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Evolving Systems (2017) 8:203–210

DOI 10.1007/s12530-017-9176-x


Design of spiking neural networks for blood pressure prediction

during general anesthesia: considerations for optimizing results
Go Hamano1 · Andrew Lowe1 · David Cumin2

Received: 7 April 2016 / Accepted: 23 January 2017 / Published online: 7 March 2017
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract The ability to predict blood pressure changes Keywords NeuCube · Spiking neural network ·
during general anesthesia would assist anesthetists mini- Anesthesia · Prediction · Blood pressure
mize the risk of complications due to hypotensive events.
However, such prediction is not trivial. Evolving spiking
neural networks are a relatively new computational method 1 Background
that may have application to this problem. ­NeuCubeST con-
sists of a 3-dimensional network of locally connected neu- In the late 1980s, it was estimated that, over a given day,
rons called a Spiking Neural Network reservoir (SNNr) there was more information contained in the records
and can be used to classify time series data for prediction. of a typical 700-bed hospital than in the London Stock
There are a number of design considerations when using Exchange (Weiss et al. 1995). Some physiologic data, such
­NeuCubeST as a classifier of time-series data: what pre- as mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) are
processing of the raw data is required (pre-processing), now routinely and automatically collected during general
how to convert the time-series data into a spike train (input- anesthesia in many hospitals. However, beyond the imme-
encoding), which neurons the data are connected to (input- diate surgical case, these data are seldom utilized. One area
mapping), and how many nearest neighbours to use in clas- where such “big data” could be of great value is in predict-
sification (classification). However, it is still unclear how ing future physiological states. In this work, we are inter-
sensitive ­NeuCubeST-based systems are to perturbations ested in predicting mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) as
of any of the above. In this paper we evaluate the contri- it is essential to keep MAP within relatively narrow limits
bution of these design factors to blood pressure prediction during anesthesia (Gordon and Russell 2005; Rivers et al.
using ­NeuCubeST. 6000 possible combinations of those 2001). Intraoperative hypotensive (low MAP) events, for
­NeuCubeST options were tested for each of 100 patients example, are common and associated with adverse events
and for each a Signal to Noise Ratio was obtained. All four (Morris et al. 2005).
investigated design factors showed significant contribution There are a variety of techniques that could be applied to
to SNR. Intra-operative MAP prediction using ­NeuCubeST physiological time-series data for prediction. Some exam-
can be effective but performance is sensitive to the design ples of the approaches are mathematical modeling of the
choices. cardiovascular system (Heldt et al. 2006), applications of
wavelet analysis (Saeed and Mark 2000), fuzzy inference
* David Cumin (Lowe et al. 1999), and fuzzy inference (Versaci and Mora- bito 2003). Various attempts at estimating hemodynamic
status have been made but the complex and nonlinear
Institute of Biomedical Technologies, Auckland University
nature of hemodynamic parameters (Wo et al. 1993) makes
of Technology, Private Bag 92006, Auckland 1142,
New Zealand a solution non-trivial.
2 Attempts at predicting MAP have included an adaptive
Department of Anaesthesiology, Faculty of Medical
and Health Sciences, The University of Auckland, Private network fuzzy inference system (FIS) using HR, previous
Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand MAP values, fraction of inspired isoflurane, and end-tidal

