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CYTOMETRY Val. 1,No. 6, 1981
Copyright 0by the Society for Analytical Cytology Printed in U.S.A.


Flow Cytometric Electronic Direct

Current Volume and Radiofrequency
Impedance Measurements of Single Cells
and Particles'
R. A. Hoffman, T. S. Johnson and W. B. Britt
Life Sciences Division, University of California, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 (R.A.H.,
T.S.J., W.B.B.) and Ortho Diagnostic Systems, Westwood, Massachusetts 02090 (R.A.H.)
Received for publication December 2, 1980; accepted February 19, 1981

A flow-system instrument is described membrane produce rf-impedance clSanges

that uses direct current and radiofrequency dependent additionally on the electrical
(rf) currents to detect simultaneously the properties of the plasma membrane and in-
low and high frequency impedance changes tracellular structures. Thus, biologically dif-
produced by biologic cells or particles sus- ferent cells having the same Coulter direct
pended in saline traversing through a 93-pm current volume can be distinguished if they
diameter sensing orifice. For nonmembra- differ in their electrical rf impedance prop-
nous particles and plastic microspheres both erties.
the Coulter direct current volume and rf-
parameter signals are proportional to par- Key terms: Flow cytometry, direct current
ticle volume. Cells having an intact plasma cell volume, radio-frequency impedance

One of the fist physical parameters measured using flow version of an instrument previously described (5). To date,
cytometric methods was the electronic cell volume or Coulter other investigators have used ac techniques to detect large
volume (3) which detects the change in direct current (dc) organisms (2, 9) and rf sensing commercial instruments have
electrical resistance of a small sensing orifice caused by entry been developed by Toa Electronics, Ltd. (4) and Coulter
of a cell or other particle. Because of their highly insulating Electronics, Inc.*s3(21) for analysis of single cells or particles.
plasma membrane capacitance becomes a relatively low Our instrument uses phase-sensitive detection to measure rf
impedance, and the cell appears electrically as a conductive impedance properties of single cells and particles.
particle with a complex ac impedance (5,15-17). Based on the
plasma membrane capacitance becomes a relatively low Materials and Methods
impedance and the cell appears electrically as a conductive Description of Instrument Flow System:Figure 1 shows
particle with a complex ac impedance (5,15-17). Based on the the flow chamber, which is constructed from Polypenco
rationale that the rf impedance change due to entry of a cell Q200.5 (The Polymer Corporation, Reading, PA) a cross-
into a sensing oritice should give information about the elec- linked polystyrene with low rf losses. It has: an entrance cap;
trical characteristics of the cell membrane and/or cell interior two body sections; a 93-pm diameter by 150-pm long cylindri-
( 5 ) , we constructed a flow-system instrument that would cal sapphire orifice jewel (Richard H. Bird Co., Inc., Waltham,
detect the rf impedance properties of single cells. MA); and an exit cap. The plastic pieces screw together. The
The present instrument extends the technique of electronic sample enters the flow chamber through tubing (90%platinum
cell volume measurement (3, 8) by applying both ac and dc plus 10%iridium) in the entrance cap, and a sheath flow (12)
current through the sensing orifice, and it is an improved constrains the sample to the center of the sensing zone. A
manifold is located in the entrance cap to distribute the sheath
' Performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy,
with joint support from Grant 22585 from the National Cancer Coulter WH, Hogg WR. US Patent No. 3,502,974, 1970
Institute, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. ' Coulter WH, Ingram M, Ferro PV: U S Patent No. 3,836,849, 1974






FIG.1. Mechanical drawing of the flow chamber. The manifold in the entrance was made by drilling holes through the edge of the cap and
then sealing the edges with plugs (shown with narrow cross-hatching). Dimensions are in inches.


