0.00 COMMERCIAL DEV. XD 2 108.00 112.00 112.00 112.00 108.00 0.00 licensed banks in Colombo for Telegraphic Transfers
COOP INSURANCE 64,906 2.50 2.60 2.60 2.50 2.50 0.00 (TT) at 9.30 a.m. are as follows.
HUNTERS 1 611.25 614.25 614.25 614.25 611.25 0.00
INDUSTRIAL ASPH. 1,090,929 0.30 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.00 E - CHANNELLING 2,952 14.50 14.40 14.50 14.40 14.40 (0.10)
JKH 155,403 191.50 190.50 192.75 189.75 190.50 (1.00) ELPITIYA 646 85.60 86.00 86.00 83.00 83.10 (2.50)
KANDY HOTELS 3,209 8.40 8.50 8.90 8.40 8.40 0.00 Australian Dollar 214.1993 224.4981
KAPRUKA 771 7.50 7.70 8.00 7.60 7.60 0.10 DIRI SAVI BOARD Canadian Dollar 239.0233 249.5865
KEGALLE 49 116.75 117.00 117.00 116.25 116.75 0.00 FC TREASURIES 134,281 25.10 25.60 25.60 25.00 25.20 0.10 Chinese Yuan (Renminbi) 44.3102 47.1115
KELANI CABLES 2,027 256.50 260.00 260.00 250.00 250.50 (6.00) FIRST CAPITAL 29,536 29.70 30.00 30.50 29.40 29.80 0.10 Euro 349.4821 363.5874
KELANI TYRES 201 63.00 63.30 63.30 63.20 63.30 0.30 FORTRESS RESORTS 251,261 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 0.00 Japanese Yen 2.2523 2.3442
GALADARI 2,391 16.20 16.20 16.20 16.10 16.10 (0.10) Singapore Dollar 239.9799 250.5273
KELANI VALLEY 7,867 75.50 75.00 75.50 72.50 75.00 (0.50)
Sterling Pound 407.0002 422.5927
KINGSBURY 14,037 10.80 11.00 11.10 11.00 11.00 0.20 HATTON 3,441 27.10 28.00 28.90 26.50 27.30 0.20
Swiss Franc 367.0972 384.7016
KOTAGALA 164,098 6.00 5.90 6.10 5.90 6.00 0.00 HNB FINANCE 2,176 4.80 5.10 5.10 4.80 4.90 0.10 US Dollar 321.9469 331.6089
L O L C HOLDINGS 5,441 372.00 372.00 372.00 366.75 368.00 (4.00) HNB FINANCE [HNBF-X-0000] 675 5.10 4.90 5.10 4.90 4.90 (0.20)
LAKE HOUSE PRIN. 51 166.00 166.75 166.75 165.00 166.00 0.00 HVA FOODS 104 3.70 3.70 3.90 3.70 3.70 0.00 (2) Approximate exchange rates of GULF Currencies
LANKA ALUMINIUM 19,885 16.50 16.50 17.30 16.20 16.30 (0.20) JANASHAKTHI INS. 88,823 39.00 38.50 38.50 38.00 38.50 (0.50) based on previous day’s market weighted average rate
LANKA HOSPITALS 963 124.75 124.25 126.75 124.25 125.50 0.75 JETWING SYMPHONY 5 8.40 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.40 0.00 for the US dollar are as follows.
LANKA IOC 288,438 106.25 108.50 108.50 104.75 105.00 (1.25) KAHAWATTE 461 16.10 16.90 16.90 16.10 16.80 0.70
LANKA REALTY 1,276 10.60 10.60 10.60 10.40 10.40 (0.20) KEELLS FOOD 1,075 160.00 156.00 156.00 156.00 156.00 (4.00) COUNTRY CURRENCY INDICATIVE RATE
LANKA TILES 46,692 43.10 43.10 43.10 42.50 42.50 (0.60) KEELLS HOTELS 21,311 19.10 19.20 19.20 18.90 19.00 (0.10)
Bahrain Bahrain Dinar 867.3588
LANKA WALLTILE 13,202 43.60 43.50 44.00 43.30 43.50 (0.10) LANKA CERAMIC 20 99.80 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.80 0.00
Kuwait Kuwait Dinar 1,063.5061
LANKEM DEV. 981 18.50 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 0.50 LANKEM CEYLON 6,645 60.20 62.90 64.80 60.00 60.10 (0.10) Oman Oman Rial 849.3463
LAUGFS GAS 501 35.10 35.40 35.50 35.00 35.50 0.40 LAUGFS POWER 966 7.90 7.70 8.00 7.70 8.00 0.10 Qatar Qatar Riyal 89.6809
LAUGFS GAS [LGL.X0000] 10,285 21.00 22.00 22.30 20.20 22.30 1.30 LAUGFS POWER [LPL-X-0000] 765 6.50 6.90 7.00 6.40 7.00 0.50 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Riyal 87.2043
LAXAPANA 13,158 15.00 15.00 15.00 14.80 15.00 0.00 LCB FINANCE PLC 514 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.70 1.70 0.00 UAE UAE Dirham 89.0314
LB FINANCE 1,444 63.40 64.30 64.50 62.00 63.00 (0.40) LIGHTHOUSE HOTEL 14 33.00 31.30 33.20 31.30 33.00 0.00
LEE HEDGES 30,000 73.10 73.10 73.10 72.50 72.70 (0.40) LOLC GENERAL INS 10,950 5.50 5.60 5.60 5.50 5.50 0.00 (3) The Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPR)
LOTUS HYDRO 277 8.40 8.40 8.60 8.40 8.60 0.20 and the Lowest Prime Rate (LPR) during the week
LION BREWERY 45 944.00 918.50 918.50 918.00 944.00 0.00
ended 15-Dec-2023, by all commercial banks were
LMF 4,830 232.00 233.00 233.00 228.25 228.75 (3.25) LUMINEX 73,520 6.80 6.60 6.80 6.60 6.60 (0.20)
12.46 percent and 10.04 percent, respectively.
LVL ENERGY 12,051 5.90 5.80 5.80 5.60 5.60 (0.30) MAHAWELI COCONUT 528 25.00 25.00 25.60 25.00 25.00 0.00 (4) The Average Weighted Deposit Rate (AWDR) of com-
MALWATTE 29 62.80 55.20 60.00 55.20 62.80 0.00 MARAWILA RESORTS 776,877 2.60 2.50 2.60 2.50 2.50 (0.10) mercial banks for the month of November-2023 was
MALWATTE [MAL.X0000] 5 38.50 36.10 36.10 36.10 38.50 0.00 MASKELIYA 8,408 32.80 33.00 33.30 32.00 33.20 0.40 12.11 percent.
MELSTACORP 18,512 88.80 89.00 89.00 85.20 86.30 (2.50) MERCHANT BANK 2,790 4.80 4.70 5.00 4.70 4.70 (0.10)
MULLERS 4,164 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.10 0.10 MYLAND 5,200 9.20 8.20 9.30 7.90 9.20 0.00
NUWARA ELIYA 10 1,650.25 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,650.25 0.00
US ranked 1st in globe....
NAMUNUKULA 1,062 374.75 361.75 371.00 361.75 371.00 (3.75)
NAT. DEV. BANK 46,885 67.80 67.80 67.80 65.20 65.60 (2.20) OVERSEAS REALTY 2,101 15.20 15.50 15.50 15.00 15.10 (0.10)
From page 11
NATIONS TRUST 1,510 105.00 105.25 105.25 103.25 103.50 (1.50) PALM GARDEN HOTL 5,360 41.50 41.40 41.40 39.50 39.60 (1.90)
PAN ASIA 366,826 19.80 20.00 20.00 19.10 19.40 (0.40) PEOPLE’S MERCH 21 4.30 4.20 4.50 4.20 4.30 0.00
PANASIAN POWER 18,111 3.20 3.20 3.30 3.20 3.20 0.00 PRIMERESIDENCIES 101,438 6.60 6.70 6.70 6.50 6.50 (0.10) Traditional farming, handicrafts, contem-
PEOPLE’S INS 1,596 23.00 22.80 23.00 22.10 22.70 (0.30) RAIGAM SALTERNS 624 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.30 6.30 (0.10) porary industry, technological services, and
PEOPLES LEASING 483,711 10.70 10.70 10.90 10.70 10.80 0.10 RAMBODA FALLS 61 26.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 26.00 0.00 business outsourcing are all combined to
RENUKA HOTELS 500 79.00 84.00 84.00 84.00 84.00 5.00
PGP GLASS 605,826 27.50 27.50 27.90 27.50 27.80 0.30
RICH PIERIS EXP 446 486.75 487.00 498.00 482.00 485.25 (1.50)
form its economy.
PRINTCARE PLC 2 48.50 49.00 49.00 49.00 48.50 0.00
R I L PROPERTY 149,135 5.00 5.00 5.10 5.00 5.10 0.10 ROYAL PALMS 100 25.60 26.40 26.40 26.40 26.40 0.80 The other eight countries with the highest
REGNIS 9,997 40.00 39.80 40.00 39.00 39.00 (1.00) SATHOSA MOTORS 1 188.00 189.00 189.00 189.00 188.00 0.00 GDP are 3. Japan, (US$ 4.301 trillion) 4. Ger-
RENUKA AGRI 5,854 4.00 4.10 4.10 4.00 4.00 0.00 SERENDIB HOTELS 125,900 13.00 12.50 12.90 12.30 12.30 (0.70) many, (US$ 4.031 trillion) 5. India, (US$ 3.469
SINGHE HOSPITALS 127 2.20 2.20 2.30 2.20 2.30 0.10
RENUKA FOODS 1,201 16.80 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 0.20
SOFTLOGIC CAP 732,976 6.90 7.10 7.10 6.50 6.70 (0.20)
trillion) 6. UK, (US$ 3.199 trillion) 7. France,
RENUKA FOODS [COCO.X0000] 251 15.30 13.50 15.10 13.50 13.50 (1.80)
RENUKA HOLDINGS 200 12.60 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 0.50 Softlogic Life 6,782 57.00 57.00 57.00 56.00 56.10 (0.90) (US$ 2.778 trillion), 8. Canada, (US$ 2.2 tril-
RENUKA HOLDINGS [RHL.X0000] 49,005 11.00 10.40 10.90 10.40 10.80 (0.20) TAL LANKA 31 20.50 20.60 20.60 20.60 20.50 0.00 lion), 9. Russia, (US$ 2.113 trillion) and 10.
RESUS ENERGY XD 13,651 14.60 14.60 14.70 14.60 14.70 0.10 TESS AGRO 129,604 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.00 0.00 Italy, (US $ 1.99 trillion).
TESS AGRO [TESS.X0000] 5,050 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.10
RICHARD PIERIS 68,744 20.40 20.20 20.80 20.10 20.30 (0.10)
UB FINANCE 66,201 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.60 0.60 (0.10)
According to an analysis of GDP data for all
ROYAL CERAMIC 78,980 26.70 26.60 26.90 26.30 26.30 (0.40)
S M B LEASING 452,103 0.60 0.50 0.70 0.50 0.60 0.00 UNION ASSURANCE 4,665 38.00 38.40 38.40 37.60 37.60 (0.40) countries from 2020 to 2026, the global GDP
S M B LEASING [SEMB.X0000] 507,704 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.10 VALLIBEL ONE 33,224 38.50 39.80 40.00 38.00 38.00 (0.50) increased from 103.86 trillion in 2022 to 112.6
SAMPATH 630,862 71.40 70.80 71.40 70.50 71.20 (0.20) VIDULLANKA 6,716 6.80 6.80 6.80 6.70 6.70 (0.10) trillion in 2023.
SAMSON INTERNAT. 318 137.50 142.25 142.25 135.00 136.50 (1.00) VIDULLANKA [VLL-X-0000] 4,998 5.20 5.00 5.00 4.90 5.00 (0.20)
T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 BUSINESS 13

SriLankan Airlines rolls out

People’s Bank selects ‘Vaasi Kotiyai 2023’
winners for October and November

‘Green Carpet Onboard’

In a pioneering move, SriLankan Airlines The carpets are light-weight and assembled
will become one of the first airlines in South from regenerated nylon made of material typi-
Asia to introduce eco-friendly carpets onboard cally headed for landfill such as abandoned
its aircraft after a successful trial. ocean fishing nets better known as ghost nets,
The eco-friendly carpets, sourced from Lan- aquaculture nylon waste, used carpet waste,
tal Textiles in Switzerland, will help SriLan- used fabric waste and fabric scraps from mills. People’s Bank officials selecting the winners.
kan Airlines reach another milestone in its The carpets’ light weight design will help
journey toward a reduced carbon footprint reduce flight weight and in turn fuel cost. People’s Bank’s ‘People’s Senior Deputy General Chief Manager (OCS), Thilini
through gradual fuel efficiency improvements.   Once the fleet is fitted out with the carpets, Remittance Vaasi Kotiyai Manager Overseas Customer Perera Senior Manager (OCS)
“We are excited to debut sustainable carpets SriLankan Airlines’ jet fuel consumption will 2023’ draw to select the mil- Services Rohan Pathirage, and Wasantha Kumara Pathi-
onboard our aircraft, which brings us a step decrease leading to savings of about LKR 21 lionaire winners for the Nalaka Wijayawardana Head rage Senior Tax Officer,
closer to realizing our long-term plan of mak- million annually. The reduced use of fuel will months of October and of Marketing, Aruni Liyana- Department of Revenue
ing our inflight experience more eco-friendly additionally enable the airline to shrink its November took place at the gunawardana Assistant Gen- (Western Province) participat-
in tune with contemporary traveller expecta- yearly carbon footprint by approximately People’s Bank, Overseas Cus- eral Manager (OCS), Cha- ed in the event.
tions. We appreciate that travellers are 248.79 tons. tomer Services premises at minda Ihalakorala Assistant People’s Bank launched
becoming increasingly conscious about mak- The airline’s environmental sustainability Colombo 10 recently. General Manager (SME, ‘Vaasi Kotiyai 2023’ Draw to
ing ethical and sustainable lifestyle choices, as strategy is multifaceted, with initiatives on In addition to that, the Development & Micro encourage and appreciate Sri
do businesses, and SriLankan Airlines is look- carbon footprint and waste reduction; biodi- weekly winners for the period Finance), Sadhana Perera Lankan migrant workers who
ing forward to embracing even more green versity conservation; and environmental com- from October 15 to December Assistant General Manager work tirelessly to strengthen
solutions in its operations as we go forward,” pliance running parallelly at any given time. 09, 2023, were also drawn at (Corporate Banking), F.N.D. the country’s economy and
remarked Maria Sathasivam, Manager Product SriLankan was the first airline in Asia to intro- the event and will be gifted Nandani Chief Manager build a better life for them-
Development of SriLankan Airlines. duce ‘Planet Friendly Flights’ back in 2009. Rs. 100,000 each. (Audit), Renuka Arunasalam selves and their families.

