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As a teacher, coming up with homework assignments can be a challenging task.

Not only do you

want to ensure that the assignments are meaningful and align with your curriculum, but you also
want to keep your students engaged and motivated to complete the work. Here are some homework
ideas that can help make the process a little easier.

1. Project-based Assignments
Instead of traditional worksheets or reading assignments, consider giving your students a project to
work on. This can be anything from creating a poster or presentation to conducting a science
experiment. Project-based assignments allow students to use their creativity and apply what they
have learned in a hands-on way.

2. Collaborative Assignments
Assignments that require students to work together can be a great way to promote teamwork and
communication skills. This can include group projects, peer editing, or even online discussions.
Collaborative assignments also allow students to learn from each other and can make homework feel
less daunting.

3. Real-world Applications
One way to make homework more meaningful is to connect it to real-world situations. For example,
if you are teaching a math lesson on fractions, have students apply their knowledge by creating a
budget for a hypothetical trip. This not only reinforces the lesson, but also shows students how the
concepts they are learning can be applied in their daily lives.

4. Choice Boards
Choice boards are a great way to give students some control over their homework assignments.
Create a grid with different activities or tasks that align with your curriculum and allow students to
choose which ones they want to complete. This not only gives students a sense of autonomy, but also
allows them to choose assignments that cater to their interests and learning styles.

5. Online Resources
Incorporating technology into homework assignments can make them more engaging for students.
There are many online resources available that offer interactive activities, quizzes, and games that
align with different subjects. This can be a fun and effective way for students to review and practice
what they have learned in class.

While coming up with homework ideas can be challenging, it is important to remember that the goal
is to reinforce learning and promote critical thinking. If you find yourself struggling to come up with
assignments, consider seeking help from a professional writing service like ⇒ ⇔.
Their team of experienced writers can provide custom homework assignments that are tailored to
your specific needs and requirements.