204 Evolving Systems (2017) 8:203–210

­ O2 concentration (­EtCO2) as inputs (Jensen and Nebot

C predict time series data in much the same way as classifica-
1998). The algorithm was tested on five patients to predict tion of aphid growth trends (Tu et al. 2014).
MAP 70 s ahead. Mean squared prediction errors ranged The size of the SNNr is defined by three parameters:
from 41 to 170% (Jensen and Nebot 1998). ­nx, ­ny and ­nz, representing the neuron numbers along x,
Severity of hemorrhage has been predicted using dis- y and z axis, respectively. The neurons are allocated in a
crete wavelet transformation and Support Vector Machines parallelepiped array ­nx × n­ y × n­ z. A neuron in the SNNr
(SVMs) using the electrocardiogram (ECG), arterial blood is connected to its neighboring neurons, defined as neu-
pressure, and thoracic impedance signals (Ji et al. 2009). rons to which it has a distance shorter than a set distance
Data were collected on 59 healthy humans exposed to a parameter.
hemorrhage model known as lower body negative pressure
(LBNP). Severity of shock was predicted with an accuracy 2.1 Input feature mapping
of 82% under these controlled conditions.
Hypotensive events were predicted using wavelet anal- Each variable in a set of time-series data is mapped onto
ysis, principal component analysis and a 3-layer artificial the SNNr via two main categories of feature allocation
neural network (ANN) with HR and systolic, diastolic, methods. The similarity-based approach maps each varia-
and mean arterial blood pressure as inputs (Lee and Mark ble to its corresponding feature with their distance based on
2011). The ANN was designed to predict hypotension after a similarity matrix among those variables. The other cat-
a gap of 1–4 h. The algorithm was trained with 130,325 egory of feature allocation is trial and error, which is based
controls and 3953 hypotensive examples from the MIMIC- on the idea that trials with cross validation after random
II database. Despite low positive predictive values, the best selections of mappings would enable a more effective map-
mean area under ROC curve was 0.934. ping to be found.
In this research, we apply a novel spiking neural net-
work architecture, called ­ NeuCubeST (Tu et al. 2014). 2.2 Input encoding
Spiking neural network mimic phenomenon observed dur-
ing biologicalneural information processing (Bohte 2004). NeuCubeST processes spike trains so an input encoder that
­NeuCubeST has been successfully applied to the analysis converts real value sequences to spike trains is required. We
of spatio-temporal brain data [e.g. EEG (Kasabov 2012)] used two methods for encoding the input signals: Address
and time-series data without spatial information [e.g. stroke Event Representation (AER), which has successfully
occurrence prediction using environmental data (Kasabov applied to a SNN (Dhoble et al. 2012), and a novel encod-
et al. 2014)]. This study differs from previously reported ing method combining inter-spike interval and Gaussian
research by (1) using a spiking neural network technique; receptive field encodings.
(2) utilizing a relatively large number of anaesthetic
records; (3) relying on routinely collected data rather than 2.2.1 AER
specialized protocols; and (4) designing prediction models
to predict MAP 5 min ahead in time. AER is based on an idea that a significant change in a vari-
able is considered an event. Specifically, AER uses the
variable gradient with respect to time, and a bi-direction
threshold to emit a positive or negative spike. The thresh-
2 NeuCubeST old is a parameter, and for instance, a threshold can be
determined in a statistical way using the sum of the mean
NeuCubeST is comprised of a 3-dimensional network of value and standard deviation of the signal gradient. A tun-
locally connected neurons called a Spiking Neural Network ing of the threshold parameter can change the significance
reservoir (SNNr). Data are input to neurons in the SNNr of each event.
after conversion to spike trains. These neurons signal other
neurons, which in turn spike if thresholds are reached, and 2.2.2 Gaussian encoding method
so on throughout the network. When output neurons spike,
an output spike train is generated (Tu et al. 2014). We propose a novel input encoding method based on both
NeuCubeST has three main modes of operation (Kasa- the Inter-Spike Interval (ISI) encoding method (Torikai
bov 2014): (1) unsupervised learning according to a Spike et al. 2006) and the Gaussian Receptive Field (GRF) encod-
Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) learning rule; (2) ing method (Johnson et al. 2011). ISI is a way of represent-
supervised learning according to a rank order rule; and (3) ing a real value as an inter-spike interval in spike trains and
prediction or classification based on a comparison method, theoretically has an ability to allow the real value itself to
such as Nearest Neighbor Search. The latter can be used to propagate through a SNN. GRF is a way of delaying a spike

