Assignment 7

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Assignment No.

7 ENGR 245 Mechanical Analysis Date: 2024 03 21

Name: ………………… Kinetics of Particles Due Date: 2024 03 30
Student ID: …………….

1-Determine the initial acceleration of the 15-kg block if (a) T = 23 N and (b) T = 26 N. The
system is initially at rest with no slack in the cable, and the mass and friction of the pulleys are

2-A 0.2-kg particle P is constrained to move along the vertical-plane circular slot of radius r =
0.5 m and is confined to the slot of arm OA, which rotates about a horizontal axis through O with
a constant angular rate 𝛺 =3 rad ∕s. For the instant when 𝛽 = 20°, determine the force N exerted
on the particle by the circular constraint and the force R exerted on it by the slotted arm.

3-The slotted arm revolves in the horizontal plane about the fixed vertical axis through point O.
The 3-lbslider C is drawn toward O at the constant rate of 2 in. ∕sec by pulling the cord S. At the
instant for which r = 9 in., the arm has a counterclockwise angular velocity 𝜔 = 6 rad ∕sec and is
slowing down at the rate of 2 rad ∕sec2. For this instant, determine the tension T in the cord and
Assignment No. 7 ENGR 245 Mechanical Analysis Date: 2024 03 21
Name: ………………… Kinetics of Particles Due Date: 2024 03 30
Student ID: …………….

the magnitude N of the force exerted on the slider by the sides of the smooth radial slot. Indicate
which side, A or B, of the slot contacts the slider.

4- The bar is smooth. The 10-kg slider at A is given a downward velocity of 6.5 m/s.
(a) Use conservation of energy to determine whether the slider will reach point C. If it does,
what is the magnitude of its velocity at point C?
(b) What is the magnitude of the normal force the bar exerts on the slider as it passes point B?

5-The collar has a mass of 2 kg and is attached to the light spring, which has a stiffness of 30 N∕
m and an unstretched length of 1.5 m. The collar is released from rest at A and slides up the
smooth rod under the action of the constant 50-N force. Calculate the velocity v of the collar as it
passes position B.
Assignment No. 7 ENGR 245 Mechanical Analysis Date: 2024 03 21
Name: ………………… Kinetics of Particles Due Date: 2024 03 30
Student ID: …………….

6-The mechanism is released from rest with 𝜃 = 180°, where the uncompressed spring of
stiffness k = 900 N∕m is just touching the underside of the 4-kg collar. Determine the angle 𝜃
corresponding to the maximum compression of the spring. Motion is in the vertical plane, and
the mass of the links may be neglected.

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