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Primer On Protocol For

Explosive Related
Incidents Investigation
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Primer on Protocol for Explosive Related Incidents Investigation.pptx 
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utline of Presentation

Denition of terms

Concept of operation

Coordinating Instructions

Report orms
PNP, AP, N!Iand

$ec%nical E#aluation Report

Post !last In#estigation Report

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Denition of $erms

Attempted !ombing& incidents in '%ic% a de#ice
designed or purposel( made to detonate) ignite
fails to function.

!omb $%reat * oral or 'ritten information or
'arning, claiming +no'ledge t%at a dangerous
de#ice suc% as bomb %as been or 'ill be placed
in a building, aircraft or ot%er facilities 'it% t%e
intent to %arm people and destro( properties .

!ombing * an( incident '%ic% uses a de#ice
constructed 'it% criminal intent and using
%ig%)lo' eplosi#es or blasting agents eplodes.

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Crime -cene In#estigation * compre%ensi#e
inuir( of a crime incident b( conducting
s(stematic procedure of #arious in#estigati#e
met%odologies '%ic% in#ol#es reco#er( of
p%(sical and testimonial e#idence for t%e
purpose of identif(ing t%e 'itness and arrest of
• perpetrator.
E#idence * sanctioned b( t%e Rules of Court, of
ascertaining in a /udicial proceeding t%e trut%
respecting a matter or fact.

Eplosi#e Incidents * an( eplosi#es & in#ol#e
situation t%at encompasses bombing,
incendiar()attempted bombings, stolen and
reco#ered eplosi#es.

Eplosi#e * an( c%emical compound, miture or
de#ice t%e common or purpose of '%ic% is to
function b( eplosion.

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irst Responder * an( person or unit '%o rst
arri#ed at t%e scene s%all endea#or and render
assistance to t%e #ictim and to protect and
secure t%e incident scene.

0ig% Eplosi#es * eplosi#e t%at '%en sub/ect to
%eat, s%oc+ or friction 'ill detonate b( means of
blasting cap '%en unconned at t%e speed of
12,22213 ft. per second or more.

Impro#ised Eplosi#e De#ice 4IED5 * a %ome
made de#ice consisting of an eplosi#es)
incendiar( or ring components necessar( to
initiate eplosion.

6o' Eplosi#es * eplosi#es t%at '%en sub/ect to
%eat, s%oc+ or friction 'ill de7agrate rat%er t%an
detonate at a speed of 8,222 ft. per second or

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P%(sical E#idence* encompasses an( or all of
ob/ect t%at can be addresses to t%e senses of t%e
court t%at is capable of being e%ibited,
eamined or #ie'ed b( court .

Post !last In#estigation * compre%ensi#e forensic
inuir( specicall( on a bombing incident
t%roug% conduct of #arious in#estigati#e
• tec%niue
Reco#ered.Eplosi#es and Eplosi#e Components
* an( sei9ed or found, disco#ered, abandoned or
illegal purc%ase eplosi#e material ta+en into
custod( b( AP)PNP)PC" and N!I including t%ose
turned&in b( ci#ilian or pri#ate entit(.

-cene Of t%e Crime Operation 4-OCO5 * a
forensic procedure performed b( trained
personnel of t%e PNP Crime 6aborator( and N!I
orensic 6aborator( Eperts t%roug% scientic
met%ods of in#estigation .

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Concept of Operation
"eneral Consideration

irst responder s%all cordon t%e area to
preser#e and secure crime scene.

$%e PNP)AP)N!I)PC" EOD and !omb
$ec%nicians s%all conduct R-P of primar( or
secondar( de#ice found in t%e area .

PIECE O E;IDENCE . -OCO personnel and N!I
orensic Eperts are t%e onl( aut%ori9e
persons to process t%e document and conduct
laborator( eamination of gat%ered p%(sical
e#idence .

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In t%e absence of a#ailabilit( of PNP -OCO, t%e
local police 'it% t%e assistance of t%e
responding AP)PNP)N!I)PC" EOD can process
possible pieces of e#idence in a blast site
follo'ing t%e proper procedures to a#oid
contaminations of t%e pieces of e#idence.

Onl( aut%ori9ed personnel can enter t%e crime
scene and M:-$ 'ear glo#es, s%oe co#ers,
mas+ and if needed %ard %ats.