Vallibel Finance opens in Matale FTI Touristik assures high-end tourist groups to Sri Lanka
from January 2024
Strengthening its footprint pulse of the people, under-
island-wide, Vallibel Finance standing their unique needs
recently inaugurated its new and challenges to offer a
branch in Matale. The new unique proposition that calls
location was inaugurated by for authentically home-grown
the Senior Management of solutions for its customers. Representatives of engage in promoting Sri
Vallibel Finance, in the pres- Reflecting its rapid ascen- World’s third largest Tour Lanka in Europe for high
ence of staff and customers sion, Vallibel Finance inaugu- Operator FTI Touristik end tourists as the local
in the respective area. rated its new corporate office based in Europe assured to industry is now preparing
Vallibel Finance has a dis- in Colombo this year, which send large groups of High to cater to upmarket tour-
tinguished legacy spanning has become a symbol of End European Tourists to ists” Hiemo said.
16 years, marked by consist- Opening of the Vallibel excellence within the finan- Sri Lanka from January The FTI travel agents
ent growth and an unwaver- Finance office in Matale. cial services industry and yet 2024 said Paul Hiemo, group arrived in Sri Lanka
ing dedication to customer another remarkable milestone Director Bisiness Develop- on December 9, left the
service. With a primary financial products and servic- for Vallibel Finance. ment HOT Tourism and country after a successful
emphasis on addressing the es including Leasing, Fixed Vallibel Finance’s unwa- former Regional Head, completion of a Familiari-
diverse needs of customers Deposits, Gold Loans, Group vering commitment to creat- FTI Touristik Group. He sation tour in Sri Lanka. ingness to promote Sri in its area while HOT FTI GROUP, is a travel
nationwide, regardless of Personal Loans, Mortgage ing stakeholder value, build- made this announcement These travel agents have Lanka for high end tourist Travels had hosted all arrangement agency that
magnitude, Vallibel Finance Loans, Education Loans, Auto ing trust, and fostering confi- to the representatives of visited the country for the groups in Europe. other arrangements. supports the identification
strives to provide innovative Drafts and Microfinance dence has solidified its posi- leading local hotel attend- first time, hosted by HOT The group has covered Just before their depar- of travel trends and hotels
and tailored financial solu- products deployed via a cut- tion as a trusted partner for ed for the delegation’s House of Travels (Pvt) Ltd strategic locations in the ture they attended a Hos- and offers holidays in over
tions with a strategically ting-edge technological individuals and businesses. final day fellowship held and were mesmerised of Paradise Island visiting pitality Industry Mini 120 countries, thus FTI
established network of over framework. Its focus on customer satis- at 7Degree Restaurant in the culture, people, scenic Dambulla, Kandy, Nuwara Travel Mart where the will support self-drive hol-
60 branches across Sri Lanka. Offering people-friendly faction, innovative financial Colombo, speaking on beauty and food & bever- Eliya, Galle, Bentota and industry representatives idays, beach holidays,
Customers in Matale now financial and technical inno- solutions, and transparent behalf of the FTI delega- ages of Sri Lanka. All the Colombo. Their accommo- promoted their properties individual tours, long-haul
have access Vallibel vations, the Company takes operations has been the key tion. Tour Operators mentioned dations have been spon- to FTI travel agents fol- tours, package and modu-
Finance’s wide range of pride in its ability to feel the to this success. “FTI, plans to actively their enthusiasm and will- sored by the leading hotels lowed by a fellowship. lar services.

Dr. Kelum Senanayake appointed Orient Finance’s Alternative Finance SLIIT hosts University of Queensland
as Executive Director of Business Unit wins International Accolades
Arpico Insurance
‘Designing Solutions for Impact’ finals
Orient Finance’s Alterna-
Arpico Insurance tive Finance Business Unit SLIIT hosted Sri Lanka’s first-
PLC Chief Executive (AFBU) recently marked a ever University of Queensland’s
Officer and Principal significant milestone in its ‘Designing Solutions for Impact’
Officer Dr. Kelum journey as a distinguished challenge recently, showcasing the
Senanayake a financial services provider, potential of young minds to create
renowned personality garnering international rec- meaningful solutions using technol-
in the Sri Lankan Life ognition as ‘South Asia’s ogy.
Insurance industry, has Emerging Islamic Finance Team Aero Ink from Hejaaz
been appointed as an Entity of the Year’. International School secured the
Executive, Non-Inde- This notable accolade firstplace, demonstrating exception-
pendent Director of the was bestowed by the K.M.M. Jabir, Director/CEO of al skills and creativity and each Highlights of the event.
Company, following esteemed Islamic Finance Orient Finance receiving ‘South member received brand new iPads
the endorsement from Dr. Kelum Senanayake Forum of South Asia (IFFSA). Asia’s Islamic Finance Person- as gifts. Team Unfazed from Trinity school competition that aims to Janardan Kewin, Regional Manag-
the Insurance Regulatory In conjunction with this hon- ality of the Year’ Award. College Kandy received the Peo- encourage entrepreneurship er, South Asia, Faculty of Business,
Commission of Sri Lanka. Board as an Executive our, the Director/CEO of Ori- ple’s Choice award for their out- amongst high school students. The Economics and Law.
Dr. Senanayake took Director. His contribu- ent Finance, K.M.M. Jabir has launched Orient Finance’s standing performance, impressing groundbreaking initiative provided a The projects were evaluated by a
reigns at Arpico Insurance tions to the company and been honoured as ‘South Asia’s AFBU. This strategic move, the judges for their website solution platform for young minds to explore distinguished judging panel includ-
PLC as its CEO in March, industry are commendable Islamic Finance Personality of implemented during a period ‘Edu-Link’enabling students to and develop entrepreneurial skills ing Associated Prof. Saiied Ami-
2021 and has over 40 and the strategic foresight the Year’, further enhancing the when most other financial insti- upload profiles showcasing their and learn how to harness the power nossadati and Dr. Shaun Chen from
years of experience in the he offers will be decisive organization’s distinguished sta- tutions shied away from new achievements and talents. of technology to address real-life the University of Queensland, Dr.
insurance industry. He in steering the company to tus. investments, proved immensely A total of 16 teams were shortlist- problems. Krishantha Wisenthige, Senior Lec-
also has the privilege of reach great heights.’’ “We are humbled and deeply fruitful in just two years. Now, ed for the final and pitched their The 5-module programme deliv- turer, Higher Grade, Faculty of
being the first and only ‘‘It is nothing short of gratified to receive these recog- we’re expanding our reach with creative solutions for real-world ered online and in person over con- Business, SLIIT and Nadeesha
CEO in the Sri Lankan an absolute honor to be nitions for our efforts to enhance operational units strategically problems. All participants received secutive weeks, covered entrepre- Pragnarathna, Manager, Informa-
Insurance industry to hold appointed to the Board of service and accessibility of ethi- positioned. Our goal is to make certificates from the University of neurial thinking, problem identifi- tion and Communication Technolo-
the coveted Million Dol- aneminent corporate enti- cal and Sharia-compliant finan- our products accessible, educate Queensland. cation, designing impactful solu- gy Agency, who served as an exter-
lar Round Table (MDRT) ty, such as Arpico Insur- cial practices for our valued cus- clients on our Sharia-compliant Prof. Samantha Thelijjagoda, Pro tions, communicating and storytell- nal judge. The finalists were judged
status, achieved in Sri ance PLC. We have ambi- tomers” expressed Director/ offerings, and emphasize our Vice-Chancellor, Research & Inter- ing, mentoring, and pitching, pro- on parameters such as originality,
Lanka in an impressive tious plans set ahead and CEO, K.M.M. Jabir. “These commitment to ethical principles national, SLIIT stated; “We are moting creative business thinking feasibility and presentation effec-
133 days. In addition to a blueprint that will put us acknowledgments further solidi- beyond cultural and religious delighted that SLIIT hosted this targeting social good. tiveness.
being the Executive on a trajectory of swift, fy the trust and loyalty of our boundaries” innovative competition by UQ pro- The final competition, was held Associated Prof. Saiied Aminos-
Director/Chief Executive sustained growth, whilst esteemed customers, motivating Adding to the unit’s list of viding local high school students a at SLIIT’s Main Auditorium, bring- sadati said, “I would like to express
Officer/ Principal Officer navigating through a chal- us to consistently elevate our accomplishments and future platform to develop critical thinking ing together students, educators, my gratitude to the Sri Lanka Insti-
of Arpico Insurance PLC, lenging and complex standards and set new bench- objectives, Ifath Zuhury, Senior and creative problem-solving skills. and representatives from SLIIT as tute of Information Technology
he also serves on the environment,’ said Dr. marks. I extend my heartfelt Manager of Business Channels By collaborating with a globally well as the University of Queens- (SLIIT) for graciously hosting our
Boards of Richard Peiris Kelum Senanayake. congratulations to Ifath Zuhry, and Head of AFBU, added, “Ori- respected institute, we can develop land, Australia including Associat- recent visit. This accomplishment
Distributors and Richard A product of Ananda Senior Manager of Business ent Finance’s AFBU has made well-rounded, socially conscious ed Prof. Saiied Aminossadati, Sen- reflects the commitment of SLIIT
Peiris Finance Company College, Colombo, Dr. Channels and Head of the Alter- significant strides in expanding leaders of tomorrow. Our students ior Lecturer, Deputy Associate and UQ to nurturing and promoting
as a Director. Senanayake holds a native Finance Business Unit, as into the eastern region, covering gained immensely, andwe look for- Dean, Student Experience, Faculty excellence in education and inno-
He began his career in Diploma in Business well as the entire Orient Finance Trincomalee, Batticaloa, and ward to advancing the partnership of Engineering Architecture & vation. We look forward to further
1982 at Mercantile Credit Management from World- team for their hard work and Ampara, offering ethical servic- delivering national impact through Information Technology, Dr. Shaun collaboration and success in the
Ltd, the principal agent view Institute andan MBA dedication.” es. We are also set to launch our excellence and innovation.” Chen, Associate Lecturer, Interna- future, with the success of the high
for National Insurance from the University of Head of Channels Saminda first Alternative Finance Busi- The University of Queensland’s tional Engagement Academic. Fac- school competition notably prompt-
Corporation and moved to Western Sydney, Australia Ratnayake said; “Despite chal- ness Unit in Kandy, in early ‘Designing Solutions for Impact’ ulty of Engineering Architecture & ing plans for expansion and deliv-
Union Assurance PLC andwas conferred with a lenging conditions in 2021, we 2024. programme is an innovative inter- Information Technology and ery in 2024.”
where he rose to the rank Doctor of Business

LCB Finance opens branch in Gampaha

of Assistant General Man- Administration by the
ager during a career span- London University of
ning over 27 years with Peace, in recognition of
the company. Thereafter, his achievements and con-
subsequently he joined tributions to the insurance Lanka Credit and Business Finance opened Council encourages agricultural diversification ‘Sihina Ayojana’ for youth to plan their future,
AIA Insurance Lanka as industry. Having received their 19th Branch at Bauddhaloka Mawatha among the farmers under various projects. ‘Regina’ for Ladies to save for their future family
General Manager – Oper- Insurance training in the Gampaha which is the sixth largest urban area in Leelananda said that through the lending prod- prosperity and ‘Uththama’ for the elders.
ations, where he rose to UK, Germany, Japan, Sin- the Western province. ucts of the company they could finance viable The product ‘Ran Senasuma’ is the gold loan
the rank of Director Oper- gapore, Hong Kong, CEO/Executive Director K.G. Leelananda projects of farmers involved in agricultural diver- product that they offer to look after urgent and
ations, during a stint span- Malaysia, Thailand, India addressing the distinguish gathering at the open- sification whilst meeting the financial needs of unexpected financial needs of all prospective cus-
ning over a decade. and South Africa, he is ing ceremony observed that over 50% the total those involved in other economic activities at tomers.
Arpico Insurance PLC also a respected trainer in land in the Gampaha district remains as agricul- Gampaha through lease finance and term loans to CEO commented that the company is backed
Chairman Ramal Jasinghe the arena who has trained tural land and traditionally dependent on major meet such requests. by a state-of-the-art ITsystem andis capable of Saman Pandikorala District Secretary
said; “‘It is truly a privi- over 20,000 insurance cash crops paddy and coconuts. In order to With regard to savings products he stated that delivering customer friendly exemplary services opening the branch while K. G. Leela-
lege to have our CEO Dr. professionals during his increase productivity and farming income, the they would be marketing ‘Podiththa’ which is when dispensing Loans, Lease finance and Gold nanda CEO and Dushmantha Thota-
Kelum appointed to the career. Department of Agriculture, Western Provincial very popular among parents to save for their kids, Loan facilities. watte Chairman looking on
14 BUSINESS T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3


