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Answer Key
1.d 21.c 41.d 61.c 81.d
2.c 22.d 42.d 62.b 82.d
3.d 23b 43.b 63.b 83.a
4.a 24.a 44.c 64.c 84.c
5.c 25.b 45.c 65.d 85.b
6.d 26.d 46.c 66.c 86.c
7.a 27.c 47.b 67.d 87.c
8.a 28.b 48.b 68.a 88.c
9.b 29.d 49.a 69.a 89.c
10.d 30.d 50.b 70.b 90.d
11.b 31.c 51.d 71.a 91.a
12.d 32.b 52.c 72.c 92.b
13.c 33.a 53.b 73.a 93.d
14.d 34.a 54.c 74.d 94.a
15.b 35.c 55.c 75.c 95.d
16.b 36.a 56.c 76.c 96.a
17.b 37.c 57.b 77.b 97.c
18.c 38.b 58.c 78.d 98.b
19.a 39.b 59.d 79.d 99.d
20.c 40.c 60.d 80.a 100.d


1 d ¾ Other examples of flows are: expenditure,
savings, depreciation, interest, exports,
¾ Gross domestic product refers to the final
imports, change in inventories (not mere
value of goods and services produced
inventories), change in money supply,
within India. Non-Resident Indians (NRI)
lending, borrowing, rent, profit, etc.
work in other countries and their economic
because the magnitude (size) of all these
contribution is calculated in the GDP of
are measured over a period of time.
their host country. So, statement 1 is not
¾ Gross National Product is a nationality- 5 c
based concept. It is the final value of GDP Deflator
goods and services produced by nationals
¾ It is a price index (PI) that focuses on
(Indians). Thus, the profits earned by a
showing the impact of inflation or deflation
German-owned car factory located in India
on the current prices in the economy,
is not counted in the GNP of India. So,
thereby showing how dependent and
statement 2 is not correct. Therefore option
relative GDP is to price changes.
(d) is the correct answer.
GDP Deflator value is calculated using the
following formula: GDP deflator = (Nominal
2 c
GDP / Real GDP) * 100
¾ The RBI purchases (or sells) government
Although at first glance it may seem that CPI
securities to the general public in a bid to
and GDP Deflator measure the same thing, there
increase (or decrease) the stock of high
are a few key differences.
powered money in the economy. This is
known as Open Market operations. During ¾ The GDP Deflator is a measure of the
inflation, the RBI sells securities to absorb prices of all goods and services while the
the money from the public. It’s vice versa CPI is a measure of only goods bought by
during deflation. Therefore option (c) is consumers. So, statement 1 is correct.
the correct answer. ¾ The first is that GDP Deflator includes only
domestic goods and not anything that is
3 d imported. This is different because the CPI
includes anything bought by consumers
In a modern economy, money consists mainly of including foreign goods. So, statement 2
currency notes and coins issued by the monetary is correct.
authority of the country. In India, the Reserve
Bank has the sole right to issue currency notes,
except one rupee notes which are issued by the 6 d
Government of India. So, statement 1 is correct. Sample sheet of RBI
¾ However, coins are issued by the Assets (sources) Liabilities (uses)
Government of India. So, statement 2 is
Gold Currency
correct. Therefore option (d) is the answer.
Foreign exchange Vault cash held by com-
mercial banks
4 a
Govt securities Currency held by public
Flow Variables: • A flow is a quantity that is (Loan to GOI)
measured with reference to a time. Thus, flows Loan to commercial Deposits of commercial
are defined with reference to a specific period banks banks with RBI
(length of time), e.g., hours, days, weeks, Treasury deposits of
months or years. • All economic variables which Govt of India
have time dimension, i.e., whose magnitude can
be measured over a period of time, are called
flow variables. For instance, the income of a 7 a
person is a flow which is earned during a week Open Market Operations refers to buying and
or a month or any other period. selling bonds issued by the Government in


the open market. This purchase and sale are symbol. A Veblen good has an upward-
entrusted to the Central bank on behalf of the sloping demand curve, which runs counter
Government. When RBI buys a Government to the typical downward-sloping curve.
bond in the open market, it pays for it by giving However, a Veblen good is generally a
a cheque. This cheque increases the total reserves high-quality, coveted product, in contrast
in the economy and thus increases the money to a Giffen good, which is an inferior
supply. Selling of a bond by the RBI (to private product that does not have easily available
individuals or institutions) leads to a reduction substitutes. So, statement 1 is not correct.
in the quantity of reserves and hence the money ¾ Demand for Giffen goods is heavily
supply. So, statement 1 is correct and statement influenced by a lack of close substitutes
2 is not correct. • and income pressures. So, statement 2 is
Reduction of the money supply may further correct.
decrease down the inflation level in the economy
as the liquidity is sucked up by RBI OMO (Open 10 d
Market Operations). Hence, statement 3 is
¾ Consumer Price Index or CPI as it is
commonly called is an index measuring
retail inflation in the economy by collecting
8 a the change in prices of most common goods
and services used by consumers. Called
¾ Current Account is the record of trade in
market basket, CPI is calculated for a
goods and services and transfer payments.
fixed list of items including food, housing,
Borrowing by the government from World
medical care, education, etc.
Bank to finance the BOP deficit will be
recorded in the capital account as it ¾ Four types of CPI are as follows:
increases the government’s liability. ¾ CPI for Industrial Workers (IW).
¾ Service exports are a part of Invisible ¾ CPI for Agricultural Labourer (AL).
trades within the Current Account. ¾ CPI for Rural Labourer (RL).
¾ Buying foreign goods is an expenditure ¾ CPI (Rural/Urban/Combined).
from our country, and it becomes the
¾ Of these, the first three are compiled by the
income of that foreign country. Hence,
Labour Bureau in the Ministry of Labour
the purchase of foreign goods or imports
and Employment. Fourth is compiled by
decreases the domestic demand for goods
the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO).
and services in our country. Similarly, the
So, statement 1 is correct.
selling of foreign goods or exports brings
income to our country and adds to the ¾ CPI-IW is used to compute DA of govt
aggregate domestic demand for goods and employees and industrial workers. So,
services in our country. statement 2 is correct.
¾ RBI is using CPI-combined as the sole
inflation measure for the purpose of
9 b
monetary policy.
¾ A Giffen good is a low income, non-luxury As per the agreement on Monetary Policy
product that defies standard economic and Framework between the Government and the
consumer demand theory. Demand for RBI dated February 20, 2015 the sole objective
Giffen goods rises when the price rises and of RBI is price stability and a target is set for
falls when the price falls. In econometrics, inflation as measured by the Consumer Price
this results in an upward-sloping demand Index-Combined. So, statement 3 is correct.
curve, contrary to the fundamental laws of
demand which create a downward sloping
demand curve. 11 b
¾ A Veblen good is a good for which demand An Agriculture Accelerator Fund will be set-up
increases as the price increases, because of to encourage agristartups by young entrepreneurs
its exclusive nature and appeal as a status in rural areas. The Fund will aim at bringing


