5 Case Study Related To Financial Structure of Entrepreneurs

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Coffman Engineers clearly states that although the cost of using a virtual
phone number adhered to cloud phone is 50% more per employee, it still
provides overall 25% more savings than plain old telephone service (POTS).
They have been relying on cloud phones eversince their one office location
faced a disaster. Now they have a disaster recovery feature built into their cloud
phone system. It helped them to be ready for any disasters without losing
communication with employees.
Not just that, they found all the necessary features bundled into one
subscription package in a VoIP phone system. Such a facility enabled them to
handle all their business communication using only one platform.


- Reduce the Expenses. When it comes to expenses, businesses are focused
on spending huge sums on communication because communication is the
key element of increasing customers and revenue. Fortunately, Coffman
Engineers reduces the initial cost up to 90%. Over 74% of this prioritize
cloud phone systems as urgent investment. The best solution that Coffman
Engineers’ cater is using social media platforms like instagram, twitter,
facebook, etc., to promote and sell their product and services.
This digital marketing agency, used time tracking tools that showed that
remote working employees tend to work more hours since they can work at
flexible hours. Map Marketing first started using the time tracking tool when
they were opening their office in Riga, Latvia. The CTO of the company wanted
the time spent on different tasks on his computer as well as managing the remote
working employees.


- Improve Employee Productivity. Using a time tracking tool, they were able
to track their productivity with a detailed report of their daily activities
during office hours. It helped them calculate salary bonuses. They also
found the productivity level of each employee to determine their value for
the company.


Starbucks introduced a Reward Loyalty Preogram in which costumers
collect stars to get exciting rewards. Their program drives 40% of starbucks total
sales. By adapting the gamification method, Starbucks added a reward loyalty
program to their already established app. This move drastically increased sales
and digital traffic. They brought mobile payment, costumer loyalty, and content
partnership in one powerful app.
Customers of starbucks started registering for My Reward via their app.
They are given stars(points) in exchange for their interaction in the app or
purchase made. The higher the number of stars a costumer gets, the better
rewards they get.
- Reward Customers. A business becomes succesful when it can keep its
customers happy. In efforts to upscale a small business quicly, the
marketplace has seen a decline in the quality of products and serbices. It
is a primary reason for customer dissatisfaction.
Precisely, starbucks focus on improving their quality of product and
services, which is a powerful indicator of ther customer experience.
APPLE logo is a well-recognized design that reflects brand value. Over the
years, the Apple logo has gone through several design changes.
The most important rebranding of the company came when Steve Jobs
changed the logo which impacted the overall personality of the comnpany. Now,
this logo is the most recognized logo in the world.
- Building Brand. Brand image is a key factor for uderstanding how people
view business. A brand image include mission, vision, and values. It
requires brand positioning statement that can set business apart from
competitors. Looking at the Apple logo, customers can feel a sense of trust,
reliability and innovation.
With Apple logo, they have a huge sale of their products. By means of
crafting good brand image like Apple, they easily identify their target
audience. Accordibng to a study, around 89% of users stay loyal to a
business with a good brand image.


Renault and Nissan have a strong partnership in automobiles. Their
partnership made a remarkable achievement of making up 10% of new car sales
worldwide. They chose to make an alliance rather than a merger because an
alliance has many stronger benefits than a merger would give.
With an alliance, they can access more geographical areas where foreign
investments are restricted. These companies got better chances to enter each
other’s territory where they were alraedy established companies because of their
alliance. Although they faced numerous challenges including fluctuation in price
share, they still managed to resolve issues and succeed.
- Partnerships and collaboration can lift the businesses to maximize their
cost savings. It allows businesses to strengthen their programs using
available resources and tools. With Renault and Nissan partenership, they
take benifiots from each other’s strong areas. They both improving
efficiency of their operations and improves credibility of their businesses
in marketplace.
With fair idea of business ideas and challenges and solutions, there is a
good chance of delivering a good strategy for growing business. On top of that,
those case study above helps us view how other business overcome their
situation to take their business into a new heights. Understanding the needs of
the customers is that most important aspect in upscaling business. Therefore,
must have a better design to persuade market strategy to attract customers and
compete with others. In order to make business work, you must have to fucos
on things that are best for your business. 

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