HNB launches Transformation Programme

for global and local markets
HNB PLC, a cornerstone
in Sri Lanka’s banking
industry, continues to cham-
pion the cause of Small and
Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) collaborating with
DEVPRO and the Ceylon
Chamber of Commerce for
the launch of their SME
Transformation and Market
Access Program.
LOLC General and Life shines
Conducted at the HNB
Towers, the programme spe-
cifically targeted SME and
Business Banking custom-
at Slim National Sales Awards
LOLC General Insurance prestigious awards, showcas- uct offerings, efficiently
ers, focusing on those Members of HNB’s management together with participants of the SME Transformation Programme. Press Release PLC and LOLC Life Assur- ing their commitment to catering to the varied
engaged in manufacturing ance Ltd, two of Sri Lanka’s excellence and innovation requirements of different
and aspiring to tap into increased modularization overall economic resilience nayake, the event was Refinancing Schemes and fastest growing insurers in within the insurance sector. market segments.
international markets. and reduced communication and progress of Sri Lanka,” graced by notable personnel Lending Products, Bandara Sri Lanka, announce their Among the notable win- The SLIM National Sales
The initiative was jointly costs, opening new possi- said HNB DGM SME and including the Chamber of Rekogama, Solutions Man- remarkable achievement at ners were two Gold award Awards, hosted by the Sri
organised by DEVPRO and bilities for businesses of all Microfinance, Rajive Dissa- Commerce Head of Centre ager - PCM, Prasanna De the SLIM National Sales recipients: Saraka Liyanage Lanka Institute of Marketing
HNB, with the participation sizes. nayake. for SME Unit, Yasura Silva, and Senior Manager - Awards 2023 (formerly in the National Sales Manag- (SLIM), stands as the pre-
of an impressive 40 SME “Emphasizing the impor- Facilitated by Upul Das- Samarakoon, DEVPRO Business Banking, Jude Pil- NASCO). er category and Trevin mier authority in the realm
customers from both organi- tance of connecting Sri sanayake of ‘Business Boost Executive Director, Tilak lai. The event recognized the Almeida in the Front Liner of marketing in Sri Lanka.
zations across both days of Lanka’s SMEs to global 360’, the programme pro- Karunaratne, and DEVPRO Key focus areas of the excellence and dedication of category. Aloka Ekanayake Since its establishment in
the programme. value chains, upgrading vided a platform for SMEs Programme Manager, programme encompassed our teams, honouring four of secured a Bronze award in 1970, SLIM has consistently
“Through this initiative, business models, and adopt- to delve into in-depth dis- Mohamed Shafeer. export audit and strategic our team members for their the Regional Sales Manager championed the cause of pro-
we are striving to help Sri ing environmentally and cussions and analyses aimed Panelists for the pro- analysis, competency analy- contribution to the industry. category, while Hasitha moting excellence in market-
Lanka’s SMEs realize their socially responsible practic- at catalyzing strategic gramme included several of sis, value chain analysis, The SLIM National Sales Samarawickrama walked ing and raising the profile of
fullest potential. In today’s es, our programme aligns growth. Participants includ- HNB’s senior management, financial analysis, product Awards 2023 took place on away with a Merit award in marketing professionals
digital age, even small com- with the vision for a more ed businesses specializing including Head of Trade, analysis, market analysis the 14th November 2023, at the National Sales Manager across the nation. The NSA
panies can join global value sustainable and inclusive in spices, coconut, cocoa, Rozanne De Almeida, Sen- (including market research), the Monarch Imperial, gath- category.The vitality brought 2023 featured a meticulous
chains more efficiently, economic landscape. We bag manufacturing, brush ior Manager Foreign finding buyers, and inbound ering sales professionals by the staff of LOLC General judging process for each cat-
thanks to lowered barriers believe that empowering manufacturing, seafood, tea Exchange, Vajira Abey- and outbound marketing from across diverse indus- and Life to the insurance sec- egory, incorporating inter-
on digital platforms. The SMEs with these capabili- and batik, amongst others. sundara, Head of SME strategies with a compre- tries. Among the celebrated tor is a seamless combina- views and presentations to
potential for participation ties is pivotal not only for HNB DGM SME and Products and Partnerships, hensive sales funnel achievers, LOLC Life and tion of adaptable customer ensure a thorough evalua-
has expanded through their success but also for the Microfinance, Rajive Dissa- N. Kethiswaran, Head of approach. General proudly secured four service and customized prod- tion.

ComBank UnionPay invite cardholders to ascend SLT-MOBITEL relocates Ratnapura Branch

to culinary heights at Lotus Tower Reinforcing its commit-
ment to delivering unmatched
services and an elevated retail
experience to customers, SLT-
Commercial Bank’s Union- holder base and ensures con- MOBITEL, the National ICT
Pay cardholders are in for an venient local services to a Solutions Provider, recently
exclusive treat – a banquet- growing number of global unveiled its newly relocated
ing experience at Colombo’s UnionPay cardholders and branch in Ratnapura.
newest dining sensation, the merchants. Located at Main Street, Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd. Chief Operating Officer Sudharshana Geeganage opening the
revolving restaurant at the Commercial Bank owns Ratnapura, the new branch new Ratnapura Branch accompanied by officials.
Lotus Tower. the fastest-growing Credit upholds SLT-MOBITEL’s stra-
This special reward is part Card base in Sri Lanka and tegic focus onbringing con- flagship stores, encompassing transactions. Furthermore, guidance from knowledgeable
of a promotion by the Bank enjoys market leadership in nectivity closer to customers. customer service, new con- the branch will feature entic- staff within a seamless in-
for Credit and Debit Card Credit and Debit Card cumu- Equipped with modern aes- nections, billing assistance, ing promotional offers on store journey facilitated by
holders of UnionPay, the lative point-of-sale usage. thetics, alluring interiors, spa- and inquiries, enhancing over- devices, new connections and smart digital touchpoints.
leading global card payment The Bank offers a variety of cious layouts, and a customer- all customer convenience. eSIM offers tailored to meet With the unveiling of the new
network. Credit Cards in all tiers from friendly setting, it creates a Dedicated staff at the the evolving digital needs of branch, SLT-MOBITEL
Any ComBank UnionPay Young woman paying in a shop using credit card the world’s leading payment warm and welcoming environ- branch will offer personalised Sri Lankan households and strives to revitalize its region-
cardholder who spends dur- and terminal. Shopping card brands. Thesecards are ment for both corporate and attention and expert advice businesses. al prowess, ensuring out-
ing the month of December equipped with ‘Tap ’n Go’ retail customers. on products tailored to spe- Customers can explore a standing convenience for cus-
2023 and January and Febru- tha De Silva said. “As the tion of this nature which NFC technology and are The new Ratnapura branch cific lifestyles, aiming to deep- range of devices, Fixed & tomers across locales and con-
ary 2024 will be among those first issuer of UnionPay promotes engagement with backed by a strong NFC will provide all core services en SLT-MOBITEL customer Mobile solutions, and enter- necting to every conceivable
eligible for selection for this cards in Sri Lanka, Commer- the cardholders on an emo- Point-of-Sale (POS) net- available at SLT-MOBITEL’s relationships beyond mere prise offerings, receiving need.
exclusive reward, described cial Bank and UnionPay tional as well as physical- work.
by the Bank as “the pinnacle have a special relationship level, is timely.” Commercial Bank Credit
of dining and sophistication. and have achieved many UnionPay International and Debit Cards offer year-
“The event promises an
unforgettable experience for
firsts together in the mar-
(UPI) is a subsidiary of
China UnionPay. In partner-
round promotions covering a
wide variety of services. CXO Academy with BCAS launch programme for aspiring CXOs
the selected cardholders and Director of UnionPay ship with more than 2,500 Commercial Bank was the
their chosen companionsat International South Asia institutions worldwide, first bank to offer loyalty The CXO Academy, in part- international exposure,
the end of the three-month Hu Binghan added: “With UnionPay International has rewards for both Credit and nership with BCAS, announc- enriches the programme with
promotion, the Bank said. Commercial Bank’s efforts enabled card acceptance in Debit Card holders under its es the launch of a unique pro- diverse perspectives and glob-
“We are delighted to part- to facilitate usage of our 181 countries and regions Max Loyalty Rewards Points gramme tailored for both cur- al best practices.
ner with UnionPay to con- cards in Sri Lanka by ena- with issuance in 79 countries scheme. The Bank was also a rent and aspiring CXOs. The curriculum structured
duct a promotion of this bling point-of-sale terminal and regions. UnionPay Inter- pioneer in extending promo- This innovative programme around ten modules, will be
nature, which matches the and QR code payment national provides high quali- tional discount offers which is crafted to expand leader- and IoT. The programme tive advantage. Expert facili- conducted through physical
profile of these cardholders,” acceptance, we have wit- ty, cost effective and secure were traditionally only ship skills, refine approaches champions an organizational tators introduce new knowl- workshops, including at
the Head of Commercial nessed good growth of the cross-border payment servic- offered for Credit Cards to to embracing disruptive tech- culture focused on operational edge domains, fostering criti- selected off-site venues. With
Bank’s Card Centre Nishan- cardholder base. A promo- es to the world’s largest card- its Debit Cards. nology and foster a ‘Deliver excellence, digital transforma- cal analysis and group collab- sessions requiring just four
today, Build for tomorrow’ tion and the strategic leverag- oration through immersive hours every Saturday over
ethos. ing of Environmental, Social off-site experiences. These eight months, participants

APIIT hold graduation ceremony

The Programme for CXO and Governance (ESG) prin- facilitators bring extensive can progressively apply newly
Development aims to equip ciples. industry experience comple- acquired skills at their work-
participants with the agility It empowers them to inno- mented by strong academic place.
required to navigate challeng- vate boldly, address competi- backgrounds to the pro- Commencing in January
es, devise effective solutions, tive threats, and lead cross- gramme. Their immersion in 2024, applications for this
The Asia Pacific Institute of Informa- and harness emerging tech- functional initiatives for cor- the Sri Lankan business envi- transformative learning expe-
tion Technology (APIIT) one of Sri nologies such as Web 3.0, AI porate growth and competi- ronment, combined with rience are now open.
Lanka largest provider of foreign
degrees in the country, held its annual
Graduation at the main hall of the
BMICH on December 8.
The occasion was graced by the Chief
Guest Professor Annabel Kiernan, Pro
Fashion Bug tops LMD Customer Excellence Survey 2023
Vice-Chancellor Education, Stafford- Fashion Bug, a Sri Lankan diverse workforce exceed- ing excellence fosters a cul-
shire University, UK and Mr Bernhard BEng (Hons) Software Engineering, the world. The Guest of Honour, Mr fashion retail powerhouse ing a thousand individu- ture of commitment to cus-
Stefan, Managing Director of Nestlé Vidana Pathiranage Don Kavin Sewmi- Bernhard Stefan congratulated the announced its top-ranking als, the brand takes pride tomer satisfaction, ensur-
Lanka PLC as the Guest of Honour. na Kumara from BSc (Hons) Computer graduates in his address and highlight- position in the LMD Cus- in its role as a trailblazer, ing a positive shopping
At the event, a total of 579 students Science, Yuneth Ranaka Ubeysekera ed the power of a young leader to shape tomer Excellence Survey showcasing locally crafted experience. To strengthen
received undergraduate and postgradu- from BSc (Hons) Cyber Security, Noor the future of Sri Lanka and the world, 2023. brands alongside interna- its bond with customers,
ate degrees in Business, Computing and Nisma Magdon Ismail from BSc (Hons) to make a positive impact, and to create The brand clinched the tional labels, creating a Fashion Bug has imple-
Law from Staffordshire University, UK. International Business Management, lasting change. umber one spot in two prom- unique fusion of styles for mented a Rewards loyalty
The event marked the awarding Arsiya Binthi Mahir from LLB (Hons) APIIT Sri Lanka is a higher educa- inent categories: ‘Clothing & the discerning Sri Lankan programme, offering fre-
of degrees in BEng (Hons) Software Law, Thillainadarasa Anusha from tion institution that operates in part- Accessories’ and ‘Online consumer. Fashion Bug outlet in R.A De quent discounts and vari-
Engineering, BSc (Hons) Computer MBA, Chandula Janadhi Harasgama nership with Staffordshire University, Stores (Clothing)’. Fashion Bug Director Mel Mawatha, Colombo 03 ous benefits to loyal
Science, BSc (Hons) Cyber Security, from MSc Computer Science (Business UK, Asia Pacific University of Technol- This remarkable recogni- and Chief Executive Offic- patrons.
BSc (Hons) International Business Computing) and Rannulu Eranthi Pun- ogy and Innovation, Malaysia, NCUK tion underscores Fashion er Shabier Subain said: “This staff, ensuring they possess Fashion Bug’s achievement
Management, LLB (Hons) Law, MBA, sala Fonseka from LLM International – a consortium of over 60 universities Bug’s relentless dedication to achievement is a testament the skills and knowledge nec- in the LMD Customer Excel-
MSc Computer Science (Business Business Law. Vidana Pathiranage Don around the globe, Deakin University, delivering unparalleled fash- to our team’s dedication and essary to provide exceptional lence Survey 2023 under-
Computing) and LLM International Kavin Sewmina Kumara from BSc Australia, Southern Cross University, ion and lifestyle experiences the trust our customers place customer service. Actively scores its commitment to set-
Business Law. (Hons) Computer Science was the val- Australia and Western Sydney Univer- to its valued customers. in us. At Fashion Bug, we monitoring customer satis- ting industry standards and
The ceremony celebrated the success edictorian with the highest aggregate sity, Australia. APIIT Sri Lanka has Established in 1994 with a believe in consistently raising faction across all outlets, providing an exceptional
of 106 students receiving First Class of the outgoing class of 2023. to-date, turned out over 5,200 gradu- modest team of seven in the bar for customer service Fashion Bug utilizes valuable shopping experience for its
Honours degrees, 150 students receiv- The Chief Guest, Professor Annabel ates who have completed their Stafford- Bandarawela, Fashion Bug excellence.” feedback to maintain and valued customers. As the
ing Second Class (1st Division) Kiernan congratulated the graduates shire University awards in Computing, has evolved from its humble The success of Fashion enhance service quality. brand continues to evolve, it
degrees, and 92 postgraduate students while emphasising the importance of Business and Law in Sri Lanka, making beginnings to become a Bug can be attributed to sev- Recognizing and reward- remains dedicated to deliver-
receiving degrees with Distinctions. continuous learning and encouraged a considerable contribution to the household name with 14 stra- eral key factors. The brand ing the dedication of sales ing fashion-forward choices
The Gold Medallists this year are them to think about how they could use human capital development of the tegically positioned outlets places a strong emphasis on staff is a core element of the while prioritizing customer
Mohanraj Kavinkumar Naidu from their experience to make a difference in country. across the island. Boasting a continuous training for its company’s ethos. Incentiviz- satisfaction and engagement.

