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Application Status

Application details of Registration ID : 12420280793 for Nursing Officer in Employees State

Insurance Corporation - 2024
पंजीकरण सं�या 12420280793 कम�चार� रा�य बीमा �नगम म� न�स�ग अ�धकार� -2024 के �लए आवेदन प�

PART - I / भाग - I

OTR (One Time Registration) Details / ओट�आर (वन टाइम

रिज��े शन) �ववरण OTR-ID : 124000010316516
Note 1: Name as recorded in the
Matriculation/Secondary Examination
Certificate./ मै��क/मा�य�मक पर��ा �माण-प� म�
दज� नाम के अनस ु ार।
Name / नाम : Note 2: Please do not use any prefix such as
Mr. or Ms. etc unless it consists of only 3
letters as 4 letters are mandatory for NAME
field. / कृपया नाम के आगे �ी (Mr.) या सु�ी (Ms.)
आ�द न लगाएं जब तक �क इसम� केवल 3 अ�र ह� हो
�य��क नाम के �थान पर 4 अ�र अ�नवाय� ह�।

Have you ever changed name: No

Gender / �लंग : Female

Note :Date of Birth as recorded in the
Date of Birth / ज�म �त�थ :
Matriculation/Secondary Examination
Certificate. / मै��क/मा�य�मक पर��ा �माण-प� म�
दज� ज�म-�त�थ के अनस
ु ार
Note 1:Please do not use any prefix such as
Shri or Dr. etc. / कृपया नाम के आगे �ी या डा. आ�द
Father's Name / �पता का नाम : न लगाएं
Note 2:Father name as recorded in the
Matriculation/Secondary Examination
Note 1:Please do not use any prefix such as
Shri or Dr. etc. / कृपया नाम के आगे �ी या डा. आ�द
Mother's Name / माता का नाम : न लगाएं
Note 2:Mother name as recorded in the
Matriculation/Secondary Examination

Do you belong to Minority / �या आप अ�पसं�यक ह� : No

Mobile No. / मोबाइल नं : 7094007800

e-mail / ई-मेल :

Alternative Mobile No. / वैकि�पक मोबाइल नं : 6369311179

Examination Application Details (Other than OTR Profile)

Nationality / नाग�रकता : Indian

Marital Status / वैवा�हक ि�थ�त : Married

Candidate belongs to PwBD/PWD category /

पीड��यूबीडी / पीड��यूडी �ेणी से स�बं�धत उ�मीदवार :

Community / समद
ु ाय : General
Fee Remission Claimed / श�
ु क माफ : Yes

Address / पता :
District/City : Theni
State/UT : Tamil Nadu
Pincode : 625515

Phone No. / �े� कोड के साथ फोन नं.: 91 7094007800

Age Relaxation Claimed / आय ु सीमा म� छूट का दावा : No

Regular course in B.Sc. Nursing from a recognised

Educational Qualification / शै��क यो�यता :
University or Institute
Registered as a nurse or nurse and mid-wife
Essential qualification / अ�नवाय� यो�यता: (registered Nurse or registered Nurse & registered
Midwife) with State Nursing Council.

Aadhaar Card / VID of Aadhaar

Card - XXXXXXXX4874
Note: Please provide the Photo Identity card
Photo Identity Card / फोटो पहचान प� :2
number in Online Application Form and
remember to carry the same at the time of
Personality Test/Examination venue.

Given consent of Aadhaar Number / आधार नंबर के

मामला को दे खते हए
ु :

Photo identity card document : Document Uploaded [ View document ]

You have not completed PART-II Registration. You are advised to complete PART-II
registration to complete the submission of your application form.
आपने भाग II पंजीकरण परू ा नह�ं �कया है । आपको अपने आवेदन फाम� को परू ा करने के �लए भाग-II पंजीकरण को परू ा करने क� सलाह
द� जाती है ।

Note : Application will be treated as incomplete/rejected unless accompanied by the PART-II

Registration - which again consist of two parts - filling up uploading Photograph & Signature,
Payment details of Examination Fee (where applicable) and Examination Center.

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