L ____-__ 1
FIG.2. Schematic of the bridge/preamplifier circuit. Transformer TI(Model TM016-1, Mini-Circuits Laboratory, Brooklyn, NY) applies an
rf voltage across nodes C and f)of the bridge circuit. Buffer amplifiers U1 and U2 (LH0063C,National Semiconductor Corp., Santa Clara, CA)
provide the reference and signal voltages for the phase-sensitive detectors. The high-speed operational amplifier U3 (Model 148B, Intech, Inc.,
Santa Clara, CA) forms a current/voltage converter for the Coulter volume signal. The dc current supply and separate electrodes used to
deliver the dc current are not shown.

fluid through four outlets and equalize the flow. A platinum To prevent the accumulation of gas produced by electrolysis
tubing in the entrance cap is generally used as one of the dc when the dc current was applied, we oriented the flow cham-
current electrodes. The exit cap contains the other electrode ber so that the flow was upward. Experience with other flow
in the form of a platinum foil. The exit cap contains a long, chambers showed that a small capacitance change produced
small-diameter exit channel which provides a large electrical by fluid dripping off the exit tube produces large pulses in the
resistance to ground for electrical isolation. Each half of the ac detectors. This problem was solved by the large electrical
flow chamber body contains a ring-shaped platinum electrode resistance in the exit channel of the present design.
formed from 0.25-pm diameter platinum wire. These wire
electrodes apply the high-frequency electrical current and Electronics
sense the high frequency and low frequency impedance
changes across the sapphire orifice jewel (see legend for Fig. Description of Instrumentation Electronics:The sens-
2). The electrodes were placed as close as possible to the ing orifice forms one of the impedance legs in a balanced
orifice. bridge circuit (Fig. 2). The purpose of the circuit is to detect
amplifier U3. The 100-pf and 15-pF capacitors, in series with
' A

200 - 0 dc
COULTER VOLUME inductors Lo and L3, respectively, prevent shunting of the low-
frequency Coulter volume signal (bandwith approximately
0.1-100 kHz). The rf voltage is applied to the bridge through
a broadband step-up transformer. The 0.02 pF capacitor at
[r the rf source input blocks low-frequency noise that could
m degrade the dc Coulter volume signal. The 10 kC2 metal film
E resistors are connected in series to produce 20 kC2 resistance
with a minimum shunting capacitance. Inductor LOforms a
_I tuned circuit with the orifice capacitance Co, and inductor L
z and a 50 kC2 cermet potentiometer are used to balance the
z bridge. The input capacitance of UZis tuned out by inductor
I L3.
The circuits of Figure 2 are housed in an aluminum box,
and U1 and U2 are connected to a separate detector module
with 50 C2 cables. A two-way power splitter (Model ZSC-2*-,
C Mini-Circuits Laboratory, Brooklyn, NY) is generally used to
I 2 3 4
divide the output signal from U2 between a monitoring oscil-
VOLUME(p3) x 10 loscope and the detector module. The output of U3 is further
FIG.3. Plot of the mean peak channel number of the dc-resistance amplified by an amplifier specifically designed for dc Coulter
(Coulter volume, and OD, 4.5 MHz rf impedance (0)parameters for volume signals (19). Stray capacitances, which are not shown
9.55, 12.50, 15.61 and 18.52 pm plastic microsphere reference particle in Figure 2, are largely responsible for determining the values
diameters. Inset, oscilloscope traces of the ( a )dc and ( b )demodulated
of inductors L, LOand Ls. As a point of reference the inductors
rf signals obtained from 10 pm dia. plastic microspheres. Vertical scale
is 2V/div.; time base 10 psec/div. and the duration of the undershoot used to construct a circuit which operated at 4.5 MHz were L
represents about 25 psec for dc and 250 psec for the rf signal. = 38-85 pH, LO= 65-125 pH, L3 = 65-125 pH and Lq = 330
