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9 Aug 2018

update documentation

19 Sep 2011

Changes for Arduino 1.0

Moved examples folder to WaveHC/examples

8 May 2011

Changed default SPI speed for initialization to F_CPU/64.

Added #define SPI_INIT_SLOW in SdReader.h to select F_CPU/128.

9 Oct 2010

Added ATmega2560 Mega

14 Mar 2010

Fix Linux include problem. Warn for stereo files.

19 Dec 2009

Major rewrite of WaveHC to allow 16-bit 44.1 K files.

Use two 512 byte buffers unless 168 Arduino.

Improved SD card initialization and error handling.

Several new examples.

Better support of Mega Arduino and remapping DAC pins on all Arduinos.

Added DAC pinMode() calls to WaveHC::play(). These call can be

removed from sketches.

Reduce file open latency by file indexing and an open by index function.

Add RATE_ERROR_LEVEL variable for rate error handling control.

Make DAC LATCH pin optional. The LDAC line may be grounded and
USE_MCP_DAC_LDAC set to zero to free pin 5. See WavePinDefs.h

Added several new utility functions such as ls() to list files

and printEntryName() to print file names

More documentation for developers.

19 May 2009

Changed SdCard class and renamed it SdReader to avoid conflicts with other
Arduino libraries.

You must change the name in your sketches. For example

#include <SdCard.h>
SdCard card;


#include <SdReader.h>
SdReader card;

Improved error checking in the library and example sketches.

SD_CARD_INFO_SUPPORT is defined as 1 by default for SdReadTest.pde.

You can set it to zero to save flash if you don't need info functions.

Added a status function WaveHC::isPaused() which returns true if the player is


Changed FatReader::open(FatReader &dir, char *name) to use a case independent

compare so it will find files like "TUNE.WAV" when called with name = "Tune.wav".

6 May 2009

Added SdReadTest.pde

This sketch performs a number of tests on a SD card.

SD_CARD_INFO_SUPPORT must be set to 1 in SdReader.h.

Delete all .o files in the WaveHC folder to force a rebuild of the library.

20 Apr 2009

Added WaveHC::pause() and WaveHC::resume().

18 Apr 2009

Added support for AtMega328.

Ladyada's OSX bug fix can be activated by setting OSX_BUG_FIX to 1 in WaveHC.cpp

Added WaveHC::seek(pos) based on Ladyada's seek function.

New dap_hc.pde prints free SRAM size in setup.

27 Jan 2009

This is a "preview release". I am looking for testers and feedback.

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