Am Personal Best A2 Grammar AK

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Unit 1

Exercise 1

1 listening 2 prefer 3 think 4 looks 5 is working / ’s working

6 wants 7 looks 8 remember 9 smells 10 ’s cooking / is cooking

Exercise 2

1 went 2 spent 3 had checked in 4 arrived 5 walked

6 were waiting 7 announced 8 got 9 had already left 10 had been planning

Unit 2

Exercise 1

1 Where did Shakespeare come from?

2 Do you think she is a successful musician?
3 Why was Jonah working so late last night?
4 Could you tell me if the train is on time?
5 What have you been doing today?
6 Has your mum been buying books again?
7 Gustav Klimt painted The Kiss, didn’t he?
8 Who was the last person to visit the gallery?
9 Can you tell me how many paintings there are?
10 That was a really boring museum, wasn’t it?

Exercise 2

1 a 2 c 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 c 7 a 8 c 9 b 10 b

Unit 3

Exercise 1

1 g 2 d 3 j 4 h 5 a 6 i 7 c 8 e 9 b 10 f

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Exercise 2

1 look after 2 grow up 3 take up 4 pick up 5 take after

6 turn down 7 throw out 8 come across 9 get on 10 eat out

Unit 4

Exercise 1

1 is 2 have 3 is 4 drives 5 is
6 makes 7 wants 8 leave 9 plays 10 love

Exercise 2

1 I’ve wanted to go to Peru since I was little, but I don’t have enough money yet.
2 Guess what? Ben has already bought our tickets.
3 My sister passed her driving test when she was 18, so she has been driving / ’s been driving for two years.
4 I finished my report last night! I put it off / ‘ve been putting it off for ages as it was so boring.
5 Adrian has just heard that he got a place at university.
6 Our new teacher was a banker before he came to work here.
7 I’ve been watching a documentary about bears. They made it in Alaska.
8 Have you eaten in the new canteen yet? The food is really good.
9 How long have you known they got engaged? You could have told me!
10 I started my new job last week. I was quite nervous, but everyone’s really friendly.

Unit 5

Exercise 1

1 so little 2 so many 3 such 4 so 5 so much

6 such 7 so few 8 so many 9 so 10 so much

Exercise 2

1 will be volunteering / ’ll be volunteering

2 will have increased
3 will be doing / ’ll be doing
4 won’t have gotten / will not have gotten

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5 will have risen
6 won’t be living / will not be living
7 won’t be using / will not be using
8 will have disappeared
9 won’t have had / will not have had
10 will be working / ’ll be working

Unit 6

Exercise 1

1 would spend 2 had 3 would 4 caught 5 didn’t use to

6 met 7 used to 8 played 9 didn’t use to 10 would take

Exercise 2

1 getting used 2 Getting 3 wasn’t used 4 get used 5 are used

6 get used 7 is used 8 gotten used 9 used 10 is used to

Unit 7

Exercise 1

1 Anyone talking in the library will be asked to leave.

2 One of the men working with me has broken his leg.
3 The results of exams taken last week will be announced tomorrow.
4 The family living next door have three cats. / The family living next door have 3 cats.
5 Who was the man wearing the pink T-shirt?
6 People trying to buy tickets for the festival were unsuccessful.
7 Any food left in the fridge has been thrown away.
8 The plane landing at Terminal 1 is from Lima. / The plane now landing at Terminal 1 is from Lima. / The plane
landing at terminal 1 is from Lima. / The plane now landing at terminal 1 is from Lima.
9 The man being arrested is a student.
10 Students arriving late to school will be given extra homework.

Exercise 2

1c 2j 3d 4g 5b 6i 7e 8a 9f 10 h

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Unit 8

Exercise 1

1 Due to 2 Unlike 3 whereas 4 as a result of 5 Since

6 Therefore 7 while 8 As 9 because of 10 As a rule

Exercise 2

1 eating / buying 2 to buy 3 concentrating 4 missing 5 to behave

6 using 7 not to be 8 watch 9 sitting 10 to talk

Unit 9

Exercise 1

1 frequently 2 bit 3 clearly 4 Amazingly 5 well

6 Luckily 7 obviously 8 stupidly 9 Actually 10 extremely

Exercise 2

1 are sent 2 was given 3 thought 4 delivered 5 are located

6 was being washed 7 will finish 8 had been cancelled 9 will have been 10 has been given

Unit 10

Exercise 1

1 either 2 both 3 few 4 lot 5 Quite a few

6 either 7 an awful lot of 8 much 9 fair 10 great

Exercise 2
1 The most tiring job I’ve had was working at the hospital.
2 The interview was easier than I’d expected.
3 The more exercise I do, the better I feel.
4 Adele isn’t as tall as her little brother. He’s 1.8 m now.
5 Leaving my family to go and live in Spain was the most difficult decision I’ve ever made.
6 The concert wasn’t quite as noisy as I thought it would be.

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7 There’s nothing worse than losing a job you love.
8 The River Thames isn’t as long as the Amazon River.
9 It was by far the best company I’ve ever worked for.
10 The longer we stay here, the harder it will be to leave.

Unit 11

Exercise 1

1 must have 2 can’t have 3 must 4 must have 5 may be

6 must have 7 might have 8 must not have 9 couldn’t have 10 might be

Exercise 2

1 had never been 2 was 3 had cheated 4 I liked 5 were going to be

6 were arriving 7 would be visiting 8 could take 9 used 10 wouldn’t tell

Unit 12

Exercise 1

1d 2f 3h 4j 5c 6i 7a 8e 9g 10 b

Exercise 2

1 had known / ’d known; would have woken / would’ve woken / ’d’ve woken
2 had eaten / ’d eaten; would not be / wouldn’t be
3 would have stayed / would’ve stayed; had not lent / hadn’t lent
4 had not studied / hadn’t studied; would not have designed / wouldn’t have designed / could not have
designed / couldn’t have designed / might not have designed / mightn’t have designed
5 would have gone / would’ve gone / could have gone / could’ve gone; had not lost / hadn’t lost
6 would not be / wouldn’t be; had brought / ’d brought
7 would not have broken / wouldn’t have broken; had not jumped / hadn’t jumped
8 had listened / ’d listened; would not have gone / wouldn’t have gone
9 had learned / ’d learned; would be / ’d be
10 would have arrived / would’ve arrived; had not missed / hadn’t missed

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