pH. A commercial signal generator (Ferris Model 22-D) pro-
vides the rf voltage applied to the bridge. The voltage from
simultaneously the dc Coulter volume signal (3) and the signal the signal generator is amplified by one or two stages of a
due to the change in ac orifice impedance and to provide these simple, low-noise power amplifier.
signals as separate outputs. The output of the bridge circuit Instrumentation Operation: Preamplifier signals were
due to the passage of a cell through the orifice is an asynchro- demodulated by a reference signal in phase with the voltage
nous pulse modulation which is buffered by preamplifier U2 applied to the bridge circuit (i.e., O", rf detector). The bridge
and demodulated by a phase sensitive detector not shown in impedances were adjusted to balance simultaneously the
Figure 2. The reference voltage for phase detection is sent out bridge and provide the maximum demodulated pulse ampli-
by an identical preamplifier UI. The basic bridge circuit and tude for homogeneous test particles, ie.,plastic microspheres.
phase-sensitive detector have been described previously (5) These 0" phase-detected rf signals were used as one parameter
and the theoretical analysis for the phase-sensitive detection to a dual-parameter data acquisition system (14). The other
used is described in the Appendix. parameter was from the dc Coulter volume signal. Mathe-
The balanced bridge circuit is necessary to reduce the matical analysis of the bridge circuit indicated that under the
steady signal applied to the detectors and preamplifier and to conditions described above the demodulated signal was de-
reduce the noise introduced by the rf source. This noise pendent almost entirely on the resistance rather than capaci-
reduction can be appreciated by noting that a very good tance change in orifice impedance. Experimental evidence to
commercial signal generator typically will have a noise level support this fact was the linear relationship between the dc
in a 100 kHz bandwidth greater than -100 dB or 0.001% of Coulter volume signal and rf impedance signal for nonmem-
the output, while the percentage change in voltage a t node A brane bound particles including plastic microspheres, gas bub-
due to a red blood cell traversing a 93-pm diameter orifice is bles and ethanol-fixed cells. For practical purposes we refer to
only about 0.001%. Thus, detection of small cells requires a the rf signal as a measure of the ac resistance change in the
quieter rf source than is generally available. In practice, it has sensing orifice, keeping in mind that in some cases the rf signal
been possible to balance the bridge sufficiently to make the may include a small effect due to cell capacitance.
noise from the rf source negligible and to null out the funda- The dc current through the orifice was 0.2-0.3 mA, and the
mental, but not the harmonics, of the voltage applied by the rf voltage applied across nodes C and D of the bridge circuit
rf source. was approximately 20 Vrms (5 Vrms input to the bridge/
For the dc Coulter volume signal, dc current is supplied preamplifier module). The amplitude of the reference voltage
through the electrodes on the entrance and exit caps of the for the phase-sensitive detector was approximately 0.3 Vrms.
flow chamber. A set of batteries in series with a large resistor The bridge was sufficiently balanced so that the steady voltage
(not shown in Fig. 2) provides the dc current. Connections to applied to the bridge-preamplifier was less than 200 mV peak-
the flow chamber are made through suitable rf chokes (not peak. The total flow rate (sheath plus sample) was 3 ml/min,
shown in Fig. 2) to isolate the dc supply from the rf circuitry. while the sample flow rate was 0.6 ml/min or less and the
R F choke Lq provides low-pass fdtering for the dc Coulter velocity of particles traversing the orifice was on the order of
volume signal, which is amplified by the transimpedance 5 m/s.

