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1. School grounds are always dirty Isn't it curious how school grounds seem to
resist staying clean, no matter how hard we
2. Students wasting water Isn't preserving water resources crucial for
responsible behavior, especially among
students wasting water?
3. Students don’t know how to use the Do we expect students to navigate complex
bathroom/toilets properly academic subjects when some struggle with
the basic skill of using the toilet properly?
4. Teachers require students to wear Should teachers insist on proper student
proper uniform, yet they don’t wear uniforms while setting an example by not
their uniform. consistently wearing their own?

5. Students Don’t listen during Do we wonder why students aren't engaged

class/lectures. in class when they consistently choose not
to listen to lectures?
6. Tricky relationships with friends Isn't it curious how our relationships with
friends can sometimes be as tricky as
navigating a maze with unseen twists and
7. Stressful exams Do we truly believe that the path to
knowledge and success should be paved
with the stress of exams, or is there a better
way to assess learning?
8. Exuberant school fines Are school fines fostering responsibility or
simply creating a financial burden for
students and their families?
9. Poor ventilation in the classrooms Do we expect students to thrive in an
environment where the air quality is
compromised, as if educational success can
magically happen with poof ventilation in
the classrooms?
10.School problems impacting mental How can people seem to turn a blind eye to
health the evident link between unresolved school
problems and the deteriorating mental
health of our students?
Submitted by:

Butanas, Wee Winkee Wyndelle G.

Carpo, Iñigo Liam S.

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