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the Homework


6th - Social Studies

SN Marks

Read the source given below and answer the following questions: Six hours saved every year 5
are added to make one
day (24 hours) over a span of four years. This surplus
day is added to the month of February. Thus every
fourth year, February is of 29 days instead of 28 days.
Such a year with 366 days is called a leap year. The earth is
going around the sun in an elliptical orbit.
Throughout its orbit, the earth is inclined
in the same direction.
A year is usually divided into summer, winter, spring
and autumn seasons. Seasons change due to the change
in the position of the earth around the sun.

1 Six hours saved every year are added to make one 1

day (24 hours) over a span of _____ years.
( a) 6 years ( b) 5 years
( c) 4 years ( d) 2 years

2 Surplus day is added to the month of _______ 1

( a) January ( b) February
( c) May ( d) June

3 Thus every fourth year, February is of ___ days instead of 28 days. 1

( a) 29 ( b) 27
( c) 30 ( d) 28

4 A year with 366 days is called a ____ year. 1

( a) Leap ( b) Mayday
( c) Earth Day ( d) None of these

5 A year is usually divided into ______ seasons. 1

( a) Summer ( b) Winter
( c) Spring and Autumn ( d) All of these

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the Homework

Read the source given below and answer the following questions: On 21st March and 3
September 23rd, direct rays of
the sun fall on the equator. At this position, neither of
the poles is tilted towards the sun; so, the whole earth
experiences equal days and equal nights. This is called
an equinox.

6 On which date direct rays of sun falls on equator? 1

( a) 24st March and 26rd September ( b) 21st March and 23rd September
( c) 21st May and 23rd June ( d) 22st July and 23rd November

7 At this position, neither of 1

the _____ is tilted towards the sun.
( a) Poles ( b) Equator
( c) Topic of Cancer ( d) None of these

8 At this position, neither of 1

the poles is tilted towards the sun; so, the whole earth
experiences equal days and equal nights. This is called
an ______.
( a) Equinox ( b) Winter Solstice
( c) Summer Solstice ( d) None of these

9 Choose the correct option: 1

Axis of the Earth
( a) 22nd December ( b) A fixed path
( c) Spring in the Northern Hemisphere ( d) An imaginary line

10 Choose the correct option: 1

( a) 22nd December ( b) A fixed path
( c) Spring in the Northern Hemisphere ( d) An imaginary line

11 Choose the correct option: 1

21 March
( a) 22nd December ( b) A fixed path
( c) Spring in the Northern Hemisphere ( d) An imaginary line

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12 Choose the correct option: 1

To revolve around the sun, the Earth takes
( a) 365 and 1/4 days ( b) 366 and 1/4 days
( c) 367 days ( d) 364 days

13 Choose the correct option: 1

On 23rd September, the Southern Hemisphere experiences
( a) Autumn ( b) Summer
( c) Spring ( d) Winter

14 Choose the correct option: 1

The axis of the Earth makes an angle of 66 1/2 degree with its:
( a) Rotation ( b) Revolution
( c) Orbital plane ( d) Illumination

15 Choose the correct option: 1

A leap year occurs after every :
( a) Two years ( b) Three years
( c) ( d) Four years
Six years

16 Choose the correct option: 1

On 21st June, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the
( a) Earth ( b) Sun
( c) Moon ( d) Sky

17 Fill in the blanks: 1

Days are shorter during ____________ season.
( a) Winter ( b) Summer
( c) Spring ( d) Rainy

18 Fill in the blanks: 1

The Earth travels around the Sun in _________________ orbit.
( a) Rotation ( b) Revolution
( c) Elliptical ( d) Gravitation

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19 Fill in the blanks: 1

The period of rotation is known as the ___________.
( a) Rotation ( b) Earth Day
( c) Orbital plane ( d) Illumination

20 Fill in the blanks: 1

Only half of the Earth gets light from the Sun at a time due to its ___________ shape.
( a) Rotation ( b) Spherical
( c) Orbital plane ( d) Illumination

21 Fill in the blanks: 1

On ___________ it is autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern
( a) 21st March ( b) 21st June
( c) 22nd December ( d) 23rd September

22 Fill in the blanks: 1

The sun rays fall vertically on the Tropic of _____________ on 21st June.
( a) Japan ( b) India
( c) Australia ( d) Cancer

23 Fill in the blanks: 1

The daily motion of the Earth is _____________.
( a) Rotation ( b) Revolution
( c) Inclination ( d) Gravitation

24 Differentiate between Solstice and Equinox. 5

25 How are unequal days and nights caused by the rotation of the earth? 5

26 How is the earth's axis inclined? What is its effect? 5

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