innovative and affordable solutions for challenges portion of deposits with the banks which
faced by farmers it has to keep with itself as liquid assets
(Gold, approved govt. securities etc.).
12 d If RBI wishes to control credit and discourage
credit it would increase CRR & SLR.
Priority Sector refers to those sectors which
the Government of India and Reserve Bank of Credit Rationing is the qualitative tool of credit
India consider as important for the development control while Prompt Corrective Action is a tool
of the basic needs of the country. They are used by RBI to solve NPA problem in the Indian
assigned priority over other sectors. The banks banks.
are mandated to encourage the growth of such
sectors with adequate and timely credit.
14 d
The Priority Sector Lending classifications and
A Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is
guidelines released by the RBI are intended
a company registered under the Companies Act,
to align with emerging national priorities and
1956 or2013 engaged in the business of loans
bring a sharper focus on inclusive development,
and advances, acquisition of shares, leasing,
building a consensus among all stakeholders.
hire-purchase, insurance business, chit business
Priority Sector Lending (PSL) norms of RBI etc.
include the following categories:
NBFCs lend and make investments and hence
1. Agriculture their activities areakin to that of banks.
2. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises However, they are different from the Banks on
the following parameters -:
3. Export Credit
Banks can do almost all financial services and
4. Education
products generally authorized to them. They can
5. Housing accept demand deposits. NBFCs can’t accept
6. Social Infrastructure demand deposits.

7. Renewable Energy While the Banks are part of the payment and
settlement system, NBFCs do not form part of
the payment and settlement system and cannot
13 c issue cheques drawn on it.
Quantitative measures of credit control used by The deposit insurance facility of Deposit
RBI: Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation is
not available to depositors of NBFCs, unlike in
case of banks.
1 Bank Rate: The bank rate is the interest
rate at which RBI long term credit to
commercial banks. For controlling the 15 b
credit, inflation and money supply, RBI Statement 1 is correct. Manthan is a platform that
will increase the Bank Rate. promotes collaboration at scale between industry
2. Open Market Operations: OMO The Open and the scientific research and development
market Operations refer to direct sales ecosystem. Manthan empowers multiple
and purchase of securities and bills in the stakeholders to collaborate for co-creating
open market by RBI to control credit in the solutions aligned with the United Nations’
market. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and our
national scientific missions.
3. Cash Reserve Ratio: Cash reserve ratio
refers to that portion of total deposits in Statement 2 is incorrect. The development of the
commercial Bank which it has to keep with platform was conceptualized and implemented
RBI as cash reserves by the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser
(PSA) to the Government of India.
4. Statutory Liquidity Ratio: It refers to that


16 b being and wealth within a given country, but
focuses also on how this wealth and well-being
Statement 1 is incorrect. The term Urban Co-
is distributed between different groups within
operative Banks (UCBs), though not formally
society. The HDI and the GDI as well as the
defined, refers to primary cooperative banks
GEM were created to rival the more traditional
located in urban and semiurban areas. These
general income-based measures of development
banks, till 1996, were allowed to lend money only
such as gross domestic product (GDP) and gross
for non-agricultural purposes. This distinction
national product (GNP).
does not hold today.
It addresses gender-gaps in life expectancy,
Statement 2 is correct. Reserve Bank of
education, and incomes. It uses an “inequality
India has classified UCB’s into a four-tiered
aversion” penalty, which creates a development
regulatory framework based on size of deposits
score penalty for gender gaps in any of
of the UCBs. The RBI has categorised all unit
the categories of the Human Development
UCBs and salary earners’ UCBs (irrespective of
Index which include life expectancy, adult
deposit size), and all other UCBs having deposits
literacy, school enrolment, and logarithmic
up to ₹100 crore in Tier 1. In Tier 2, it has
transformations of per-capita income.
placed UCBs with deposits more than ₹100 crore
and up to ₹1,000 crore. Tier 3 will cover banks In terms of life expectancy, the GDI assumes that
with deposits more than ₹1,000 crore and up to women will live an average of five years longer
₹10,000 crore. UCBs with deposits more than than men. Additionally, in terms of income,
₹10,000 crore have been categorised in Tier 4. the GDI considers income gaps in terms of
actual earned income. The GDI cannot be used
Statement 3 is also incorrect. RBI also has
independently from the Human Development
come out with norms pertaining to the net worth
Index (HDI) score and so, it cannot be used on
and capital adequacy of these banks. Tier 1
its own as an indicator of gender-gaps. Only the
UCBs operating in a single district should have
gap between the HDI and the GDI can actually
minimum net worth of ₹2 crore. For all other
be accurately considered; the GDI on its own is
UCBs (in Tier 1, 2 and 3) tiers), the minimum
not an independent measure of gender-gaps.
net worth should be ₹5 crore. Tier 1 UCBs have
to maintain a minimum capital to risk weighted
assets ratio of 9 percent of Risk Weighted Assets 18 c
(RWAs) on an ongoing basis. Tier 2 to 4 UCBs
The Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) was
have to maintain a minimum capital to risk
developed for Overseas Development Council
weighted assets of 12 per cent of RWAs on an
in the mid-1970s by Morris David Morris. It
ongoing basis.
was created due to dissatisfaction with the use
of GNP as an indicator of development. The
17 b Physical Quality of Life Index measures the
quality of life or well-being of a country based
Gender Development Index (GDI) together
on three variables- basic literacy rate, infant
with the Gender Empowerment Measure
mortality, and life expectancy at age one. All
(GEM) were introduced in 1995 in the Human
equally weighted on a 0 to 100 scale.
Development Report written by the United
Nations Development Program. The aim of these
measurements was to add a gender-sensitive 19 a
dimension to the Human Development Index
Statement 1 is correct. It is the only tripartite
(HDI). The first measurement that they created
U.N. agency that brings together governments,
as a result was the Gender-related Development
employers and workers’ representatives of
Index (GDI).
187-member States to set labour standards,
The GDI is defined as a “distribution- develop policies and devise programmes
sensitive measure that accounts for the human promoting decent work for all women and men.
development impact of existing gender gaps in
Statement 2 is correct. The International Labour
the three components of the HDI”. Distribution
Organization (ILO) is a United Nations agency
sensitive means that the GDI takes into account
whose mandate is to advance social and economic
not only the averaged or general level of well-


