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Installation Guide

Document History

Version Date Author Status Description

0.1 02 Aug 17 Srisailesan Initial ATMFRM-Configuration

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Installation Guide

Table of Contents

1. About this Document .......................................................................................................... 4

2. Scope ................................................................................................................................. 4
3. System Requirements ........................................................................................................ 4
4. Configuring the System ...................................................................................................... 4
4.1 TOCFEE configuration ............................................................................................ 4
4.1.1 TCS Plugin Configuration .................................................................................... 4
4.1.2 Creation of message-driven bean (tocflistener-ejb.jar) ........................................ 7
4.2 Configuration in TAFJEE_EAR.ear: ........................................................................ 9
4.2.1 TAFJJEE_MDB.jar ............................................................................................... 9
4.2.2 TAFJJEE_EJB.jar .............................................................................................. 10
4.2.3 JMS > Queues ................................................................................................... 12
4.3 JMS Configuration in WebSphere ......................................................................... 14
4.3.1 JMS > Queues ................................................................................................... 14
4.3.2 JMS > Activation Specification ........................................................................... 16
4.3.3 JMS > Queue Connection Factories .................................................................. 18
4.4 Deployments: ......................................................................................................... 19
4.4.1 Additional Settings ............................................................................................. 19
5. Special Instructions (if any) .............................................................................................. 20

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Installation Guide

1. About this Document

This document aims at explaining the installation procedures about the WebSphere
configuration for the ATMFRM

2. Scope

The Scope of the document is to cover the WebSphere configuration.

3. System Requirements
The following are the pre-requisites for installing this package.
 WebSphere 8.0 or above
 R15 TAFJ or above
 isolistener.jar
 atmlogger.jar

4. Configuring the System

4.1 TOCFEE configuration
4.1.1 TCS Plugin Configuration
This is the file which contains the tcserver as plug-in. we have to deploy our local listeners
inside this rar file.
Place isolistner.jar file and atmlogger.jar inside tocfee.ear\tocfplugin-ra.rar.

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Amend the MANIFEST.MF file under tocfee.ear>tocfplugin-ra.rar>META-INF to include the

name “isolistener.jar” and “atmlogger.jar” (without quotes)

Similarly amend the MANIFEST.MF under file tocfee.ear>tocfplugin-

ra.rar>tocfplugin.jar>META-INF to include the name “isolistener.jar” and “atmlogger.jar”
(without quotes)

Amend the tcserver.xml file as shown below which will be available under

Create the Adapters for ATM inside the ADAPTERS tag as shown below.
<ADAPTER id="ATM" type="TOCF" active="true">
<ADAPTER id="MONITOR" type="TOCF" active="true">

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Create the Listeners for ATM inside the LISTENERS tag as shown below.
<LISTENER id="ATM" type="isolistener" active="true">
Path provided here should be
<BITMAPTYPE>HEXA</BITMAPTYPE> same as path mentioned in the
field LOG.PATH in the

<LISTENER id="FILE" type="atmlogger" active="true">
Please find the below explanation about additional parameters used in the isolistener and all
parameters are mandatory.

HEADERLENGTH – 4 (i.e. 0074 represents length of the message in decimal)
IGNORENEXTHEADERBYTE - Here no characters has to be ignored.
Assume that HEADERLENGTH is 8 i.e. 00740000 , Here IGNORENEXTHEADERBYTE is 4.

CONSTHEADERLEN - Here constant header length is 19 (i.e. 1204 120412040000 N)

BITMAP – message bitmap (Here it is a HEXA)

Create file with the below properties under

IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\profile name folder

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4.1.2 Creation of message-driven bean (tocflistener-ejb.jar) Ejb-jar.xml

Edit the ejb-jar.xml present inside tocfee.ear\tocflistener-ejb.jar\META-INF\, as shown below

Copy the tags from <message-driven> to </message-driven> and edit the values as
highlighted below (Provide the appropriate listener name defined in the tcserver.xml)
EJB name can be set as required, but please note that the same ejb-name has to be
specified where is applicable.
<message-driven id="MessageDriven_ATMListenerMDB">
<display-name>ATMListener Bean</display-name>
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_ATMListenerMDB_t24OFSQueue">
<description>OFS queue</description>
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<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_ATMListenerMDB_t24OFSReplyQueue">
<description>OFS reply queue</description>
</message-driven> Ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml

Edit the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi present inside tocfee.ear\tocflistener-ejb.jar\META-INF\, as

shown below
Copy the tags from <ejbBindings> to </ejbBindings> and edit the values as highlighted below
Apart from the Highlighted values, set the jndi names of connection factory and queues as
created in the web sphere.
Specify the same ejb name which is specified in ejb-jar.xml.
nding" xmi:id="MessageDrivenBeanBinding_ATMListenerMDB"
<enterpriseBean xmi:type="org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb:MessageDriven"
<bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-
<bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-
<bindingResourceRef href="META-INF/ejb-

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4.2 Configuration in TAFJEE_EAR.ear:

