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Steve Jobs (1955-2011) was an American

entrepreneur, business magnate, inventor and

industrial designer. He was best known for Apple Inc.,
which revolutionized personal computers, mobile
technology and digital media. as founder, president
and CEO.

Jobs was born in San Francisco, California and was

one of the founders. Apple in 1976 with Steve
Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Under his leadership,
Apple introduced innovative products such as the
Macintosh computer, the iPod, the iPhone and the
iPad, which transformed several industries and
became symbols of innovation and design.

Jobs was known for his visionary leadership style,

attention to detail , and an insistence on creating
products that perfectly integrate technology with art
and simplicity. He was also a charismatic and
sometimes controversial figure in the technology
industry. Despite hardships, including being ousted
from Apple in the 1980s, he returned to the company
in 1997 and played a key role in its revival, making it
one of the most valuable and influential companies
in the world.

Obpositions were transferred passed away in 2011

after a long battle with pancreatic cancer, but his
legacy continues to shape the technology industry
and inspire innovators around the world.

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