justice by setting international labour standards. 22 d
Founded in October 1919 under the League of
¾ In 1980, the International Union for the
Nations, it is the first and oldest specialised
Conservation of Nature published a world
agency of the UN.
conservation strategy that included one of the
Statement 3 is also incorrect. If ILO conventions first references to sustainable development
are ratified by enough governments, they as a global priority and introduced the term
come in force. However, ILO conventions “sustainable development”.
are considered international labour standards ¾ In 1987, the United Nations World
regardless of ratification. When a convention Commission on Environment and
comes into force, it creates a legal obligation for Development released the report Our
ratifying nations to apply its provisions. A two- Common Future, commonly called the
thirds majority of votes is required for a standard Brundtland Report. The report included
to be adopted. what is now one of the most widely
recognised definitions of sustainable
20 c development.
¾ “Sustainable development is development
Statement 1 is correct. Foreign direct investment
that meets the needs of the present
(FDI) is an investment from a party in one
without compromising the ability of future
country into a business or corporation in another
generations to meet their own needs.
country with the intention of establishing a
lasting interest. With FDI, foreign companies It contains within it two key concepts:
are directly involved with day-to-day operations ¾ The concept of ‘needs’, in particular, the
in the other country. essential needs of the world’s poor, to
Statement 2 is also correct. The Foreign Direct which overriding priority should be given;
Investment into India is continuously increasing and
since 2014-15. In the last seven financial years, ¾ The idea of ‘limitations’ imposed by the
over 443 US billion dollars worth of FDI inflows state of technology and social organization
have come into the country. on the environment’s ability to meet present
and future needs.
21 c
23 b
Statement 1 is correct. The main objective of the
Krishi Udan Scheme 2.0 is to increase share of Statement 1 is incorrect. Circular trading refers
air carriage in the modal mix for transportation to fraudulently availing input tax credit by traders
of Agri-produce, which includes horticulture, by issuing of invoices without availing any real
fishery, livestock and processed products. goods or service. In simple words, circular
The scheme assists farmers in transporting trading refers to the transaction of selling and
agriculture products so that it improves their buying of goods (without actual movement of
value realisation. goods) through shell companies. Round tripping
refers to money that leaves the country though
Statement 2 is incorrect. There is no specific various channels and makes its way back into the
budget allocation under Krishi Udan Scheme. country often as foreign investment.
Statement 3 is correct. Krishi Udan Scheme is Statement 2 is correct. The main objective of
a convergence scheme where eight Ministries/ circular trading is inflating turnover of the
Departments namely Ministry of Civil Aviation, business. However, through circular trading,
Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ companies may also aim to: To increase the
Welfare, Department of Animal Husbandry and valuation of the company/business; To benefit
Dairying, Department of Fisheries, Ministry higher loans from the Banks or Non-Banking
of Food Processing Industries, Department of Financial Corporation (NBFC); To bring black
Commerce, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Ministry money into the system; To avail fake input tax
of Development of North-Eastern Region. credit.


24 a 27 C
Statement 1 is correct. The Pradhan Mantri Refer union budget 2023-24
Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan has been launched
by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
28 B
(MoHFW), Government of India.
Statement 2 is correct. One of the critical
components of the Abhiyan is identification and Statement 1 is incorrect. Restriction on imports
follow up of high risk pregnancies. A sticker and restrictions on entry of foreign companies
indicating the condition and risk factor of the to India leads to lesser competition for domestic
pregnant women would be added onto MCP card players and lesser choice for the consumers. The
for each visit: Green Sticker- for women with Indian consumers will have to purchase whatever
no risk factor detected Red Sticker – for women the Indian producers produce.
with high risk pregnancy. Statement 2 is correct. Because of lesser
Statement 3 is incorrect. The program aims competition, domestic players have greater
to provide assured, comprehensive and quality incentive to sell their goods at higher price.
antenatal care, free of cost, universally to all Statement 3 is correct. This policy by ways
pregnant women on the 9th of every month. It of tariffs and quotas helps domestic industries
guarantees a minimum package of antenatal care compete against foreign players.
services to women in their 2nd / 3rd trimesters
of pregnancy at designated government health Statement 4 is incorrect. As a result of
facilities. protectionism, import of goods are restricted.
This results in lesser imports and thus helps in
saving of precious forex reserve.
25 b
Ministry of MSME, through Khadi and Village 29 D
Industries Commission (KVIC), has launched
a unique pilot project named “Project BOLD” DifferentiatedBanking The banks which could
(Bamboo Oasis on Lands in Drought). The be differentiated on the account of capital
objective of this initiative is to scientifically requirement, scope of activities and serve the
harness the environmental benefits and economic needs of a certain demographic segment of the
potential of bamboo cultivation to protect population are called as Differentiated Banks or
environment and strengthen rural economy Niche Banks.
through various village industries. ¾ The idea of Differentiated Bank was
mooted by Nachiket More Committee
26 d 2014, for Financial Inclusion.
¾ It can be classified as Payment Banks,
Statement 1 is incorrect. Gold bonds are
Small Finance Banks, Regional Rural
government securities denominated in grams of
Banks, Local Area Banks Wholesale and
gold. They are substitutes for holding physical
Long-Term Finance (WLTF) banks etc.
gold. Investors have to pay the issue price in
Hence, All statements are correct
cash and the bonds will be redeemed in cash
on maturity. The bond is issued by the RBI on
behalf of the government. 30 d
Statement 2 is incorrect. The bonds are held in Statement 1 is incorrect. The list is maintained
the books of the RBI or in demat form eliminating by the United States Department of Treasury.
risk of loss. While the tenor of bonds is eight Currency Monitoring List consists of major
years, it can be redeemed after five years. trading partners that merit close attention to their
Investors are assured of the market value of gold currency practices and macroeconomic policies.
at the time of maturity and periodical interest. Statement 2 is incorrect. There are three criteria
the US Treasury looks at in placing a country on
the watch list:


1. Significant trade surplus with the US (at least is a member of OPEC.
$20 billion in 12 months)
2. A large current account surplus (at least 2 per 34 a
cent of GDP over a 12-month period)
Statement 1 is correct. The Gross National
3. “Persistent”, one-sided intervention (when net Product (GNP) measures the production levels
purchases of foreign currency totalling at least 2 of any Indian or Indian-owned entity regardless
per cent of the country’s GDP over a 12-month of the location where as the Gross Domestic
period are conducted repeatedly, in at least six Product (GDP) measures the production levels of
out of 12 months). The countries that meet two any person or entity working in India regardless
out of the three criteria are placed on the watch of their nationality.
Statement 2 is incorrect. GNP gives the economic
output from the supplier’s side whereas GDP
31 c gives the economic output from the consumer’s
Statement 1 is correct. Stampede liquidation is
the act of multiple market participants wanting
to withdraw their deposits at once, or willing to 35 c
sell a specific asset in panic leading to a severe
While the GDP calculates national income by
correction in the price.
adding up all expenditures in the economy, the
Statement 2 is correct. Stampede liquidation, at GVA calculates the national income from the
a large scale, generally occurs post-economic supply side by looking at the value added in each
booms, with highly leveraged investments first sector of the economy.
in line.
Simply put, GDP provides the demand side of
the economy, and GVA the supply side.
32 b
Statement 1 is incorrect. Project RE-HAB 36 a
(Reducing Human Attacks using Honey Bees)
GeM is a one stop government e-Market place
is a sub-mission of KVIC’s National Honey
where common user goods and services can be
Mission. Under this project fencing of bee boxes
procured. GeM is dynamic, self sustaining and
is installed in such areas from where elephants
user friendly portal for making procurement by
move towards the human settlements and
Government officers.
farmers’ agriculture.
The Union Cabinet expanded the scope of
Statement 2 is correct. It is an initiative under
the public procurement portal Government
Khadi & Village Industries Commission
eMarketplace (GeM) to allow cooperative
(KVIC). It is running this project in 7 states of
societies to register as buyers.
the country, namely in Karnataka, Maharashtra,
West Bengal, Assam and Orissa.
37 C
33 a Explanation
Statement 1 is correct. The non-OPEC countries Balance of payments summarizes an
which export crude oil are termed as OPEC plus economy’s transactions with the rest of
countries. These countries also participate in the the world for a specified time period.
organisation’s initiatives such as voluntary supply To correct deficit in BoP, a country will have
cuts in order to further bind policy objectives to take steps which would attract more foreign
between OPEC and non-OPEC members. investment,increase exports and decrease
unnecessary imports.
Statement 2 is incorrect. OPEC+ includes
Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brunei, Kazakhstan, Statement 1 is incorrect as Reducing import duty
Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Philippines, Russia, would lead to increase in imports and hence
Sudan and South Sudan. United Arab Emirates would lead to more deficit in BoP.