Calibration Microspheres and Biologic Cells since the counting rates used were typically a few hundred
cells/sec. The coefficient of variation for the Coulter volume
Plastic Microspheres:The resolution and linearity of the
pulse-height distribution was typically 2% for the microsphere
instrument were tested using uniform polystyrene micro-
data. The 0" rf parameter usually has a slightly smaller
spheres (Coulter Electronics, Inc., Hialeah, FL). Microspheres
coefficient of variation than the Coulter volume parameter,
of 9.55, 12.50, 15.61 and 19.52 pm diameter were used corre-
and coefficients of variation of 1.6% have been obtained for
sponding to volumes of 456.1, 1022.7, 1991.6 and 3894.4 pm3,
t,he 0" rf distributions of 12.50-pm plastic spheres. The mean
channel numbers of the pulse-height spectra for the Coulter
Biologic Cells:Asynchronous Chinese hamster cells (V79)
volume and 0" rf parameters are plotted versus the volume of
were used in these experiments. Stock cultures were main-
the plastic spheres in Figure 3, illustrating that both param-
tained in exponential growth as monolayers in plastic tissue
culture flasks (Falcon, Oxnard, CA) at 37% C in a humidified eters were directly proportional to particle volume.
5% co2/95%air atmosphere using Gibco BME (G-133, Grand dc Resistivity and rf Impedance Measurements of
Island Biological Co., Grand Island, NY) nutrient medium Biologic Cells:Electronic dc resistance sensing ( i.e., Coulter
volume, reference 3) based on detection of dc electrical resist-
supplemented with 50 U/ml potassium penicillin, 50 pg/ml
ance changes in a small sensing orifice due to the passage of
streptomycin sulfate and 10%fetal calf serum (Flow Labora-
a cell or particle has been widely used for characterizing cell
tories, McLean, VA). Exponentially growing cells were rinsed
populations. Only limited data are available for rf impedance
with Earle's salts solution, then dissociated using 0.25%trypsin
measurements of mammalian cells using flow techniques3 (5,
(DIFCO, 0152-17, Detroit, MI) in phosphate-buffered saline
6, 10, 20-22). These data indicate that intact cells appear
solution (Mallinckrodt Na2HP04=7H20no. 7914; KH? PO4 no.
7100 and NaC12). Chinese hamster cells (line CHO) were electrically as conductive particles having impedance proper-
ties which are related to size and in general corresponds to
maintained free of contamination with Mycoplasma in F-10
cellular buoyant density3 (10, 21). In the present study we
medium (Schwartz/Mann, Ham modified, cat. no. 7712-21)
supplemented with antibiotics (100 U/ml of penicillin G, 100 measured the flow-through dual-parameter dc resistance and
O", 4.5 MHz rf impedance properties of single mammalian
pg/ml of streptomycin sulfate) and 10%calf and 5%fetal calf
cells sampled from suspension cultures or dissociated from
sera. Cultures of exponentially growing cells were grown in
spinner flasks and analyzed as saline washed cells. monolayer and spheroid populations. Figure 4 schematically
Several Murine cell types were analyzed including em- illustrates the general pattern we observed: ( a ) that the rf
bryonal carcinoma cells (line ECC); differentiated teratocar- impedance for intact mammalian cells is smaller than the rf
cinoma cells (lines PYS and SE); Chinese hamster lung (line impedance for plastic microspheres having the same dc vol-
V279-171b); and mechanically dissociated cells from solid ume; and ( b ) the contour patterns observed tended to be
dependent on cell-type and proliferative state. This is due to
flank Colon-26 tumors propagated in BALB/c mice. Freshly
harvested samples of Murine and chicken erythrocytes and
lymphocytes were also analyzed. To test for the effects of - .
fixation on the dc resistance and ac impedance properties of 0