Phoenix Industries announced

the re-opening of its showroom,
located at Negombo Road, Wel-
Phoenix Industries re-opens showroom at Welisara opportunity for you to take con-
trol of your shopping journey.
Phoenix has also partnered with
Phoenix invites you to visit
their showroom and immerse
yourself in the world of Phoenix
isara on December 12. product range; it’s a destination cozy comfort of a living room to tive self-service buying experi- Giga Foods (Pvt) Ltd, a revolu- products. Get ready to explore
This showroom has been reim- that offers lifestyle scenarios the functionality of a well-organ- ence to offer a new dimension of tionary cloud kitchen business, the latest offerings and discover
agined to provide customers with designed to inspire. Step into ized storage space, you can now independence as you explore their giving them an exclusive food how Phoenix can make your life
a unique and immersive shop- spaces created to mirror real-life envision how their products will collections. In keeping with the court space at Welisara, and serv- more comfortable, stylish, and
ping experience. The Welisara settings, showcasing how Phoe- transform your space. modern times and international ing up a variety of their cuisines organized. Join Phoenix at their
showroom is now more than just nix products seamlessly integrate As part of their latest launch, shopping experiences, Phoenixbe- and brands such as Indian Affair, Welisara showroom and experi-
a place to browse their extensive into your daily life. From the Phoenix is introducing an innova- lieves it will provide a unique Full’r Burgers and Solo Bowl. ence the difference. Phoenix Welisara showroom
T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3
SPORTS page 15 DN

Joseph Vaz SC and Hirdaramani

clinch Munchee Volleyball Titles
Joseph Vaz Sports Club ior National Team. The
from Wennappuwa and team, comprised of uni-
Hirdaramani Sports Club versity students working
from Kahathuduwa at Hirdaramani, includes
emerged champions in the middle blockers Niran-
inaugural Munchee Novices janala Sarojani and Ahin-
Under-25 Volleyball Cham- sa Dilshan, studying Ther-
pionship, hosted by the Sri apy at the Medical
Lanka Volleyball Associa- Faculty in Ragama, and
tion. The event, held at the libero player Piyumi Lak-
Indoor Stadium of Perad- mali.
eniya University, witnessed Hirdaramani’s Head
intense competition on Coach expressed grati-
Sunday. tude for the company’s
Joseph Vaz Sports Club, support and acknowl-
associated with Joseph Vaz edged the dedication of
College Wennappuwa, players managing univer-
secured a 3-1 victory over Joseph Vaz Boys Under-25 Volleyball Team: First Row (from left): Thisal Menuja, Krishon Hirdaramani Under-25 Volleyball Team: First Row (from left) Nilukshi Harshani, Rashmi sity studies and work. He
Ruwanwella Rajasinghe Thathsara, Daham Dhamika, Hashan Weerasinghe, Chamika, Rishan Senura, Yenula Anuth. Divyanjali, Piyumi Lakmali, Kavindi Asanthika Sunethra Priyadarshani (c). Second Row extended special thanks
Sports Club. The initial set Second Row (From left): Sayiru Kavishka, Avishka Dilan, Shehan Sandeepa, Nishan Indika (from left): Niranjala Sarojani, Ahinsa Dilshani, Coach Amila Wijepala, Nimeshika Sewwandi, to the players who pur-
saw fierce competition (Coach), Rifkan, Yohan Sanuka, Ishan Hansika, Kavishka Chathumal. Sachini Ruwanthika. sued Advanced Level
from both sides, but Wen- studies while working as
nappuwa boys rallied to win Province, Saviour Sports being alumni. Coach Nis- played vital roles in guiding We seek authorities’ assis- pionship, emerged victori- praise from volleyball HR Assistants at Hidar-
the subsequent three sets, Club, Koswadiya Vijaya, han Indika, guiding the the sports programme. tance in this regard,” said ous. Captain Sunethra Pri- experts. amani.
concluding with a scoreline Anuradhapura Sinha, and team since 2011, acknowl- “My team consists most- Joseph Vaz Volleyball Coach yadarshani led the team to Two players, Nimeshika Amila Wijayapala, an
of 31-33, 25-18, 25-12, and Radawana in the quarter- edged the support from the ly of current schoolboys Nishan Indika. a 3-0 victory over Bitulink Sewwandi and Dilukshi HR Executive at Hirdar-
25-23 in favour of Joseph final and semi-final encoun- school and sponsor Ravi with a few alumni. The In the Girls’ Under-25 Sports Club in the final. Harshani, represented the amani since 2011, shared
Vazians. ters. Fernando. Joseph Vaz Prin- school’s support is crucial, category, Hirdaramani Hirdaramani’s semi-final Sri Lanka National Team, his experience of winning
Their journey to victory Captain Rishan Senura cipal Fr Priyanjeeva and our efforts aim to con- Sports Club, previously performance set a national while Kavindya Asanthika 54 national-level champi-
included five matches, led the Under-20 school Gunaratne and Deputy tribute to the development securing the third place in record, winning two sets and Rashmi Divyanjali are onships with the same
defeating teams from Uva players, with only two boys Principal Gemunu Kumara of the country’s volleyball. the Munchee Open Cham- (25-1, 25-1), earning part of the Sri Lanka Jun- team.

Suranga, Sumudu and

Swiss coach Conor conducts coaching clinic Gunawardena excel in powerlifting
for Sri Lankan junior squash players
SAJEEWA JAYAKODY plaque to Coach Conor by
In a noteworthy event at Rohantha Peiris, the Vice
the Air Force Squash Com- President of Sri Lanka
plex in Ratmalana, Swiss Squash, as a token of appre-
Coach Conor D’Cruz con- ciation for his valuable con-
ducted a coaching clinic for tributions. The gesture
Sri Lankan junior players expressed the gratitude of
and members of the National the squash community for
Squad on December 16 and the enriching coaching ses-
17. sions provided by Coach
The coaching clinic, held Conor. S.N.B. Gunawardena under 23
over the weekend, witnessed The successful coaching Sumudu Pradeep 59 weight class Suranga de Silva 66weight class women’s 84 weight class overall
the enthusiastic participa- clinic not only contributed to category overall second place category overall champions 3rd place
tion of 32 juniors and six the skill development of the
members of the National Swiss squash coach Conor D’Cruz (extreme right) providing players but also fostered a NARAYANASWAMY JAYARATNAM
Squad on both Saturday and advice to a group of national players, with Sri Lankan Squash sense of camaraderie and joy Kalutara Roving Correspondent in the men’s and women’s catego- champions in the 66 weight class
Sunday. The atmosphere was President Dhammika Wijesundara (next to him) and national among all participants. The ries repeatedly. category. Meanwhile Sumudu
filled with excitement, and champion Yeheni Kuruppu (right corner). event showcased the grow- Suranga de Silva, Sumudu The above tournament was held Pradeep won the overall second
all participants had a great ing enthusiasm for squash in Pradeep and S.N.B Gunawardena in the city of Johor Bahru, Malay- place in the 59 weight class cate-
time learning and playing. Conor D’Cruz to facilitate and engaging learning expe- Sri Lanka and the commit- who represented Sri Lanka in the sia from the 10th to the 18th of gory and S.N.B. Gunawardena
Coaches Lal Wickramasin- the junior programme, rience for the participants. ment to enhancing the skills Asian classic Powerlifting Cham- December. Suranga de Silva who won the overall third place in the
ghe and Janitha Maduranga ensuring a comprehensive The highlight of the event of both junior players and pionship - 2023, which was held represented Sri Lanka in the com- under 23 women’s 84 weight class
collaborated with Coach was the presentation of a the National Squad. Malaysia and registered victories petition and emerged overall category.

Under 13 Division 1 Inter Schools Cricket Tournament

Under 19 Division 3 Tier A Inter Schools Limited Overs Cricket Tournament
32 teams advance to second round
Vidyaloka, Galle and Ananda Sastralaya, Kotte declared joint champions Thirty two teams advanced to the
second round of the Under 13 divi-
sion 1 inter schools cricket tourna-
A Wennpappuwa, Ananda Colle-
geA Colombo, Rahula Matara, St.
Sylvester’s AKandy, Carey College
Last year runner up Vidyaloka ment conducted by Sri Lanka A Colombo, Royal A Colombo, Mal-
College Galle and Ananda Sastra- Schools Cricket Association spon- iyadeva A Kurunegala, Mahanama
laya Kotte declared joint Champions sored by Sri Lanka Cricket. 75 (A Colombo, St. Joseph’s A Colom-
of the Under 19 division 3 Tier A teams participated to the tourna- bo, Prince of Wales A Moratuwa,
inter schools limited Overs cricket ment into 11 groups and competed President’s Kotte, Maris Stella
tournament conducted by Sri Lanka league basis. Negombo, St.
Schools Cricket Association and Royal College(A Colombo and St. Sebastian’s(A Moratuwa, Dhar-
sponsored by Sri Lanka Cricket Peter’s College A Bambalapitiya maraja A Kandy, Kalutara Vidya-
yesterday. were declared joint champions in laya, President’s A Maharagama, St.
Final match ended with no result the last season. Servatius Matara, St. Peter’s A
due to rain at Mahinda Rajapaksa Vidyaloka and Ananda Sastralaya teams who were declared joint Champions. Second Round (32) teams Bambalapitiya, St. Benedict’s A
International Cricket stadium Soor- Isipathana A Colombo, Tissa Cen- Kotahena, Devapathiraja Rathga-
iyawewa. Match delayed start due scored 108 runs for no wicket at close. College Galle, Leelananda Kumarasiri, Vidyaloka College Galle: 108/0 tral Kalutara, Richmond Galle, ma, LumbiniA Colombo,
to ground wet condition. 39 overs Match called off due to rain. Assistant Secretary of Sri Lanka (19.5) (Dasun Chamod 52 n.o., Pra- Dharmasoka Ambalangoda, Nalan- D.S.Senanayake A Colombo, Lyce-
restricted per side. Vidyaloka Col- Prasanna Senevirathne Vice Presi- Schools Cricket Association, Y. Nis- geeth Bimsara 43 (rh) vs *Ananda da College A Colombo, Dharmapala um International School Wattala,
lege Galle won the toss and elected dent of Sri Lanka Schools Cricket hantha Kumara Tournament Secretary Sastralaya Kotte Kottawa, De Mazenod A Kandana, Sri Sumangala Panadura, St. Antho-
to bat first. Vidyaloka College Galle Association and Principal of Vidyaloka participated to the awards ceremony. (YK) St. Joseph Vaz ny’ A Kandy (YK)

Rahula crush Hartley by eight wickets to retain Manimaran trophy

32/8. Janiru Wijewardena cap- Hartley College skipper
Rahula College Matara tured four wickets for four Gnaneswaran Abishanth was
crushed Hartley College Point runs in his two overs and was named the best fielder.
Pedro by eight wickets at the named the best bowler as well Brief scores:
Uyanwatta Stadium on Satur- as the man of the match while Hartley College 32/8 in 10
day (16) and retained the Resali Nethvindu captured overs (P Dinojan 16; Janiru
Manimaran-Wijesiriwardena two wickets and Sasinu Batt- Wijewardena 4-04, Resali
trophy for the fifth consecu- age captured one wicket. Nethvindu 2-03, Sasiru Batt-
tive time. Chasing 33 to win, Rahula age 1-04)
In a match reduced to 10 reached the target with eight
overs per side due to damp wickets in hand and 20 balls Rahula 33/2 in 6.4 overs
ground conditions at the to spare. Gevindu Imeth Man- (Gevindu Imeth Manamperi
Uyanwatta stadium, being amperi anchored the innings 22*; Vigneswaran Akash 1-09,
invited to bat first Hartley with an unbeaten run a ball 22 Arunavukkarasu Janusan
College were restricted to to be named the best batsman. 1-14) Rahula under 19 cricket team

Kandy District League Hockey tourney

the matches will be played Old Rajans “B” by 6 goals to swood vs Old Sylverstrains SC Vidyartha HC 1-0, KH & FC
HAFIZ later,This was Kandy District nil, KH & F C beat Asgiriya SC game ended in a one all draw beat Old Rajans 1-0, Old King-
MARIKAR Hockey Association league “A” by 6 goals to nil, Sylvestrian This was Saturdays matches swood beat Old Rajans “B”
and “B” division tournament. SC beat Old Sylvestrian SC by4 and on Sunday Old Kingswood 2-1, Old Sylvestrains SC beat
On both days the hockey pre- goals to nil, Old Kingswood “B” vs Old Vidyartha “B” game Asgiriya SC 3-0, All in all it
sented by Kandy school prod- “A” beat Old Rajans “A” by 3 ended in a one all draw, was a great effort by the Kandy
On Saturday and Sunday it ucts was excellent and made goals to nil, Menikdiwela SC “B” beat District Hockey Association
was two good days of hockey the entire crowd happy. In the Old Vidyartha “B” beat Man- Old Rajans “B” 1-0, Old King- headed by Dr. R. Maheswaran
at the Peradeniya University first game Old Kingswood “B ikdiwela SC by 3 goals to nil, swood beat KH & FC 4-1, to organize this tournament
grounds where sixteen match- beat Menikdiwela SC by 6 KH & FC beat Old Vidyartha Asgiriya SC beat Hindu SC 2- and keep the game up at club
es were played and the rest of goals to nil, Vidyartha “B” beat by 2 goals to nil, The Old King- 1, Old Sylverstrian SC beat Old level over here in Kandy.
T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 page

Sports Editor : 011 242 9223 e mail :

Three separate captains for Army Commander Challenge

Trophy Cager tourney reaches semis

National Test, ODI and T20 teams

SAJEEWA JAYAKODY showcasing top-tier basketball talent. Ini-
The semi-finals of the first-ever Army tially, the tournament featured two groups
Commander Challenge Trophy Inter-club in the preliminary round. Group A com-
Basketball Tournament, hosted by the Sri prised Colombo Basketball Club, Sri Lanka
Lanka Army, are scheduled for Wednesday, Army Basketball Club, SLAF Basketball
December 20, starting at 6:30 PM. The bat- Club, and Sri Lanka Navy Basketball Club.
tleground for this intense competition is In Group B, teams included Wattala Basket-
DHAMMIKA RATNAWEERA four teams captained by Kusal the Sri Lanka Army Basketball Indoor ball Club, Gaja TV, Moratuwa Basketball
The new look National cricket Mendis, Charith Asalanka, Wanin- Courts in Panagoda. Club, Buffaloes Basketball Club, and Royal
selection committee is expected du Hasaranga and Dasun Shanaka The first semi-final will witness a face-off Basketball Club.
to appoint new captains for all and after this series the selectors between Colombo Basketball Club and The tournament tipped off on December
three formats separately. will pick T-20 team. More than 20 Wattala Basketball Club. Following this, 15, with group matches played on Decem-
The Chairman of the National member squad they will select first the second semi-final will feature a clash ber 15, 16, and 17. As the excitement
selection committee Upul Tharan- and get approval from the Minis- between Sri Lanka Army and Gaja TV. The builds, the semi-finals are set for December
ga said, we are still observing try. In addition captains and depu- high-stakes final will take place at the same 20, followed by the second runner-up match
what type of changes are neces- ty skippers of the teams of Test, venue on Friday, December 22, at 6:30 PM on December 21. The grand finale will be
sary and we want to do it all in T-20 and ODI will be selected under the glow of the court lights. held on December 22, promising an electri-
the correct manner. We want to first and get approval from the This Open Men’s Tournament has seen fying conclusion to this thrilling basketball
work as a team and my members Sports Ministry as soon as possi- the participation of the nine best teams, tournament.
Tharanga Paranawithana, Ajantha ble and after approval they have
Mendis, Indika de Saram and Dil- plans to release it to the media.
ruwan Perera already discussed Meanwhile ongoing Major clubs Mahinda - St. Aloysius’ 11th Basketball Big Match
several issues and we want to go limited over cricket tournament

