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HOMEWORK 17/3 B2 1. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR. 1. Nam: Please, Ba to lock the door carefully if he goes out tomorrow. Lan: OK. Asay C. remember D. remi 12, You can borrow my books ‘you bring them back by Monday. Acunless B. as long as C80 D. while 13, The harder you try, : A. the most success you achieve B. you achieve the more success C. the more success you achieve D. the better you achieve success 14, 1am sure he didn't break your vase__ purpose. Ain B C.for Dion 15, Puton this seream to_ yourself from the sun, A. protect B, prevent C.avoid D. divert 16, She didn't find anything _for a vegetarian, so she lef the restaurant A. suits B. suitable C. suitability D. suitably 17. Hung: Would you mind if 1 smoked in here?- Hoa: A. Yes, Td love to B. Thanks, I don't smoke C.1'd rather you didn’t. I'm sorry 18, Lan; Let’s go to Cua Lo beach after the exam, Hai: Yes, that sounds good. A. should we B, shall we Cushan’t we D. shouldn't we 19, Some people sports in order to keep fit, not because they like them. B. practice C. make sible to tell the difference between, twins B. similar Cridemtical D.alike 21. The Roberts are on the way to London bus, Aby Bion in D. with 22. Lam fed hanging around bere with nothing o do. ‘A.up oa B.outof Coup with 23,__Xmas, more shopping is done. KOn B. For cA Dain 24,1 was named ‘a wealthy relative of my Mom's A.aher Cas D.inon 25. Nam: “Would you lke a glass of beer?” -Lan:“ i ‘A.No, let’ not B. No, I dont €.No, thanks D.No, | wouldnt 26. Nam: “Congratulation! You have got high marks in the last term”. -Lan: ‘A.ltiskind of you to say so —_-B. Really? Never say so C. Te love to say so D. Youte welcome 27. Dont buy that dress you really like it Avunless Bit ©. provided tha D. so long as 28, Shei kind girl that everybody loves her Aso B, such Cvery D.t00 29, These clothes are__cleaner than the others. ‘A.mmuch B. many C30 D. very 30. "Why are you such hurry?" — “I'm missing the last train.” A. with Boby Con Dain 1, GUIDED CLOZE TEST POLAR ADVENTURER In March 1999, Amy Klink, a Brazilian yachtsman and polar adventurer, became the frst man to circle Antarctica while staying south of 50 degrees latitude. He took the most dangerous sea route in the world. Klink was alicady (66) ‘known because in 1984 he had rowed across the Atlantic in a small boat. The book which he wrote, based on his (67) ‘on that trip, had by then (68). millions of copies. For his polar adventure, Klink builthis (69) __boat, He (70) ‘off in 1998 from South Georgia and he arvived back there 88 days later-although he (71) ‘leven of those days on dry land in Antarctica. He did not stop there cout of necesity, but because he wanted to see the Antarctic Peninsula, Klink knew that his (7 would be dangerous. On the way he had to be careful to (73) huge floating blocks of ice. These icebergs, aS they are called, were everywhere. As Klink knew that any rescue mission would have been impossible in the rough sea, he did not bother to take a life-boat, ‘When he sailed into (74) ‘winds 750 miles south of Tasmania, he met waves that were twenty-five meters high. This meant staying awake most of the time. He only managed to sleep for twenty- minute periods a a stretch. But he succeeded in the end, (75)__all the difficulties that he had to face. 66. Avreally . broadly D. thoroughly 61. Acevents happenings D. experiences 68 Avsold . bought D. produced 69. A. proper C.own D. single Ase Cleft D. got Tl. Acpassed spent D. remained 7. -Reexcursion TB Aexpert B avoid Coescape D.refuse a Aten B strong C.beary D hand 78 Aastaras 1B. apart from © according 0 D. inspite of IIL READING COMPREHENSION ‘Unilever, one ofthe world's biggest producers of consumer goods, ts trying t be the fist foreign company to lst domestic A shares in China There have been reports that China” s securities regulatory authorities are considering revising regulations concerning the criteria for companies seeking domestic listings, which could allow foreign capitals entry into A shares available 10 domestic investors ‘Buta senior researcher witha government think-tank said allowing foreign companies o list A shares will tke some time, “The permission would require the speeding up of the merging of AB share markets, which is still proceeding slowly,” be said. Today, most ofthe A-share stocks are state-owned companies and foreign investors are not allowed to list or trade A shares Unilever has set up 14 jot ventures in China, with total investment of USS800 million, company statistics ind 76, Which ofthe following is incorrect? {A.It's difficult tobe listed in China for foreign companies. B. Foreigners are not allowed to buy A share stocks C. Unilever hopes 1o make breakthrough i listing in China. D. AR share markets will soon be unified ThUnileveris_— ‘A. coe of the workd's biggest companies. one of the worl!’ bigsest producers of consumer goods Calarge company listed in Chinn Da large foreign company which is listng in the B-sare market 78. Which ofthe following is false? ‘A Unilever is applying for listing in China. B. Unilever is famous for producing consumer goods. . No foreign companies are allowed 10 be listed in China at present. Unilever has been listed in the W-share market 79. The merging of AR share markets is preceding, According tothe passage A. fast B. slowly © extremely fast D. extremely fast 80, “Think-tank’ in line 6 means ‘A the tank for thinking B. a kind of container for holding oil C. a group of experts D. thinking about how to make a tank 1V. VERB FORMS. 