cells, representative samples of 70% ethanol-fixed and 2% z
buffered glutaraldehyde-fixed CHO cells and human eryth- -I

rocytes were compared with unfned cells. To assess the effects z
of physical and chemical agent-induced damage on the dc z
resistance and ac impedance properties of mammalian cells
a .* V79-171b
we compared control V79 cells versus X-ray exposed at 400 0

rad, (colony assay survival fraction = 0.35); actinomycin-D W

exposed 0.3 pg/ml, 30 min (colony assay survival fraction = z
0.85) and combined x-ray plus actinomycin treated cells (col- a
ony assay survival fraction = 0.31). w
Results and Discussion z
Plastic Microsphere Instrument Calibration: Typical N
output pulses from the 0" 4.5 MHz rf detector and dc Coulter r
volume detector obtained from our instrument are shown in I
the inset of Figure 3. The oscilloscope traces represent the 10
superposition of several hundred pulses due to 10-pm diameter ti
plastic spheres traversing the 93-pm diameter orifice. These
0 -
particles caused a resistance change of approximately 10 a in
the sensing orifice and produced a modulation of about 0.01% COULTER dcVOLUME (CHANNEL No.)
on the voltage at node A (Fig. 2) in the bridge circuit. The FIG. 4. Schematic illustration of the typical dual-parameter dc
main amplifier (19) for the Coulter volume signal contains Coulter volume and Oo, 4.5 MHz rf impedance contour pattern ob-
served for plastic microspheres and intact and viable mammaiian cell
active baseline restoration circuitry that minimizes the dma- populations, e.g., V79-171b and CHO cells. The contour pattern
tion of the undershoot on the pulse. Our 0" rf amplifier does appears to be dependent on cell-type, proliferation state and state of
not contain baseline restoration, but this was not a problem differentiation.
10970320, 1981, 6, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [07/02/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
the fact that the intracellular conductivity is much less than populations, whereas cell-cycle related cell volume and rf
the plasma membrane conductivity and cell size generally impedance changes were readily detectable within 1-2 hr after
increases with cell-cycle age. Theoretically, the rf impedance moderate x-ray and low dose actinomycin-D exposures. Figure
properties of single cells in saline suspension should be sensi- 7 shows typical examples of control and treated dual-param-
tive to internal cell structure (5, 7, 15-17) and we obtained eter contour data obtained for samples taken at 6 hr postex-
evidence for asynchronously exponentially growing V79 cells posure, representing: moderate x-ray dose exposure; low dose
that this may indeed be valid. For example, we detected two drug exposure and combined x-ray and drug exposure. Note,
apparently different subpopulations, one having a higher rf
impedance (thought to be mainly G2-cells)and one having a
lower rf impedance (considered to represent mostly mitotic
cells) cells having G2M Coulter dc volumes as shown in Figure
5. One explanation for this observation would be that while ;50
the cell volumes of Gz and dividing cells are quite similar, u
interphase cells (in this case Ga-cells) have an intact nuclear 3
membrane and usually have higher buoyant densities than 30
dividing cells (e.g., 1, 11, 23). Other available flow-through LL
data for mammalian cells have suggested that rf impedance '= 20
sensing is useful for discriminating between biologically dif- 10
ferent cells having similar cell volumes3 (5, 6, 10, 21). M
In a separate series of experiments, we tested the effects of 9
trypsin versus pepsin treatment; and ethanol versus glutaral- 0
dehyde-fixation on the dual-parameter dc resistance/O", 4.5
mHz rf impedance contour patterns of CHO cells. Figure 6
shows contour data obtained for CHO control cells ( 6 b ) com-
pared to trypsin-treated cells (612) which underwent little
change and pepsin-treated cells (6d) which displayed an up-
ward shift of contour lines toward the plastic microsphere
reference line (Fig. 6 a ) . Glutaraldehyde fixation altered the
electrical resistivity properties of CHO cells (Fig. 6 e ) ,partic-
ularly for G2M cells (Fig. 6 e ) , while ethanol-fixation totally 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30
destroyed the rf impedance information by shifting all the
events onto the plastic microsphere reference line (Fig. 6 f ) .
To assess the efficacy of using dual-parameterdc resistance/ FIG. 6 . Contour plot patterns for fresh and treated CHO cells.
Single cells in suspension culture were treated by adding various
O", 4.5 MHz rf impedance measurements to detect rapidly substances to the suspension. The solid line in the upper left panel
physical and chemical cellular damage, we compared the is a calibration provided by plastic microspheres ( a ) .Trypsin-treated
contour patterns of control versus x-ray and actinomycin-D ( c ) and glutaraldehyde-fixed ( e ) cells are not grossly different from
exposed V79 cells. Control and treated cells were sampled the fresh cells ( b ) .Some pepsin-treated cells ( d ) produced events
near the solid line which is suggestive of membrane damage. Ethanol-
from 0 to 24 hr after exposure in three duplicate experiments. fixed cells ( f ) all lie along the solid line which correlates with electron-
Iso-cell lines (where each line represents a constant cell num- microscopic evidence that ethanol fixation completely destroys the
ber) were characteristic of experimental growing control V79 plasma membrane.

t Ir

0 L - X
FIG.5. Dual-parameter oscilloscope display of Coulter dc volume and 0", 4.5 MHz rf impedance data obtained for asynchronous, exponential
growing V79 monolayer cells analyzed as intact, viable cells. Isometric display. Note the two different rf impedance subpopulations in the G&
cell volume region.

I l l I l l sufficiently conductive that the cellular dc and rf conductivity

PLASTIC are equivalent and the cell appears electrically homogeneous.
Events from such nonmembrane-bound particles lie on the
line defined by plastic microspheres. Events from cells with
slightly leaky membranes will lie intermediate, between the
plastic microsphere reference line and intact cells such as we
observed for the x-ray and drug-damaged cells illustrated in
Figure 7 . As a measure of the deviation from homogeneous
plastic microsphere particles we determined the relative opac-
ity, for various control and treated cells, where the term

