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Cryptography and

Network Security C LLEGPT CE603-N

8 Advanced

Prepared and Edited by:- Mayank Yadav Designed by:- Kussh Prajapati

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Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security

Introduction to Advanced Topics

Identity Based Cryptography : It is a type of public-key Cryptography. Here, a user can

generate a public key using a known unique identifier (like an email address or a phone no.). A
trusted third-party server generates the private key from the public key. This way, users do not
have to distribute the public keys before sharing encrypted data.

Its basic idea is that a user's public key is created by applying a public hash function to the
user's ID string. A central trusted party generates the correct private key. The user needs to
authenticate his ID with the trusted party. After which, the private key is sent to that user over a
secure channel. Instead of a certificate, the trusted party issues a private key. These public and
private keys can be used in many cryptographic schemes.

Encryption and Decryption Processes: Identity Based Cryptography depends on the

private key generator (PKG), a trusted third party. The PKG generates a public-private key pair.
PKG makes the public key handy for the users before starting the communication between
parties. These keys generated by PKG are known as the master private key and the master
public key.

Encryption: Encryption uses an algorithm to convert plain text into cipher text. This is used to
protect sensitive data from unauthorized users. Generally, cipher text looks like a long list of
random letters and numbers. Once the data has been encrypted, the only way to decrypt it and
restore access to it is by using the correct Encryption key.
Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security

The example that follows can help us to know the process of Encryption in Identity Based

● Suppose Ninja wants to send a message to Peter. He already knows the ID of Peter
(IDpeter) and the public key (pkpkg).

● First of all, a plaintext message (M) is made by Tony for Peter.

● To obtain cipher text (CT), he uses the public key (pkpkg) provided by PKG and Peter's
Identity (IDPeter).

● The encrypted message ( C ) is then sent to Peter via the internet (in this case).

Decryption : Decryption is the process of converting ciphertext into plain text. For decryption,
we require the same algorithm and key used to encrypt the message. Encrypted data cannot be
decrypted again without the proper key. Simply put, decryption is the converse of Encryption.

● Suppose Peter gets the encrypted message from Tony. It also has instructions about
how to contact PKG and decrypt the message.

● To decrypt the message into plain text, Peter authenticates his ID with the PKG. He
sends enough proof that confirms that IDpeter belongs to him.

● Upon successful authentication, Peter receives his private key (prpeter) from the PKG
through a secure channel.

● Peter recovers the plain text message by decrypting C with his private key prpeter.
Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security

Advantages of Identity Based Cryptography :

● Certificates are not required to get the public key. The public key of a recipient is created
from its ID.

● The recipient of an encrypted message does not need to do anything special to receive
it. It is one of the most appealing aspects of Identity Based Cryptography.

● It is not necessary to revoke keys because they expire. In a normal public-key system, if
a key is compromised, it must be canceled.

● Identity Based Encryption makes it possible to postdate messages for later decryption.

● Less prone to spam.

Disadvantages of Identity Based Cryptography :

● Identity Based Encryption requires a centralized server. Hence, some keys must be
made and kept in deposit. It puts them at a higher risk of leakage.

● Keys at PKG are simple to issue and revoke.

● To transfer the private key, we need to establish a secure channel between the sender or
receiver and the IBE server.
Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security

Attribute-based encryption (ABE) is a powerful cryptographic technique that extends

the concept of identity-based encryption (IBE). While IBE uses a user's identity as the public
key, ABE goes further by allowing access control based on user attributes.

Core Concept:
● In ABE, data is encrypted with a policy specifying certain attributes.
● Users are assigned private keys based on their own attributes.
● Only users whose attributes satisfy the policy in the ciphertext can decrypt the message.


Imagine a company wants to share a confidential document only with employees from the
"Finance" department who have been with the company for "more than 2 years".

