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Should Marijuana be legalized?

Marijuana should be legalized since it has potential medicinal benefits, can

contribute to the economy through taxation, and its prohibition has failed to curb its

usage, leading to unnecessary criminalization. Using marijuana is okay since often

make it a pain reliever and use it for bad habits and result in addiction. Why

Cannabis Should be Legal Have you ever thought about your viewpoint on marijuana

being legal? Marijuana has been legalized in a few states, and now the topic of legal

marijuana has gone, legalizing marijuana can generate significant economic

benefits. It can create jobs in the cannabis industry, from cultivation and processing

to distribution and retail.

On the other hand, legalizing, taxing, and regulating is good for the economy

and creates jobs. While marijuana should be legal, some people think it should not

be legal, just like any other debate. While some people believe marijuana impacts

your body and life in a negative way, marijuana has many good uses, so it should be

legal. In the medical world, marijuana has many uses.Many experts said that

marijuana should be legalized since it has a good potential since marijuana can cure


Have you ever asked yourself why alcohol is legal but marijuana is illegal even

though alcohol is responsible for nearly four percent of all deaths? Marijuana should

be legalized for many reasons such as its profound medical values, also legal

substances such as alcohol and tobacco are far more lethal than marijuana. One
controversial issue has been marijuana and whether it should be legal. On one hand,

many Americans claim it is illegal for a reason. Others say that it is no different than

alcohol. In my view, marijuana should be legal because it is not as bad as people

believe it to be, it is like a form of alcohol, and so many people do it anyway.


Marijuana benefits has shown potential for treating various medical conditions,

including chronic pain, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and nausea caused by

chemotherapy. Legalization would allow patients to access marijuana as a legitimate

medical treatment option, under proper medical supervision. Some individuals find

that marijuana can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and stress. However, it's

important to note that the effects can vary, and excessive use may worsen anxiety in

some cases. (Graham,2019)

According to Dr. Sabet argues that legalizing marijuana may lead to increased

addiction rates, impaired cognitive function among users, and negative impacts on

youth development. Dr. Sabet emphasizes that marijuana legalization could

exacerbate existing substance abuse problems and contribute to a rise in drug-

related accidents and fatalities. He also expresses concerns about the potential for

marijuana legalization to normalize drug use and undermine efforts to promote

healthy and drug-free lifestyles.

Marijuana should be legalized since it cure illnesses, the question of whether

marijuana should be legalized is a complex and contentious one. While there are
valid arguments on both sides, the evidence suggests that there are compelling

reasons to support its legalization. The potential medical benefits of marijuana

cannot be ignored. Numerous studies have shown its effectiveness in alleviating

symptoms associated with various medical conditions, including chronic pain,

nausea, and epilepsy. Legalization would provide easier access to medical

marijuana for patients who can benefit from its therapeutic properties.

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