Mahinda records win for

forward with a proper plan matches are closely followed by
First duty is to select the team National and Provincial selectors.
for forthcoming Zimbabwe series Sri Lanka have very busy schedule
National cricketers during the fitness test

second time in a row

which will commence on January next year 2024 after Zimbabwe and
6 and we have both T-20 and ODI over and league and National tee already discussed regard to Afghanistan home series Sri Lanka
series. National Selection Commit- Super League (NSL) Cricket tour- NSL tournaments and Cricket will tour Bangladesh and then T-20
tee closely works with the Provin- naments. overall consultant Sanath Jayasuri- World Cup in USA and West Indies
cial Selection Committee compris- SLC already plan to conduct ya, Coaches Consaltant Mahela and National selectors have big Mahinda College Galle recorded win for Mahinda College Galle squad:
ing Nalliah Devarajan, Ajith Eka- NSL tournament next month Jayawardne were present at the challenge to pick teams next year. the second consecutive year against St. Sasmitha S. Abenayaka (Captain),
nayake, Duminda Wickramasing- while Provincial selectors already discussion. Meanwhile the new selection Aloysius College Galle in the Basketball big A.G.J. Nethsara (Vice Captain), K.K.S.U.
he, Suwanji Madanayake and selected players for NSL teams Meanwhile selectors also plan to committee also concerned about match at St. Aloysius’ College Basketball Jayathilaka, Dasun Chamod Liyanage,
Chandana Guruge and they based on the performances of conduct T-20 match series among players’ fitness and yesterday also court Galle recently. K.K. Dinuka Dilsara, A.E. Wickram-
already have done tremendous Major Clubs league tournaments. four teams to select T-20 team for there was a fitness test for the Mahinda College Galle beat St. Aloysius’ athilaka, W.A. Danindu Nadeeshan, K.P.
duty to overlook domestic tourna- National Selection Committee the Zimbabwe series and Provin- National players at Sugathadasa College Galle by 59-47 points. Sasmitha S. Kavithra Kithmika, R.S. Sooriyaarchchi,
ments such as Major Club limited and Provincial Selection Commit- cial selectors already picked the Outdoor Stadium. Abenayaka skipper of Mahinda College E.A.D. Udula Nimansith, P.W. Savishka
Galle was adjudged the Best Player of the Nethsara, Pasan Thamod Liyanage, Mr.
match. M.N.M. Shahmmi, skipper of St. P. L. Uditha Niranjan (Coach), S.M.
Aloysius College Galle was picked as the Yasas Darshana (Master in Charge)
Ace shuttler Chandrika bags three medals in Vietnam Best Offensive Player. Danidu Nadeeshan
of Mahinda College was adjudged the Best
Prasanna Weeraman (Deputy Principal
Sports), Rusira Maddumahewage (Prin-
Defensive Player. cipal). (YK)
DHAMMIKA RATNAWEERA fine performances in the and a bronze at this tourna-
Former National champi- Over 65 women’s singles cat- ment.
on Chandrika de Silva once egory, securing the bronze Manjula Fernando exhib-
again came to the fore when medal in a hard-fought com- ited outstanding perfor-
she clinched over 45 wom- petition. mances in the Over 45 men’s
en’s singles title at the Bad- In the Over 80 and Over singles category, earning the
minton Asia Senior Open 110 combined age women’s silver medal. Fernando the
held at the Tien Son Sports doubles, the formidable duo former National shuttler dis-
Complex in Danang, Viet- of Chandrika and Lakshmi played a good show during
nam over the weekend. once again stole the show the tournament but ulti-
Chandrika de Silva from clinching the bronze medal. mately lost to Indonesia’s
Seylan Bank defeated India’s At the mixed doubles top seed, Jhonu Hidayat, in a
Yasmeen Shaikh with a con- Rohan De Silva the Presi- closely contested final.
vincing score of 21-7, 21-9 in dent of the SLB and Chan- The tournament was
the final, securing the gold drika claimed the gold organized by the Badminton
medal more comfortably. In medal in the combined age Asia Confederation while
addition Lakshmi Punchi- category. This was Chandri- most of the former National
Rohan de Silva and Chandrika de Silva, the mixed hewa who is the Assistant ka’s third achievement as shuttlers were present at this
doubles champions with their gold medals Secretary of SLB displayed she bagged two gold medals event. Champion Mahinda College, Galle Basketball team

Under 19 Division Two Day Inter Schools Cricket

Dinesha and Chamod
Cycling Champions Diniru of St. Servatius’ scores century
Diniru Abeywickrame of St. will be continued today for day Peter’s College Negombo: la: 200 (61.4) (Gayana Weeras-
Servatius’ College Matara two. 103 (42) (Yohan Primosh 21, inghe 88, Vinuka Galappath-
made a century against S. l At Mt. Lavinia. Anuranga Vimukthi 21, thi 46 n.o., Thaveesha Bal-
Thomas’ College Mt. Lavinia St. Servatius’ College Ramesh Lakshitha 4/20, Thi- asooriya 24, Malintha Silva
in their fixture of the Under 19 Matara: 311/7 (83) (Diniru neth Shalinga 2/9, Shaveen 3/50, Nadeesha Fernando
Inter schools 2 Day Cricket Abeywickramasinghe 141, Minosh 2/17) 2/25, Manuja Chanthuka
tournament yesterday. Viran Chamuditha 41 n.o., Piliyandala Central Col- 2/40)
Diniru Abeywickrame of St. Raveen Kavintha 41, Chama- lege: 148/7 (36) (Adeepa St. Sebastian’s College
Servatius’ College Matara rindu Nethsara 40, Risinu Sasmitha 49 n.o., Ramesh Moratuwa: 126/6 (42) Diniru Abeywickrame
scored 141 runs in 162 deliver- Kithmuka 21, Abheeth Par- Lakshitha 36, Avindu Akar- (Vimath Dinsara 60 n.o., Jana- Raddoluwa: 130/3 (36)
ies with 14 boundaries and 3 anawidana 3/79, Ashen Perera ashana 23, Kushmika Ramin- ka Silva 23, Ushen Silva 21, (Achina Kanil 49 n.o., Haritha
sixes. Piliyandala Central Col- 2/37) vs du 23, Abdul Rahuman, Thaveesha Balasooriya 4/27, Dinendra 36 n.o., Thurushish
lege is leading in the first S. Thomas’ College Mt. Yohan Alwis) Gayana Weerasinghe 2/24) Semira 22) vs
innings against St. Peter’s Col- Lavinia l At Moratuwa. Mali- l At Divulapitiya. Sri Nalanda Boys College
lege Negombo. All matches l At Piliyandala. St. yadeva College Kurunega- Pangnananda College Minuwangoda. (YK)

Ramesh Mendis captures St Paul’s colours awards ceremony

5/23 for Moors SC
DHAMMIKA RATNAWEERA de Livera 13, Pasindu Sooriyabandara
Ramesh Mendis had fine figures of 16, Janishka Perera 35*, Ramesh
Chamod de Silva and Dinesha Dilrukshi the Super Cycle Race winners 5 for 23 in his six over spell as Moors Mendis 15*,
with their trophies (pix courtesy Sports Ministry media) SC recorded an easy 7 wickets win l At Panadura: Sebastianites beat
over Police SC in their Major Clubs CCC by 4 runs (D method)
Chamod de Silva of Gampaha ished with 1 hour 20m minutes
limited over cricket fixture played at CCC: 177 all out in 33.5 overs
and Dinesha Dilrukshi of Puttalam and 14 seconds to be placed first
Moors grounds yesterday. Kamindu Mendis 37, Sonal Dinusha
district emerged men’s and wom- in the women’s Super Race while
Police SC were all out for 105 in 80*, Chamindu Wijesinghe 30, Chatu-
en’s Super Races winners at the Panchali Sulochana and Ann Sen-
28.4 overs while experienced off spin- ranga de Silva 11, Isitha Wijesundara
National Cycling championship ali won second and third places
ner Ramesh Mendis did most of the 4/23, Charith Rajapaksa 2/19, Tharin-
which concluded at Puttalam on with a distance of 45.2 km.
damage with five wickets. Moors SC du Ratnayake 2/24.
Sunday . The veteran cycle race was won
reached their target in only 23 overs. Sebastinaites: (target 104 form
Chamod the experienced cyclist by Prasanna Medonza from Kal-
The game reduced to 30 overs due to 21 overs ) 107 for 4 wickets in 21
once again came to the fore when utara with a timing of 1 hours 44
wet wicket. overs Lohan de Soyza 23, Dushan
he finished the race in 3 hours and minutes and this race comprised
Meanwhile Sebastianites and Colts Vimukthi 37*, Sachitha Jayatilleka
40 minutes and 28 seconds to win 67.8 km distance. Charindu Ishan
CC recorded wins in their matches 23*, Asitha Fernando 2/17
this National Super Race Champi- of Gampaha district won the jun-
and both decisions were made accord- l At Colts grounds: Colts CC beat
onship after a close battle. Niron ior boys race in 1 hour 42 min-
ing to the D methods. Today another Ragama CC by 66 runs (D/L method)
Pasindu, Ashen Tharuka and utes and 32 seconds. Anjana
nine club matches will be played at Colts CC: 213 for 8 wickets in 39
Kasun Nimesh all from Gampaha Moushan and M.W.A.C Shavinda
this tournament which conducted by overs Dunith Wellalage 51, Jehan
district won the 2, 3 and 4 places both from Gampaha District won
SLC. Daniel 71, Muditha Lakshan 33, Sher-
respectively. second and third places in junior
Chief scores an Fonseka 26*, Janith Liyanage 2/41,
National Cycling Federation boys racer which consisted of
l At Moors grounds: Moors SC Sanjula Bandara 2/55.
organized this National Cham- 67.8 kms.
beat Police SC by 7 wickets Ragama CC: (target 169 in 27 Outstanding athlete who excelled at Elle, Football and Handball receiving
pionship with the support of Amal Mayadunne Puttalam dis- her award from Zonal Education Physical Education Instructor Mahesh
Police SC: 105 all out in 28.4 overs overs ) 103 for 7 wickets in 27 overs
Sport Ministry and more than trict MP was the chief guest and Chandana Weerakoon at the St. Paul’s College Milagiriya colous awards
Chathuranga Jayatilleka 11, Vishad Saminda Fernando 39, Nishan Madu-
150 cyclists from across the gave away the awards while ceremony on last Friday. The students who excelled in sports at St Paul’s
Randika 19, Chaturanga Kumara 37, shka 12, Janith Liyanage 10, Avishka
country took part in this cham- Assistant Sports Director of received their colours after laps of 22 years under the guidance of Princi-
Supun Madushanka 18, Ramesh Tharindu 18, Muditha Lakshan 4/28,
pionship. Sports Ministry Gamini Costa pal Chandi Siriwardena. Prof. Rangika Halwathura was the chief guest on
Mendis 5/23, Malsha Tharupathi 2/15. Akila Dhananjaya 2/16
Meanwhile experienced Air and senior officials of Cycling fed- this occasion (Pix by Nissanka Wijeratna)
Moors SC: 106 for 3 wickets in 23 l At Kurunegala: Kurunegala YCC
Force cyclist Dinesha Dilrukshi eration were present on the occa-
overs Kavindu Kulasekara 18, Sohan Vs Galle CC match abandoned
representing Gampaha district fin- sion. (D.R)
Printed and Published by The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd., at No. 35, D.R.Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10, on Tuesday, December 19, 2023
T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 ADVERTISER’S SUPPLEMENT page 17 DN


Allocation of 15 Nos. vacant shops and the Restaurant at Colombo Gold Center,
Colombo 11 on First Come First Served Basis for 5 years period on Monthly Rent
Urban Development Authority invites applications by interested parties for the allocation of the
vacant (Former Fish Market Building) shops at Colombo Gold Center, No.180, N.H.M Abdul Carder
Mawatha, Colombo 11 on the monthly rental basis for a period of Five (05) years on the first come
first served basis from 18.12.2023. INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
For the details, please visit Real Estate Management and Development Division, Urban
Development Authority, 8th Floor, Sethsiripaya - Stage I, Battaramulla. The Chairman, Minor Procurement Committee (MPC) on behalf of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority now invites
Telephone numbers : 011-2875921, 011-3611950, 011-2875916-20 sealed bids according to the National Competitive Bidding procedure (NCB) from eligible bidders for the
Extension : 2960-2968 following procurement.
Fax : 011-2875900
Email : Reference Bid Security Document Fee
Web Link : Closing Date
Identification Name of the Procurement Amount Inclusive of
& Time
Chairman No. (LKR) VAT (LKR)
Urban Development Authority TENDER FOR REPAIRING OF
EW/04/PT/2023/ 14.00 hrs. on
02 NOS OF PROPELLER UNITS 50,000/= 2,000/=
MA/24/16-01 11.01.2024

1. The bidders are hereby informed that the provisions of Public Contracts Act. No.3 of 1987 is
applicable for bids exceeding Rs. 5.0 (Five) Million. Accordingly all parties involved in aforementioned
procurement are required to strictly abide by the Act throughout the duration of contract.
2. The bidders should have a minimum experience of THREE (03) years in the industry of propeller
repairing and testing of sea crafts.
3. Interested bidders may obtain further information from the Chief Engineer (Marine), Marine
Engineering Division, Sri Lanka Ports Authority, 45, Leyden Bastian Road, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka,
Telephone: 0094 11 2482330/ Fax: 0094 11 2342537 / Email: and may
inspect the bidding document at the same address on working days from 19.12.2023 to 10.01.2024
Ministry of Agriculture between 10.00 - 16.00 hrs free of charge.
4. A complete set of bidding documents in English language may be purchased by interested bidders on the
Agriculture Division submission of a written application to the Chief Engineer (Marine) in address above and upon payment
of a non-refundable document fee of LKR 2,000/= (Inclusive of VAT) from 19.12.2023 from 10.00 to
14.00 hrs on working days until the date 10.01.2024.The method of payment for document fee will
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka be in cash.
Ministry of Agriculture 5. Sealed bids accompanied with Bid Security shall be delivered to Chairman – Department Procurement
Committee, Sri Lanka Ports Authority, 45, Leyden Bastian Road, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka or may deposit
Agriculture Sector Modernization Project the bids in the tender box provided for the purpose at the Ground Floor, Colombo Port Commission
Building, Sri Lanka Ports Authority, No: 45, Leyden Bastian Road, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka not later than
IDA Credit No: 5873 LK Bid Closing Time at 14.00 hrs. on 11.01.2024. Late bids will not be accepted. Bids shall be opened
immediately after closing the bids in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who was chosen by the
PROCUREMENT NOTICE bidder to attend physically in the occasion of bid opening at the conference room of below address.
6. The bidders are advised to visit port premises and inspect propellers before submitting the bids.

Construction of Processing Center for the Chief Engineer (Marine)

Marine Engineering Division,
Jumbo Peanut Cluster Sri Lanka Ports Authority,
No: 45, Leyden Bastian Road,
in Killinochchi (Akkarayan) Colombo-01.

1. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has received a Credit from the International Development
Association (IDA) in various currencies equivalent to US$ 58.630 Million towards the cost of the Agriculture
Sector Modernization Project of the Ministry of Agriculture, and it intends to apply portion of the proceeds of this
credit to eligible payments under the Contract for the following works as described in the table below.
2. Chairman, Provincial Project Procurement Committee on behalf of the ASM Project, Ministry of Agriculture, now
invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the following works as described in the table below.
Expressions of Interest (EOI)
Estimated Non-
Bid Bid
Contract No
Description of
Contract Required Security Security
Inviting for Expressions of Interest (EOI)
Works Period Grade Amount Validity
VAT) (Rs.
(Rs.) up to
from Individuals to prepare a comprehensive
LK- Construction of Data Classification Policy for
MOA- PMU- Processing Center
365175- for the Jumbo C5 or 22nd Pradeshiya Sanwardhana Bank which will lead to the
CW-RFB Peanut Cluster in 29.1 4 months Above 436,500.00 April 5,000.00
Killinochchi (Buildings) 2024 implementation of the DLP Solution at the Bank
RDB as 100% Government owned Bank (Licensed Specialized Bank) was setup with the objective of
improving the life standards of the rural masses by providing them accessible and affordable credit facilities
3. Bidders are allowed to quote for the above work with Bid Security and Bid validity date as mentioned in the Bid that in-turn would contribute to strengthen the rural economy.
document. One bidder is allowed to quote only for one bid for each contract. To be eligible for contract award, the The bank operates 272 branch networks over 6 million island-wide customer base covering all the districts
successful bidder shall not have been blacklisted and shall have been registered in the field of respective connected to seven administrative provincial offices. RDB as largest development bank to the nation is in
construction for the grade mentioned in the table above with the Construction Industry Development Authority the process of restructuring bank’s operations with a view to offer higher level of customer satisfaction and
wider variety of services by transforming banking and all other supportive functions.
4. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedure approved by the World
Bank. RDB is seeking a qualified consultancy service to conduct a comprehensive data classification exercise
which will be leading to a DLP solution.
5. Qualification requirements are indicated in Section 4 of the Bidding document. Additional details are provided in
Schedule (Section 5) of the bidding document. The consultant is asked with conducting a thorough assessment of the bank’s current data landscape,
identifying data types, sources, and usage patterns. Subsequently, the consultant is required to develop a
6. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Provincial Deputy Project Director, Agriculture
comprehensive data classification policy with associated controls, propose a practical and internationally
Sector Modernization Project, 340, Point Pedro Road, Anaipanthi, Jaffna, Northern Province (T.P: 021 221 6358)
and inspect the bidding documents at the same place on any working day from 18th December 2023 to 8th January aligned data labeling system, and conduct training sessions for bank staff on data classification principles.
2024 between 09:00 hrs and 14:30 hrs. Collaboration with the bank’s IT and security teams is essential to integrate data classification into the
planned DLP solution and processes. Further, the consultant is required to deliver a detailed report on the
7. Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 2nd January 2024 at 10.00 a.m. at Provincial Deputy Project Director, Northern outcomes of the data classification exercise, including recommendations and specifications for the
Province, Agriculture Sector Modernization Project, No: 340, Point Pedro Road, Anaipanthi, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. A
implementation of a DLP solution tailored to the bank’s needs.
site visit to the proposed project site will be arranged after the pre-bid meeting.
8. Bids shall be valid up to 25th March 2024. Individuals who wish to submit an EOI should have sufficient previous experience in completing similar
assignments in a timely and efficient manner upon satisfaction of the client requirements. The consultant
9. Bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security as per the information given in the Table. should submit the EOI with a Curriculum Vitae including experience and qualification relevant to data
10. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be purchased by interested bidders on submission classification.
of a written application to the Provincial Deputy Project Director, Northern Province, Agriculture Sector
Modernization Project, No: 340, Point Pedro Road, Jaffna, Sri Lanka from 18th December 2023 to 8th January # Evaluation Factors Marks
2024 between 09:00 hrs and 14:30 hrs. upon payment of a non-refundable fee as mentioned in the above Table,
within the below mentioned period. The method of payment should be by cash. 1 Relevant qualifications of the consultant 40
11. Closing date of the bid is 8th January 2024, at 14.30 hrs. 2 Similar experience in Banking & Financial sector 60
12. Bids must be delivered to the Provincial Deputy Project Director, Northern Province, Agriculture Sector
Modernization Project No. 340, Point Pedro Road, Anaipanthi, Jaffna, Sri Lanka at or before 14:30 hrs on the bid A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the guidelines for Selection and
closing date as mentioned above. Employment of Consultants, published by National Procurement Agency.
13. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will not be accepted. Bids will be opened immediately after bid The EOI should be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked on upper left hand corner “EOI for DLP
closing in the presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to attend in person at the above mentioned Solution 2024 for RDB – DGM/HR/RDB/2023-108”.
Those interested should place the EOI to the designated box located in the Ground floor of the RDB Head
14. Complete bids should be separately forwarded in two copies as original and duplicate. The original and the Office or sent through registered post to the below address on or before 2.00 p.m. on January 10, 2024.
duplicate should be enclosed separately and marked as 'original' and 'duplicate' respectively in sealed envelopes.
Both envelopes enclosed in a sealed single envelope and marked contract number and name of the contract on top EOIs will be opened in the presence of consultants or representatives immediately after the EOI closing on
left-hand corner of the envelope. January 10, 2024

Chairman, Chief Human Resource Officer,

Project Procurement Committee, Pradeshiya Sanwardhana Bank,
Provincial Deputy Project Director, No. 933, Kandy Road,
Northern Province, Wedamulla, Kelaniya.
Agriculture Sector Modernization Project, Tel : 0112 03 54 54
No: 340, Point Pedro Road, Anaipanthi,
Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Web :
18th December 2023 19.12.2023
DN page 18 ADVERTISER’S SUPPLEMENT T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3

The rates of wages applicable to workers covered by the
decisions of the following Wages Boards for the month of
CEYLON ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 397) AND ITS AMENDMENTS AS Registration of Suppliers for the Year 2024
AMENDED BY ACT NO. 34 OF 1968 AND LAW NO.10 OF 1974.
November 2023 are given below.
Registration of Suppliers for the purchase of
1) Loan Reference No:- 77542305 and 88255554
Sale of mortgaged property of Mr. Jayasinghe Arachchige Prasanna
B.K. Prabhath Chandrakeerthi Sampath alias Mr. Jayasinghe Arachchige Prasanna Sampath
Jayasinghe of No. 191, Main Street, Giriulla. Goods and Services and provision of services for
Commissioner General of Labour It is hereby notied that pursuant to a Resolution of the Board of
Directors of the Bank of Ceylon adopted under Section 19 of the Bank of the Ella Pradeshiya Sabha for the Year 2024 will
Department of Labour
Colombo 05.
Ceylon Ordinance published in the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka. No. 2356 of 27.10.2023 and in Dinamina, Daily take place up to 3.00 p.m. on 09.01.2024.
News and Thinakaran of 20.10.2023, Mr. M.H.T. Karunarathne, the
Auctioneer of T & H Auctions, No.50/3, Vihara Mawatha, Kolonnawa
19.12.2023 will sell by Public Auction on 10.01.2024 11.00 a.m at the spots, the
properties and premises described in the Schedules hereunder for the
Those who wish to register themselves as a
Cocoa, Cardamom and
recovery of the balance principal and interest due up to the date of Supplier for Ella Pradeshiya Sabha for the Year
sale and costs and monies recoverable under Section 26 of the said

Pepper Growing & Worker Daily Rs. 1814.51

2024 could download further details and the
Manufacturing Trade All that divided and dened allotment of land marked Lot 1 depicted application form by visiting the Website of Ella Pradeshiya Sabha.
in Plan No. 912/2012 dated 28.08.2012 made by L.W.I Jayasekara,
Licensed Surveyor of the land called "MALWANA" situated at
( In addition, the allowance payable in terms of the Thalagasmunuwa within the Grama Niladhari Division of 1034 -
Marandagolla within the Divisional Secretary's Division of Narammala
Budgetary Relief Allowance Act, No. 36 of 2005 within the Pradeshiya Sabha Limits of Narammala in Udukaha West Secretary
and the Budgetary Relief Allowance Act, No. 04 of Korale of Dambadeni Hatpattu in the District of Kurunegala North

2016 should be paid to the workers by the Employer.

Western Province and which said Lot 1 is bounded on the NORTH
EAST by Land claimed by V.G. Kumarasiri and Pradeshiya Sabha
Ella Pradeshiya Sabha
Road from Negombo Road to Thalgasmunuwa SOUTH EAST by
Lands claimed by V.G. Kumarasiri,Alawwa,Ranawera,P.V. Ariyadasa 0572228575
and Dinapala and Dewata Road SOUTH WEST by Land claimed by

V.G Kumarasiri and Maha Oya, NORTH WEST by Lot No.1 in Plan
No.303/2010, balance portion of this land and land claimed by Sampath
Jayasinghe and Diyahonda Ela and containing in extent ONE ACRE
ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 397) AS AMENDED BY ACT NO 34 OF 1968 with everything else standing thereon and Registered in T 66/41 at
AND LAW NO 10 OF 1974 Narammala Land Registry.
At a meeting held on 21st November 2023, the Board of Directors of this Bidders are free to inspect the available Title Deeds and other
connected documents related to the above property, may be inspected
Bank resolved specially and unanimously:
from Manager Bank of Ceylon, Dambadeniya of 037-2266144.
1. A sum of to Rs.107,281,782.62 (Rupees One Hundred Seven Million
Two Hundred Eighty One Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Two Mode of Payment : The successful purchaser will have to pay the
and Sixty Two Cents.) on account of the principle and interest up to following amounts in cash at the fall of the hammer:

Department of Inland Revenue

07.08.2023 and together with further interest on the balance principal 1.1 10% (Ten percent) of the purchased price
amount of Rs.63,092,632/- (Rupees Sixty Three Million Ninety Two 1.2 VAT charges (If applicable)
Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Two ) at the rate of Twenty Two Decimal
1.3 1% (One percent) to the Local Authority as Sales Tax
Seven (22.7%) per centum per annum from 08.08.2023 till the date of
sale on Reschedule A Loan, a sum of Rs.4,823,191.79 (Rupees Four 1.4 2.5% (Two and Half Percent) as the Auctioneer Commission Procurement Notice
Million Eight Hundred Twenty Three Thousand One Hundred Ninety 1.5 Cost of sales and any other charges, if applicable

Invitation of Bids for Maintaining the

One and Cents Seventy Nine) on account of the principle and interest 1.6 Other fees / charges
up to 07.08.2023 and together with further interest on the balance
Another 10% (Ten percent) of the purchased price will have to be paid
Cleaning Services – 2024 / 2025
principal amount of Rs.3,750,512.98 (Rupees Three Million Seven
Hundred Fifty Thousand Five Hundred Twelve and Ninety Eight Cents) within 30 days from the auction date and Balance 80% of the purchased
at the rate of Six (6%) per centum per annum from 08.08.2023 till the price to be settled within three months from the date of sale. In addition,
date of sale on Reschedule B Loan and a sum of Rs.13,414,672.02 purchaser will have to pay Stamp duty and notary fee for attesting the
(Rupees Thirteen Million Four Hundred Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred conditions of Sale and Certicate of Sale. Contract No. IR/PAM/22/2024-2025
Seventy Two and Cents Two) on account of the principal and interest up If the purchaser fails to comply with the conditions as stipulated above,
to 07.08.2023 and together with further interest on the balance principal the Bank shall have the right to forfeit all monies paid on auction date Chairman, Procurement Committee, Department of Inland Revenue, Colombo 02, invites
amount of Rs.8,234,348.21 (Rupees Eight Million Two Hundred Thirty and reauction the property. sealed bids up to 2.00 p.m. on 09.01.2024 only from eligible, qualified and reputed bidders
Four Thousand Three Hundred Forty Eight and Twenty One Cents) at
By order of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Ceylon. who have fulfilled the undermentioned requirements for a period of one (01) year from
the rate of Twenty Two Decimal Seven (22.7%) per centum per annum 01.03.2024 to conduct and maintain the cleaning services at the following premises.
from 08.08.2023 till the date of sale on Term Loan are due from Mr. BANK OF CEYLON MR. K.N.M.D.P. DHARMAKEERTHI
Don Chandrasekara Amarasinghe alias Amarasinghe Arachchige Don DAMBADENIYA MANAGER • 17 storey building of the Department of Inland Revenue at Sir Chittampalam A.
Chandrasekara Amarasinghe of No. 640/09, Sirimavo Bandaranaika
Mawatha, Kandy.Mrs. Jayasinghe Arachchige Mangalika Jayasinghe of Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02,
No. 640/09, Sirimavo Bandaranaika Mawatha, Kandy Mr. Amarasinghe • Baladaksha New Building, Colombo 02,
Arachchige Nuwan Pubudu Amarasinghe of No. 640/09, Sirimavo • Inland Revenue Nawam Mawatha Regional Office 2 storeyed Building premises
Bandaranaika Mawatha, Kandy. on Mortgage Bond No.150 dated
26.10.2018 attested by R.D.S.K.Narasinghe, Notary Public. at No. 100, Nawam Mawatha,