● Encryption: The document is encrypted with a policy requiring attributes "department =

Finance" and "tenure > 2 years".
● Decryption: Only employees with these attributes in their private keys can decrypt the

Benefits of ABE:
● Fine-grained Access Control: Enables more control over who can access encrypted
data compared to traditional public-key cryptography.
● Simplified Key Management: Reduces the need for complex key distribution and
● Improved Security: Provides an extra layer of security by controlling access based on
attributes, not just identities.

Types of ABE:

● Ciphertext-Policy ABE (CP-ABE): The access control policy is embedded within the
ciphertext. The sender specifies the required attributes for decryption.
● Key-Policy ABE (KP-ABE): The access control policy is embedded within the user's
private key. The authority defines the attributes a user needs for decryption based on
their role or department.

Applications of ABE:

● Cloud Storage: Enables secure data sharing in the cloud, controlling access based on
user attributes.
● Healthcare Data: Allows fine-grained access control for medical records based on a
doctor's specialty or a patient's diagnosis.
Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security

● Military and Government Data: Provides secure communication and data access
control based on security clearances and roles.

Define Quantum Cryptography (QC): Quantum cryptography, also known as quantum

encryption, is a cybersecurity method that uses quantum mechanics to encrypt and transmit
data. It is considered more secure than traditional cryptography because it uses the laws of
physics instead of mathematical problems.

Core Principles:
● Superposition: Quantum particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously (0 & 1).
QC encodes information on these states (e.g., photon polarization).
● Entanglement: Two particles are linked, where measuring one instantly determines the
other's state, regardless of distance. This is crucial for detecting eavesdropping.

Key Points:
● Unconditional Security: The laws of physics guarantee security. Any attempt to tamper
with Quantum information introduces detectable errors.
● Quantum Key Distribution (QKD): Establishes a shared secret key between two
parties (Alice & Bob) for secure communication.
○ Alice transmits photons in various quantum states to Bob.
○ Bob randomly measures a subset of these photons.
○ Alice and Bob publicly compare their findings to ensure no eavesdropping
○ Any tampering by an eavesdropper (Eve) will be flagged.
Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security

● Unbreakable Security: Immune to advancements in computing power (unlike traditional
● Future-Proofs Communication: Secures data in the quantum computing age.
● Technical Complexity: Requires specialized equipment and expertise for implementation.
● Distance Constraints: Current technology limits transmission distances due to quantum
state fragility.
● Financial Transactions: Securing sensitive financial data.
● Government Communication: Protecting classified information.
● Medical Records: Safeguarding patient privacy.
Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security

What is Blockchain? Blockchain is a decentralized, immutable ledger of transactions that

is distributed across multiple computers, also known as nodes. It is made up of a chain of
blocks, each containing a set of data, that are linked together using cryptographic techniques.

The structure of a blockchain is designed to ensure the security of data through its consensus
mechanism which has a network of nodes that agree on the validity of transactions before
adding them to the blockchain.

Key Concepts:

● Blocks: Data is bundled into digital blocks, containing information (e.g., transaction
details), a timestamp, and a unique identifier.
● Chain: These blocks are chronologically chained together using cryptography, forming
an immutable record. Tampering with one block would alter the entire chain, making it
easily detectable.
● Decentralization: There's no central authority controlling the blockchain. It's maintained
by a network of computers (nodes) that validate and add new blocks.


● Security: Cryptography and decentralization make altering data extremely difficult.

● Transparency: All participants can view the transaction history, fostering trust.
● Immutability: Once recorded, data cannot be changed, ensuring data integrity.
Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security

● Efficiency: Cuts out the need for intermediaries, streamlining processes.


● Scalability: Processing large volumes of transactions can be slow.

● Regulation: The lack of central control poses regulatory challenges.
● Energy Consumption: Verifying transactions can be energy-intensive.


● Cryptocurrencies: The foundation for digital currencies like Bitcoin.

● Supply Chain Management: Tracking the movement of goods from origin to
● Voting Systems: Enhancing transparency and security in elections.
● Identity Management: Securing personal data and streamlining identity verification.