By using these homework ideas, you can create assignments that not only support your curriculum,
but also keep your students engaged and motivated to learn. So why not try incorporating some of
these ideas into your next round of homework assignments?
The math page is a review of what was taught that day. Odds are, most of your students don’t
understand the concept enough to perform on their own, so if you think about it, they will just be
practicing the new skill incorrectly. If they spell a word correctly, they can lick their finger. Next,
determine a plan for how you will handle homework that is incomplete, missing, poor quality, etc. He
went on to attain superb SATs results, with all the hard work definitely making a huge difference. -
Neil, Warrington View more testimonials Competitions Win the Edurino Learn it All Bundle. I use a
simple checklist where they can simply mark if a student did or didn’t complete their homework. I
hear many parents saying things like this, and their child will just follow suit and say they’re no
good at it either. However, I do go over homework as a group every single day. These are things
students don’t just pick up in your classroom. By spinning the wheel, a game will appear, and before
they can get started, they need to read the instructions. However, some teachers do find that extrinsic
rewards are motivational to their students. However, I do recommend getting parents involved if this
behavior is a regular occurrence. However, I do recommend getting parents involved if this behavior
is a regular occurrence. OMG!!! We ALL agree that between the new teaching routines and the use
of these pages, our students are consistently performing above average and truly understand the
math. I’m so proud of what we’ve done.” (Thank you Kerri K.!). Let’s check out some ideas to make
going Back to School a heck of a lot easier for all of us. I created Clutter-Free Classroom to support
busy elementary teachers like you. I can see myself using the “chunk it” strategy and providing
sensory breaks. Afterward, they have to tell what’s the book about with their hand puppet. We also
use different ways of learning things like times tables and spellings: for example, we use songs and
puzzles to make it fun. This app empowers classroom teachers to set activities for homework which
their students must complete before students can then go on to choose their own activities. First, I
have told my students that I will call home and speak with their parents if homework is missed. You
also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Pricing FAQs Links Follow us on our socials
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policy Cookies Terms and conditions Close Renew your subscription today and save 20%. Plan, then
proceed When my daughter has homework to tackle, we spend a few minutes thinking, discussing,
brainstorming and planning in rough first. Putting a smile on these people’s faces will light up the
world, even if it’s just a little bit. They have to write a few sentences under each picture as well. We
may give pointers, but we try to avoid giving them ideas as we want them to think for themselves
and have their own ideas. I glance over everyone’s work and make a mental note of what I notice.
However, I do recommend getting parents involved if this behavior is a regular occurrence.
For information on how we use your data, see our privacy policy. They have to use their imagination
and inventive ideas to create a coherent board game. They must not be left believing that you only
value them when they get things right. This is what my school, in most grade levels, will send home
as the cover sheet for student's homework packet. Be sure to keep this time consistent as much as
possible. Here are five suggestions to help you encourage your students to complete their
assignments. However, I do go over homework as a group every single day. I explain that I expect
them to always do their best and that homework is simply a tool for them to use to monitor their own
learning. Our Maths Mentals widget can be used to create weekly maths questions for specific year
levels. Hopefully, it will encourage them to reduce their own waste consumption. Reward a good
attitude I use a star chart and reward my children for settling down to do their homework without a
fuss and working well. A little bit every night will be much more doable for your little one. This
resource is best if not one of the best homework ideas I have ever come up with. You can do so in the
examples separately, or you can find all the homework examples in the BookWidgets Blog group
folder. I have a 3rd grader and sometimes the nightly showdown is so difficult. This means I may
receive a small commission at no cost to you if you make a purchase after clicking on a link on this
page. The idea of homework just doesn’t make sense to you. Add these fun facts about Mars to your
lesson plans — plus see our teacher team's favourite ways to use them in classroom activities. A lot
of times, students care more about this kind of consequence than they do about sitting out or
working through lunch. Shola Alabi, mum to a 13-year-old son, and author of Parents Understand
Your Child 7. It’s possible that they don’t even understand the word “poverty”. If you’re dealing
with older students, it’s definitely a good idea to let them sketch and draw their own bird-
dreamhouse. Odds are, most of your students don’t understand the concept enough to perform on
their own, so if you think about it, they will just be practicing the new skill incorrectly. Teachers
don’t know how much assistance a child had with an assignment so it isn’t always an accurate
representation of their abilities. In many districts these days, homework is not counted towards a
student’s overall grade. This app empowers classroom teachers to set activities for homework which
their students must complete before students can then go on to choose their own activities. We come
back at it at the end, and usually they’re able to answer the questions as they’ve taken some time
away from it. The BEST way to keep your routine consistent is to pick a resource to use for your
homework for each subject and stick with it. It’s a long-term (school) project that’s not done after
one day. It is very consistent and everyone knows what to expect.
If you can’t work it out quickly yourself, and your child can’t remember, contact the school the next
day to ask for a quick explanation. This means that they will learn how to calculate areas and volume
