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European Parliament in Brussels.

This cartoon shows the relations between the center and states when it
comes to the division of powers. The central government has a say in the
allocation of funds, resources, and powers to the states in India. States feel
that this has made the central government more dominant. The center is
seen here as very selective in distributing powers to the states.
In order to avoid the majority win of a particular party in an election the
phenomenon of Coalition is used.It is referred to as a form of government
in which various political parties cooperate with each other reducing the
dominance of the majority party ..

A poster from Bengal affirming women's strength.

While many people are in support of the women’s position reservation bill,
others are still against it. The picture depicts why the women's reservation
bill has not been passed in the parliament yet and why it is delayed.

Political leaders treat people belonging to a caste as ‘vote banks’ for them.
The picture shows how the nation is in peril but the politicians are
nowhere to be seen. This shows how politicians are only available to
citizens during elections.

The cartoon shows a puppet show run by Berlusconi. It signifies that the
party members are behaving as a puppet of the leader. They do not have
individual opinions and there is a lack of internal democracy in the party.
It shows the strength of money, connection and power that Berlusconi
holds in the party.
The cartoon seems to show the running government of the US. According
to the cartoon it suggests that corporate America controls all major
institutions of the country.

The cartoon depicts that most political parties and leaders do not appear
to be very serious. They look for various ways to cheat the law.
Democratic government is coping with multiple pressures through

The cartoon depicts how the government knows more about us than we
know about it, It should actually rather be the opposite way.
The cartoons tell us about the disparities between the rich and poor.
Should the gains of economic growth be evenly distributed? How can the
poor get a voice for a better share in a nation? What can poor countries do
to receive a greater share of the world’s wealth?

The cartoon shows the poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting
richer. The economic gains are distributed in such a way in the society
that this inequality fails to disappear.

Frederic Sorrieu’s dream of imagining the world’s nations as social and

republic democrats.

The cover of a German almanac designed by the journalist Andreas

Rebmann in 1798.
Guiseppe Mazzini and the founding of young europe in Berne, Germany-
1833 .

Peasant revolt of 1848

The Frankfurt Parliament was convened in the Church of Saint Paul.
Frankfurt Parliament was an all-German National Assembly formed by
the middle-class professionals, businessmen and prosperous artisans
belonging to the different German regions. It was convened on 18 May,
1848 in the Church of St. Paul, in the city of Frankfurt.

The proclamation of the German empire in the hall of mirrors, treaty of

Germany shown as a female allegory - Germania
The fallen Germania

Germania guarding the rhine

Chauri Chaura- 1922. This incident led Gandhi to call of Non-Cooperation

Meeting of congress leaders at Allahabad in 1931.

Dandi March
Bal gangadhar Tilak- an early twentieth century print with different
sacred institutions of different faiths in the figure.
Bharat Mata- made by Abanindranath Tagore in 1905.

Irish Potato Famine


Gully Erosion

Cotton Cultivation
WindMills of Nagarcoil

Gur making in Haryana


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