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Poetry is a type of literature that uses rhythmic words to evoke meanings and stir one’s imagination or
emotions artistically.


• Trees by American Writer Alfred Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest

Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,

And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear

A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;

Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,

But only God can make a tree.

• Under the sea by Marchette Chute

Beneath the waters

Green and cool
The mermaids keep
A swimming school.

The oysters trot;

The lobsters prance;
The dolphins come
To join the dance.

But the jellyfish

Who are rather small,
Can’t seem to learn
The steps at all.

A riddle is a question or statement that requires careful thought to know its answer or meaning, thus
enhancing the child’s cognitive skills

I grow down as I grow up. What Am I?
Answer: Goose
What are the two things you can never eat in breakfast?
Answer: Lunch & Dinner

A story is a description of imaginary people and events, which is written or told in order to entertain.
• Si Ching ay Takot sa Dilim by Aleli Dew Batnag
This story is about Ching who is afraid of the dark. Looks like he was scared by his older brother or friend.
For that reason, Ching will only play inside his bedroom and wouldn't go outside at night. One night, his
flashlight ran out of battery and he became very afraid of all the weird shadows coming from his
window. He is not getting any sleep because he’s afraid and keeps looking at his clock. His face started to
look tired. When Ching's cat came into his room, he realized that the monsters were simple shadows and
that it's not really scary in the dark. He finally decided to go outside noticing all the amazing shining in
the sky and fireflies in the trees.
• Tie a Yellow Ribbon ‘round the Ole Oak Tree by Irwin Levine
The song talks about someone who is coming home after serving the military or a prisoner-of-war camp
and is uncertain if he will be welcomed home.
He writes to his love, asking her to tie a yellow ribbon around the "ole oak tree" in front of the house if
she wants him to return to her life; if he does not see such a ribbon, he will remain on the bus and
understand her reasons. He asks the bus driver to check, fearful of not seeing anything.
To his amazement, the entire bus cheers the response in which 100 yellow ribbons were around the tree,
a sign he is more than welcome.

Drama, from the Greek words “to do” or “to act”, is a form of story presented before an audience, often
in a theater, commonly called as plays that imitate human life.
• The Three Bears by Charl Fomme
"The Three Bears" talks about a little girl named Goldilocks who enters the home of three bears while
they are away. She tries their bowls of porridge, chairs, and beds, and finds that she likes the Baby Bear's
porridge, chair, and bed the best. The bears return home and discover that someone has been in their
home, so they set out to find the intruder.
• The Little Red Riding hood by Anja Rieger
There was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood who lived with her parents in a house by a deep dark
forest. On the other side of the forest, lived her grandma whom she could get there by walking along the
forest path. One day, Little Red Riding Hood was tasked by her mother to carry food for her grandma.
Along the way, she met the big bad wolf. “Where are you going?”, hissed the big bad wolf. “I am taking
this food to my grandmother’s cottage and you can’t stop me,” she said. Quickly, the wolf hatched a plan
by taking Little Red Riding Hood to pick some flowers and hurriedly went to her grandmother’s house
and knocked on the door. Her grandma then went under the bed knowing it was not Little Red Riding
Hood. The wolf got fed up on waiting and let himself come in. “Grandma must have popped out,” he
thought. Thus, the wolf decided to wait for Little Red Riding Hood, dressed in her grandma’s clothes.
Soon, Little Red Riding Hood came knocking on the door and upon nervously opening the door, she
shouted, “You are not my grandma!”. Then, the wolf jumped out in bed and as he jumped out, with her
grandma’s nightcap flopped right over his eyes. Grandma then pulled Little Red Riding Hood under the
bed. A woodcutter was passing by and having heard the commotion, ran into the cottage and chased the
wolf. He looked around and found grandma and Little Red Riding Hood hiding under the bed. They were
so happy and invited him to stay for tea and the wolf never came to bother them again.

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