What Is Biodiversity

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Music genre

What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity is the term No, this broch slideshow is
not about the heavy metal
used to describe the music genre but about
vast amount of variety metals that are classified as
of both animal and heavy.
plants living on earth. In
ecosystems and
habitats, biodiversity
can specifically refer to Why are heavy metals
such a huge problem?
the quantity of
Whether it's mercury(or any
genetics of species. other heavy metals) that is
released from the burning -kidney and lung
of fossil fuels or the disease
improper disposal of
devices that have mercury - Immune system
in them, they eventually end
up in our bodies. These - Cancer
toxic metals can pose a
threat to animals, the -Sterility in men
human body, and -Infertility in women.

The toxic susbstance is spread
throughout the whole ecosystem

-Contaminated organisms (whole
food chain)
-Species in higher trophic levels
Animals eat and absorb
have higher levels of heavy metals
the mercury into their tissues due to biomagnificationn
-Can cause low populations
-Can cause animals to go extinct
-Abiotic factors that have a
dependant relationship with biotic
components in the habitat can
Merrcury gets -Puts fish markets into jeopardy
abosored by (affects salmon and trout the most)

Properly dispose
sources of heavy metals

Raise awarness

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