L 50
1 XRT-5h
4 ACT-0-5h 4 X-ACT-0-5h
relative opacity is defined as follows:
rf channel (cells)/
dc channel(cells)
40 relative opacity =
2 rf channel (plastic spheres)/
dc channel(p1astic spheres)
tr? 30
*- 2 0 - opacity (cells)

opacity (plastic spheres)
(The ease with which a radiofrequency current will go through
z a particle or cell suspended in an electrolyte, e.g., saline, has
been termed “electrical transparency” analogous to light
transmission; the impedance to the radiofrequency current of
a particle or cell has been termed “opacity.”2* Limited pub-
lished data obtained from the Coulter opacity instrument

Table 1
Mean relative opacitiesashof Cells
Relative Opacity at 4.5
Cell Type
10 2 0 30 10 20 3 0 10 20 30 Untreated
Mouse lymphocyte 0.82
COULTER d c V O L U M E Human lymphocyte 0.75
FIG. 7. Effects of radiation and chemical-agent cellular damage on Chick erythrocyte 0.73
dual parameter dc volume/rf impedance properties of exponential Human erythrocyte 0.70
growing V79 cells. Reference plastic microspheres are shown in the Human monocyte 0.68
upper left panel. The contour patterns for cells analyzed at the same Chinese hamster (V279-171b) 0.65
instrument settings are shown for control cells; 400 rad x-ray exposed Colon-26 tumor 0.64
cells; 0.3 pg/ml actinomycin-D exposed cells; and more severely Chinese hamster (CHO line) 0.60
damaged 400 rad x-ray plus actinomycin-D exposed cells. The cells Teratocarcinoma-parietal yolk sac 0.63
were analyzed as unfixed cells sampled at 5 and 6 hr after treatment. Teratocarcinoma-undifferentiated 0.52

Chinese hamster (CHO line)
the x-ray-treated cells displayed what we interpreted as a Gz- ethanol-fixed 1.0
block in addition to cellular hypertrophy and damage to S- Human erythrocyte-glutaralde-
phase and G2M cells (13, 18). Only minimal perturbations hyde-fixed 0.95
were evident for the low dose drug-treated cells during the 24- Chinese hamster (CHO line) glu-
hr sample period. Those cells exposed to both radiation and taraldehyde-fixed 0.63
Human erythroc yte-lysed (ghosts) 0.36
drug showed more severe damage by 6 hr after treatment, as Chick erythrocyte-lysed (ghosts) 0.34
evidenced by abnormally high conductivity cells located on
Relative opacity
the contour plots intermediate between the intact cells and rf channel (cells)/
the nonconducting plastic microspheres (Fig. 7, bottom right). -
- dc channel (cells)
These results are encouraging since they suggest that dual rf channel (plastic spheres)/
parameter dc electronic cell volume/O”, 4.5 MHz rf impedance dc channel (plastic spheres)
sensing of unfixed, unstained cells may be useful for rapid - opacity (cells)
detection of radiation and chemical agent-induced cellular -
opacity (plastic spheres)
It is apparent from both theoretical considerations3 (8) and buncertainty within each run was 256, whereas the day-to-day
variability for relative opacity for biological cells was about 5%.For
our experimental data that as the plasma membrane becomes a given sample, the relative opacity showed up to a 10-20% difference
electrically leaky ( ie., conductive) the dc Coulter volume for cells having narrow Coulter volume (e.g., a 10-15 channels wide
signal decreases. At some point the plasma membrane will be window).
10970320, 1981, 6, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [07/02/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

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The authors thank R. D. Hiebert and Z. Sander for stimulating chem Cytochem 25: 827,1977
discussions during the initial stages of instrumentation development and 22. Tokita N, Johnson TS, Hoffman RA, Raju M R Introduction of
J. C. Martin, G. C. Salzman and J. H. Jett for their comments on the cytokinetic perturbations and increased cell-killingof V79 cells by
manuscript. We thank Z. V. Svitra, D. E. Swartzendruber, R. J . Kissane, radiochemotherapy. Cell Tissue Kinet 12: 681, 1979
H. A. Crissman and N. Tokita for their collaboration on various aspects 23. Wolff DA, Pertoft H: Separation of Hela cells by colloidal silica
of the biologic and cytologic studies. density gradient centrifugation. I. Separation and partial syn-
chrony of mitotic cells. Cell Biol 55: 579, 1972
Literature Cited
1. Buell DN, Fowlkes BJ, Metzger H, Isersky C: Cell cycle and
morphological changes during growth and differentiation of a rat Theoretical Derivation of Pulse Amplitudes for Phase-Sen-
basophilic leukemia cell line. Cancer Res 36: 3131, 1976 sitive rf Detection: The circuit shown in Figure 8 represents the
2. Byerly L, Cassada RC, Russell RL: Machine for rapidly counting most general description for a half-bridge circuit. The change, AVO,in
10970320, 1981, 6, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [07/02/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

