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Ardiyanto Wiryawan Widyatmaka Pracaya (511541)

Muhammad Syauqi Siswandono (511497)

Sarah Azizah Wiratama (516191)
Karel Immanuel Shang Raihan (516259)
Ibrahim Aryasatya Priambada (511649)

Business Processes at FEB Canteen

In the traditional operational model of the FEB canteen, a manual process is

employed, wherein customers interact directly with the counter staff to place their
orders, make payments, and collect their meals. This process comprises several
essential stages: initially, customers visit the counter to communicate their orders, which
are then relayed to the kitchen staff for preparation. Subsequently, customers return to
the counter to settle their payments before finally collecting their food from the seller.
The efficiency of this process relies on various resources and personnel involved in
managing the sales order event.
Suppliers provide the necessary goods for the canteen, while stock inventory
ensures the availability of ingredients and tracks stock levels and orders. Promotional
materials such as fliers and posters aid in advertising. Canteen staff, including chefs
and service personnel, are responsible for order management, food preparation, and
customer service. Furniture, such as tables and chairs, provides seating for patrons,
and cooking equipment like ovens and grills facilitate food preparation. A cash register
is utilized for managing payments, ensuring financial transactions are handled securely.
Key individuals involved in this process include customers, who place orders,
make payments, and receive their meals, as well as the chef responsible for food
preparation and the cashier who manages payments. Documents such as order tickets
and payment receipts are utilized to facilitate smooth transactions.
While this traditional system may be labor-intensive and less efficient compared
to automated alternatives, it nonetheless enables customers to seamlessly place
orders, complete payments, and receive their desired meals in a timely manner,
ensuring the continued functioning of the canteen.

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