Statement 2 is correct as restrictive monetary liability. Hence statement 1 and 3 are correct.
policy(lower money supply) would lead to fall An expenditure which neither creates assets
in prices of goods in country which would make nor reduces liability is called Revenue
exports competitive in international market. Expenditure. Examples of revenue
expenditure are salaries of government
Statement 3 is incorrect as Appreciation of
employees, interest payment on loans taken
increase in value of domestic currency would
by the government, pensions, subsidies,
make exports less competitive.
grants given by Central Government to
state governments, rural development,
38 B education and health services, etc. Hence
Explanation statement 2 is not correct.

Special drawing rights (SDR) refer to an

international financing instrument created by the 40 C
International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1969 that Explanation
operates as a supplement to the existing currency
Net national product (NNP) refers to gross
reserves of member countries. Created in response
national product (GNP), i.e. the total market
to concerns about the limitations of gold and
value of all final goods and services produced
dollars as the sole means of settling international
by the factors of production of a country or
accounts, SDRs augment international liquidity
other polity during a given time period, minus
by supplementing the standard reserve
currencies. The SDR is neither a currency, nor a
claim on the IMF. Rather, it is a potential claim NNP=GNP-DepreciationHence, Statement 1 is
on the freely usable currencies of IMF incorrect.
members. Hence, Statement 1 is correct.
NNP (at factor cost) = NNP at market price -
Every member is allocated SDR in proportion
indirect tax + subsidies Hence, Statement 3 is
to their respective quotas. Quota subscriptions
correct and 2 is incorrect
are a central component of the IMF‘s financial
resources. Each member country of the IMF is
assigned a quota, based broadly on its relative 41 D
position in the world economy. Hence, Statement
3 is correct
42 D
The SDR basket consists of the U.S. dollar,
euro, Japanese yen, pound sterling and Chinese
renminbi. So it is different from LIBOR. Hence, The Phillips curve is an economic concept
statement 2 is incorrect stating that inflation and unemployment have a
stable and inverse relationship. According to the
Phillips curve, the lower an economy’s rate of
39 B unemployment,the more rapidly wages paid to
An expenditure which either creates an asset labor increase in that economy.
(e.g., school building) or reduces liability (e.g.,
repayment of loan) is called capital expenditure.
43 B
Capital expenditure which leads to creation of
assets are
44 C
(a) Expenditure on purchase of land, buildings,
machinery. Refer to the calculation of GNP in Indian
economy 5th edition by Ramesh Singh page
(b) Investment in shares, loans by Central
1.16. Sovereign bonds and loans from abroad
government to state government, foreign
form part of the capital account and do not count
governments and government companies,
in the category of Income from abroad as they
cash in hand and
are not related to any production process. They
(c) Acquisition of valuables. Repayment of loan are just borrowings.
is also capital expenditure because it reduces


45 C Fiscal stimulus :
Amongst given parameters in the options, only ¾ It is action by the government to encourage
real per capita income adjusted for Purchasing private sector economic activity by
power parity (PPP) is selected as the determining engaging in targeted, expansionary
factor of Human Development Index (HDI). monetary or fiscal policy based on the
ideas of Keynesian economics.
46 C ¾ The term economic stimulus is based on
an analogy to the biological process of
¾ Exim policy promotes agricultural exports. stimulus and response, with the intention
¾ Bharat Nirmaan builds necessary of using government policy as a stimulus
infrastructure such as roads, electricity, to elicit a response from the private sector
communication etc. These directly affect economy.
agricultural productivity and marketing of ¾ An economic stimulus is
produce. commonly employed during times of
¾ Under MGNREGA several agricultural recession.
related works can be taken up such as ¾ Policy tools often used to implement
recharging groundwells, rejuvenating economic stimulus include lowering
fallow lands, flood protection works etc. interest rates, increasing government
¾ PURA deals with other kinds of spending, and quantitative easing.
infrastructure which stops distress
migration. It affects agriculture directly. It 49 a
also creates the much-needed infrastructure.
Inflation brings benefit to borrowers (debtors)
¾ Food Security Act would increase
while the profit on the bonds gets eroded (higher
government procurement of agricultural
the inflation lower the return on bonds through
produce from farmers apart from
strengthening the marketing network and
delivery system. This would result in better
returns for farmers. 50 b
Capital account shows the net change in the
47 b physical or financial asset ownership for a
There has been increase in production and country. It includes Foreign Direct Investment,
productivity of the cereals. Portfolio Investment, foreign loans, changes in
reserve account etc. Private remittances come
So the statement 1 is wrong. under Current account and not Capital account.
Increasing incomes has led to changes in
consumption patterns, there has been switch
51 d
over to processed foods, milk and milk products
and so on.This increase in demand for different ¾ The chances of inflation will
products has led to increase in cost of high increase more when the government
end products. Eg Organic products Structural plans to print new currency to
constraints like cold chain infrastructure, finance a budget deficit.
transportation (rising fuel prices) etc increases ¾ When the supply of money increases in the
the cost of supply contributing to inflation. market, the customer demand automatically
increases, resulting in the rise of Aggregate
48 b
Key Points
An increase in public spending or a reduction in
the level of taxation that might be performed by ¾ A budget deficit refers to a situation
a government in order to encourage and support where total expenditure exceeds the total
economic growth is called as fiscal stimulus. revenue.
¾ Deficit financing is a tool that is used