The Future of Blockchain:

Blockchain technology is still evolving, with ongoing research addressing scalability and energy
efficiency concerns. As it matures, we can expect blockchain to revolutionize various sectors,
fostering trust and security in a digital world.
Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security

What are Cryptocurrencies? Cryptocurrencies are a digital form of currency designed to

work as a medium of exchange through a computer network. Unlike traditional currencies, they
are not controlled by a central bank or government and rely on cryptography for security.

Key Characteristics:

● Digital: Cryptocurrencies exist solely in electronic form. They are not physical coins or
● Decentralized: There's no single entity controlling the issuance or management of most
cryptocurrencies. They operate on peer-to-peer networks.
● Cryptography: Complex mathematical algorithms secure transactions and ensure the
integrity of the digital currency.
● Blockchain: Many cryptocurrencies leverage blockchain technology for recording
transactions securely and transparently on a public ledger.
Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security

Types of Cryptocurrencies:

● Bitcoin (BTC): The first and most well-known cryptocurrency, known for its
decentralized nature and limited supply.
● Altcoins: Alternative cryptocurrencies offering different features or functionalities
compared to Bitcoin. (e.g., Ethereum, Litecoin)
● Stablecoins: Cryptocurrencies pegged to a stable asset like a fiat currency (e.g., USD
Coin) to minimize price volatility.


● Security: Cryptography makes transactions secure and resistant to counterfeiting.

● Fast and Low-Cost Transactions: Can offer faster and potentially cheaper international
payments compared to traditional methods.
● Transparency: Blockchain can provide transparency and immutability of transaction
● Borderless Transactions: Cryptocurrencies can be sent and received globally without
geographical restrictions.


● Volatility: The price of most cryptocurrencies can fluctuate significantly, making them a
risky investment.
● Regulation: The evolving regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies poses
● Scalability: Some blockchain networks struggle to process large volumes of
transactions quickly.
● Security Risks: Cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets can be vulnerable to hacking

The Future of Cryptocurrencies:

The cryptocurrency landscape is still evolving, with ongoing advancements in blockchain

technology and increasing adoption. While challenges like volatility and regulation persist,
Cryptocurrencies have the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems. Understanding their
potential benefits and drawbacks is crucial before considering them as an investment or
payment method.
Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security

What is Bitcoin (BTC)? Bitcoin is the world's first and most well-known cryptocurrency. It's
a digital asset that operates on a decentralized network, independent of central banks or
governments. Unlike traditional currencies, bitcoins aren't physical coins or bills. They exist as
digital units stored on a public ledger called the blockchain.

Core Principles:

● Decentralization: No single entity controls Bitcoin. It's maintained by a peer-to-peer

network of computers verifying and recording transactions.
● Cryptography: Complex mathematical algorithms secure Bitcoin transactions and
ensure the integrity of the digital currency.
● Limited Supply: The total number of bitcoins that will ever exist is capped at 21 million,
programmed into the Bitcoin protocol to prevent inflation.

Key Features:

● Borderless Transactions: Bitcoins can be sent and received anywhere globally without
geographical restrictions.
● Transparency: All Bitcoin transactions are publicly recorded on the blockchain, fostering
trust and immutability.
● Pseudonymity: While transactions are public, user identities are masked using
cryptographic addresses, offering a degree of anonymity.

● Security: Cryptography and blockchain technology make Bitcoin transactions secure
and resistant to counterfeiting.
● Fast and Low-Cost Transactions: Transactions can be faster and potentially cheaper
compared to traditional international payments.
● Transparency and Immutability: The public blockchain ledger ensures transparency
and immutability of transaction records.
Prepared By : Mayank Yadav Cryptography and Network Security


● Volatility: The price of Bitcoin can fluctuate significantly, making it a risky investment.
● Scalability: The Bitcoin network can be slow to process large volumes of transactions.
● Regulation: The evolving regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies poses

Is Bitcoin Right for You?

Understanding Bitcoin's potential benefits and drawbacks is crucial before considering it as an

investment or payment method. The decentralized nature and security features are attractive,
but the volatility and regulatory uncertainties require careful consideration.

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