2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon Ordinance (Cap

BANK OF CEYLON • Jawatta (Colombo City) Regional Office
397) and its amendments, Mr. M H T Karunarathne of T & H Auctions, • Maharagama City Office at No. 533, Wijerama Junction, Gangodawila,
The Licensed auctioneer of No 50/3, Vihara Mawatha, Kolonnawa be Nugegoda,
authorized and empowered to sell by Public auction the properties ORDINANCE (CAP. 397) AS AMENDED BY ACT. NO.34 OF 1968 AND
• 4 storey Regional Office Building at No. 714, Wackwella Road, Galle,
mortgaged to the Bank of Ceylon and described in the First Schedule LAW NO.10 OF 1974.
hereunder together with the right of way and all connected rights in • 3 storey Regional Office in Matara,
At a meeting held on 08.11.2023 the Board of Directors of this Bank
over under and along the road ways described in the Second Schedule resolved specially and unanimously : • Kurunegala Regional Office and Data Revision Centre
hereunder for the recovery of the said sum of Rs.107,281,782.62 (Rupees
1. That a sum of Rs, 29,695,699.38 (Rupees Twenty Nine Million Six • Kandy Regional Office
One Hundred Seven Million Two Hundred Eighty One Thousand Seven
Hundred Eighty Two and Sixty Two Cents.) on Reschedule A Loan, Hundred Ninety Five Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety Nine and Cents • Negombo Regional Office
the said sum of Rs.4,823,191.79 (Rupees Four Million Eight Hundred Thirty Eight Only) on account of the principal and interest up to 09.09.2023 • Ratnapura Regional Office
Twenty Three Thousand One Hundred Ninety One and Cents Seventy and together with further interest on Rs. 25,000,000.00 (Rupees Twenty
Nine) on Reschedule B Loan and the said sum of Rs.13,414,672.02 Five Million Only) at the rate of 14.25% per centum per annum from • Jaffna Regional Office
(Rupees Thirteen Million Four Hundred Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred 10.09.2023 till the date of payment, is due on the “Rescheduled A” loan • Nuwara Eliya Regional Office and Nuwara Eliya Circuit Bungalow
Seventy Two and Cents Two) on the Term Loan on the said Mortgage and sum of Rs. 5.969,495.03 (Rupees Five Million Nine Hundred Sixty • Regional Office situated in Meepitiya, Kegalle
Bond No.150 dated 26.10.2018 attested by R.D.S.K. Narasinghe Nine Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety Five and Cents Three only) on
Notary Public and together with interest as aforesaid from 08.08.2023 account of the principle and interest up to 09.09.2023 and together with • Dambulla Regional Office situated at No. 42, Kurunegala Road
to date of sale, and costs and monies recoverable under Section 26 of further interest on Rs. 5,716,974.44 (Five Million Seven Hundred Sixteen • Badulla Regional Office at No. 17, Udhayaraja Mawatha, Badulla
the said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance and the Manager of the Bakamoona Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy Four and Cents Forty Four Only) • Anuradhapura Regional Office at Banks site, Anuradhapura
Branch of the Bank of Ceylon to publish notice of this resolution in terms at the rate of 3.00% per annum from 10.09.2023 till the date of payment
of Section 21 of the said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance. is due on the “Rescheduled B” loan and further the Terminal benet of • Batticaloa Regional Office at No. 275, Boundary Road
Rs. 4,690,025.34 (Rupees Four Million Six Hundred Ninety Thousand • Kalutara Regional Office situated in Kalutara South and
and Twenty Five and Cents Thirty Four Only) are due from Mr. M.R.M
1. All that divided and dened an allotment of land marked Lot 01 depicted in Rifaz of No: 162/A, Boowelikada, Leemagahakotuwa, on Mortgage
• Office situated at Mehewara Piyasa, Narahenpita.
Plan No. 4952 dated 22nd February, 2010 made by by C.Palamcumbure Bond No: 390, 391 and Mortgage Bond No 392 dated 07.06.2017 all
Licensed Surveyor of the Land Called "TALAUYANWATTA" situated at 01.
attested by Mrs. H.M.N.S. Upuldeniya N.P. Mortgage Bond No. 4825
Welata Ward No.2 in Grama Niladhari Division of Welata of Gangawata dated 19.01.2022 attested by Mrs. R.V. Andarawewa, N.P. I. Should have been registered under the Business Names Registration Ordinance
Korale within the Municipal Council Limits of Kandy in the Divisional
Secretary's Division of Gangawata in the District of Kandy, Central 2. That in terms of Section 19 of the Bank of Ceylon Ordinance (Cap 397) II. Should have minimum of 05 years of satisfactory service experience in the
Province and which said Lot 01 is bounded on the NORTH by Lot 03 in and amendments, Mr. Thusitha Karunarathna, M/s T & H Auction, the relevant field, in Public / Private Sector (Should be institutions having deployed
Plan No.919 on the EAST by Lot 2 in this Plan on the SOUTH by Lot Auctioneers of No.50/3, Vihara Mawatha, Kolonnawa be authorized a minimum of 20 employees in its services.)
B2 in Plan No.919 and on the WEST by Premises bearing Assessment and empowered to sell by Public Auction the property mortgaged to
No. 652/2 in Sirimavo Bandaranaike Mawatha and containing in the Bank of Ceylon and described in the schedule hereunder, for the III. Should have a labour force of minimum 75 labourers. (Should submit certified
extent ONE ROOD AND THREE PERCHES (A0-R1-P3) or NOUGHT recovery of the said sum of Rs. 29,695,699.38 (Rupees Twenty Nine copies of documentary proof of contributions to the Employees' Provident Fund
DECIMAL ONE NOUGHT EIGHT SEVEN SIX HECTARES (0.10876 Million Six Hundred Ninety Five Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety (EPF) and Employees' Trust Fund (ETF) on their behalf for the last 12 months –
Hectares) together with trees, plantations buildings and everything Nine and Cents Thirty Eight Only) on the “Rescheduled A” loan and EPF, A.R. (B) Form)
else standing thereon and Registered in A 588/35 at the District Land sum of Rs. 5,969.495.03 (Rupees Five Million Nine Hundred Sixty
Registry, Kandy. Nine Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety Five and Cents Three only) IV. Institution should possess electrical and other equipment and materials for
2. All that divided and dened allotment of land marked Lot 02 depicted on the “Rescheduled B” loan, and further the Terminal benet of Rs. cleaning (Floor Polishers, Vacuum Cleaners etc.)
in plan No.4952 dated 22nd February ,2010 made by C.Palamcumbure 4,690,025.34 (Rupees Four Million Six Hundred Ninety Thousand and
Licensed Surveyor of the Land Called "TALAUYANWATTA" situated Twenty Five and Cents Thirty Four Only) on the said Mortgage Bond No: V. Average of the Annual Turnover calculated as certified payments received for
at Welata of Gangawata Korale in Grama Niladhari Division of Welata 390, 391 and Mortgage Bond No. 392 dated - 07.06.2017 all attested the contracts in progress and successfully completed within last three (03) years
withi the Municipal Council Limits of Kandy in the Divisional Secretary's by Mrs. H.M.N.S. Upuldeniya N.P. Mortgage Bond No. 4825 dated of the company shoul be Rs. 100 million. (Note: Photocopies of the relevant
Division of Gangawata in the District of Kandy, Central Province and 19.01.2022 attested by M/s. R.V. Andarawea, N.P. together with interest certificates of qualifications from (I) to (V) above should be enclosed with the
which said Lot 02 is bounded on the NORTH by Lot B 3 in Plan No.919 on as aforesaid from 10.09.2023 to date of sale, and costs and monies application.)
the EAST, by Premises bearing Assessment No.664 & 664/1 Sirimawo recoverable under Section 26 of the said Bank of Ceylon Ordinance and
Bandaranayake Mawatha on the SOUTH by Roadway Z-Z1 15ft wide the Manager of the Nawalapitiya Branch of the Bank of Ceylon to publish
& Driveway Marked as X-Y-Z in Plan No.919 and on the WEST by 02. Relevant bidding documents could be inspected free of charge from 19.12.2023 to
notice of this resolution in terms of Section 21 of the said Bank of Ceylon
Assessment No.652/2 in Sirimavo Bandaranaike Mawatha and Lot No.1 Ordinance.
08.01.2024 on working days between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. at the Procurement
in Plan No.4952 and containing in extent EIGHT PERCHES (A0-R0-P8) and Assets Management Division, 15th Floor, Inland Revenue Department Building,
or NOUGHT DECIMAL NOUGHT TWO NOUGHT TWO HECTARES Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02.
(0.0202 Hectares) together with trees, plantations, buildings and Title Certicate No : 00362543902
everything else standing thereon and Registered in A 660 /115 at the
1. Particulars of Land Parcel 03. Bids should be submitted only on forms obtainable from the Commissioner
District Land Registry, Kandy. (Procurement and Assets Management) on submission of a written request on a
(a) District : Kandy
3. All that divided and dened an allotment of land marked Lot 3 depicted
(b) Divisional Secretary's Division : Udunuwara business letterhead of the bidder and on production of a receipt obtained upon
in Plan No.4952 dated 22nd February, 2010 made by C.Palamcumbure
(c) Grama Niladhari Division : 56 - Ketakumbura . payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs. 10,000.00 before 2.00 p.m. on 08.01.2024.
Licensed Surveyor of the Land Called "TALAUYANWATTA" situated
at Welata of Gangawata Korale in Grama Niladhari Division of Welata (d) Village or Town : Batupitiya 04. Bidder should submit an “On Demand” Bid Security / Bank Guarantee obtained from
within the Municipal Council Limits of Kandy in the Divisional Secretary's
Division of Gangawata in the District of Kandy, Central Province
(e) Assessment No. : Nil a reputed commercial bank operating in Sri Lanka for the value of Rs. 480,000/- (Four
and which said Lot 3 is bounded on the NORTH by Mabel Coorey
(f) Cadastral Map No. : 320255 Hundred and Eighty Thousand) along with the bid or else may pay an equivalent
Mawatha on the EAST by Premises bearing Assessment No.642/2, (g) Block No : 03 amount as a refundable bid security deposit in favour of the “Commissioner General
Sirimavo Bandaranaike Mawatha on the SOUTH by Premises bearing (h) Parcel No. : 55 of Inland Revenue” in cash.
Assessment No.664 & 644/1 Sirimawo Bandaranayake Mawatha and (i) Extent : 0.1168 Hectares
on the WEST by Lot 2 in this Plan and Lot B 3 in Plan No.919 and
(j) Extent of land subject to Mortgage : 0.1168 Hectares 05. Duly perfected sealed bids may either be sent by registered post addressed to
containing in extent ONE ROOD AND ONE DECIMAL EIGHT SEVEN “Department of Inland Revenue, Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha,
PERCHES (A0-R1-P1.87) together with trees, plantations, buildings 2. Prior Registration Reference
Colombo 02” or deposited in the Tender Box kept at the Procurement and Assets
and everything else standing thereon and Registered in A 660/116 at
the District Land Registry, Kandy
(a) Place of Registration : Kandy Management Division, 15th Floor, Department of Inland Revenue Building to receive
(b) Division : before 2.00 p.m. on 09.01.2024. The caption, “Provision of Cleaning Services to
THE SECOND SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO (c) Volume : 00362541608, the Department of Inland Revenue – 2024/2025” should be mentioned on the
All that Road Access 15 feet wide depicted as X-Y-Z-Z1 in Plan No.919 (d) Folio No. : 0362517922
left-hand top corner of the envelope containing the bid.
dated 14th August 1980 made by C.Palamcumbure Licensed Surveyor (e) Title Certication No : 00362543902
of the Land Called "TALAUYANWATTA" situated at Peradeniya Road (f) Class of Title : First 06. Bids will be opened at 2.00 p.m. on 09.01.2024 immediately after closing of bids at
now Sirimavo Bandaranaike Mawatha of Gangawata Korale in Grama the Procurement and Assets Management Division, 15th Floor, Department of Inland
Niladhari Division of Welata within the Municipal Council Limits of BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OF CEYLON
Revenue Building and the bidder or his authorized representative may be present at
Kandy in the Divisional Secretary's Division of Gangawata in District BANK OF CEYLON D.M.P. DISSANAYAKA
of Kandy, Central Province and bounded on the NORTH by Lot B I and the time of opening of bids.
Lot B 2 and Lot C in the said Plan on the EAST by Premises bearing
07. Further details, if required, may be obtained from the Commissioner (Procurement
Assessment No.644,Lot B2 and Lot C in the said Plan on the SOUTH,
by Sirimavo Bandaranaike Mawatha, Lot C and Lot B2 in the said Plan and Assets Management) of this Department.
and on the WEST by Lot C and B 2 and containing in extent TWENTY
FOUR DECIMAL TWO FIVE PERCHES (A0-R0-P24.25) together with Telephone Nos. Commissioner - 011 2135461
everything else standing thereon and Registered in A 452/130 at the Administrative Officer - 011 2135462
District Land Registry, Kandy. Chief Management Services Officer - 011 2135345
By order of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Ceylon.
Chairman, Major Procurement Committee,
Department of Inland Revenue,
Sir Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha,
Colombo 02.
T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3 ADVERTISER’S SUPPLEMENT page 19 DN

Procurement Notice Notice of Deactivation of

Property made in terms of
Section 8(3) of Prevention of
National Hospital of Sri Lanka Money Laundering Act No. 5
Colombo 10 of 2006 as amended by
Act No. 40 of 2011
Supply of L.P. Gas to the National Hospital of It has been found that the two storey house
Sri Lanka constructed by Withanage Rasika Krishani
Breaking on the land in extent of One Rood Thirty Five
Perches (1R:35P) in Deed of Gift bearing
Bids are invited for the purchase of the following items boundaries No. 10097 situated at No. 127/A/3, School
required by the National Hospital of Sri Lanka. Mawatha, Halpita, Polgasowita owned by
Kanappuli Arachchige Premawathie is a
Description Quantity property earned by illegal activities as per
Section 35 of above Act, this property has
l L.P. Gas 37.5 Kg. 1500 been deactivated from 12.10.2023 under
Case No. SPL/01/2022 by the High Court of
l L.P. Gas 12.5 Kg 50 The Country’s Homagama as per Sections 7 and 8 of the
largest said Act.
Relevantly qualified institutions and individuals can recruitment This Notice is published for the facilitation
submit applications for the above Gas Suppliers and the database of bona fide third parties to substantiate
relevant application forms containing bid conditions can their claims
be obtained from the Supplies Section of the National Director
Hospital of Sri Lanka from 19.12.2023 up to 09.01.2024 on Illegal Assets Investigation Division
weekdays, between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. on payment
of a non-refundable fe of Rs. 8500.00, made to the Shroff's For
Section of the National Hospital of Sri Lanka. jobseekers Correction Notice
Quotations received will be opened at 10.00 a.m. on
Land Acquisition Act
10.01.2024 at the Office of the Chief Accountant of the (Chapter 460)
National Hospital of Sri Lanka.
Notice Under Section 7
Dr W.K. Wickremasinghe My No. EP/LD/9/2/24
Chairman, www. Land Ministry's No. - 03J/91/D/21
Regional Procurement Committee, The Government intends to acquire the
lk following land which is required for a
National Hospital of Sri Lanka.
public purpose. For further details,
please refer the Gazette Extraordinary
No. 2350/46 dated 21.09.2023 of the
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri
1. Province - Southern
2. District - Galle
3. Divisional Secretary's
Ministry of Industries Division - Elpitiya
4. Grama Niladhari
Department of Registrar of Companies Division - 26B-Igala
Estension of period for Filing of Annual Reports 5. Name of the Village - Igala
6. Plan No. - P.P.G. 2981
which are to be done annually by 7. Lot No. - 1 to 5
Incorporated Companies 8. Extent - 2.023
It is observed that some Companies from among those incorporated in Chaturanga Gunasekara
Divisional Secretary
the Department of Registrar of Companies have failed to file the Annual
Reports (Form No. 15/15A) that should be filed.
Divisional Secretariat, Elpitiya
Under Section 133(1) of the Companies Act, every incorporated Company 21 November 2023
should hold the Annual General Meeting and its Annual Report (by Form
No. 15/15A) should be submitted to the Registrar General of Companies
within 30 working days since holding the AGM, on payment of the
Notice under Section 7
relevant charges. If an Annual Meeting is not held, acting in terms of of the
Section 144 (3) of the Companies Act, should submit the Annual Report Land Acquisition Act
within 30 working days to the Registrar General of Companies. My Ref. No.
Accordingly, a concessionary period from 01st January, 2024 up to
Notice under Section 7 of the Land Acquisition
31st March, 2024 will be granted to Companies which had not filed Act, calling for the inquiries under Section 7 of
the said Act, in respect of the following lands
such Annual Reports up to now, to file such reports and no concilliation which are required for a public purpose, has

Procurement Notice charge will be levied. been published in the Gazette Extraordinary of
the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
No. 2249/19 dated 13.10.2021.
Therefore, it is hereby kindly informed the Directors, Secretaries,
Promoters and other interested parties of all Companies incorporated
Ministry of Health under the Companies Act to make sure to file relevant Annual Reports
Province : Sabaragamuwa
District : Ratnapura
The National Institute for Nephrology Dialysis & Transplantation within the stipulated time frame. Divisional
Secretariat : Kahawatta
Maligawatta, Colombo 10
Sanjeewa Dissanayake Grama Niladhari's
Division : Yatagara
Registrar General of Companies
Purchase of a Fully Automated Village
F.V.P. No.
F.V.P. No. 27,

Haematology Analyzer Lot No. :

Supplement No. 17
Sheet No. 20
309, 311
Name of Land : Hedawakahena,
Sealed bids are received up to 10.00 a.m. on 08.01.2024 by the Chairman, Thippolahena,
Procurement Committee, The National Institute for Nephrology Dialysis and Kunduruppe Hena
Transplantation, Maligawatta from qualified companies having business
Extent : 9.949
registration for the sale of Equipment in Sri Lanka for obtaining the following
services. B.S.G. Ruwansiri
Divisional Secretary,
Ser. Item Quantity Non-Refundable Fee TENDER NOTICE Kahawatta.
No. - (Rs.) At Divisional Secretariat,
01 Purchase of a Fully Automated 01 2,500.00 IMPROVEMENTS / REPAIRS TO FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM OF Kahawatta.

