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Andre Schevciw, The Unwilling Licensee in the Context of Standards Essential Patent
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Anusha Pirani, The Unitary Patent Court - Caution Ahead, Ct Uncourt. 2018, 5-8
Claire Guo, Intersection of Antitrust Laws with Evolving Frand Terms in Standard
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Christopher S. Storm, Standard Essential Patents versus the World: How the Internet
of Things Will Change Patent Licensing Forever, Tex Intell Prop LJ. 2022, 259-314
Cody M. Akins, Overdeclaration of Standard-Essential Patents, Tex L Rev. 2020, 579-
Damien Geradin, The Meaning of Fair and Reasonable in the Context of Third-Party
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Daniel F. Spulber, Antitrust Policy toward Patent Licensing: Why Negotiation
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Daniel F. Spulber, Finding Reasonable Royalty Damages: A Contract Approach to
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Daniel F. Spulber, Patent Licensing and Bargaining with Innovative Complements and
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Daniel F. Spulber, Licensing Standard Essential Patents with FRAND Commitments:
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David J. Teece, Patent Counting and the “Top-down” Approach to Patent Valuations:
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Erik Hovenkamp & Herbert J. Hovenkamp, Patent Pools and Related Technology Sharing,
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Fei Deng, Gregory K. Leonard & Mario A. Lopez, Comparative Analysis of Court-
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Felix K. Hess, US anti-suit injunctions and German anti-anti-suit injunctions in
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Florian Schmidt-Bogatzky & Clemens Heusch, Requirements in SEP License Negotiations
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Electronic copy available at:
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Haris Tsilikas, Huawei v. ZTE in Context—EU Competition Policy and Collaborative
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Jorge L. Contreras, Anti-Suit Injunctions and Jurisdictional Competition in Global
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Jorge L. Contreras, Fixing Frand: A Pseudo-Pool Approach to Standards-Based Patent
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Jorge L. Contreras, Global Rate Setting: A Solution for Standards-Essential
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J. Gregory Sidak, Misconceptions concerning the Use of Hedonic Prices to Determine
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Matthieu Dhenne, Calculation of FRAND Royalties: An Overview of Practices Around
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Michael Renaud, James Wordarwski, & Sandra Badin, Efficient Infringement and the
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Michelle Emeterio, Antitrust Deterrence of Patent Holdup: Refocusing on Competition
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Peter K. Yu, Jorge L. Contreras & Yu Yang, Transplanting Anti-Suit Injunctions, Am
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Roya Ghafele, Global Licensing on FRAND Terms in Light of Unwired Planet v. Huawei,
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Samuel Howard, FRAND, RAND, & the Problem at Hand: Increasing Certainty in
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Stanley M. Besen, Why Royalties for Standard Essential Patents Should Not Be Set by
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Theodore Eisenberg & Geoffrey P. Miller, The Flight to New York: An Empirical Study
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Thomas F. Cotter, Erik Hovenkamp & Norman Siebrasse, Demystifying Patent Holdup,
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Tim Pohlmann, Who Is Leading the 5G Patent Race for Edge Computing, Managing Intell
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Yang Yu & Jorge L. Contreras, Will China’s New Anti-Suit Injunctions Shift the
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Electronic copy available at:
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Zelin Yang, Damaging Royalties: An Overview of Reasonable Royalty Damages, Berkeley
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