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Renzi P.

Guevarra (BSBA HR-2A) March 26, 2024

Subject: Law Obligated and Contracts Prof: Dr. Joven Ablola,


By the end of module the students are expected to :
1. Identify the meaning of obligations.
2. Classify the essential requisites of an obligations, its form and
kind according to
subject matter.
3. Distinguish right and wrong obligations
4. Simply explain compliance in good faith.
5. Explain the meaning of “Ignorance of the Law Excuses No
6. Participate actively in class discussion, recitation and activities
through google


A. Review of Module I- The Law
B. Discussion/Lesson Proper (ANSWER THE FOLLOWING)
1. What is the meaning of obligations?

In contract law, an obligation refers to a legal duty or commitment

that one party has to fulfill as part of a contractual agreement with
another party.

2. What are the 4 essential requisites of an obligations?

The four essential requisites of an obligation are...

1. Consent: The parties involved must freely agree to the terms of
the obligation.
2. Object: The obligation must have a specific object or subject
matter that is the focus of the duty.
3. Cause: There must be a lawful reason or cause for the
obligation to exist.
4. Capacity: The parties must have the legal capacity to enter into
the obligation.

3. Is there a required form of obligations? Explain.

In general, obligations do not have a required form. They can

be established through various means, including verbal
agreements, written contracts, or even implied by law. However,
certain types of obligations may require specific formalities
depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the obligation. For
example, some contracts may need to be in writing to be
enforceable, while others can be formed orally. Additionally,
certain legal documents, such as deeds or wills, may have
specific formal requirements to be valid. Overall, the form of an
obligation depends on the context and the legal requirements
applicable to the situation.

4. Distinguished right and wrong obligations.

Rights obligations pertain to what one is entitled to receive or

demand from others, such as receiving payment for goods sold.
Wrong obligations involve what one is required to rectify or
compensate for, typically due to wrongdoing or harm caused to
another party, like paying damages for breaching a contract.

5. Explain in simple way the term compliance in good term.

Compliance in a positive sense means following rules, laws, or

standards willingly and correctly. It's about doing the right thing
and meeting expectations or requirements in a respectful and
responsible manner.

6. Simply explain the principle “ Ignorance of the Law excuses No

One” (Ignorancia
Legis Non Execusat”

The principle "Ignorance of the Law excuses No One" means that

not knowing the law is not a valid excuse for breaking it. In other
words, people are expected to follow the law regardless of
whether they are aware of its specifics.

A. Practice exercises
Mr. X promise to deliver a box of goods to Ms. Y in the next
following day . on the
following day Metro Manila was under typhoon signal No. 3, Mr. X
failed to deliver
on exact date as agreed upon. Is Mr. X liable for delay, why?

Yes, Mr. X may still be liable for the delay, depending on the
circumstances and the terms of the agreement. While the typhoon
signal No. 3 may have hindered his ability to deliver, he could be
held responsible if the contract does not explicitly include
provisions for such force majeure events. However, if the contract
includes clauses for unavoidable delays due to circumstances
beyond one's control, Mr. X might be excused from liability.

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