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Ryan Seatiel A.

Zunryl Tabamo

The different metabolic processes involved in the various

organ systems

Metabolism is a balancing act involving two kinds of activities that go on at the

same time: building up body tissues and energy stores (called anabolism) breaking
down body tissues and energy stores to get more fuel for body functions (called

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Involves physical digestion, the breakdown of food into

smaller particles which occurs in the mouth and stomach Chemical digestion is
the breakdown of large molecules such as protein, starch and fats.

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: Transports blood from the heart to the lungs, to

oxygenate blood. Systematic carries oxygen circulation rich blood from the heart
to organs and tissues.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Supplies body cells with oxygen; carbon dioxide as waste
products. The organs involve are heart, blood vessels, blood and lymph nodes.

EXCRETORY SYSTEM: removes waste from the body The organs functioning are
the kidneys, urinary ureter and urethra. Bladder
NERVOUS SYSTEM: Regulates behavior, maintains homeostasis, controls sensory
and motor functions. Organs are spinal cord, nerves and brain.

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Involves the production of new individuals. Organs are

testes and penis in males and ovaries and uterus in females.

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: It regulates, coordinates, and controls a number of body

functions by secreting chemicals into the bloodstream. These secretions help
control moods, growth and development, and metabolism

MUSCULAR SYSTEM: This system is made up of muscle tissue that helps move the
body and move materials through the body. Quite simply, muscles move you.
Muscles are bundles of cells and fibers that work in a simple way: they tighten up
and relax

SKELETAL SYSTEM: The skeletal system provides the shape and form for our
bodies in addition to supporting and protecting our bodies, allowing bodily
movement, producing blood cells, and storing minerals. This system consists of
bones, cartilage, and joints

IMMUNE SYSTEM: A collection of structures and processes within the body is to

protect against disease or other potentially damaging foreign bodies. When
functioning properly, the immune system identifies a variety of threats, including
viruses, bacteria and parasites, and distinguishes them from the body's own
healthy tissue

INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM: This system consists of the skin, hair, nails, and sweat
glands. Its main function is to act as a barrier to protect the body from the outside
world. It also functions to retain body fluids, protect against disease, eliminate
waste products, and regulate body temperature.

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