6 Reasons Why I Fast Every Day

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6 reasons why I fast for 12+ hours every

day (and why you should try it):

1) Saves time

Making (and eating) food takes time.

Eating fewer meals saves you time.

It's not that you should eat less just so

you can work more.

But reclaiming 1-2 hours a day can make

a big difference.

Preparing your meals for the week during

the weekend makes this even easier.
2) Increases energy

Fasting makes your metabolism more


It also gets your body to tap into your fat

stores and burn them for energy.

Using fat for energy instead of glucose

often results in:

• Better cognition
• Stronger concentration
• Consistent energy levels
3) Helps prevent diseases

Fasting stimulates a process where your body

breaks down, recycles, and eliminates
senescent (old) cells.

This process (called autophagy) helps to:

• Increase longevity
• Reduce loose skin
• Stimulate neurogenesis
• Lower risk of heart disease
• Protect against Alzheimer's disease

Note: Autophagy kicks in only during longer

fasting windows - not during 12 hour fasts.
4) Improves skin complexion

Fasting reduces inflammation in your


Lowering inflammation helps your skin:

• Look younger
• Regain elasticity
• Have a natural glow

It will also reduce redness and puffiness.

5) Boosts mental performance

Fasting stimulates production of a protein

called brain-derived neurotrophic factor

Research shows BDNF causes:

• Improve mood
• Reduce brain fog
• Increase learning, retention, and memory

Fasting can also help prevent brain-related

disorders such as Alzheimer's disease,
Parkinson's disease, and dementia.
6) Strengthens immune system

Fasting boosts your immunity by:

• Detoxifying your body

• Reducing inflammation
• Improving stress resistance
• Repairing damaged cell tissues
• Increasing production of white blood

This benefit is especially helpful when flu

season is peaking and the population is
more prone to getting sick.
6 reasons why I fast every day for 12+
hours (and why you should too):

1) Saves time
2) Increases energy
3) Helps prevent diseases
4) Improves skin complexion
5) Boosts mental performance
6) Strengthens immune system

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