variation in V, for small variation in R , and C, is

a v,
AVO= -ARo + -ACo
aR, ac,
AVO= [(aAR, - wRO2PAC,)- j ( P A R , + wR,2aAC,,)]E.
If we define the phase of the complex signal voltage AV, with respect
to the driving signal E,then the signal in-phase with E , AV,, (OD), is
given by
AVo(Oo)= (aAR, - wRo2PAC0)]El. (-41)
The signal that is 90" out-of-phase with E, AVO(90°),is
AV,(90°)= - (PAR, + wR,*(YAC,)IEl. (A2)
1 El is the magnitude of the voltage E .
In general, the in-phase (0') and quadrature (90' ) signals given by
equations ( A l ) and (AZ),respectively, are dependent on both AR,
and ACo. However, when P = 0, the situation is simplified so that
AVO(0") = (Y ARo IE I and AVO(90")= - wRO2oACo I E I. One condition
for which /3 = 0 is when C, = C1 = 0 (i.e., when all elements in the
circuit are pure resistors at the frequency w ) . If CI # 0, it is still
possible to make P = 0 by a suitable adjustment of the other circuit

I A- I
values. A method has been described4 for producing a nearly pure
resistance change, AR,, in the orifice. This would provide an easy way
to detect the condition /3 = 0, since in that case ACo = fl = 0, there
FIG.8. Circuit for complex impedance analysis.
would be no signal for AVO (90') [see equation (AZ)].This might
make it possible to use the AVO (90")signal to detect capacitance
the voltage V , will be derived in terms of the circuit component values
It is expected that the term wRO2ACo wiU always be less than ARo.
and the small changes, ARoand ACo, in the circuit elements, R , and
To make a more quantitative comparison, we note that, if initially
C,, which represent the imepdance of the sensing orifice. If the input
the impedance of the sensing orifice is a pure resistance, R,, then the
impedance of the bridge preamplifier is sufficiently high (Fig. 2), then
changes in resistance, AR,and reactance, AX, of the impedance Z, for
the AVOcalculated for the half-bridge is also the signal detected by
small changes AR,, and ACo are
the full-bridge preamplifier. We will assume that this is true. The
complex impedance of the ith RC pair is given by Z, = R J ( 1 + jw R,
C c ) where
, j =a and w = 271 X frequency. Voltage V , is V , = Z,E/
(Z, + Zl). The variation in V, for small variations in R , and C, is
calculated from the following partial derivates: and

The approximations hold when w ( R , + AR,)AC, < 1, which will

and generally be true. Note that ARo5 AR and (wRo2AC,)/AR, < I AXIAR.
av,/ac,= - jw R,' aV,/aR,, The quantities AR and AX can be calculated for theoretical models
for the impedance of cell suspensions (e.g.,see Fig. l b in Reference
where Rp = ( R J t d / ( R ,+ R I ) ,C, = Co+ CI,r, = R,
C,, TI = R I CI, 5 which shows the results for such a calculation). In the case of this
and D = 1 + w2R$C9. Note that, if the impedance is inductive, C, or particular model, I AX1 is always less than AR and, below a character-
Cl can be negative. The equations are more tractable if we define istic frequency, fo, IAXI is much less than AR.At the characteristic
frequency, \AX\ is a maximum and, at this frequency, \Ax] 0.6 AR.
In general, it is expected that, for a given cell, there will be a
characteristic frequency for which the term wRo2AC,is a maximum,
but this term will always be less than AR,.If the PAR, term in Eq.
(A2) is not to interfere with the wRZaAC, term, it is necessary to
make P approach zero as nearly as possible.

Then aV,/dR, = ( a - j P ) E and aV,/aCo= (-wRo2P - jwRO2oc)E.

The Hoffman R A US Patent No. 4,224,567, 1980.

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