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Problem Statement:
There is lots and lot of food waste in a day. In India reportedly
Rs.92000 cr equivalent foods waste in a year. At the same time nearly 74 Million people were
starving every year in India. To overcome this both
To deal with it a creation of new management systems for waste food
by getting the information from the management that existing with the basic info’s such as:
How many kgs of food?,
What will be the expected expiry for that food?,
Where are they located (i.e) the location of restaurants or home, and a simple pic of the food
and what is the minimum and maximum price of that food?. With these systems we can make
a simple system for this.
By optimizing the matching and transportation of near-expiry or excess
food, the system could provide over 20 million additional meals to the underprivileged while
reducing food waste by 50%.The user who wants to buy the foods for the needy or the user
who wants to buy foods for homeless in which there is too less funding in their old-age
homelike places can easily buy the food in less cost or sometimes free.
The location details helpful in providence of transportation fees...
Key features:
This system will helpful in buying the food with those basic details.
(What will be the expected expiry for that food?, where are they located).
We can save a lot and lots of foods from wastage.
It is like wastage to usage system.
Module :
Food Inventory Management Module:
 Tracks food inventory and quantity available from suppliers
 Captures food details like type, quantity, expiration, storage needs etc.
 Allows suppliers to easily upload and update inventory
Matching and Reservation Module:
 Matches food inventory with charitable organization needs
 Allows organizations to reserve available inventory based on their requirements
 Optimizes food allocation to minimize wastage
Expiry and Waste Tracking Module:
 Tracks expiry date of food items
 Sends alerts and notifications as food nears expiry date
 Records food wastage and analyses trends
Logistics and Distribution Module:
 Plans optimal routes for food pickup and delivery
 Integrates third-party logistics providers for transportation
 Tracks food in transit to ensure integrity and safety
Analytics Module:
 Provides insights through data collection and analytics on food waste
 Identifies opportunities to improve system efficiency and reduce wastage
 Tracks impact over time for continuous improvement
| FoodID | SupplierID | Food Name/Type | Quantity | Expiry Date | Storage Needs | Location |
| F001 | S01 | Apples | 500 kg | 2023-03-15 | Refrigerated | Delhi |
| F002 | S02 | Bananas | 350 kg | 2023-03-05 | Room Temp | Mumbai |
| F003 | S03 | Milk | 200 l | 2023-02-28 | Refrigerated | Chennai |
| F004 | S01 | Bread | 850 pcs | 2023-02-25 | Room Temp | Delhi |
| F005 | S02 | Eggs | 600 doz | 2023-03-10 | Refrigerated | Mumbai |
Food Inventory Table

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