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Assessment: The changing political environment

1 What is the name given for the law making body within the American system of governing /1
Legislative, Congress and The Senate

2 Define Dual federalism /2

Political arrangement where power is clearly divided between the federal and state governments, with
state governments exercising the powers given to them without federal interference

3 Define Cooperative federalism /2

Flexible relationship between the federal and state governments in which both work together on a variety
of issues and programs.

4 Describe President Harding’s policy of normalcy /2

Restoring life to how it was before the war. Including deregulation and isolationism

5 Describe the republicans policy of laissez faire /2

The government stepping out of business affairs. Less politics In business and more business in politics

6 When did the first red scare happen? Describe what it was. /1
1917-1920. A widespread fear of far left movements, mostly Communism and Anarchism, due to both
real and over exaggerated events, such as the October revolution in Russia and anarchist bombings in the
7 Give two examples of rugged individualism /2
The government should not regulate working hours, pay or working conditions, nor should it fix the
interest on mortgages and other loans.

8 Give and describe three reasons why Republicanism declined /6

Hoovers inefficient handling of the great depression.
The very strong democrat campaign
The New Deal
Hoovers poor campaign
The Bonus Army

9 What were Roosevelt’s three main aims of the new deal? /3

Insisted the government was responsible for the welfare of the people. People needed help to get back on
their feet.
The New Deal stressed the importance of rapid, national action.
Development of ‘alphabet agencies’

10 Describe one way Roosevelt increased the importance of the presidency /2

He increased the amount of staff at the White House.
His fireside chats

11 Which governing body has the ability to uphold the rights of the states? /1

12 What caused the second red scare? /1

After ww2, lots of countries occupied by the USSR were left with communist soviet governments,
leading to panic about a soviet take over

13 Give and describe one example of how McCarthy encouraged anti-communist feeling /3
He announced that there were 205 commies in the State Department, and led many investigations into
the state department to find them even though the number of how many where there kept changing,
dropping to 57, then raising to 81. He got support regardless of how inconsistent his claims were, people
were terrified.

14 Describe how the red scare lead to curb on civil liberties /2

The FBI was given powers to investigate people, allowed to open letters, tap phones and bug offices&
homes with little evidence. At the height of the scared people had their freedom of speech and freedom
of expression limited due to worried about what would happen if they expressed even vaguely liberal

15 Describe the liberal views of the 1960s /2

Forward thinking, flexible thinking, concerned about the welfare of the people and willing to try to be
less suspicious abroad. Supported equality, civil rights and social welfare. Produced the idea of ‘positive
discrimination’, preferential treatment in employment, education, social welfare given to the ‘five
minorities’: American Indians, Asians, Blacks, Hispanics and women.

16 Describe what ideas the counter culture was based on /2

Rejecting the values of the older generations and mistrusting the political machine. Wanting to change
society by changing culture. Major movements were Hippies (ant war) and radical student groups.

17 Describe one impact WW2 have on domestic policy /3

The US government was expected to be seen as prepared for nuclear attack, so the FDA was set up.
There was also the arms race between the USSR and the USA

18 Describe one impact of cold war on the presidency /3

The power of the president to go to war or make treaties without Congress grew with the USA’s
involvement with NATO and the UN. Its increasing nuclear weapons arsenal meant it was the only
superpower that could stand against the USSR meaning they felt committed to doing so.

19 Describe one impact of the Korean war on domestic policy /3

Shifted presidential attention away from domestic policy and towards international policy. The Cold War
led to an expectation on the USA to be involved in world affairs, as it was the only country capable of
maintaining a balance of power with the USSR. The reins of domestic policy making began to shift back
to Congress.

20 Describe one impact of the Vietnam war on domestic policy /3

Caused defence budget concerns, spending was a huge contribution to the rising inflation. Due to
unpopular policies like the draft, there was a significant loss of credibility for the presidency and the


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