4.2.1 TAFJJEE_MDB.jar Ejb-jar.xml

Edit the ejb-jar.xml present inside TAFJJEE_EAR.ear\TAFJJEE_MDB.jar\META-INF\, as

shown below
Copy the tags from <message-driven> to </message-driven> and edit the values as
highlighted below (if required or if multiple interfaces are available which should use different
environment variable like ofs source etc..),
Apart from the Highlighted values, set the jndi names of queues as created in the web sphere
in <message-destination-link> .
EJB name can be set as required, but please note that the same ejb-name has to be
specified wherever is applicable.
<display-name>Transacted Listener MDB for ATM</display-name>
<description>Used to get connections to JMS for OFS queues
<description>ATM queue</description>

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</message-driven> Ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml
Edit the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml present inside TAFJJEE_EAR.ear\TAFJJEE_MDB.jar\META-
INF\, as shown below
Copy the tags from <message-driven> to </message-driven> and edit the values as
highlighted below (if required or if multiple interfaces are available which should use different
environment variable like ofs source etc..),
Apart from the Highlighted values, set the jndi names of connection factory and queues as
created in the web sphere.
Specify the same ejb name which is specified in ejb-jar.xml.
<message-driven name="ATMTransactedMDB">
<jca-adapter activation-spec-binding-name="jms/ATMMessageMDB"
destination-binding-name="jms/ATMQueue" />
<resource-ref name="jms/TAFJQueueConnectionFactory"
binding-name="jms/t24ConnectionFactory" />
<message-destination-ref binding-name="jms/ATMReplyQueue"
name="jms/ReplyQueue" />

4.2.2 TAFJJEE_EJB.jar Ejb-jar.xml
Edit the ejb-jar.xml present inside TAFJJEE_EAR.ear\TAFJJEE_T24.jar\META-INF\, as
shown below
Copy the tags from <session> to </session> and edit the values as highlighted below (if
required or if multiple interfaces are available which should use different environment variable
like ofs source etc...),
EJB name can be set as required, but please note that the same ejb-name has to be
specified whichever is applicable.
<description>TAFJ ATM Bean</description>
<display-name>TAFJ ATM Bean</display-name>



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<!-- For tafj session -->

<description>ATM OFS Source</description>
<!-- for T24 purpose -->
<description>Used to get connections from T24 jdbc pool</description>
<description>Used to get connections from jdbc locking
<description>Used to get connections from T24 jdbc RO
<!-- TEC feature -->
<description>Used to get connections to JMS for OFS

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<description>topic queue</description>
</session> Ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml

Edit the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml present inside TAFJJEE_EAR.ear\TAFJJEE_T24.jar\META-INF\,

as shown below
Copy the tags from <session> to </session> and edit the values as highlighted below (if
required or if multiple interfaces are available which should use different environment variable
like ofs source etc..),
Apart from the Highlighted values, set the binding-name as created in the web sphere.
Specify the same ejb name which is specified in ejb-jar.xml
<session name="ATMProcessingBean">
<resource-ref name="jdbc/t24DataSource" binding-
name="jdbc/t24DataSource" />
<resource-ref name="jdbc/t24RODataSource" binding-
name="jdbc/t24RODataSource" />
<resource-ref name="jdbc/t24LockingDataSource"
binding-name="jdbc/t24LockingDataSource" />
<resource-ref name="jms/TopicConnectionFactory"
binding-name="jms/t24ConnectionFactory" />
<resource-ref name="jms/tecEventsTopic" binding-
name="jms/tecEventsTopic" />

4.2.3 JMS > Queues

 Create a new JMS Queue connection factory using e.g. the 'Default
Messaging Provider'
- NAME: ATM Queue
- JNDI NAME: jms/ATMQueue
- Bus: T24Bus
- Queue name: Create Service Bus Integration destination 

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 Create a new JMS Queue connection factory using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider'
- NAME: ATM Reply Queue
- JNDI NAME: jms/ATMReplyQueue
- Bus: T24Bus
- Queue name: Create Service Bus Integration destination 

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4.3 JMS Configuration in WebSphere

4.3.1 JMS > Queues

 Create a new JMS Queue connection factory using e.g. the 'Default
Messaging Provider'
- NAME: ATM Queue
- JNDI NAME: jms/ATMQueue
- Bus: T24Bus
- Queue name: Create Service Bus Integration destination

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 Create a new JMS Queue connection factory using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider'
- NAME: ATM Reply Queue
- JNDI NAME: jms/ATMReplyQueue
- Bus: T24Bus
- Queue name: Create Service Bus Integration destination 

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4.3.2 JMS > Activation Specification

 Create a new JMS activation specification using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider'
- JNDI NAME: jms/ATMMessageMDB
- Destination JNDI Name: jms/ATMQueue

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4.3.3 JMS > Queue Connection Factories

Create a new JMS Queue connection factory using e.g. the 'Default Messaging Provider'
- NAME: ATM Queue CX Factory
- JNDI NAME: jms/t24ATMQueueCXFactory

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4.4 Deployments:
Deploy the applications TOCFEE_EAR and TAFJEE_EAR as below

4.4.1 Additional Settings Add Shared libraries

Add the TAFJ and T24 shared library to TAFJEE_EAR component as below

Enterprise Applications > TAFJEE_EAR > Shared library references > Shared Library

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Installation Guide J2C Activation specfication – TOCFEE_EAR

Set the JNDI name as “jca/t24PluginsResourceAdapter”

5. Special Instructions (if any)

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