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Create a Smart Shopping campaign

You're ready to learn how to create a Smart Shopping campaign. Remember, setting up a Smart
Shopping campaign takes under 15 minutes. This is significantly less time than regular campaigns.
Like I mentioned previously, I don't expect you to create your own Shopping campaign during this
program. This video is to give you a chance to explore what it's like to create your first campaign in
the future. I'll start by signing into Next, I'll select the campaigns menu and add a
new campaign. Here, I can decide my campaign goals. If you want to create a regular campaign that I
can control 100 percent on my own, I would click, choose that option here. But since I'm creating a
Smart Shopping campaign, I'll select the Sales as the goal for your campaign instead. Then Shopping.
Next, I'll select my Merchant Center account. If for any reason I hadn't linked my Merchant Center
account with my product data, I'd have to do so now. But luckily, I've already completed that step. For
campaign subtype, I'll select Smart Shopping campaign, then "Continue" I'll enter the name of my
campaign and the campaign's average daily budget. By default, Smart Shopping campaigns set bids
that maximize the value of your conversions within your provided average daily budget. Now, it's
time to choose specific products or groups of products that I'd like to advertise in my campaign. If you
don't specify products, your entire feed will be eligible to appear in your ads. This could reduce their
specificity and worsen their performance. Finally, I can preview my Ad and then select "Save" and I'm
done. You've just witnessed what it's like to create a Google Smart Shopping campaign. You can use
the Google Ads website to explore more advanced campaigns that may fit your business needs.

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