Unit 6 - L4 - Quiz

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1. Part 1: answer the following questions:

1. Fill in the blanks

Selection, iteration, sequence

: the instructions for our code
: using logical tests to change the flow of the sequence
: using loops to repeat sequences of code

2. Highlight the correct answer

The concepts of selection, iteration and sequence are:

a. Common to all coding languages.
b. Unique to python.
To repeat a sequence of code, we use:
c. If statements
d. Loops
e. Elif statements
Turtle is a module to draw images using Python.
f. True
g. False
To compare if two values are equal we use “==”:
h. True
i. False
!= means “not equal”
j. True
k. False
“2 >=2” is true
l. True
m. False
“2 !=2” is true
n. True
o. False
“2 + 2 == 4” is true
p. True
q. False
3. Answer the question about the image below:

a. How many degrees will the turtle turn each


b. How many pixels will the turtle move forward

each time?

c. How many times will the loop repeat?

d. What do the blocks “from turtle import*,

“turtle=Turtle()” and “screen=Screen()” do?

4. Will this work? Yes, or no? Why?

5. What type of loop is this and what will it do?

Part 2: open Edublocks, create some

patterns using loops and add screenshots

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