Evolving Systems (2017) 8:203–210 205

emission of a feature neuron according to a Gaussian func- anesthesia as part of patient monitoring in high standard
tion of the distance between a set value and a real value. anesthesia work stations (Chilkoti et al. 2015). The data
GRF was originally proposed for spatial data, rather than was sampled at 30 s intervals.
for time-series data. In our method, we first calculate the A random sample of 100 anesthetic records with
difference between the variable value and the mean of that between 30 min and 45 min of overlapping data for all
variable. Secondly, we define a positive or negative spike physiologic variables were extracted from the database.
emission delay in accordance with how close the differ- Training patterns were extracted from these records with
ence is: when the difference is bigger, emit a spike earlier; a 20 min sliding window with 5 min steps. Leave-one-out
if the difference is positive, emit a positive spike; if nega- cross validation was performed for each record, where
tive, emit a negative spike. Thirdly, ensure the spike emis- predictions were generated every 30 s starting from
sions occur for every time point and do not overlap. Conse- 20 min into the record.
quently, this third rule gives the method features of ISI as Multiple prediction models were designed, encom-
well as that of GRF. In other words, the interval between passing every combination of options for each of the
two successive spikes represents the gradient between their chosen design factors on a ­NeuCubeST model of reservoir
related time points. size 6 × 6 × 6:
In short, there are a number of design considerations
when using N ­ euCubeST as a classifier of time-series data: • Pre-processing Raw data were either pre-processed with
what pre-processing of the raw data is required (pre- a 5-step median filter or encoded without the filter. A
processing), how to convert the time-series data into a median filter was chosen to remove outliers (Saeed
spike train (input-encoding), which neurons the data are 2007). An outlier may occur for clinical reasons, for
connected to (input-mapping), and how many nearest example a blood-sampling event will interfere with
neighbors to use in classification (classification). How- the MAP reading as it uses the same cannula. Because
ever, it is unclear from published literature how sensitive blood sampling and other, similar events usually take
­NeuCubeST-based systems are to perturbations of any of the less than 1 min (2 steps) to finish, the 5-step median fil-
above design considerations. ter was chosen. Thus, there were 2 options for the pre-
processing step.
• Input encoding Address event representation (AER)
3 Experimental design and results (Kasabov 2012) and the newly proposed Gaussian-
receptive-field-based encoding method (see above)
3.1 Aim were tested. For the AER, 2 different spiking thresholds
were tested. Each method was tested in forward and
The purpose of this work is to explore the sensitivity of reverse time order because the Rank-Order rule used in
­NeuCubeST to different pre-processing, input-encoding, ­NeuCubeST supervised learning puts more importance
input-mapping, and classification settings in predicting on earlier-emitted spikes than later spikes. Thus, there
blood pressure values from intra-operative records. were a total of 6 options for input encoding.

3.2 Methods

3.2.1 Ethics approval

Ethics approval was obtained from NZHDC (12/NTA/74)

to create a database of de-identified electronic anesthetic
records, including physiological data, from operating
rooms of a tertiary hospital in Auckland, New Zealand.

3.2.2 Prediction Models

We chose to design a model to predict the MAP 5 min

ahead from the given previous 15 min pattern of MAP,
end-tidal carbon dioxide (­ EtCO2), minimum alveolar con-
centration (MAC), heart rate (HR), peripheral capillary
oxygen saturation (­SpO2) and body temperature (BT).
All these variables are routinely measured during general Fig. 1  Histogram of SNR over the 600,000 experiments

206 Evolving Systems (2017) 8:203–210

a b
5.0 5.0

2.5 2.5


0.0 0.0

−2.5 −2.5

−5.0 −5.0

Raw Median filter AER 1 AER 2 Gaussian AER 1 reverse AER 2 reverse Gaussian reverse
Pre−processing Input Encoding
c d






1 20 40 60 80 10 1 10 10 weighted 50 50 weighted
Input Mapping






1 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 2  Boxplots of SNR by Input encoding method and classification algorithm. Note these plots only show SNR in [−5,5]

• Input mapping Input feature neurons in each predic- Although graph-matching algorithms have been pro-
tion model were allocated to randomly-generated input posed (Tu et al. 2014), we applied none of them to keep
feature allocations. We used 100 such allocations. the experiments straightforward.

Evolving Systems (2017) 8:203–210 207

Table 1  ANOVA results of model with SNR as the dependent vari- 3.3 Results
F-value P-value The mean and standard deviation of SNR over the 600,000
experiments was −0.8675 ± 2.1732 dB. The distribution of
Pre-processing 909.6 <0.001
SNR are shown in Fig. 1.
Input encoding 851.9 <0.001
Univariate analysis suggests that there are significant
Input mapping 4.4 <0.001
differences between levels in all of the possible factors.
Classification 99,496.6 <0.001
These are represented graphically in Fig. 2 for input encod-
Patient 4142.3 <0.001
ing and classification only as exemplars.
The ANOVA results (Table 1) show that all design con-
siderations contribute to the SNR.
Table 2  ANOVA results of model with interactions and SNR as the Table 2 shows that interactions are all significant also:
dependent variable
The second order interactions can be visualized in Fig. 3.
F-value P-value