as well. Google Forms are great for homework and they grade themselves. Reward a good attitude I
use a star chart and reward my children for settling down to do their homework without a fuss and
working well. Students won’t notice, but they have to understand the recipe in order to complete the
dish. They have to gather money to keep on building and to make the park profitable. The stars they
gain add up to them choosing a reward such as a small chocolate bar, a trip to the park or choosing a
DVD to watch. I glance over everyone’s work and make a mental note of what I notice. He went on
to attain superb SATs results, with all the hard work definitely making a huge difference. - Neil,
Warrington View more testimonials Competitions Win the Edurino Learn it All Bundle. Will they
look in a dictionary, online, ask a friend, or go to a library. Some of these ideas can be changed a
little bit, so they are the perfect fit for the right audience. It means that they can have a chilled
evening afterwards, rather than dreading the work that is coming up. You will receive emails from us
but can opt out at any time. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on
your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It is always
a hot topic of debate between everyone involved in the education field. Odds are, most of your
students don’t understand the concept enough to perform on their own, so if you think about it, they
will just be practicing the new skill incorrectly. Schools are well aware that methods have changed in
everything from mathematics to the teaching of English and grammar. No matter which way you
decide to go, being consistent with your consequences is key. These are a great way for students to
practise their all-important mental maths in a homework booklet style. Let’s check out some ideas to
make going Back to School a heck of a lot easier for all of us. Make it bitesize We break homework
down into smaller sections so my children don’t feel overwhelmed by having to do everything at
once. Odds are, most of your students don’t understand the concept enough to perform on their
own, so if you think about it, they will just be practicing the new skill incorrectly. My students
became much stronger in all math concepts, the parents expressed gratitude for the consistent format,
and the phone calls and emails asking for assignment clarification completely stopped. Whether your
issue is “How much should I give?”, “What is the best way to correct it?”, or “How can I make it
more effective?”, I’ve got you covered. It will teach them orientation, and it will teach them to read
the instructions and follow them. Your child’s teacher has a unique insight into your child’s learning
style and preferences and may be able to provide some personalized suggestions. Every student gets
one pen-pal, and they write emails to each other in the language of their pen-pal. Although I do not
check every student’s homework, I do ask them to bring it to small groups and we do use it as a
learning tool if necessary. It’s almost here. My kids will be going back to school in 2 weeks. This
attitude towards homework has helped my students understand its necessity and promotes them to
use this time to ask for help.
Sally Elliott, mum to Joshua, eight, and Will, six 4. Time is a teacher’s greatest obstacle so be careful
not to spend it copying, correcting, managing, chasing, etc sheets of paper that students are not
gaining anything from. We've rounded up 10 best pencil sharpeners recommended by teachers to get
you started. We do not want to spend the afternoon or start the morning returning messages
explaining directions or convincing someone that you did, in fact, teach it in class. Here at Teach
Starter, we want to help you ensure that the homework you set meaningful and manageable for your
students, their parents and yourself. If homework is stressing you out, step back and make a new
plan. This year the homework expectations have really ratcheted up for our third-grader, just at the
time that the school is also trying her to take more responsibility for her own work (e.g., school-
issued homework planner). These are things students don’t just pick up in your classroom. My
students’ test scores were even much higher than previous years. For information on how we use
your data, see our privacy policy. These pages proved to be important and meaningful work. He went
on to attain superb SATs results, with all the hard work definitely making a huge difference. - Neil,
Warrington View more testimonials Competitions Win the Edurino Learn it All Bundle. They have to
find the points in pictures on their way and put them in the right order. The student takes with their
family and starts the “swim quiz”. Following these tips should lessen the homework battle and make
your evenings more pleasant. Emma Espley 13. Focus on methodology If my child is stuck on
something that involves maths equations and they can’t give me the answer straight away, I ask them
to talk me through the method first; this usually helps them remember and they eventually get to the
answer. It’s almost here. My kids will be going back to school in 2 weeks. I always enjoyed playing
cards with my grandparents, even if they couldn’t handle their losses! Sending home an information
sheet at the beginning of the year will empower your students’ parents and carers, helping them to
feel comfortable with how the year will look and what they can expect to be doing with their kids at
home. A special spot in their room, the playroom, or even in a hallway can quickly be transformed
into a dedicated space for homework, crafts or quiet time with a great desk and some wall storage
solutions. I'm a mom of 4, a wife, a former elementary school teacher, and volunteer field editor at
Taste of Home Cooking Magazine. It means that they can have a chilled evening afterwards, rather
than dreading the work that is coming up. A lot of times, students care more about this kind of
consequence than they do about sitting out or working through lunch. They are now responsible for
completing their missed homework and whatever morning work is expected of them. They will have
to measure all the parts and handle tools they’ve never used before. Although I do not check every
student’s homework, I do ask them to bring it to small groups and we do use it as a learning tool if
necessary. Encourage independence We make time to hear our children read every day and go
