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Learning second languages is essential today.

Nonetheless, the choice of the type of

teacher to carry out the learning process remains a big question mark. Student often
have to choose between native or no non-native teachers.

In today’s globalised society, second language learning is needed in all fields. Many
experts have studied several teaching methods to facilitate second language learning, of
which native and non-teaching teacher stand out. Many studies show that classes taught
by native teacher are more successful due to they help to familiarise students with the
language by improving their listening skills and by bringing them closer to the native
culture. However, many other researchers reveal that despite being considered inferior
educators, non-native teachers have the same skills as native teachers and are even seen
to be more knowledgeable in areas such as grammar. At the present time, there is still
some uncertainty as to which type of teacher, native or non – native, is more suitable for
second language acquisition. Therefore, in order to analyse which of these professionals
are the best toll to acknowledge a second language, the advantages and disadvantages
will be explained. New lines of research have found different benefits and drawbacks
which can help to future learners who want to learn a foreign language to choose the
teacher and as a result, put an end to the big question of which of the two professionals
is the most appropriate. Then, both positive and negative aspects of both language
teachers will be discussed in order to broaden the perspective.

Native teachers are considered to be the best choice when choosing a second language
teacher due to their knowledge and perfection of the language as well as a way of
getting closer to the native culture. Many researchers reveal this idea as it has been
found that their students make fewer grammatical mistakes and are more accustomed to
other dialectal varieties of English than the basic American English or British English.
As argued by (in favour). However, the study carried out by (against). Moreover, the
fact that they control the language in all areas does not mean that they are able to teach
it. In other words, they should also be able to develop teaching skills and experience as
teachers, for instance, communication with the students which is crucial when
transmitting new knowledge. Hence, choosing a native teacher is always a good option
as they can help learners to acquire listening skills, they are very fluent in speaking and
have no problems with acquiring a real accent. Though, students should always take
into account the teaching skills of the teacher, in order to benefit from the lessons.
Following the previous idea, the second major option is to choose a local teacher, that
means, a non-native teacher. This option is characterised by the ease with which these
teachers are able to teach a second language as they have had to go through this process
before. This kind of professionals have been trained to teach a second language, either
through undergraduate or postgraduate studies. One of their defining characteristics is
that they can give good advices to their students an even guidance on how to make
learning easier. According to (in favour). These teachers have been devalued in recent
times, being considered inferior and working with worse working conditions than native
teachers. However, many authors consider these teachers to be unsuitable for teaching
second languages as they do not have natural pronunciation and often have problems
with accent. ____ supports this idea (against). Nevertheless, when choosing a
professional it is important to take into account their education and not so much where
they came from.

In conclusion, despite the fact that the acknowledgment of second language is

indispensable nowadays. In addition, finding a suitable teacher to achieve this aim is
also very significant and serious. As we have seen in the previous paragraph, the most
common choices among students are native and non-native teachers. These days,
although several researchers and studies have been carried out, it is still unclear which is
the best option. On the one hand, native teachers can help their students not only to
improve their listening skills but also to get closer to the culture being studied. In
addition, classes cab be more dynamic and relaxed, and studies can learn curiosities,
idioms, abbreviations and current language. On the other hand, the non-native
professionals have specialised in learning and teaching language. Thus, these teachers
and knowledgeable in the techniques needed to teach a second language. Finally,
although the teaching of the non-native is devalued, either options are suitable as long
as there teaching skills and willingness to pass on knowledge.

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