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Good Governance

“Mere good governance is not enough; it has to be pro-people and pro-active. Good
governance is putting people at the center of the development process” - Narendra
His statement demonstrates that every decision made by the government must be for
the benefit of the people as well as the development of the country, rather than for
their own interest. Good governance is about the process of making and implementing
a decision. It is not about the correct decision but about the best possible process for
making those decisions that are right for the nation and helpful to society. We can say
if a country has good governance if its government is performing its job and
effectively responding to economic and social problems that a country faces, just like
the drug problem. Additionally, we can achieve the good governance that we all seek
if the government and the people have unity.


Drug addiction is a problem face by many people in the world. Drugs are very
harmful and keep the capability of dragging an individual toward deaths and
distruction. Not only the drug user is affected as well as the people around him
because it is a brain disease that changes the functioning of brain and change the
person’s behavior.Since this is an issue that affects the lives of the people in the
society, it is the responsibility of the government to address it. After all their primary
duties are to protect its citizens, maintain peace and order in the country.

As we all know, the government’s primary duties are to establish laws, maintain
order and provide security, protect its citizens as well as promote the general welfare
by providing public services, all of which contribute to a country’s betterment.
However, illicit drugs have become a serious global problem in recent decades. The
government continues to play an important role in making a move in the prevention of
illegal drugs by implementing various programs and strategies that will assist the
people and community in addressing this serious issue, together with the help of
national government agencies, non-government organizations, faith-based groups, and
the private sectors. With their offered campaigns and advocacy programs, people,
particularly the youth, will be more likely to refrain from engaging in any drug-related
activities. It also intends to raise public awareness and, at the very least, reduce the
number of drug users in the country.


Government has a significant role in a country because it maintains order and

security among the people.We can say if a government is performing its job when it
responds to the economic and social problems that a country faces, just like to the
drug problem.
Illegal drugs and drugs abuse have long been seen as one of the Philippines' most
serious problems. We cannot deny that this issue has exploded in our society,
affecting a large number of people, particularly the youth, and the government bears a
significant amount of responsibility in this matter. As said in the Republic Act 9165
known as the “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002”, it is the policy of the
state to protect the citizens especially the youth against these harmful effects of
dangerous drugs in our physical and mental well-being.

Since dangerous drugs are a serious problem affecting society in the Philippines, the
government cannot continue to ignore this. The Dangerous Drugs Board decided to
take action in the prevention of illegal drugs by implementing programs and strategies
that will help the people, community, and address this issue with the support of
national government agencies, non-government organizations, faith-based groups, and
private sectors.. With their efforts, they developed a blueprint which contains the
government’s plans in the case of the use of dangerous and illegal drugs that have
been taking place in the country called The Philippine Anti-Illegal Drugs Strategy

. The following are the strategies of The Philippine Anti- Illegal Drugs
Strategy(PADS): - Reduction of the supply and demand for illegal drugs - Providing
educational programs, campaigns, and advocacies
• National youth congress on Drug Abuse Prevention and Control – A three-day
annual live that provides the participants for discussions, workshops, and develops
camaraderie among youth.
• Kids against drugs program – A preventive education that teaches the children to
“SAY NO” to drugs in different ways.
• Nationwide Caravan of youth against drugs – Enlightens the youth on alternative
activities that they can do instead of using illegal drugs.
• Barkada Kontra Droga (Peer groups against drugs) - promotes awareness,
prevention of drug abuse, and a healthy drug-free lifestyle.
• Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) – Teaches the youth to refuse the
temptation and influence of the people that encourage them to use drugs.
• Drug Abuse Prevention Program for the Transport groups – Aims to establish drug-
free transport personnel to ensure the safety and well-being of the people. - Treatment
and rehabilitation.
These campaigns and advocacy programs will ultimately be a powerful impact on the
people, especially the youth, to prevent them from using dangerous and illegal drugs
that are bad for themselves. With the effort of the government and schools for coming
up with a plan to prevent such serious issues in the country, it will create awareness
and will at least lessen the number of drug users in the country.

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