through spellings, but they do any other homework or projects on their own, so they can take pride in
what they have done. Giving too much homework can actually be less effective and just frustrate
parents and students. There should never be the question of “What is our homework tonight?”
because everyone already knows. Each group can be given their own coloured homework basket.
Every student gets a different level of support at home with their work. My next 4 tips are going to
explain more about how to do this. We've rounded up 10 best pencil sharpeners recommended by
teachers to get you started. My next 4 tips are going to explain more about how to do this. They will
also see the value in it as they will have to be able to speak another language in their work later in
life. Not only did they provide us with quality daily work, but I just got my end of year scores back
for the district math assessments and my entire class crushed it. September targets many of the skills
that were required at the end of the previous grade level. This is a fun activity that requires your
student’s attention as well. Most work in the primary grades (K-2) is designed to be completed by
parents and children together. Lots of people throw away perfectly recyclable things you can still use
or give a new life. If the real goal is to get them to do the work, this accomplishes that goal without
the stress of calling home. Students learn how to put together an application, learn how to edit their
video, and how to present themselves. Instead, give your students a nightly dose of review (include
skills you’ve already fully taught) and maybe just one or two problems on the newest skill. This is a
fun homework exercise, and in the end, it’s a great lesson starter or lesson end. Check out the blog
on short films and lesson activities that spice up your Google Classroom. What is a hexagon? See
hexagon shape examples and activities for teaching more about this six-sided shape! You will receive
emails from us but can opt out at any time. First, I have told my students that I will call home and
speak with their parents if homework is missed. They are homework activities that will help to
inform you about student understanding and ensure that students experience success and a degree of
independence, which is so great for their confidence as young learners. It means that they can have a
chilled evening afterwards, rather than dreading the work that is coming up. Ellie Becker-Willett,
mum to Jack, 14, George, 10, and Henry, eight 5. However, I do recommend getting parents involved
if this behavior is a regular occurrence. Giving too much homework can actually be less effective and
just frustrate parents and students. They are now responsible for completing their missed homework
and whatever morning work is expected of them. Shola Alabi, mum to a 13-year-old son, and author
of Parents Understand Your Child 7. Reward a good attitude I use a star chart and reward my
children for settling down to do their homework without a fuss and working well. As soon as I know
their work is not with them, I call home. Often times, children want to get the better of us and claim
something is too hard, when really, they just don’t want to do it. Aim to give your students a handful
of review problems for each core subject (ie. By doing this, I save lots of time and still use my
homework effectively. (NOTE: I do check homework more closely during small group instruction
and use it as a learning tool).
The reasoning behind this collaboration is so that no class is moving at a more accelerated rate or a
slower rate than another. Let your students transform a book character into a hand puppet. With
BookWidgets your students are gaming but also learning. These binders are kept in the workroom
for all teachers to access. It’s possible that they don’t even understand the word “poverty”. They
learn to appreciate nature, handle tools and go outside from time to time. If you can incorporate some
of the tips I mentioned, homework can be a pleasant and helpful experience for everyone involved.
By doing this, I save lots of time and still use my homework effectively. (NOTE: I do check
homework more closely during small group instruction and use it as a learning tool). Students will
have to plant the seeds, grow the greens, harvest the food, and deliver it. This has been a very
helpful tool in making sure that ALL of my students are meeting the standards. This consistent
format of 10 standards-based questions focused on topics we’d already covered provides an
important spiral review of all the grade-level skills. Checking the homework for effort and general
understanding may be sufficient. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your
consent. To engage their lifestyles even harder, you can additionally give them the assignment to
create a TikTok in which they are jumping and singing. Parents can also stay in control when they
know what is expected. Lots of people throw away perfectly recyclable things you can still use or
give a new life. This year the homework expectations have really ratcheted up for our third-grader,
just at the time that the school is also trying her to take more responsibility for her own work (e.g.,
school-issued homework planner). My wife, for example, would say that maths isn’t her strong point,
but never in front of the children. All of the reading skill pages are kept in a binde r along with math
skills and short stories. Teachers are the hardest working people with the best ideas, check them out.
A lot of that is an equity issue, to make it fair to kids who can’t go home and can’t do schoolwork.”.
We set a time limit on each piece, depending on the type of homework. They have to make cards, and
pawns, draw, write, cut, and paste. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs
functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to
understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. A special spot in
their room, the playroom, or even in a hallway can quickly be transformed into a dedicated space for
homework, crafts or quiet time with a great desk and some wall storage solutions. September targets
many of the skills that were required at the end of the previous grade level. This is an excellent
opportunity for homework as well. As parents, we’re all familiar with homework struggles. Tread
carefully with this and take the teacher’s advice. In general, no news is good news, but I do have a
homework alert that gets sent home as needed.

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