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Villanueva, Jamie Leane D.

11: HUMSS 201

Creative writing

Directions: Write the climax of this text to make a horror themed story. Use words
that appeal to the senses. Write your answer below and at the back of this paper if
needed. (10 points)

When I was a kid my mom usually told me “do not go to the basement or even come near
over there, there are lots of dirty things down there, and you might see something you don’t
want to see.” I obeyed her advice religiously. When my small red ball painted with black
lines on it bounced and roll near the dusty old door of the basement, I left it there. When my
white paper plane had its take-off on top of the old small brown dusty table beneath the old
door of the basement, I left it there. One day, mom and dad were not around but they left
some money so we could buy some candies. My brother and I wrestled for that money. My
older brother is taller and stronger than I am. He was holding the penny with all his might
while raising his fist so I cannot get it. We put all our strength just to win the battle of
strength in the name of candies and other sweets. Unfortunately, the coins slid through the
narrow space between the door and the floor. We blamed each other and cursed as if we’re
not brothers. Our problem was to get the coins from the basement. We were advised not to
go near to the basement but how can we get the money if we will not open the door? I
decided to take courage. I went straight to my parents’ room to got the key. After getting the
key, I walked towards the basement. My heart was pounding. I closed my eyes occasionally
while my youthful pores kept on crying cold sweat. I bump on to the old small brown dusty
table and it cried a little, which made my heart pound more. Now, I was trying to catch my
breath as I insert the key to the old golden doorknob I never imagined I‘d be holding in my
entire life. Looking down, I noticed some toys I left when I was too scared and obedient to
get. The red ball painted with black, the white paper plane with lines of red and blue, even
my sister’s blonde doll and my brother’s green metallic Beyblade were covered with dust as
if a volcano erupted. Finally, I managed to open the door and it slightly made frightening
noise as if it was crying. My brother was right behind me and kept pestering me to get the
coins already. I took a big gulp and started descending the stairs. Every step I took made a
noise, causing my shoulders to flinch every time. After my feet finally touched the basement
floor, I heard my brother laughing before ultimately shutting the door. I quickly went up the
stairs and was banging on the door very loudly and screaming at him to get me out, but all
the response I got was nothing but him saying I deserved to experience this at least once
before laughing again. I heard his footsteps as he started walking away from the door,
while I continued to scream. At some point, tears started to pour out of my eyes due to being
scared of the darkness that was staring at me every time I looked down the stairs. Suddenly,
the red ball painted black rolled near the foot of the stairs. I felt my body tense up. How did
it move? Was there a rat? Or maybe my brother was pulling a prank on me? A million
thoughts filled my head when I remembered the coins were still down there. I guess if I took
it, I’d have it for myself, and I'll tell mom and dad what he did to me so I’d get to keep the
extra change. I wiped my tears away and slowly, once again, stepped down the stairs, trying
my best not to freak out from the noise that it was making. As I finally reached the floor, I
quickly looked for the coins, but they were of no use, the room was too dark for me to see. I
kept bumping into boxes, unused furniture, and all different kinds of items that could be
normally seen in a basement. I realize that maybe there’s a light switch on here, surely
there’s one. I’ve seen Dad come down here a couple of times, and he had a light on. I tried
scaling the walls, hoping that my fingertips would touch the switch, but I touched
something else. There was a cross. I took a look at it before continuing to search for the
switch. After a few more minutes, I finally found it. It was in the corner of the room, I flicked
the light switch on, and the light filled up the room. I had to blink a few times to adjust my
eyes to the sudden brightness, as I was able to get used to the light, I started looking for the
coins right away, and there they were. The coins were stuck between a couple of storage
boxes. I picked all of them up, and I let out a smile. Why was I scared for nothing? I let out a
big sigh before taking a look at the basement. Dust particles were floating around, as were
boxes with my parent’s names. However, there was an interesting-looking box at the
bottom of Mom’s things. It was a bright red box, it stood out among the regular brown
boxes. Maybe there are toys inside. I said to myself, I carefully removed the other boxes with
all my strength using my short little arms, and now that I’d removed the boxes, there was a
warning on the lid of the box. It said, “Beware of the Babadook.” in all caps. I didn’t pay it
any mind and decided to open the box. As I opened it, the atmosphere started to feel heavy,
and the lights started flickering for some reason. Inside the box was a black hardbound
book. There wasn’t a title in front, but instead, an embroidered figure holding a small child.
It seemed like a storybook since I flipped through the pages and there were drawings of the
same figure in front of the cover, but it seemed like every page it was getting closer and
closer. Every time I flipped a page, the light seemed to flicker, and it got worse and worse
when I was nearing the last page of the book. The figure was directly staring at me, but
how? I was just about to flip to the last page when suddenly the light bulb exploded. I
dropped the book in shock, even without the light on, I could see the figure from the book
slowly emerging from it. It started with its long black arms, and after that, I could see its
head. My body froze. I didn’t know what was exactly happening. I couldn’t scream or cry, as
I was too busy trying to process what I was seeing right before my eyes. All I knew was that
my body suddenly stood up and went to the corner where the cross was hanging, and I took
it and held it close to my chest while closing my eyes, and hoping for the best. I could hear
footsteps coming toward me and all I could do was scream, “GO AWAY” The steps went
closer and I could already feel myself tearing up as I screamed at the top of my lungs when
suddenly I heard the basement door open, and I was greeted with Mom calling my name. I
opened my eyes slightly and I could see both of my parents pointing a flashlight at me. I let
my tears fall at the sight of my parents. I got up and went straight to them to hug them
tightly. They were both looking at each other with strange looks, but Mom picked me up to
leave the basement while Dad was eyeing the book before completely locking the basement

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