to generate funds in order to come out 54 c
with a budget deficit.
Union Budget speech 2023-24, Page no 30,
¾ There are three ways to finance a budget: paragraph 134 MSMEs are growth engines of
1 ​
Creating new currency our economy. Micro enterprises with turnover
up to Rs2 crore and certain professionals with
2 Borrowing from internal sources like RBI,
turnover of up to Rs50 lakh can avail the benefit
issuing bonds, etc.
of presumptive taxation.
3 Borrowing from External sources like WB,
IMF, etc.
55 c
¾ ​ orrowing from the public by issuing bonds
at a lower interest rate will not create ¾ The balance of payment is a record of all
inflation. monetary transactions made between the
residents of one country and the rest of the
¾ Similarly, borrowings from banks
will not generate inflation.
¾ A balance of payments deficit means the
52 c nation imports are more than it exports.
Regional Rural Banks   and Land development ¾ The two components of the Balance of
banks provide direct credit assistance to rural Payments are the current account and
households in the form of loans etc. NABARD capital account.
do not provide direct assistance. It “refinance” ¾ The current ccount includes trade in goods
the assistance by other institutions. & services (Invisibles) & transfer payments
53 B ¾ The capitalaccount includes Foreign Direct
¾ Statutory Reserve Requirement is an Investment, Foreign Portfolio Investment,
instrument to manage liquidity. External Commercial Borrowings, SDR.
¾ RBI requires commercial banks to keep ¾ The capital account records all international
reserves in order to ensure that banks have purchases and sales of assets such as
sufficient assets to draw on when account money, stocks, bonds, etc.
holders want to be paid. Hence statement
2 is correct. 56 c
¾ The first instrument is the Cash Reserve
Theory of Demographic transition-
Ratio in which is the fraction of their
deposits that banks must keep with RBI. ¾ It suggests that population growth is linked
¾ Another tool is the Statutory Liquidity to overall levels of economic development
Ratio which requires the banks to and that every society follows a typical
maintain a given fraction of their total pattern of development-related population
demand and time deposits in the form of growth.
specified liquid assets. ¾ There are three basic phases of
¾ When the central bank wants to increase population growth.
the money supply in the economy, it ¾ The first stage is that of low
lowers the reserve ratio. Hence it enables population growth in a society that is
the Central Bank to control the number underdeveloped and technologically
of advances the banks can create. Hence backward. Growth rates are low
statement 1 is correct. because both the death rate and the
¾ Reserve requirements are designed birth rate are very high so that the
as “precautionary measures” to control difference between the two (or the
the economy and not to stop banks from net growth rate) is low.
“excessive” profit and not to force the ¾ Stage 2 of the Demographic
banks to have sufficient cash to meet Transition Model (DTM) is
their day-to-day requirements. Hence characterized by a rapid decrease in
statement 3 and 4 is incorrect. a country’s death rate while the birth


rate remains high. because the demand for foreign currency is more
¾ The third (and last) stage is also than the foreign demand for local currency.
one of low growth in a developed
society where both the death rate 60 d
and birth rate have been reduced
considerably and the difference Statement 1 is incorrect. Earlier known as
between them is again small. National Illness Assistance Fund, Rashtriya
Arogya Nidhi (RAN) is a centrally sponsored
scheme set up a fund under the Ministry of
57 b
Health & Family Welfare in 1997 with an aim to
Statement 1 is incorrect It aims to enhance provide for financial assistance to patients, living
livelihood security in rural areas by providing below poverty line who are suffering from major
at least 100 days of wage employment in a life threatening diseases, to receive medical
financial year to at least one member of every treatment at any of the super specialty hospitals/
household whose adult members volunteer to do institutes or other Govt. hospitals. The states are
unskilled manual work. Women are guaranteed needed to create their own State Illness funds in
one third of the jobs made available under the which central government provides funding to
MGNREGA. the extent of 50% of contribution made by State
Govt/Union Territories.
Statement 2 is correct Section 17 of the
MGNREGA has mandated Social audit of all Statement 2 is incorrect. Assistance in RAN is
Works executed under the MGNREGA. The not directly provided to the Patient but is given
Ministry of Rural Development (MRD), Govt of to the Superintendent of the hospital in which
India is monitoring the entire implementation of treatment is being taken. Assistance admissible
this scheme in association with state governments. for treatment in Government Hospital only.
Central Government/State Government/PSU
Statement 3 is correct. For core-of-the-core
employees NOT eligible.
schemes like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), the
Union government gives majority of the funding 61 c
to states.
Statement 1 correct. • CCPA is a regulatory
body established in 2020 based on the provisions
58 c of the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. • CCPA
works under the administrative control of the
Statement 1 is correct. FRP is the price declared
Ministry of Consumer Affairs.
by the government, which mills are legally
bound to pay to farmers for the cane procured Statement 2 is incorrect. • The objective of the
from them. Mills have the option of signing an Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA)
agreement with farmers, which would allow is to promote, protect and enforce the rights of
them to pay the FRP in installments. Delays in consumers as a class. • Powers: The CCPA
payment can attract an interest up to 15% per will have the powers to inquire or investigate
annum, and the sugar commissioner can recover into matters relating to violations of consumer
unpaid FRP as dues in revenue recovery by rights or unfair trade practices suo motu, or on
attaching properties of the mills. a complaint received, or on a direction from the
central government.
59 d Statement 3 is correct. Central Consumer
Protection Authority shall consist of following
Statement 1 is correct. Correct Correct. Trade
members appointed by Central Government. •
deficit is one factor used to calculate a country’s
Chief Commissioner • Two Commissioners.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a measure of
One commissioner each will represent for goods
the size of the economy. If the trade deficit
and services.
increases, the GDP decreases.
Statement 2 is correct. A higher trade deficit
can decrease the local currency’s value. This is


