Present Authoring - Habit Selection

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Sometimes act without thinking

May spend too much time pursuing fun and excitement
Find it difficult to approach others

Can become possessed by an idea
Always do things the same way once I have learned how to do them

Am too perfectionistic
Get obsessed with details and lose the big picture
Insist that everything be in perfect order
Dislike deviation from the rules, even when it is necessary
Have to plan everything (skipped this one)
Seriously dislike having my routine or schedule upset (skipped this
one for now)
Cannot stand to be late for an appointment (skipped this one for now)
Believe that I have to be flawless (skipped this one for now)
Always believe that failure is a consequence of insufficient personal
effort (skipped this one for now)
Cannot tolerate having to finish a task imperfectly or quickly
Can be contemptuous of other people and of myself (skipped this one
for now)
Find it difficult to get down to work
Surf the web or watch TV or waste time in other ways even if I have a
project due
Frequently make excuses
Often procrastinate
Waste my time
Feel unmotivated to complete my work

Emotional Stability/Low Stress Tolerance

Am sometimes not afraid of things I should be afraid of
Have found myself in dangerous situations because I was not paying
attention (Skipped for now)
Things that should bother me don't seem to
Am easy-going to a fault
Sometimes think if I was more worried about things I might do better
in life
Don't worry about things that should bother me
Don't pay enough attention to costs and potential future dangers
Am often too optimistic
Blow little things out of proportion
Feel too fearful, afraid and anxious
Compare myself unfavorably to other people (Skipped this for now)
Let my fears stop me from doing things I want to do

Can be detached and cold when others are hurt and upset

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