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1. It is made to inform the readers of what is happening around them.

2. What do you call the title of a news report?
3. These are direct quotes from individuals involved or knowledgeable about news events.
4. These are visual aids such as images or videos that comes along new reports.
5. Attribution or crediting the source of information is done to avoid _______?
6. This indicate the name of the news writer
7. It is written before the lead paragraph which indicates the location and date of the event
or when the report was filed.
8. It is the beginning of a news study
9. It is a way of expressing thoughts and ideas by means of using our voice.
10. This type of oral delivery allows the use of prepared notes or outline as a guide
11. It is a type of speech which does not require critical thinking.
12. This type of speech is done when a speaker solely relies on reading a prepared script for
13. A type of speech also known as the no preparation type of speech
14. These are means of presenting ideas other than text.
15. This kind of graphic organizers help students organize their prior knowledge.
16. This type of textual aid makes use of shapes, lines, and arrows to represent processes or
sequences of events.
17. It is a simple organizer with two columns used to compare and contrast ideas, concept or
pieces of information.
18. This type of textual aid illustrate relationship between concepts, it typically include
linking phrases or words.
19. It depicts hierarchal structure of an organization.
20. It consists of overlapping circles that illustrates the similarities and difference between
two or more sets of categories.
21. This helps readers analyze and visualize the elements of a story.
22. This is a type of pictograph which represents the population of a specific parameter.
23. It is defined as trying to get the meaning of what you hear.
24. This type of listening is also called the hearing. The listener simply hears sounds in the
background but simply ignores them as he/she is engrossed in another task.
25. This type of listening involves making the listener decide on the truth of ideas, pass
judgment on claims on whether to accept or reject it.
26. When you’re listening to your favorite song, what type of listening is demonstrated?
27. When the listener focuses attention and shows interest into what he/she is hearing, what
type of listening is shown?
28. It is the transfer of a written work in whole or part of a feature film.
29. These are persons, or sometimes even animals who takes part in the action of the story
30. The time and place which a short story occurred.
31. These part of the plot deals with the introduction of characters, background and settings.
32. The peak, most intense, and turning point of the story.
33. This part of the story is when the details of the consequences of the characters’ action and
decision of resolving the problem is displayed.
34. Also called the denouement
35. The struggle of two characters in the story
36. The struggle between the protagonist and the community he belongs to
37. The struggle between the protagonist and the forces of nature
38. The central idea of belief of the story
39. This are anything that stands for or represent something else in a story.
40. What is the name of the man with no limbs but still managed to succeed in life and create
a platform for inspiring youths.
Determine the figure of speech in the following sentences

1. Mario is always busy as a bee.

2. My teeth were chattering as we waited in the freezing cold for the bus to arrive
3. He acts silly at times, but he was blessed with a brilliant brain
4. My classmate always passes his requirements not undue. He is a couch potato.
5. His tongue is sharper than a sword
6. “O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?”
7. The grassed danced with the wind.
8. You lit up my life
9. After freedom’s sweet kiss, she could never return to the doldrums of the factory
10. A paper plane passed over my head.

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