62 b Statement 3 is Correct • Bonds can be used
as collateral for loans. • The capital gains tax
Statement 1 is Incorrect • Union Minister of
arising on redemption of SGB to an individual
State for Health launched ‘Paalan 1000’ National
has been exempted.
Campaign and Parenting App. • ‘Paalan 1000’
focuses on the cognitive development of children
in the first two years of their life. • The app will 65 d
provide practical advice to caregivers on what
Africa has adopted a new strategy to boost access
they can do in their everyday routine and will
to the diagnosis, treatment and care of severe
help clear doubts.
non-communicable diseases (NCD). • Called
Statement 2 is Correct • The app combines ‘PEN-PLUS, A Regional Strategy to Address
coaching for parents, families and other Severe Non-communicable Diseases at First-
caregivers with services designed to meet the Level Referral Health Facilities’, the strategy is
families’ basic needs. The programme is aligned aimed at bridging the access gap in treatment
with the mission of the Rashtriya Bal Swasthya and care of patients with chronic and severe
Karyakram (RBSK), emphasising responsive NCDs. • Health ministers of African countries
care and focused interventions during the first endorsed the plan at the 72nd session of the
1,000 days. World Health Organization (WHO) Regional
Committee for Africa in Lome, Togo to reduce
premature mortality from NCDs. • NCDs
63 b
include heart diseases, cancers, diabetes, asthma
Namaste is a Central Sector Scheme of the among others. • Globally, NCDs are the main
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment cause of morbidity and mortality. They account
(MoSJE) as a joint initiative of the MoSJE and for 71 per cent of global mortality, according to
the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs WHO. In the African Region, the proportion of
(MoHUA). mortality due to NCDs ranges from 27-88 per
NAMASTE envisages safety and dignity of cent.
sanitation workers in urban India by creating
an enabling ecosystem that recognizes sanitation 66 c
workers as one of the key contributors in
operations and maintenance of sanitation Statement 1 is correct. The Bharatmala Pariyojana
infrastructure thereby providing sustainable (‘India garland project’) is a centrally-sponsored
livelihood and enhancing their occupational and funded Road and Highways project of the
safety through capacity building and improved Government of India.
access to safety gear and machines. Statement 2 is correct. Bharatmala Project
64 c 1. Economic Corridor
Statement 1 is Correct • The Government of 2. Feeder Route or Inter Corridor
India, in consultation with the Reserve Bank of
3. National Corridor Efficiency Improvement
India, has decided to issue Sovereign Gold Bonds
in tranches for 2022-23. • The Gold Bonds are 4. Border Road and International Connectivity
issued as Government of India Stock under the 5. Port Connectivity and Coastal Road Port
Government Securities (GS) Act, 2006. • These
are issued by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 6. Green Field Expressway
behalf of the Government of India.
Statement 2 is Incorrect • Bonds are sold through 67 d
Commercial banks, Stock Holding Corporation Arth Ganga Concept
of India Limited (SHCIL), designated post
offices and recognised stock exchanges viz., ¾ It focuses on the sustainable development
National Stock Exchange of India Limited and of the Ganga and its surrounding areas, by
Bombay Stock Exchange, either directly or focusing on economic activities related to
through agents. the river.


Features portmanteau of stagnant growth and persistently
high inflation. Stagflation is a condition where an
Under Arth Ganga, the government is working
economy experiences the worst of both worlds -
on six verticals.
the growth rate is largely stagnant (along with
¾ The first is Zero Budget Natural Farming, rising unemployment) and inflation is not only
which involves chemical-free farming on high but persistently so.
10 km on either side of the river, and the
Statement 2 is incorrect. Higher inflation would
promotion of cow dung as fertiliser through
decrease the purchasing power, thus bringing
the GOBARdhan scheme.
down the overall demand.
¾ The Monetization and Reuse of Sludge &
Wastewater is the second, which seeks to Statement 3 is correct. Private consumer demand
reuse treated water for irrigation, industries is the biggest driver of growth in India. Such
and revenue generation for Urban Local aggregate demand — the monetary sum of all
Bodies (ULBs). the soaps, phones, cars, refrigerators, holidays
etc. that we all spend on in our personal capacity
¾ It involves Livelihood Generation
— accounts for more than 55% of India’s total
Opportunities, by creating haats where
people can sell local products, medicinal
plants and ayurveda.
¾ The fourth is to increase public participation 71 A
by increasing synergies between the Dumping is said to occur when the goods are
stakeholders involved with the river. exported by a country to another country at a
¾ The model promotes the cultural heritage price lower than its normal value. This is an
and tourism of Ganga and its surroundings, unfair trade practice which can have a distortive
through boat tourism, adventure sports and effect on international trade. Anti dumping is a
by conducting yoga activities. measure to rectify the situation arising out of the
¾ Lastly, the model seeks to promote dumping of goods and its trade distortive effect.
institutional building by empowering Thus, the purpose of anti dumping duty is to
local administration for improved water rectify the trade distortive effect of dumping and
governance. re-establish fair trade. The use of anti dumping
measure as an instrument of fair competition is
permitted by the WTO. In fact, anti dumping is
68 a
an instrument for ensuring fair trade and is not a
Statement 1 is Correct. Proceeds from measure of protection for the domestic industry.
disinvestment in India form a part of capital It provides relief to the domestic industry against
receipts in the budget of the Government of the injury caused by dumping. Countervailing
India. duty (CVD) is an additional import duty imposed
Statement 2 is incorrect. Disinvestment earnings on imported products (by the importing country)
have varied over the last five years. when such products enjoy benefits like export
subsidies and tax concessions in the country of
their origin (where it is produced and exported).
69 a CVD is thus an import tax by the importing
Foreign portfolio investment (FPI) refers to the country on imported products. It is an attempt
purchase of securities and other financial assets to ensure fair and market-oriented pricing
by investors from another country. Examples of imported products and thereby protecting
of foreign portfolio investments include stocks, domestic industries and firms. It is possible to
bonds, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, have both ADD and countervailing duty on a
American depositary receipts (ADRs), and product. Hence, Statement 2 is incorrect
global depositary receipts (GDRs).
72 C
70 b The World Investment Report has been
Statement 1 is incorrect. Stagflation is a published annually, since 1991, by United


Nations Conference on Trade and Development bands, Internet of Things devices as well as
(UNCTAD) payment aggregators.
UNCTAD is a permanent intergovernmental
body established by the United Nations 76 C
General Assembly in 1964, dealing with trade,
¾ While the Gandhian plan asked for self-
investment, and development issues It is part of
government; cottage industries and
the UN Secretariat and reports to the UN General
decentralization of economic structure; the
Assembly and the Economic and Social Council.
NPC plan asked for more centralization and
the promotion of heavy industries. Gandhi
73 a thought that industrialization is a colonial
legacy and will not solve the problem of
Statement 1 is correct. A neobank is a type
poverty in India and will instead aggravate
of direct bank that operates exclusively online
it. NPC holded a contrary view to this
without traditional physical branch networks.
and thought that every problem of India
Statement 2 is incorrect. There is no such can be solved by industrialization and
category of banks under the RBI rules. modernization.
Statement 3 is incorrect. They provide banking
services use such as savings accounts, instant 77 B
loans, credit cards, mutual funds, and fixed
¾ NDC takes the concern of states into
deposits. They do this via tieups with Reserve
account before finalizing the five year
Bank of India (RBI)-licensed banks.
¾ In MPLADS, local MPs recommend works
74 d based on locally felt needs to the District
Statement 1 is incorrect. e-RUPI is backed by Magistrate who then implements it.
existing Indian rupee as underlying asset and it’s ¾ In MGNREGA, at least 50% of the works
specificity of purpose makes it different from a are to be planned and executed by the
virtual currency and puts it closer to a voucher- Panchayats. All of them show that economic
based payment system. planning in India has been decentralized to
a certain extent if not fully.
Statement 2 is incorrect. It has been developed
by the National Payments Corporation of India
on its UPI platform, in collaboration with the 78 D
Department of Financial Services, RBI and GOI. ¾ Effective Revenue deficit is a new term
introduced in the Union Budget 2011-12.
75 c While revenue deficit is the difference
between revenue receipts and revenue
Statement 1 is correct. Tokenisation refers to expenditure, the present accounting
replacement of card details with an alternative system includes all grants from the Union
code called a ‘token’, which is unique for a Government to the state governments/
combination of card, token requestor (the entity Union territories/other bodies as revenue
that accepts a request from the customer for expenditure, even if they are used to create
tokenization of a card and passes it on to the assets. Such assets created by the sub-
card network to issue a token) and the device. national governments/bodies are owned by
Statement 2 is incorrect. With effect from them and not by the Union Government.
January 1, 2022, no entity in the card transaction/ Nevertheless they do result in the creation
payment chain, other than the card issuers and/or of durable assets.
card networks, shall store the actual card data. ¾ According to the Finance Ministry, such
Statement 3 is correct. The guidelines extend revenue expenditures contribute to the
the tokenization guidelines to every device that growth in the economy and therefore,
connects with the internet, including mobile should not be treated as unproductive in
phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, wrist watches, nature. In the Union Budget (2011-12) a