1, She dresses as ifse (81. be) queen. 2 She demanded that the local government (82. do) something about that problem at once. 3. They (83. have)___ diner when they (84 Bear strange noise behind their house, 4. But for your help, we (85. be) that trouble 5. By the time next month I (86, learn) English for three yar. 6 The doctor advised (87give) up stboking. 7. He required us (88, wait) for them outside his office. 6.189. come) 10 your house as soon as my flight (90. land) V. WORD FORMS. 91, We are waiting to have the new, installed. (EQUIP) 92. She __what | said to her yesterday. So I must phone her now. (UNDERSTAND) 93. After the storm Infe. got back to normal. (QUICK) 94 Heexpressed strong the plan. (OMsECT) 95. The film won an award for ts (Horo) 96, Many young people __ work for charity organzation (VOLUNTEER) 97. The music show was really (ENTERTAIN) 98 The “of Vicinamese waders has been remarkably increasing (POPULAR) 99 Jane i sometimes wen she needs tell the diflcrence between some Vietamese words (CONFUSE) 100. There are some music between the two lectures (PERFORM) VI. PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS. 106, The accident was so horrible that I had to look 107. She broke down working hard for month 108. You're very kind, bt | wouldn't ike to be married __you 109. Brian asked Judy to dinner and a movie. 110. The racing car b&w After it crashed into the fence. 11, Jason called the wedding Jhecause he wasn't in love with his fan. 112. You ae sill mad. You need to calm ___before you drive the cas 113. The doctors cut his leg because twas severely injured 114.1 dream, Traveling around the world. 115. They exchanged dollars “yen. VII. ERROR CORRECTION Allie world knows Willian Shakespeare as one ofthe greatest poet and dramatists. He was beat ina small English town of Stratford- upon Avon in 1564, He grew over ina large family of eight brothers and four sisters, but many for them died very young. His father, John Shakespeare, make and sold gloves. William learned at a school in Stratford. He marred very youn when he was about nineteen, and soon moved to London which he worked ata eater, There he began write plays for the theater. He plays were good and people like them. He wrote thi is life he came back to Stratfond and died here in 1616, : Error Correction Correction, 116. 17. 18. 119. 120. VIII. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION 126 Try asad as ight eoul' open he doo >No 127, 1 dislike it when pen ee ime untatl. => L object. 128, Did you break that vase on purpose, bay? => Did you. 129. Having two wives at the sae tine is illegal in my country. => W's against uate 130. You're asking questions now because you di => Had it 131. Lean’ t believe that he passed the exam, => Mind, 182. This isthe fstest way to get to the ety eee. => Thet© se 133. Please don't give me an injection 2> PM rather 134. Big Ben is famous all over the word. => Big Ben 135, Their chances of success are small => Ibis not READING Pant? You are going fo read five different people's opinions about time travel. For questions 43-82, choose from the people (AE) The people may be chasen more than once. Which person... thinks its best to appreciate the present? 44, would make a different relationship decision’? 48. would try to help a family member? 46. offers contemporary travel advice? 47. is probably at least 50 years old? 48. is interested in history? 49. is put-off by old-fashioned clothes? 50. thinks of impressing others? 51. would make an investment? 52, would not expect time travellers in general to receive a friendly welcome ? Time Travel A Charlie Pd travel back to the year I was born, and live my life again, but only if | could know then what I know now! I'd love to see my parents and grandpar le my dad to stop smoking, so that he wouldn't die so young. On the ather hand, in the present, | have two wonderful grown-up children and two precious grandchildren Pethaps the answer is to make the best of the present and stop hankering after the past. If] could visit other times just for a day, I'd love to meet my parents as children, and go into the future to meet the great-great grandchildren T' not live to see! B Chloe would not exchange today for any previous era, I have studied a lot of history and whilst 1 would be interested in certain eras there would be difficulties. For example, Tudor times ~ interesting, but as a Catholic T might have had my head chopped off; eighteenth and nineteenth centuries ~ exciting, but too many petticoats to wear, never mind about corsets. Then there is the lack of education and opportunity for women to consider, and the lack of medical knowledge. No, today isthe best time to live. Having said that, | would not mind the opportunity to take tea wit Miss Austen ~ she would have been enormous fun, CEmily Go back in time? Who'd want that? I mean, as soon as some people spotted you, you'd be the odd one out, And if you went back in time with all that futuristic equipment on and, for example, the alarm clock on your watch went off, you would be denounced as a devil; tortured, quartered and drawn, and then burnt at the stake! Travel to the future and you'd be a museum artifact! You'd be seen as some sort of primitive beast! I'm fine where I am at the ‘moment, thank you. Also, to those af you intending to prevent the election/birth of various politicians, it won't seven plays and some books of poems. ALN. ng of ‘otk: if you succeeded, then you would have no incentive to do $0, and thus wouldn't have gone. That's the™ S+ Paradon. DJack Thave always dreamed of being a sailor in the merchant navy between 1920 and 1940. At that time, travelling to foreign ports like Yokohama, Saigon, Rangoon, Surabaya and such would have been the same as space travel is today. Imagine coming home after a long voyage, and telling the people in the pub all about your travels! You'd have such stories to tell! I have seen the majority of the world’s cities now, and most look exactly the same as cach ‘other. If you want to travel somewhere that is still unique today, without the time machine, sce Asia but steer clear ‘of package tours, And hurry, do it now befory it all becomes McDooaldised. Liam T'd go back maybe about five years and try to do a better job this time, 1 would never have ended the relationship with the love of my life, I wish | could've known better, and understood then what | understand now. | would also. say at college. I'd register 280 of the best internet domains possible, so by now I'd be a billionaire without having lone a thing But | wouldn't be selfish; | would change the world for the better with the money, Money can save lives and do unbetievable things in the right hands Plus, | would have the ptt! Oh well, back to reality, LISTENING PRACTICE. Patt You wall heat people talking in eight different situations, For questions 1-H, choose the best answer (A, Ht or C) 1 You beara man ain an optician abt hie glace, What does eed the lasses for? © Areading Bdtiving C watching TV 2 You beara fur guide talking to 8 group of pouple, Where ae they? © Aalibrary Ba historic house Can art gallery {Yea hear a woman talking to her doctor. What does he think she ight need? © Auablews to stay calm Ba heart operation C new gh 4-You bear a man talking about healthy eating. What does he suggest? iS large breakfast © Beating » sandwich for lunch Accatig © eating a big meal in the evening '$ You hear girl talking about a recent holiday. Why did she come back early? © A vbecause she did't ike the hotel © Bbccause something of hers was stolen © because she was disappointed with the island hy, {6 You hear a weather forecast on the radio. Which pans) of England will have the heaviest rainfall? © A London and south-east Bnorthern C western and central 7 You have lost some money and you telephone the lost property office. You hear a recorded message, What does the message tell you to do? © to call inat the office between 9 AM and $ PM . B tw contact the police to make a statement © to contact your bank immediately 8 You hear a man talking about a new photocopice. Wat is his problem with i? © 4 Too many people want to use it © Btvis too slow and gets to0 hot © Cirdoes not copy colour sheets correctly. Part? ‘You will hear a radi interview witha man called Greg Hunter, who isthe editor ofa sports magazine.For questions 9-18, complete the notes below which summarise what the speaker says. WOMEN'S SPORT IN THE MEDIA Assurvey shows that 9 coverage of women’s sport makes up only about 4% of stories. Greg says the media doesn't publish stories about a sport which not many 10____are interested in. tis claimed that in the UK there are over 11 women who play netball, Apart from netball, Greg mentions 12 ‘a8 an example ofa sport that many people do but not many want to read about. 5 __ times as many male readers as female readers. He thinks the 14 weeds @ sports magazine especially for feniale readers. Grog says top women tennis players aren’t able to spend much time with their 15, ‘Asa percentage of total TV sports time, women’s sport on television dropped to only 16 last year, ‘There are about 17 women who are members ofthe Sports Journalist Association of Great Britain The number of TV sports 18 _has increased recently, which should improve coverage of women’s sport.

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