$%e AP)N!I)PC" EOD 'ill pro#ide t%e PNP and
N!I 'it% signicant information suc% as
$ec%nical E#aluation Report or Post !last
In#estigation and ot%er report.

In t%e e#ent t%at = 0and Entr(> procedure 'as
use b( t%e aut%ori9ed personnel, %e)s%e must
be sub/ected to ngerprint b( t%e eperts.

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In t%e absence of forensic eperts, EOD
personnel ma( s'ab t%emsel#es using sterile
cotton and alco%ol before and after processing.

C%emical eaminations 'ill be /oint
responsibilit( of PNP Crime 6ab and N!I
• orensic Eperts.
All information pertaining to incidents related
to t%e illegal use of eplosi#e s%all be reported
to t%e P%ilippine !omb Data Center.

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On !omb $%reat

Determine t%e location of t%e establis%ment
under t%reat. Instruct securit( o?cer to
conduct a bomb searc% '%ile proceeding in
• t%e area
Alert EOD team for bomb searc% mission and
ire Department before departure, also notif(
%ig%er 0eaduarters of t%e report

Conrm t%e reported bomb t%reat. Notif( EOD
team to bomb s'eep.

Cause a suspicious)suspected de#ice searc% to
be made 'it% t%e person familiar 'it% t%e
location. :nless a de#ice is found, irst
Responder ma( not order an e#acuation of t%e
a@ected area

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Do not touc%, tamper 'it% or disarm an(
suspected de#ice. If a suspected de#ice is
located cause t%e e#acuation of t%e a@ected
area at least 22 meters a'a(.

Isolate t%e suspected de#ice and report
disco#er( of t%e suspected de#ice.

No radio transmission, turn&o@ all electricit(
and gas unit of t%e building

-ecure t%e area and pre#ent people from
approac%ing. -ummon ambulance and re
truc+s to t%e scene

Conduct immediate in#estigation if t%e crisis is

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On Attempting !ombing

AP)PNP)N!I) PC" EOD bomb tec%nician
personnel responding to an attempted
bombing M:-$ notif( t%e Crime 6aborator( or
N!I orensic 6aborator(.

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Disco#er( of Eplosi#es)IED and its

components as a result of AP)PNP)PC")!P
EOD $eam t%ru c%annel s%all inform t%e

concerned local PNP unit.

In t%e absence of local Police unit and -OCO
t%e EOD team must inform t%e Pro#incial
Director or Regional Director.

All collecti#e components, documents and
-pot Report must be turned o#er to t%e local
police unit in reasonable time .

$%e local police unit s%all #erif( t%e reported
incident, conducts o'n in#estigation and
e#aluates t%e e#identiar( #alue of t%e items
• submitted.
In case t%e suspect is immediatel( identied.
P!DC personnel s%all be dispatc% to conduct
tec%nical anal(sis on t%e materials.

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After tec%nical anal(sis t%e non&eplosi#e
items part s%all be turned&o#er to concerned
crime laborator(, %o'e#er eplosi#e items
s%all be turned&o#er to PNP !omb -uad :nit.

In t%e absence of PNP !omb -uad unit AP
EOD s%all be designated as Custodian of t%e
eplosi#e e#idence .

$%e EOD s%all inform t%e PNP in#estigating
unit to reuest t%e court for its immediate
• disposal.
:pon appro#al of t%e court, t%e disposal s%all
be conducted b( t%e !omb -uad)EOD and 'ill
be 'itnessed b( representati#e from
in#estigating PNP unit and Crime 6aborator(.

!omb, Eplosi#es and ot%er IEDBs sei9ed b(
t%e N!I s%all be turned&o#er to t%e PNP
custod(. .

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!ombing Incidents

Conduct a preliminar( e#aluation of t%e crime

Eercise scene safet(.

Administer life sa#ing e@orts.

Establis%ed communit( control.

Dene t%e in#estigator role.

Ensure scene integrit(.

-ecure necessar( procedure.

6ocate and inter#ie' #ictims and 'itnesses.

Organi9ed t%e e#idence processing b( t%e
-OCO team.

-ecurit( protection and control contamination.

Conduct scene 'al+t%roug%.

De#elop scene documentation.

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