Pre-processing 91.3 <0.001

Input encoding 86.6 <0.001
4 Discussion
Classification 9,955.9 <0.001
Patient 241.6 <0.001
Approximately one-third (37.6%) of the experiments had
Pre-processing × input encoding 7.9 <0.001
an SNR above 0 in these experiments. This suggests some
Pre-processing × classification 35.7 <0.001
promise for using this method in predicting MAP val-
Input encoding × classification 34.3 < 0.001
ues. However, different design choices for the ­NeuCubeST
Pre-processing × input encoding × clas- 1.8 0.115
model had an effect on the results of predicting blood pres-
sification ­ euCubeST is sensitive to
sure (Fig. 3). This indicates that N
these choices and careful consideration should be given
before using the model to predict MAP.
The selection of k-NN method (that is, classification
• Classification Several k-nearest neighbor search method) has the largest main effect, and that of pre-pro-
methods were tested, specifically: non-weighted and cessing and input encoding methods the second largest.
weighted k-nearest neighbor search methods with Using more nearest neighbours for classification improves
k = 10 and 50, as well as 1-Nearest Neighbor Search. the prediction, which indicates that there are not a small
Thus there were 5 options for classification method. number of clusters in the dynamic behavior of patients. The
weighting of nearest neighbours may also be of benefit for
All 6000 possible combinations (2 × 6 × 100 × 5) of predicting blood pressure. The F-value for input mapping
­NeuCubeST design options were tested for each of the indicates the lowest variance between different schemes
100 patients. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was used to as a ratio of variance within a scheme. In this work, input
measure the accuracy of the predictions. SNR is defined mapping was chosen randomly, but more work needs to be
here as 10 L­ og10 {(mean square of the increments occur- done to understand if deterministic input mapping schemes
ring in 300 s)/(mean square error of the predicted incre- perform significantly differently.
ments)}. By this definition, positive SNR means a pre- The results shown in Fig. 3 indicate that preprocessing
diction better than the naive prediction method of using the data is slightly better for prediction of MAP, although
the value of each pattern at 15 min to predict the value at there appears to be some interaction between preprocess-
20 min (i.e. a 300 s increment). ing and input encoding scheme, which is intuitively plau-
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to measure sible. Gaussian input encoding leads to the best predic-
the relative contribution of each design consideration on tion in this task. Notably, a “patient” selection can affect
the SNR. The F-value can be interpreted as an indicator prediction significantly. It is likely that the best predic-
of effect-size, and the P-value is the statistical signifi- tions came from patients where the test patterns were most
cance level. Given the large data set, parametric analysis similar to the training patterns. This supports the idea that
is appropriate even though the distribution of SNR may ­NeuCubeST can become a better predictor by being specifi-
not be normal (Lumley et al. 2002). Data were analysed cally designed for a similar subject group, such as a patient
using R (v3.1.2, CRAN). group (smoking, male, more than 60 years old and with
hypertension) or stroke prediction from temporal local cli-
mate data (Kasabov et al. 2014). We did not investigate the
patient demographics.

208 Evolving Systems (2017) 8:203–210

a −0.6 b


−0.8 k_knn

Mean SNR
Mean SNR

10 weighted
AER 1 reverse
−0.9 AER 2 reverse
50 weighted
Gaussian reverse −2




Pre−processing Pre−processing



Mean SNR

10 weighted
−2 50
50 weighted


AER 1 AER 2 Gaussian AER 1 reverse AER 2 reverse Gaussian reverse

Input encoding

Fig. 3  Interaction plots for each of the second order interactions

NeuCubeST has potential to be an effective predictor of the subject of future work. Similarly, we did not use other
MAP using the proposed methodology. However, all four methods for prediction of MAP as this was outside the
investigated design factors showed highly significant con- scope of the research. Such comparisons could be the focus
tribution to SNR when controlling for patient selection. of future work.
Many other parameters such as training algorithms or other
algorithm settings may also impact results but were not
investigated. In this research, patient records were chosen 5 Conclusion
at random. More work is required to determine the applica-
bility of these results to specific patient groups and surgical This research found that MAP prediction was particularly
or anaesthetic procedures. Such work will lead to a better sensitive to output classification method. Notably, the use
understanding of how to optimize experimental designs for of larger numbers of nearest neighbours was associated
improved prediction results. with better performance (higher SNR), on average. Opti-
Although it is a natural question to ask which com- mal choice of output classification (that is, the number of
bination is best for predicting MAP, it was not the inten- nearest neighbours) is likely to be dependent on the clus-
tion of this research to answer that question, which will be tering characteristics of the application and these results

Evolving Systems (2017) 8:203–210 209

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Acknowledgements The work is sponsored by the Knowledge of spatio-temporal patterns with a case study on stroke. Neuro-
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of Technology, New Zealand. We are grateful for the assistance of Workshop on Intelligence Science and Intelligent Data Engi-
Prof. Chris Triggs, Statistics, University of Auckland, for his advice neering (IScIDE 2011) Learning Algorithms and Applications
regarding the analysis of these data. Selected papers from the 19th International Conference on Neu-
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