new methodology has been introduced to of total deposits a bank must have in cash to
capture the ‘effective revenue deficit’, operate risk-free. The Reserve Bank of India
which excludes those revenue expenditures decides the amount and is kept with them for
(or transfers) in the form of grants financial security. The bank cannot use this
for creation of capital assets. If this amount for lending and investment purposes and
methodology is taken into account, the does not get any interest from the RBI.
effective revenue deficit (revised estimates)
for 2010-11 is only 2.3 per cent as against
83 A
the revenue deficit of 3.4 per cent of GDP.
The effective revenue deficit for 2011-12 ¾ Refer to the section on PSL in Ramesh
is projected at 1.8 per cent as against the Singh for more details. Basically the
revenue deficit estimates of 3.4 per cent. government is trying to push the growth
¾ It may be noted that even though some in these sectors/areas for public interest.
grants may be allocated towards the Software industries are a booming area in
creation of assets, financial allocation does our country. Similarliy Agro=Processing
not always result in physical outcomes. industries are also growing. These sectors
need a facelift for which PSL provides
them the much-needed fiscal support. This
79 D
is to ensure equitable growth.
¾ Cheap money supply means easy monetary
policy which means lower interest rates 84 c
and more economic activity. Expansionary
fiscal policy means more and more ¾ Import and export would be covered under
government spending to revive demand in the current account convertibility. ECBs
the economy leading to recovery from a and foreing investment comes under capital
period of recession. account convertibility.

80 A 85 B

¾ MSP can be anything that the government ¾ There is no such budgeting as Development
feels the farmers should fairly get. This is or Programmes budgeting.
to help them get fair remuneration for their ¾ Zero-base; and Output and outcome have
produce and to motivate or demotivate been in practice in India.
them to produce a particular crop. Hence it
can be anything as compared to the market 86 C
price. For e.g. if the government wishes to
discourage rice farming, it would lower the ZBB can be applied to the evaluation of schemes
MSP of rice. also, and that too quite objectively. But it is not
possible to adopt ZBB fully, because a) it is
¾ The procurement system decentralization
not possible to measure the efficiency of every
was started in 1997 where states play a
government process; and b) a lot of expenditure
very important role in the supply chain.
charged on the consolidated fund of India will
not be scrutinized under ZBB.
81 D
¾ For detailed explanation and other reasons
¾ The proceeds go to the National Investment refer to the relevant section in Ramesh
fund (NIF). From there they are invested Singh.
in MFs and the returns: 75% is used in
social sector schemes and the rest goes for
87 c
reviving sick PSUs which can be turned
around. Statement 1 is correct. GST was constituted
by 101st constitutional amendment act 2016 by
adding Article 279A.
82 d
Statement 2 is incorrect. One-half of the total
The Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) is the percentage


numbers of members of the Council is the which the IMF extends loans to various countries
quorum for conducting a meeting. to come out of Economic crises.
Statement 3 is correct. Every decision of the
Council is to be taken by a majority of not less 90 d
than threefourths of the weighted votes of the
members present and voting at the meeting.
The vote of the central government shall have ¾ Ways and Means Advances (WMA):
a weightage of onethird of the total votes cast ¾ The Reserve Bank of India gives temporary
in the meeting. (ii) The votes of all the state loan facilities to the centre and state
governments combined shall have a weightage of governments as a banker to government.
two-thirds of the total votes cast in that meeting. This temporary loan facility is called Ways
and Means Advances (WMA).
88 c ¾ It is a mechanism to provide to States to
help them tide over temporary mismatches
Statement 1 is incorrect. The Competition
in the cash flow of their receipts and
Commission of India (CCI) is the chief national
competition regulator in India. It is a statutory
body within the Ministry of Corporate Affairs ¾ It was introduced on April 1, 1997, after
and is responsible for enforcing the Competition putting an end to the four-decade old
Act, 2002 in order to promote competition system of adhoc (temporary) Treasury Bills
and prevent activities that have an appreciable to finance the Central Government deficit.
adverse effect on competition in India. ¾ This facility can be availed by the
government if it needs immediate cash
Statement 2 is correct. The commission is also
from the RBI. The WMA is to be vacated
required to give an opinion on competition issues
after 90 days.
on a reference received from a statutory authority
established under any law and to undertake ¾ There are two types of WMA – normal
competition advocacy, create public awareness and special. While Normal WMA are
and impart training on competition issues. clean advances, Special WMA are secured
advances provided against the pledge of
Statement 3 is correct. CCI also approves government of India–dated securities.
combination under the act so that two merging
entities do not overtake the market.
91 a
Statement 1 is correct. The Financial Services
89 c
Institutions Bureau will select the chiefs of public
Statement 1 is incorrect. Any country may apply sector banks and insurance companies. The FSIB
to be a part of the IMF. Post-IMF formation, will have the clear mandate to issue guidelines
in the early post war period, rules for IMF and select general managers and directors of
membership were left relatively loose. Members state-run nonlife insurers, general insurers and
needed to make periodic membership payments Financial Institutions.
towards their quota, to refrain from currency
Statement 2 is correct. FSIB will be the
restrictions unless granted IMF permission,
single entity for making recommendations for
to abide by the Code of Conduct in the IMF
appointments of WTD (Whole-time Director)
Articles of Agreement, and to provide national
and NEC (Non-executive Chairman) in Public
economic information. However, stricter rules
Sector Banks, India Private Limited company
were imposed on governments that applied to the
and Financial Institutions.
IMF for funding. Membership in the IMF is a
prerequisite to membership in the IBRD. Statement 3 is incorrect. The FSIB will
comprise a chairperson nominated by the central
Statement 2 is correct. The present share of India
government; the secretaries of the departments
is 2.75. India is the 8th largest in the IMF quota.
of financial services and public enterprises;
Statement 3 is incorrect. Extended Fund the chairman of the Insurance Regulatory and
Facility(EFF), is one such instrument, through Development Authority of India; and a deputy


governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). insurance and reinsurance industries in India.
Apart from them, there will be three members It was constituted by the Insurance Regulatory
with knowledge of banks and other financial and Development Authority Act, 1999 an Act of
institutions, and three more with knowledge of Parliament passed by the Government of India.
insurance, according to the order.
Statement 2 is incorrect. IRDAI is a ten-
member body consisting of a chairman, five
92 b full-time and four part-time members appointed
by the government of India. And is tasked
Statement 1 is incorrect. The Patents Act, 1970
with regulating and licensing the insurance and
is the legislation that till date governs patents
reinsurance industries in India.
in India. It first came into force in 1972. The
Office of the Controller General of Patents,
Designs and Trade Marks or CGPDTM is the 95 d
body responsible for the Indian Patent Act. It
Statement 1 is incorrect. The index does not
comes under the Ministry of Commerce and
cover programs and schemes implemented
by other ministries and departments under the
Statement 2 is correct. The jurisdiction for filing NFSA. The Index denotes only the efficiency
the patent application depends upon: Indian of TPDS operations, it does not reflect the level
applicant(s): determined according to place of of hunger, if any or malnutrition, or both, in
residence, place of business of the applicant or a particular state or union territory, the report
where the invention actually originated. Foreign clarified. Odisha has topped the ranking of
applicant(s): determined by the address for states for implementation of the National Food
service in India. Security Act (NFSA), followed by Uttar Pradesh
and Andhra Pradesh in the index released by the
Statement 3 is incorrect. Term for protection of
Ministry of Food and Consumer Affairs. Among
product patent shall be for 20 years.
the special category states (the North Eastern
states, Himalayan states, and the Island states),
93 d Tripura has obtained the first rank. Himachal
Statement 1 is incorrect. The SCO is governed by Pradesh and Sikkim are at the second and third
the Heads of State Council (HSC), its supreme positions.
decision-making body, which meets once a year. Statement 2 is incorrect. Odisha has topped
Military exercises are also regularly conducted the ranking of states for implementation of the
among members to promote cooperation and National Food Security Act (NFSA), followed by
coordination against terrorism and other external Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh in the index
threats, and to maintain regional peace and released by the Ministry of Food and Consumer
stability. Affairs. Among the special category states (the
Statement 2 is incorrect. The Headquarters of North Eastern states, Himalayan states, and the
SCO is in Beijing(china) and the RATS(Regional Island states), Tripura has obtained the first
Anti-terrorist structure) executive committee is rank. Himachal Pradesh and Sikkim are at the
based in Tashkent(Uzbekistan). SCO-RATS is a second and third positions.
permanent body of the SCO and is intended to
facilitate coordination and interaction between 96 a
the SCO member states in the fight against
Statement 1 is correct. The Global Gender Gap
terrorism, extremism and separatism.
Index is released by the World Economic Forum.
Statement 2 is incorrect. Although no country
94 a
achieved full gender parity, the top 10 economies
Statement 1 is correct. The Insurance Regulatory closed at least 80% of their gender gaps, with
and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) Iceland (90.8%) leading the global ranking.
is a regulatory body under the jurisdiction of Iceland is followed by Finland (86%, 2nd),
Ministry of Finance, Government of India Norway (84.5%, 3rd).
and is tasked with regulating and licensing the
Statement 3 is incorrect. Educational Attainment


subindex includes metrics such as literacy rate representing over 98% of global trade and global
and the enrolment rates in primary, secondary GDP.
and tertiary education. Here India ranks 107th
Statement 2 is correct. According to WTO norms,
out of 146. Political Empowerment sub-index
countries are not allowed to export foodgrains
includes metrics such as the percentage of
from their public stockholding because those are
women in Parliament, the percentage of women
procured at subsidised rates.
in ministerial positions etc. Of all the subindices,
this is where India ranks the highest (48th out of Statement 3 is incorrect. The WTO is
146). ‘memberdriven’, with decisions taken by
consensus among all member governments. Not
by any majority.
97 c
Statement 1 is correct. PMFBY aims to provide
99 d
a comprehensive insurance cover against failure
of the crop thus helping in stabilizing the income Statement 1 is correct. In 2019, the Ministry
of the farmers. The Scheme covers all Food of Textiles notified a new scheme by the name
& Oilseeds crops and Annual Commercial/ Rebate of State and Central Taxes and Levies
Horticultural Crops for which past yield data is (RoSCTL). Under this scheme, the exporters
available and for which requisite number of Crop are issued a Duty Credit Scrip for the value
Cutting Experiments (CCEs) are being conducted of embedded taxes and levies contained in the
under General Crop Estimation Survey (GCES). exported product. Exporters can use this scrip
to pay basic Customs duty for the import of
Statement 2 is incorrect. The scheme was
equipment, machinery or any other input.
earlier compulsory for loanee farmers availing
Crop Loan /KCC account for notified crops Statement 2 is incorrect. The scheme was notified
and voluntary for other others, but has been by Ministry of Textiles in 2019.
made voluntary since 2020 when reforms in the Statement 3 is incorrect. At present, the RoSCTL
scheme were introduced. The scheme is being scheme is applicable only to the exporters of
administered by Ministry of Agriculture and apparel and made-ups. Continuation of RoSCTL
Farmers Welfare. for Apparel/Garments and Made-ups is expected
Statement 3 is correct. The Maximum Premium to make these products globally competitive by
payable by the farmers will be 2% for all Kharif rebating all embedded taxes/levies which are
Food & Oilseeds crops, 1.5% for Rabi Food & currently not being rebated under any other
Oilseeds crops and 5% for Annual Commercial/ mechanism.
Horticultural Crops. The difference between
premium and the rate of Insurance charges 100 d
payable by farmers shall be shared equally by
the Centre and State. Explanation:
¾ Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) is a
98 b monetary policy tool of Reserve Bank of
India for modulatingliquidity & transmitting
Statement 1 is correct. The World Trade interest rate signals to the market. It is
Organization (WTO) is an intergovernmental used to aid banks in adjusting the day today
organization that regulates and facilitates mismatches in liquidity.
international trade. Governments use the
¾ The two components of LAF are repo rate
organization to establish, revise, and enforce the
and reverse repo rate. Under Repo,the
rules that govern international trade. It officially
banks borrow money from RBI to meet
commenced operations on 1 January 1995,
short term needs by putting government
pursuant to the 1994 Marrakesh Agreement, thus
securities ascollateral. Under Reverse
replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Repo, RBI borrows money from banks by
Trade (GATT) that had been established in 1948.
lending securities.
The WTO is the world’s largest international
economic organization, with 164 member states ¾ Other than Regional Rural Banks, all the
Scheduled Commercial Banks are eligible


to participatein auctions. Primary Dealers
(PDs) and NBFCs are also eligible to
participate in auctions.
¾ Primary dealers are registered entities
with the RBI who have the license to
purchase and sell governmentsecurities.
They are entities who buy the government
securities directly from the RBI (the RBI
issuesgovernment securities on behalf of
the government), aiming to resell them to
other buyers.


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