01. Bid documents may be obtained between 9.30 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. on Sealed tenders will be received by the Chairman, Corporate Procurement Committee (Minor)
working days from 19.12.2023 until 08.01.2024 by fulfilling the
of the National Savings Bank from eligible contractors for the Improvements/ Repairs to
Fire Protection System of Head Office Buildings of National Savings Bank.
Land Acquisition Act
following requirements :
Tender documents will be issued only to contractors registered with the Construction Industry (Chapter 460)
(a) Submission of a letter of request to the Chairman of the Development Authority (CIDA) in Grade EM4 and above for Fire Detection, Protection Notice Under Section 7 (1)
Procurement Committee & Suppression.
(b) A non-refundable fee of Rs. 2,500.00 should be paid to the Shroff Tender documents can be examined free of charge and could be obtained from the Asst. (Old File No. 3/2/2/100)
Division of the National Institute for Nephrology Dialysis & General Manager (Engineering) of the National Savings Bank at his office from 20.12.2023 Tourism and Land Ministry's Ref No :
to 12.01.2024 during working days from 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. after producing the updated
Transplantation for each set of bid documents and the receipt 4-3/12/2013/ED/631
CIDA Registration Book and making a non-refundable payment of Rupees Three Thousand
should be submitted. (Rs.3,000/=) in cash to the Head Office Branch of National Savings Bank.
Actions have been taken to acquire the land
described in the Schedule below to the State for
(c) Submission of a certified photocopy of the Business Registration The contractor should meet the following requirements to be eligible for the tender: construction of the abandoned tank bund and a
Certificate spill. For further details, please see the Part III
Experience in the similar nature and size of improvements / repairs of at least one contract of the Extraordinary Gazette No. 2354/26 dated
(d) Letter/Certificate issued by the Principals appointing your company which consists of Fire system installation or repairing project not less than the value quoted in 20.10.2023 of the Democratic Socialist Republic
of Sri Lanka.
as the local agent for their products. the tender as a main contractor during the last 07 years. The documentary evidence obtained
from the clients should be attached.
02. A pre bid meeting will be held at 10.00 a.m. on 29.12.2023 at the Province : North Western
Lecture Hall of this institution. The minimum amount of liquid assets and / or credit facilities not of other contractual District : Kurunegala
commitments and exclusive of any advance payment which may be under this contract shall Divisional Secretary's
03. Bid documents may be inspected free of charge in this office. not be less than Rs. 5 million. Division : Panduwasnuwara West
Grama Niladhari
04. Bids submitted in duplicate in separate covers as Original and Duplicate Sealed tender with a duplicate in separate envelopes, indicating “Improvements / Repairs to Division : 1326 - Kahatavila
Existing Fire Protection System of NSB Head Office Buildings” on the top left corner of
may either be sent by registered post to the address given below or hand Name of Village : Kirimatiyagama
the envelope should be sent by Registered Post or hand delivered to the Asst. General Manager Plan No. : F.V.P. 1800
delivered and deposited in the Bid Box kept at the Office of the (Engineering), Premises Division, National Savings Bank, 255, Galle Road, Colombo 03, to Supplementary No. 10
Accountant of this institute to receive before 10.00 a.m. on 08.01.2024. reach him at or before 2.30 p.m. on the closing date of 31.01.2024. Sheet No. 10
Lot No. : 276
05. Bids will be opened immediately after the closing of bids at 10.00 a.m. Tenders will be opened immediately after the closing of tenders at the above address and the Extent : 0.5221 Hectares
on 08.01.2024 in the presence of bidders or their authorized tenderers or their authorized representatives can be present at the time of opening of tenders. (1 Acre 1 Rood
representatives. 6.4 Perches)
For further details, if necessary, contact the Asst. General Manager (Engineering) of National
Name of the Land : Mahawewagawahen-
Savings Bank on telephone 011-2573928.
Chairman yaya
Regional Procurement Committee Chairman I.P.N.P. Thilakarathna
The Institute for Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation Corporate Procurement Committee (Minor) Divisional Secretary
Maligawatta, Colombo 10. National Savings Bank Panduwasnuwara West
255, Galle Road, At Divisional Secretariat -
Tel. Nos. 011 2422335 / 011 2422336 Colombo 03. Panduwasnuwara - West
Fax. No. 011 2422334 12.12.2023 On the 27 day of November 2023
DN page 20 ADVERTISER’S SUPPLEMENT T U E S D AY, D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 2 3
My No: RG/NB/11/2/84/2022/පිටු/සැ
BY THE LAND ACQUISITION AS AMENDED BY THE LAND 01. I hereby give notice under Section 04 of the Land Registers Reconstructed Folio Ordinance (Cap. 120) that Land Register
(AMENDMENT) ACT NO. 28 OF ACQUISITION (AMENDMENT) Folios, particulars of which appear in Column 1 of the schedule hereto, affecting the land described in Column 2, thereof
which have been found to be missing or torn, have been reconstructed in full in provisional folios and relate to the
1964 ACT NO. 28 OF 1964 connected deeds, particulars of which are shown in Column 3 of the said schedule.
Notice Under Section 7(1) It is hereby notified that the Government
02. The provisional folio will be opened for inspection by any person or persons interested therein at the Office of the Registrar
intends to acquire the land morefully
My Reference No : described in the following schedule required of Lands, Delkanda, 22.12.2023 to 05.01.2024 between the hours of 10.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. on all working days.
ARA/LND/ACQV1/D3/47 for the development of the said land. For Breaking 03. Any person desirous of lodging any objection against any entry included in a provisional folio or against any of the
further clarification, please refer to the Part boundaries particulars contained in any such entry and any person desiring to make a claim for the insertion of any entry or of any
Ministry of Tourism and Lands III of the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist particulars alleged to have been improperly omitted from any entry must do so, by an objection or claim in writing
: 4-3/15/2017/VE/321 Republic of Sri Lanka No. 2354/27 dated 10th
addressed to the undersigned which must be sent under registered cover and must reach the Office of the Registrar General
The Government acquired the land described Ocrober 2023.
not later than 12.01.2024. The matter in respect of which the objection or claim is made must be clearly and fully set out
in the schedule below is required for the SCHEDULE
in the objection or claim, and the objection or claim must be accompanied by all documentary evidence relies upon the
resettlement of people victim of landslide. For District : Kurunegala support of it.
further particulars, please see the Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Extraordinary
Divisional Secretary's Division : The Country’s SCHEDULE
Gazette No. 2358/12 dated 13th November Polgahawela. largest Particulars of Damaged Particulars of Deeds
2023. Villages : Within the Divisions of 883 recruitment Folios of the Land Registers
Particulars of Land
Schedule Ahugoda East and database Folio No. 160 of Volume All that allotment of land marked Lot No.1, depicted 01. Deed of Transfer No. 7781 written
886 Hiripathwella. 701 of Division M of the in the land called 'Thibirigahalanda' in Plan No. 1120 and attested by N.J.S. Cooray,
District - Kegalle Notary Public on 10.08.1961.
Land Registry, Delkanda dated 17.11.1957 of the land in the Palle Pattu Salpiti
Divisional Secretariat Names of the Land : in Colombo District
Division - Aranayaka Korale in Pitakotte in the District of Colombo, Western 02. Deed of Transfer No. 1142
Kandahena, Dahaiyagalawatta, written and attested by S.N.D.
Grama Niladhari Gandaraelakumbura. Province and bounded on the,
Division - 33 C Ruwandeniya For Abeysinghe, Notary Public on
North by : Beddagana Road 03.03.1978.
Name of the Village - Pallepamuwa
Cadastral Map Nos. : 421701, 421724 jobseekers
East by : Land bearing of Sivali Ekanayake 03. Deed of Mortgage No. 304 written
Name of Land - Weediyamankadahena
Block Numbers : 1 1
and Others and Lot D and attested by G.R. Amarasiri,
Preliminary Plan No. - KE 3762 Sheet Numbers : 1 1 Notary Public on 11.07.1979.
South/West by : Lot B (Reserved to Road)
Lot Number - 01 Lot Numbers : 1, 2, 3 1 Extent : A.00 R.00 P.18.25
V.O.L.S. Rathnasekara Total Extent Hectare : 0.1035 0.0013
Divisional Secretary (Acting) W.R.A.N.S. Wijayasinghe
Aranayaka Divisional Secretary/ Registrar General's Department, Registrar General
www. No. 234/A3,
Divisional Secretariat Land Acquisition Officer,
observerjobs. Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha.,
Aranayaka Divisional Secretary's Division, Battaramulla.
Date : 23 November 2023
My No: RG/NB/11/2/79/2023/පිටු/සැ

PROCUREMENT NOTICE 01. I hereby give notice under Section 04 of the Land Registers Reconstructed Folio Ordinance (Cap. 120) that Land Register

Bibila Pradeshiya Sabha

Folios, particulars of which appear in Column 1 of the schedule hereto, affecting the land described in Column 2, thereof
which have been found to be missing or torn, have been reconstructed in full in provisional folios and relate to the
connected deeds, particulars of which are shown in Column 3 of the said schedule.
Sealed Bids will be received from 18.12.2023 up to 28.12.2023 for the Leasing Out of the 02. The provisional folio will be opened for inspection by any person or persons interested therein at the Office of the Registrar
Assets belonging to the Bibila Pradeshiya Sabha, stated in the Schedule below. of Lands, Colombo, 22.12.2023 to 05.01.2024 between the hours of 10.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. on all working days.
03. Any person desirous of lodging any objection against any entry included in a provisional folio or against any of the
Schedule particulars contained in any such entry and any person desiring to make a claim for the insertion of any entry or of any
particulars alleged to have been improperly omitted from any entry must do so, by an objection or claim in writing
Tender Form Fee addressed to the undersigned which must be sent under registered cover and must reach the Office of the Registrar General
Tender Deposit
S/ Minimum Bid (Non- not later than 12.01.2024. The matter in respect of which the objection or claim is made must be clearly and fully set out
Asset (Refundable) in the objection or claim, and the objection or claim must be accompanied by all documentary evidence relies upon the
No. - Rs. - Refundable)
- Rs. - support of it.
- Rs. -
3 Bibila Beef Stall 2,000,000.00 2,000.00 40,000.00 Particulars of Damaged Particulars of Deeds
Particulars of Land
Folios of the Land Registers Registered
4 No. 01 Sea Fish Stall 1,045,000.00 2,000.00 20,900.00 Folio No. 63 of Volume All that allotment of Assessment No. 4/2 land marked 01. Deed of Gift No. 8216 written and
381 of Division A of the Lot No. B depicted in land called "Mahagahawatta" attested by S. Somasundaram.
5 No. 02 Sea Fish Stall 516,000.00 2,000.00 10,320.00 Land Registry, Colombo in the Plan No. 3508 dated 17.08.1936 made by E.M. Notary Public on 09.12.1963.
6 No. 03 Sea Fish Stall 945,000.00 2,000.00 18,900.00 in Colombo District
Anthonisz, Licensed Surveyor of the land situated 02. Deed of Transfer No. 376
at Buller's Road in the District of Colombo, Western written and attested by M.T.
7 Inland Fish Stall 345,000.00 2,000.00 6,900.00 Wickramanayaka, Notary Public
Province and bounded on the,
on 16.10.1991.
8 Pork Stall 687,500.00 2,000.00 13,750.00 North by : Lot A
9 Dry Fish Stall 57,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 East by : Lot C
South by : Premises No. 2887
10 No. 01 - Chicken Stall 473,000.00 2,000.00 9,500.00
West by : Lane being part of Garden No. 288
11 No. 02 - Chicken Stall 460,000.00 2,000.00 9,200.00 Extent : A.00 R.00 P.22.00
W.R.A.N.S. Wijayasinghe
12 No. 03 - Chicken Stall 400,000.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 Registrar General's Department, Registrar General
No. 234/A3,
Further details required can be obtained either by calling over during office hours or by Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha.,
Telephone No. 055-2265475.
D.M. Anusha S. Dissanayake
Secretary of the Sabha,
Pradeshiya Sabha,
At Bibila Pradeshiya Sabha
Date - 15.12.2023





1. Deadline for the submission of proposals for the above EOI is extended by
two weeks. Therefore the new deadline for the submission of proposals is
January 10, 2024 at 10:00 Hrs.

Chairman (CEB)
C/o, Deputy General Manager (REP&PM),
No. 6 ½, First Floor,
Kalinga Place,
Off Sulaiman Avenue,
Colombo 05

Enrich Life through Power...

Printed and Published by The Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd., at No. 35, D.R.Wijewardene Mawatha, Colombo 10, on Tuesday, December 19, 2023

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