Budget Ratios Worksheet

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Name: Date:

Annual Income
Earned Income #1 $ -
Earned Income #2 $ -
Real Estate (NET) $ -
Business (NET) $ -
Interest Income $ -
Dividend Income $ -
Royalty Income $ -
Total Income $ -

Ideal Ratios and Corresponding Payments Actual Ratios and Corresponding Payments

Item Ratio Annual Monthly Item Ratio Annual Monthly

Tithing 10.00% $ - $ - Tithing #DIV/0! $ - $ -

Taxes 28.50% $ - $ - Taxes #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Total $ - $ - Total $ - $ -

Net Spendable Income $ - $ - Net Spendable Income $ - $ -

Housing 30.00% $ - $ - Housing #DIV/0! $ - $ -

Parking $ -
Rent $ -
Gas $ -
Electricity $ -
Cell Phone $ -
Internet $ -
Telephone $ -
Long Distance
Auto 4.00% $ - $ - Auto #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Car Loan #1 $ -
Car Loan #2 $ -
Insurance $ -
Gas $ -
Maintenance $ -
Food 4.00% $ - $ - Food #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Groceries $ -
Dining Out $ -
Clothing 5.00% $ - $ - Clothing #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Clothing $ -
Work Clothes $ -
Insurance 3.00% $ - $ - Insurance #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Health $ -
Life $ -
Other $ -
Medical/Dental 3.00% $ - $ - Medical/Dental #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Medical $ -
Dental $ -
Ent/Recreation 2.00% $ - $ - Ent/Recreation #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Entertainment $ -
Recreation $ -
Travel $ -
OTher $ -
Miscellaneous 0.50% $ - $ - Miscellaneous #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Hair Stylist
Household Goods
Gifts $ -
Other $ -
School/Childcare 0.00% $ - $ - School/Childcare #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Childcare $ -
School $ -
Debt 0.00% $ - $ - Debt #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Credit Card #1 $ -
Credit Card #2 $ -
Credit Card #3 $ -
Credit Card #4 $ -
Other $ -
Savings 5.00% $ - $ - Savings #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Emergency $ -
Investments $ -
Investments 5.00% $ - $ - Investments #DIV/0! $ - $ -
Accelerated Debt Payoff $ -
Investment #2 $ -

Total Expenditures #DIV/0! $ - $ -

Total Surplus Income $ - $ -

Monthly Difference














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