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Chapter 9 (Weathering)


Name the following

1) Name three types of weathering

2) Some forces operates on the surface of the earth
3) The process of breaking down of rocks known as
4) Physical weathering also called as
5) Tension and splitting of rocks due to changes in temperature known as
6) Biological weathering also called as
7) Name the agents of chemical weathering
8) Name the process of chemical weathering of rocks
9) Name the processes through which external forces act on the surface of the earth
10) Name the effect on rocks, when carbon dioxide coming in contact with water


1) Physical Weathering, Chemical weathering, Biological weathering 2) Exogenic force 3)

Weathering 4) Mechanical weathering 5) Block disintegration 6) Organic weathering 7) Water,
oxygen, carbon and various organic acids 8) Oxidation, Carbonation, Hydration, and Solution 9)
weathering, mass wasting, erosion, transportation, deposition and formation of soils 10)
produce acidic effect

State True or False

1) Weathering can take place on the moon’s surface. False

2) Weathering affects the surface of the earth. True
3) Physical weathering involves rock disintegration with change in the chemical constituents of the
rock. False
4) Weathering due to changes in the temperature is more rapid in hot deserts. True
5) In Carbonation, rainwater converts calcium carbonate into calcium bicarbonate. True
6) Mechanical weathering is more rapid in moist and cold climates. False
7) Rainwater causes chemical disintegration of rock-salt and gypsum. True
8) Weathering is a static process. True
9) Chemical weathering is deactive in Polar Regions. False
10) Agriculture and dumping of chemicals promote both physical and chemical weathering. True

Fill in the blanks

1) Weathering involves ___________ or decay of solid rocks. (disintegration)

2) Weathering changes hard massive rocks into ________ materials. (finer)
3) In Block Disintegration, sudden rise and fall of temperature causes _________ and ________ of
rocks. (expansion, contraction)
4) The Granular Disintegration may take place in _________ places and at high ________ . (cold,
5) The rainwater also contains atmospheric ____________. (oxygen)
6) __________ is the most active agent of both physical and chemical weathering of rocks.(Man)
7) In __________ climates, humidity and temperature are constantly high. (Equatorial)
8) In limestone areas _________ weathering operates on a large scale. (chemical)
9) After hydration process of feldspar rocks, it is converted into (kaolin)
10) Most of the calcareous rocks such as gypsum, marble, etc are dissolves by the action of
________ process. (carbonation)

Define the following

1) Constructive forces: The internal forces operating in the interiorof the earth are defined as
Constructive forces.
2) Granular Disintegration: Weathering may reduce rocks to pieces and fragments. This is known as
Granular Disintegration.
3) Frost Action: Repeated action of melting and freezing of rocks during the day and at night is
called Frost Action.

Choose the correct answer

1) Factors responsible for physical weathering are _________.

a) Constant temperature b) temperature change c) sun light d) none

2) The sudden contraction and expansion peels off the outer layer known as
a) Granular disintegration b) Block Disintegration c) Chemical weathering d) exfoliation

3) When oxidation occurs in chemical weathering, the color of the rock changes to
a) Red, yellow or brown b) Pink c) Blue d) no changes

4) When roots of large trees penetrate deep into rocks, it causes physical disintegration due to
a) High temperature b) moisture c) pressure d) all of above

5) Main characteristics of weathering are

a) Formation of soil b) prepares rock materials c) disintegration of rocks d) all of these


1) Temperature changes 2) exfoliation 3) Red, yellow or brown 4) pressure 5) all of these

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